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<< April 2018 View all months June 2018 >>

May 01, 2018

   False Prophets: What about so-called prophets that are wrong, do we need to give credence to them anymore? Even Chuck Smith said that Jesus was going to come back at a specific time. [Deuteronomy 18:22]

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   Evangelical Inclusivism: What do you think about the idea that people can be saved through Jesus even though they hadn't heard of Him while on the earth?

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   Cremation: Is cremation acceptable?

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   Breaking Chains: Where does it talk in the Bible about breaking chains & becoming free from sin such as addictions?

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   John Calvin's Persecutions: Where can I find about the persecutions that John Calvin handed down back in his day?

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   RFID Chip & the Mark of The Beast: What do you think of these RFID chips & the Mark of the Beast?

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   Inclusivism: Caller is weighing in about inclusivism, that God will save who He will save.

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   New Covenant: Doesn't really say in the New Covenant that Christ is required? My Jewish friend is telling me that Jesus wasn't even mentioned in the New Covenant, so how Could the Messiah be the New Covenant?[Jeremiah 31:31]

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   Calvinism & Arminianism Is which one you believe, Calvinism & Arminianism, a Salvation issue? Does it really matter what you believe? Will it affect the way you view God?

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   Hillsong-Emergent Church: Caller was watching the Pastor a the Emergent Hillsong Church & observed that he was not able to answer tough questions, like is abortion sin?

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May 02, 2018

   John the Apostle's Mom & Mary, & John the Baptist's Mother Cousins: Elizabeth & John the Apostle's Mother & Mary are all cousins. How do we deduce this because I can't seem to find it in the Bible?

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   America in Prophecy In the Book of Revelation, is mystery, babylon talking about America?

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   Modalism: Isn't it pretty important to believe Jesus is God? [John 8:58, John 18:23-24, Exodus 3:14]

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   Being Filled with Holy Spirit: "Will you please pray that I be filled w/ the Holy Spirit?" caller asked a pastor, & the pastor just said he'd know when he was.

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   Jesus' Temptation: During the temptation of Jesus, didn't Jesus already have the kingdoms of the world that the devil was offering anyway? [Matthew 4:1-11]

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   Passion for Your Pre-married Spouse: Paul says it's okay to have passion for each other & NOT be sinning, but to get married, so isn't he basically saying sex before marriage is okay? [1 Corinthians 7:36]

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   Hating People according to David: We are supposed to love our enemies, yes, but those who hate God we are supposed to also hate accordin g to ? [Psalms 139:21]

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   Sabbath: What is Steve's view about the Sabbath?

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May 03, 2018

   "The Wood Devoured more people": The Wood destroying more people than the sword, can you explain? [2 Samuel 18:8]

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   Virtual Marriages: I hear people are getting marriage certificates online, getting married right there online. Are you familiar with that?

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   Unity Among Christian Brethren: Andy Stanley, Charles Stanley's son, says that unity is more important than doctrine. Nicolaus Zinzendorf came up with the Menorah Rules, & they also came up with the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living. How can Christians create this type of unity like he seemed to, & just agree to disagree on things we aren't going to agree on?

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   Mormonism: Do Mormons ever try to use Psalms & John on you about why we can become gods? [Psalms 82, John 10:34-38]

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   Dispensationalists & Christian Zionists: How far do the Christian Zionist shift the goal post of what an Israelite is? Is it all the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, or what? How Jewish?

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   Cremation: Is Cremation acceptable?

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   24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.

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   Unity: We need to be united in Jesus' Doctrines, not Man's Doctrines, that how we can be united, following the real church of Christ.

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   Mighty Men of God (& women): Does it say anywhere about might men or women of God? [Judges 6:12]

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May 04, 2018

   Mental Illness & Suicide: What is the bible's view about mental illness & suicide? What possible reason could someone want to commit suicide of they didn't have mental illness or demon-possessed?

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   Tattoos: What do you think about Christians getting tattoos, especially in light of Leviticus 19:20? [Leviticus 19:20]

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   Suicide: People think it's a way to go by jumping off the Golden State Bridge, but if you are in a major crisis that leads you to want to commit suicide, God would forgive you, wouldn't He?

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   Sabbath: You need to read what David H. Stern's New Testament Commentary on Romans 14:5-6, because he seems to explain it pretty well.

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   Full Preterism: Caller thinks in 70 AD the resurrection happened also. (carries back after the break as well.)

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   The Woman at the Well: How come Jesus didn't tell the woman at the well to repent? [John 4:17-18]

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   Spiritual Warfare: Even if you are not living up to God's standards, can Satan tell you that you're okay, & that you can still work for Him even though you are not actually okay with God?

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   Mental Illness: What about people with Mental Illness?

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   R.C. Sproul: What do you think about R.C. Sproul's writings?

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May 07, 2018

   Malachi & Chronicles: Chronological order of the books of the Bible, why are they different in the jewish book vs ours?
Hebrew Language: There seems to be a limited amount of words in the Hebrew Language as compared to Greek & English.

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   Biblical Marriage Ceremony: What is the biblical pattern of a wedding ceremony to follow?

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   A Bloody husband to me: Why was Moses called a bloody husband by his wife? [Exodus 4:25-26]

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   Pretrib Rapture: Where does the Pre-Tribulation Rapture idea come from?

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   0ne Sin Too Many: If it's possible to lose your salvation, just how many sins does it take to do so?

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   Ex-Convict Needing Strong Fellowship: Caller coming out of prison, having tough situations, needing strong fellowship. What should he do?

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   Enoch, Elijah & Jesus Raptured: A pastor gave examples of people being translated, such as Enoch & Elijah, so doesn't that testify to a pre-trib rapture?

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   Magic Tricks for Children's Worship: What do you think of having magic performed for children in church?

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   Old Archives of the Radio Program: Where can I listen to past radio archives?
Stumbling Blocks if No Anointing: If you haven't received an anointing you will receive road blocks?

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   State has more power than church for Marriage: Caller thinks the State only has the authority to hold couples accountable to their marriage rather than the church.

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May 08, 2018

   UN Becoming World Government: How would you relate Revelation to today, say the UN starting uniting the nations into one, & had to worship the person in charge of the UN, sort've like an anti-type of Nero?

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   Demon-Possession: Where did demons actually come from?

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   Suicide: I was listening to a couple callers talking about Suicide, & I think it's a little different than murder or stealing, but just a desperation move.

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   Suicide & Euthanasia: Would you consider pulling the plug from life-support as suicide?
Water during Creation: Was the earth covered w/ water from the beginning? 08 04 01 869

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   Suicide: A person considering suicide to financially support his wife.

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   Jesus' Death: Where did Jesus go after He died? Did He go to heaven?
Baptism by the Spirit: (question addressed after break) How do I get baptized/filled with the Holy Spirit?

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   The Book of Isaiah: In Isaiah 9 seems to be bouncing around a little bit, bouncing from one thought to another, especially starting in verse 6 of Isaiah 9. Why did they write like that, where it seems to go all over the place? [Isaiah 9]
bart ehrman & James White Debate: I enjoyed watching the debate between Bart Ehrman & James White, & I think James White won, about Textual Criticism of the Bible.

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   Sinner's Prayer & Baptism: A woman pastor said that it's a good idea to be baptized, but not necessary, but it's necessary to say the Sinner's prayer. What do you think? [Matthew 7:24-25]

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   The Gospel: In these 2 Scriptures of the Bible, is that what the gospel is in it's entirety? [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, John 3:16]

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   Baptism of the Holy Spirit: I'm concerned about what you said about not being baptized by the Holy Spirit. I've never had people lay hands on my to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so are you suggesting that if we don't, we can't live a full Christian life?

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May 09, 2018

   Inner Healing: Have you ever heard about Inner Healing using something called, Splankna & Sozo? It's sort've New Agey.

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   Book of Enoch: What do you think of the Book of Enoch?

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   Death: What happens to a Christian directly after they die? Does the Unbeliever go directly to hell? Does the Christian go directly to Heaven?

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   Pre-Millennial & Pre-Tribulation: Is there a difference between being a pre-tribulation & pre-millennium?
Christian Music Only: A friend of mine who goes to the church I go to said that we shouldn't listen to any music that isn't Christian music, like the Beatles & so on.

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   Transported at a Rapid Speed: Traveling faster than normal somewhere.
Speaking in Tongues: Could God give you the ability to speak to someone in their tongue for Evangelism or Missionary work?

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   Adam with Eve: Where was Adam when Eve was being deceived by the serpent?
Jehovah's Witnesses: Where do Jehovah's Witnesses stand w/ Jesus?

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   Women in Church Leadership Can women be put in church leadership, pastors, elders, teachers?
Once Saved Always Saved: Can you lose your salvation?

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   Death Angel: Why was the death angel sent to Israel?

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   Once to Die: What does it mean, "once to die & after this, judgment"? Can you explain this? [Hebrews 9:27]

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   Heaven: Caller's opinion is that wherever Jesus is, that is where Heaven is.

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May 10, 2018

   Disagreement Calls: Why do you not seem overly irritated with people who disagree with you?

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   The Worm Never Dies: You said that you don't believe in eternal torment, but what about the worm that never dies? Smoke of their torment ascendeth up for & for ever [Revelation 14:11, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:44,48]

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   "A Place of Broad Rivers & Streams": Can you give me a little insight on this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 33:17-22]

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   Mormonism - Baptism for the Dead: Is there anything in the Bible resembling baptism for dead like the Mormon church teaches? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
Mormonism & A New Name: What about getting new names when married in the Mormon Church? [Revelation 2:17, Revelation 3:12]

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   Resist not Evil, Resist Satan: Can you please explain to me these contrasting Scriptures about Resisting? [Matthew 5:39, James 4:17, 5:8-9]

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   A Christian converting to Jehovah's Witnesses: I just had a discussion w/ a recently converted Christian who is becoming JW. What can I do to win him back over? [Genesis 1, John 1, John 5, Colossians 1:15-16]

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   Atheism: Do you have anything on how to deal w/ Atheists?

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   Eternal Security: I heard you say yesterday that you don't believe once saved, always saved. I don't think that is accurate. Can you explain with Scripture why you don't think so?

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May 11, 2018

   Views of Hell: What does the bible actually say about Hell?

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   The Kingdom of Heaven Within: Jesus' Second coming is not going to be literal, physical coming, just an inward experience, just in us individually when we accept Him. I left that church. [Luke 17:21]

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   The Jesus Movement: So you were part of the Jesus Movement? What did you think of it? I wish I could've been a part of it.

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   Born Again & Regeneration: What does it mean to be born again mean? What does Regeneration mean? [John 3]

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   Full Preterism & the Resurrection: A lengthy discussion about the Resurrection with a full preterist.

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   The crucifixion of the Warrior God (God's Character in OT vs NT): the crucifixion of the Warrior God by a greg boyd discussion

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   Calvinism: Can you please talk about calvinism & free will? [Revelation 22:19]

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   I Never Knew You: God is all knowing, but then He says, I never knew you? How is that not a contradiction?
Talking in tongues: What if some people were just trying to demonstrate that they had the ability to communicate in tongues? Is that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

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May 21, 2018

   Laymen Material (Christianity for Dummies): I enjoy your knowledge of the Bible, but do you know of any good methods of how to study the Bible using exegesis like you do?

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   Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption: Sown in corruption, raised in incorruption, putting on immortality, what does Paul mean with all this sayings? [1 Corinthians 15:42, 1 Corinthians 15:53-55]

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   Great Tribulation: Is there going to be another Great Tribulation in the future? I know you think it happened in 70 AD, but is there going to be a future one also?
The Great Commission: At the Great Commission, Jesus' disciples went to Galilee like He said, it says that some of them doubted. Is this talking about just the 11 Disciples or others that doubted? Matthew 28:16-17

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   The Ability of Demons: Can the demons block your prayers?

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   Loving your Enemies: How far do we actually go into loving our enemies? What exactly does that mean? Just to let them walk all over you or what?

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   Gap Theory: What do you think about the "Gap Theory"? A 2nd Earth Theory? [Genesis 1:1-2]

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   Charging for Ministry - Financial Peace University: Charging for the ministry, that shouldn't be. It should be free. What about ministries like Dave Ramsey & Financial Peace University?

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May 22, 2018

   Stones of Fire: What is the meaning of "stones of fire" in Ezekiel in 28? [Ezekiel (28:14-16]

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   America & Great Britain: Have you ever heard of America & Great Britian descending from the tribes of Israel? Why are some people so concerned about saying it's the case? Anglo-Saxon.

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   Prostrating Yourself 3 Times a Day: What is the Biblical idea of lying prostrate to pray, & praying 3 times a day? Daniel did it. Peter prayed prostrate while on a roof.

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   Aliens being Demons: Are aliens & UFO's by any chance demons?

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   70 Weeks of Daniel: Can you talk about the 70 weeks in Daniel? [Daniel 9:24-27]

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   Divorce & Remarriage: A couple friends who have both been married before but who both got divorced not for fidelity are being told they can't get married by a pastor. What do you say?

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   The Bible Stories: How do help someone who thinks some stories in the bible are pretty far-fetched, like Jacob & Esau. Jacob was dishonest to Esau, but yet he was the chosen one.
Incest in the Bible: Why is there so much incest in the Bible?

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   Pre-Marital Sex: A couple has been having sex before they got married, but the guy is a non-Christian, so should they get married because she is pregnant? [2 Corinthians 6:14]

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   Divorce: Divorce is it not allowed at all? You are always committing adultery if you remarry someone who is divorced?
Adolph Hitler: Why would God allow an Adolph Hitler to happen?
Worshipping God all day in Eternity: why should we want to sit in heaven all day worshipping God?

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May 23, 2018

   Mountain where Abraham & Isaac & Jesus were: Was the mountain, Mt Moriah, where Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, where Jesus was crucified?

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   Continuing to Sin: John says that if we are Christians we no longer sin. I find myself still sinning, [1 John 2]

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   Speaking in Tongues: I know there's many kinds of different speaking in tongues, privately or in an assembly of believers, but when you start speaking in tongues, does it just take you over?

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   Abomination of Desolation: Who is the man that went into the temple? [Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11, Mat 24:15, Mark 13:14]

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   Speaking in Tongues: Everybody should be able to hear in their own language, not gibberish that you don't know what is being said.
Eternal Torment in Hell: You don't seem to believe that people are going to be thrown into the lake of fire & burn eternally. Can you explain this?

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   Avoiding People, but not Forgiving Them: Why does Paul say in 1 Timothy to avoid people but Jesus says to also forgive people? How do you reconcile the 2? [2 Timothy 3:5, 1 Timothy 6:20, Matthew 5:43-48]

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   Celestial or Terrestrial Bodies: Celestial or Terrestrial bodies, what is Paul talking about? [1 Corinthians 15:40]

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   Clean & Unclean Animals: Can you explain to me about clean & unclean foods, especially the vision Peter had regarding them? [Acts 10, Acts 11]

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May 24, 2018

   Replacement Theology Video: Did you ever debate w/ anyone from Cavalry Chapel, or did anyone ever accept your invitation to debate?
Videos on Website: Do you not have any videos on your website besides Youtube?

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   Losing our Salvation: So convoluted, Why did God give us a precarious paradigm to lose our salvation since we are so carnally imperfect?

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   Remember Not but Remembering every Idle Word: It says in the Bible that God won't remember our sins, that they are as far as east is from the west, yet He will remember every idle word we ever said at judgment. How is that not a contradiction? [Matthew 12:36-40, Psalm 103:12-14]

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   Lady Caught in Adultery: So was the story about the lady caught in adultery supposed to be there or not? [John 7:53-8:11]
Book of Life or Tree of Life: In Revelation 22, does say names won't be in the Book of Life or won't eat from the Tree of Life? [Revelation 22:19]

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   The He-Goat & the Ram in Daniel: The war between the America & Iraq is what is being talked about in Daniel 8 the caller feels.
Book of Remembrance: What is the "book of remembrance"? [Malachi 3:16-18]

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   The First Coming the Rapture: Is the first coming of Christ the rapture of the church, is that right?

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   Forgiving Oneself: Is it biblical forgive yourself?

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   Apostles Catholics: All the apostles were Catholics? [Genesis 15:6, Galatians 3:8, Romans 4:3]

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   The Church: Is the Church the Body of Christ or the Bride of Christ?

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   Salvation & Baptism: My Church of Christ says we are not saved until we are water baptized. Is that true? [Acts 2:38]

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May 25, 2018

   David Hocking What is the difference between you & David Hocking?

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   Free Will & Determinism: Can you help me understand the difference between Free will & Determinism?
Gifts of the Spirit: God gives some of us abundant gifts, others not so much, so we need to take advantage of whatever God gives us.

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   7 Literal Days: Does Genesis leave room for old earth, more than 24 hrs in a days, or is it 24 literal days?

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   Pastor Neglecting His Duties: My pastor doesn't seem to really be doing his job. He travels a lot, not caring about his parishioner that much.

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   The Book of Revelation: DO you think most of the things in Revelation has been fulfilled or not fulfilled, is it symbolic or literal?

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   King Asa: It says Asa was pleasing to the Lord all the days of his life, but he did a few things in his life where he wasn't pleasing to the Lord. [2 Chronicles 16:12]

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   Literal Creation Week: I believe in the perfect, literal 6 day creation week.
NIV Corrupted: It says it way different in the KJV compared to the NIV about the Rider of the White Horse. [Revelation 6:2]

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   Types of Christ in the Old Testament: It's true that in the New Testament there are specific examples the inspired writers use of people as examples of types of Christs in the Old Testament, but can we use other examples that weren't brought out by the NT writers?

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   Allegiance: War is about to break out, some are inevitably going to die, so who do you give your allegiance to first? Family, Country or your Faith?

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   Adam & Eve: Was there another set of humans besides Adam & Eve?

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   3 Literal Days in the Tomb: Was Jesus really 3 literal days in the tomb?

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May 29, 2018

   Dead Sea Scrolls: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls help better translate the Bible as we know it, especially the Book of Isaiah?

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   Praying God's Will: Sometimes prayers are not answered because they are not God's will, but what if you pray that you really want to be saved, & other people are praying for that same person, does He answer that?

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   God Killing People: Does God Kill people? Like what about

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   Esau & being Profane (Unable to Repent): Concerned about Esau losing his inheritance, does that apply to us because of sin, or what was it saying about Esau?

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   Differing Accounts of Jesus' Resurrections: How do you harmonize the differing accounts of the gospels' accounts of the resurrection?

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   Paul telling us to keep the Feast Days: Paul seems to contradict himself when he says in one verse to keep the Feast days spiritually, but then in the very next verse to literally keep them or something like that. [1 Corinthians 5:7-8]

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   Triquetra on the Bible: I was wondering what you thought about the Triquetra being on a Bible. I did some research on it, & it is associated with the Wiccans.

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   Jesus Resurrection: Jesus' Resurrection happened on a Wednesday & rose on Saturday night, according to this caller.

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May 30, 2018

   Victory over Smoking: God gave me complete victory from smoking.
Praying According to God's Will: How do we know that we are actually praying according to God's will?

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   Anger being a sin: I had friend tell me that anger is not an emotion, that all anger is sinful. Is this true? [Matthew 5:21-23, Ephesians 4:26-32]

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   Son of Man: Can you tell me what "son of man (Son of Man)" means?

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   Mormon Caller: Mormon caller disagrees with these things Steve has said in an anti-Mormon literature & tries to debunk it with his own facts.

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   Bad Eschatology gives bad Ethics: Bad eschatology brings bad ethics, is that true?

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   Barren Women in the Bible: Women in the Bible that were absolutely barren.

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   Tithing: If you miss your tithe last month you have to place catch up & pay 20% this month, plus the 10%, is this true?

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   Paul's Conversion: When was Paul saved, on the road to Damascus or not until Ananias came to him?

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   Preterism timeline: What is the timeline of a preterist? You still believe in the Second Coming of Jesus & the resurrection?

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