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Date Topic Audio
2013-8-20 "Methuselah" - When He Dies It Will Come: Where do people get the idea that "Methuselah" means "when he dies, it will come"?
2013-8-20 Jesus the Same Yesterday, Today & Forever: Doesn't this verse in Hebrews Jesus say that Jesus was always the same, even before His incarnation? [Hebrews 13:8]
2013-8-20 Jesus' "Lost Years": What was Jesus doing between the ages of 12 & 30 years old?
2013-8-19 Future Animal Sacrificial System: People similar to the Messianic Jews/Hebrew Roots Movement also think that the animal sacrifical system is going to be restored because of what Ezekiel says. [Ezekiel 40-45]
2013-8-19 Hebrew Roots: Some people similar to Hebrew Roots Movement [Jeremiah]
2013-8-19 Apocalyptic Events in Revelation: Do you think the apocalyptic events in Revelation have been fulfilled? [Revelation]
2013-8-19 Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think all prophecy has been fulfilled?
2013-8-19 The Anti-Christ: Who do you think the anti-Christ is?
2013-8-19 Word of Faith & being gods: A lot of the caller's family is into the Word of Faith movement, & they seem to elevate man & lower God, & he was wondering why Jesus is pointing out the Scripture from the Old Testament about being gods. [Psalm 82:6, Matthew 12:1-7, John 10:31]
2013-8-19 Christo Pagan Tertullian: Caller was wondering what the term "Christo Pagan" meant because a New Testament Bible she was reading a Bible called, "The Aramaic English New Testament", & they coined that phrase about Tertullian.
2013-8-19 Public School System: What in the world happened to the Public School system? You could read your Bible in your school, pray in your school, say the pledge of allegiance under God!
2013-8-19 Christo-Paganism & the Catholic Church: Why did the caller 2 calls before call the Catholic church Christo-Pagan? Catholics believe in Jesus.
2013-8-16 Holy Spirit before Water Baptism: Do you receive the Holy Spirit the very second you are converted or does it wait until after you are baptized?
2013-8-16 Speaking in Tongues when Holy Spirit Comes on You: Are we supposed to talk in tongues when filled with the Holy Spirit? Is it a language no one knows on earth? [1 Corinthians 14:10]
2013-8-16 People Disappearing at Pre-Trib Rapture: What would you say if millions & millions of people do disappear during the Secret Rapture?
2013-8-16 "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved": Why did John in the gospel of John refer to himself as, "the Disciple whom Jesus loved"? {John 21:18-25]
2013-8-16 Human Races: Where did all the races come from since the time of Noah?
2013-8-16 People where Cain went: So there were more people where Cain moved to after killing Abel?
2013-8-16 Personal Experience: Caller shared a personal experience where he went to a party & just started crying, & wanted out of there, & it turned out that virtually everyone there died of AIDS.
2013-8-16 The Trinity: How does the Trinity come together in the Bible?
2013-8-16 Vision & Dreams: Does God give you Visions & Dreams? [Acts 2:17]
2013-8-16 Liberty Savard & Binding & Loosing: Caller wanted to talk about the "positive" side of Binding & losing.
2013-8-16 Generational Curses: Caller wants to talk about breaking generational curses, who thinks it's unbliblical.
2013-8-15 Church Discipline: What is the purpose for Church Discipline? Is it for unity of the church or is it to be attune to God's glory? [Matthe 18:15-17, TItus 3, Romans 16, 2 THessalonians 3, 1 Corinthians 5]
2013-8-15 Glorifying God: So is it pretty much not to impugn God's glory?
2013-8-15 Michael the Buddhist: A buddhist visited a monastery, & the Buddhist reads a story about it, talking about it.
2013-8-15 Historic Premillennialism & Amillennialism & Resurrection: Dennis the Millennialist calls to discuss the differences between Historic Premillennialism & Amillennialism involving the Resurrection.
2013-8-15 Celebrating Christmas & Easter: What about celebrating Christmas & Easter?
2013-8-15 Yeshua not Jesus: Caller has someone saying we should only call Jesus by His proper name, which is Yeshua.
2013-8-15 Christian Attorney & Divorce: Should Christian attorneys help in getting people divorced?
2013-8-14 The New & Old Covenant: If Scripture in the New Testament doesn't agree with the Old Covenant, it's not applicable a guy on a radio station said. Is that true? [hebrews 8:13]
2013-8-14 Filling of the Holy Spirit: Is it biblical to ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit after conversion, or is receiving it at that time enough?
2013-8-14 Jesus Calling by Sarah Young: What does Steve think of the book or devotion called, "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young?
2013-8-14 Attending a Gay Wedding: Should I attend a gay wedding?
2013-8-14 Jesus Calling Sarah Young: Caller supports "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young:
2013-8-13 Nominal Christians: What is a "nominal" Christian?
2013-8-13 Historic Pre-Millennialist: You seem to always talk against Dispensationalist but you never seem to give Prehistoric millennialist a fair shake.
2013-8-13 My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge: What does it mean, "My people perish for the lack of knowledge"? [Hosea 4:6]
2013-8-13 God's Judgment Currently: Is God judging nations right now? [John 3]
2013-8-13 Letters of Revelation to Asia: Why were the letters in Revelation only sent to Asia?
2013-8-13 2 Separate Resurrections: Caller is convinced there are 2 resurrections, one at the beginning of millennium & one at the end.
2013-8-13 Marriage, Separation & Divorce: I'm legally separated, but my divorce has been in limbo for 3 years, not officially divorced, but even though i'm not LEGALLY divorced, am i permitted to start dating again?
2013-8-12 Revelation Fascination & not Love for Jesus: It seems that loving Jesus & loving poeple is more important than what's going to happen in the end times, the caller thinks.
2013-8-12 Women Subordinate to Men: Are Women supposed to be subordinate to Men?
2013-8-12 Prophet that was Expected: Who was the Prophet that was expected? [John 1:21, John 6:14]
2013-8-12 Head Coverings: Can you please explain Head Coverings? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
2013-8-12 Women Being Silent: What about when Paul told women to be silent in church? [1 Corinthians 14:34]
2013-8-12 God's War on Terror, Islam, Prophecy and the Bible by Walid Shoebat: Caller thinks a book called, "God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible" by Walid Shobat is an excellent book on the books of Daniel & Revelation & understanding eschatology.
2013-8-12 God's Love: Can you explain God's Love & how to love others?
2013-8-09 America Blessing the Nation of Israel: Is America supposed to bless the Nation of Israel according to Scripture? [Genesis 12, Galatians 3:16]