"Hardness in Part" & "Fullness of the Gentiles":Could you talk about the "times or fullness of the Gentiles" and the "hardness in part" in Luke and Romans and how they relate to each other and how it relates to "70 A.D." or the "Second Coming"? [Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25].
Witness to the Muslims:Caller recommends Anis Shorrosh for learning about Muslims. He suggests the main concern is over their view that Judas died on the cross instead of Jesus.
Catholic: Call No Man "Father":Catholic caller; Scripture must not be absolute about not calling any man "Father", since scripture seems to contradict this in numerous places. [Matthew 23:8-9, Romans 4:1, Romans 4:11-12, Romans 9:10, I Corinthians 4:15, Philippians 2:22, I Peter 5:13].
Forgiving Others:Do we need to forgive those that are not repentent? What if they do not repent? [Matthew 18:15-22, Luke 17:4, Mark 11:25, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15, I Corinthians 5:5].
Self-image:Isn't there good reason to have a strong self-image when we wonder at how we are made? [Psalm 139:14, Romans 12:3, Philippians 2, John 3:16, Romans 7:18-19, Romans 12:3, Philemon 1:6, I Corinthians 4:7].
Immorality & the Poor:How do you reconcile the fact that many of the poor are because of their own immorality, so should we be supporting those who at not at fault, or should it also be an evangelistic outreach? [2 Thessalonians 3:10, Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:5, I Timothy 6:8].
Man of Lawlessness:If the Man of Lawlessness is the Papacy, what would the signs and wonders be that is referred to in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7}.
"Weapons Against You Will Not Prosper":Could you talk about the Isaiah passage and the promise that weapons formed against us "will not prosper" and if it applies to us today? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 54:17, Galatians 4:7, Revelation 12:10-11].
Ezekiel's Symbolism:Is it possible that the four living creatures could represent prophets of God, and the "Son of Man" title being used for Ezekiel, indicate that he is a type of Christ? [Ezekiel 22:16, Ezekiel 43, Psalm 8:4].
Education (College & University) by the Church:Should not the church be taking over the higher education (college and university) system? [I Corinthians 9].
Buddhist; How One Should Live:Buddhist; How does one learn how to live correctly, especially if one's conscience is very weak? Isn't depending entirely on an external code or authority tenuous? [Hebrews 5:14, Jeremiah 17:9].
Early Believers Worshipping Jesus:Since people didn't really understand that Jesus was God at first, but worshipped Him, anyway, should not have Jesus corrected their thinking? [Acts 10:25, Revelation 19:9-10, Revelation 22:8].
Jesus as a Youth:Is there any reliable material about Jesus' youth and how did He come to the awareness of who He was? Was His awareness found through the scriptures? [Luke 2:49].
Technology Dangers-Taking Us into God's Territory:Since it is God's domain to search hearts and minds, isn't the research into minds with technology a dangerous direction? [Revelation 2:23, Revelation 20:7].
Just Rotten Sinners:What about the cleansing we receive from the Holy Spirit, in contrast to when pastors say that we are all "just rotten sinners"? [Galatians 5:17].
Church History, Order & Structure:What would you expect from an ideal church structure? [I Timothy 3:1, TItus 1, Matthew 20:26, Mark 10:43, Mtthew 23:8-9, I Thessalonians 5:12, I Corinthians 11:3, 2 Corinthians 1:24].
Jesus Came by Water & the Blood:What is meant when scripture indicates that Jesus came by water and blood, and why does some manuscripts add some words? [I John 5:6-8, John 19:34, John 15:26].
Despising One's Father:I think I really despise my father and I no longer want to, what do you suggest I do to unload this terrible burden? [Exodus 20:12].
Nicodemus-Jesus in Heaven Already:Could you explain this confusing statement in John 3, about those who had ascended into heave, and Jesus being in heaven, though He was not. [John 3:13, John 7:37-39].
Congregational Rule & Choosing Elders:Regarding the church servants discussed in Acts 6-they are not really choosing the leaders, so then, should not other leaders choose other leaders and elders, rather than the congregation doing so? [Acts 6:1-15, I Timothy 3].
What the Point?:Caller comments about the previous calls on the topic of "What is the point?" and suggests that there are rewards for the quality of life we have lived.
Atonement for Sin (Old Testament):Do you have lectures on the Atonement for Sin? Are all the sins for the nation forgiven on that day-the Day of Atonement? [Leviticus 16, Hebrews 6-11].
Old Testament Salvation:What happened to the righteous people in the Old Testament, since Jesus had not yet come? Did they have to wait for Jesus to come because they had original sin?