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Date Topic Audio
2013-2-20 Unforgiveness for Unfaithfulness: I struggle with unforgiveness toward my unfaithful husband, but don't want to go to hell. Can you help? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 7:12, Ephesians 4:30].
2013-2-20 Unforgiveness Sends Us to Hell: Should I take the Bible literally when it says I will go to hell if I don't forgive? What will happen to my unfaithful husband? [Matthew 19:6].
2013-2-20 Saint Malachy's Eschatological Prophecies: What do you know about Saint Malachy and his prophecies? [2 Thessalonians 2:11]
2013-2-20 Obedience Regarding Forgiveness; Caller shares more about forgiveness and obedience to God. Recommended book; "Choosing Forgiveness" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
2013-2-20 Destruction of the Spirit; Is there any place in scripture that God indicates that He has or will destroy the spirit (the human spirit)? And what bearing would that have? [Matthew 10:38].
2013-2-20 The Lord's Prayer & Forgiveness; Caller shares the values of the Lord's Prayer in her life, as it helped her come back to faith.
2013-2-20 Realized (Inaugurated) Eschatology: Could you explain "realized eschatology" (or inaugurated eschatology)? [Daniel 2:35, Colossian 1:13, Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:9-11].
2013-2-19 Abomination of Desolation: Do you think that John of Giscala and the Zealot temple siege could be the "Abomination of Desolation?"
2013-2-19 Herod-Not the Last Edomite: (Idumean) Could you clarify how Herod could be the last Edomite (Idumean), and yet there were Edomites in the destruction of Jerusalem? [Isaiah 34].
2013-2-19 The Coming Kingdom: What do you think about The Lord's Prayer being referred to as the coming of the Kingdom? [Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 13:19].
2013-2-19 Creation: Gap Theory: What do you think about the "Gap Theory"? [Genesis 1, Exodus 20:11].
2013-2-19 Older Earth & Evolution: Doesn't it seem like the earth is older than 6,000 years and evolution was used?
2013-2-19 Pre-Adamic Race: Regarding the Gap Theory, doesn't it mean that sin was in the world before Adam?
2013-2-19 God as Vulnerable Man: Isn't it particularly touching that God would become vulnerable as a man and suffer temptation?
2013-2-19 Jesus' Deity: How did Jesus describe His own deity, and did He use "Son of God"? [John 10:36].
2013-2-19 The Conscience: Do you think that the commandments are stepping stones to a mature conscience? [Galatians 5:23].
2013-2-19 Women as Elders; Do you think that when scripture says women will prophesy, that means they can now be elders? [Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28, Ephesians 4:11, I Timothy 2-3].
2013-2-19 Funerals for the Unsaved: What would you suggest I say at a funeral for my brother who may not have been saved, though I do want to talk about the Lord? [Hebrews 9:27, John 3:15, John 5:24]
2013-2-19 Esau He Hated: Could you shed some light on the scripture about "Jacob I have loved and Esau I have hated"? [Romans 9:12-12, Malachi 1:2-5, Genesis 29:18, Genesis 29:31, Matthew 6:24, Luke 14:26, Matthew 10:37].
2013-2-19 Devil Tormented Eternal: Is it possible that the Devil will be tormented eternally?
2013-2-19 The Nature of the Fallen Angels & the Devil: Are the fallen angels and the devils possibly immortal? [Revelation 20:10, Hebrews 1, Psalm 102:25-27].
2013-2-19 God's Choice & His Omniscience: Don't you think that God's will and His choices do not take away from His omniscience? And if He chooses to, He could forget our sins and remember them no more? [Hebrews 8:12].
2013-2-13 Calvinism & Predestination: Caller disagrees that Paul is asking rhetorical questions in Romans 9-11 & Romans 6, that he's actually being literal that some will resist God's will, are predestined to do that. A long lengthy explanation of what Paul is really saying ensues. [Romans 6, Romans 9-11]
2013-2-13 Adam Understanding Concept of Death: Was there already forms of death in the Garden of Eden before the Fall that Adam could relate to so he knew what God was talking about when He said he'd die if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge? [Genesis 2:17]
2013-2-13 Remarks about Calvinism: Caller makes a few short comments on Calvinism as a result of the previous call.
2013-2-13 All Believe Justification by Faith: Even all the Reformers believed in Justification by faith, Sola Fide, isn't that true? Whether we are predestined or not, we have to have faith, & we get salvation from having faith, isn't that right? [Romans 9-11]
2013-2-13 Election & Free Will: Our Free Will & Election are 2 separate things, because our Free Will inclines us to sin & our election brings us closer to God.
2013-2-13 Names in the Book of Life from the Foundation of the World: Don't you agree that people's names are already written the Book of Life before the Foundation of the World? [Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8]
2013-2-13 Allah: Is the word, "Allah" referring to the same God as the Judeo-Christian God?
2013-2-13 Elohim - Elohiym: Is the word "Elohim" plural, & is it referring to the Trinity?
2013-2-13 Shama: The Lord God is one & your God alone, can you explain this about? He's only one? [Deuteronomy 6:4, 1 Corinthians 8:5]
2013-2-11 Tax Loop Holes: You buy a car from private party, & they say that you paid a lower price than you actually did so you don't have to pay as much tax on it as you otherwise would, is that being dishonest, & should Christians participate in it?
2013-2-11 Blessings for doing Good, Cursing for doing Bad: How come in the Old Testament is says evil will happen if you sin, & good if you obey, or blessings & cursings for doing good or bad? [Job, Deuteronomy 28]
2013-2-11 David & Jesus Regarding Enemies: Why did David curse or say bad things about his enemies, but Jesus said to forgive & love your enemies?
2013-2-11 Legalizing Abominations: Does a nation that legalizing abominations be in trouble & receive the judgment of God?
2013-2-11 Mark of the Beast: Is it true that once we accept the Mark of the Beast, that we are lost forever?
2013-2-11 Pray for our Leadership of our Country: How do we pray for the leadership of our country when they are passing laws of abominations, yet will single out the righteous people?
2013-2-11 70 Week Beginning: When does the 70th week begin? At the beginning of His ministry or the right before His crucifixion? [Daniel 9:27]
2013-2-11 Fleeing from the 70 AD Siege: If all the people fled there'd be none left, all Israel & Christians leaving. Do you & Hank agree with each other about the events of 70 AD?
2013-2-11 Steve's Lectures & Books about Eschatology: Do you say the same stuff in your book about the 4 views of Revelation that you say in your 14 lectures, When Shall These Things Be? Do you have any more books written besides that one? (Answer: 3 views of Hell & 2 books on the Kingdom of God.)
2013-2-11 Rituals of the Priesthood for the Clean & Unclean: Were the instructions of how the priesthood handled the clean & unclean which are in Leviticus from God or did they do it on their own? [Leviticus]
2013-2-11 Greg Boyd & Open Theism: I was wondering what your thoughts about Greg Boyd's view on Open Theism.
2013-2-11 Appreciates Steve's Teachings of the Law: Caller appreciates Steve's teachings about the Law of God.
2013-2-11 Hell & Conditional Immortality: It doesn't seem like God would perpetuate sin forever by letting people be tormented forever instead of annihilated. [Revelation 21:4]
2013-2-08 Delighting in God's Commandments: Caller has never considered the idea of "delighting" in God's Commandments until now. [Psalms 112]
2013-2-08 Obeying the 10 Commandments, Pride & Reading OT: What do we take from the Old Testament to the New Testament? The 10 Commandments? [Romans 6]
2013-2-08 Admiring God's Creation, but not Creator: Buddhist caller says that everything exists, no matter paradigm you live in, has merit of by its creation in itself. [Romans 1] (A lot of snap, crackling, pop going on here!)
2013-2-08 Death a Punisment: Is death a punishment or a penalty, consequence of sin, the curse of sin? [Genesis 2, Romans 8:18-22]
2013-2-08 Eternal Punishment verses Eternal Punishing: Don't Annihilationists have a problem with this passage of Scripture, because whatever you are applying to the term, "aiōnios", when you apply it to the righteous, don't you have to apply it to the wicked? [Matthew 25:46]
2013-2-08 Apostle Smith: Apostle Smith wants to charge for the gospel.