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Topic: Conversion

Episode Topic Audio

Thief on the Cross & the Holy Spirit: Was the thief on the cross' repentance and conversion the work of the Holy Spirit? [John 6:44].

Baptism Required: How would you approach the subject of baptism being absolutely required for receiving of the Holy Spirit, etc. (as stated by the Church of Christ)? [Acts 2:38, Acts 19:3-5, Matthew 15:27-32, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19].

Evangelism & Spontaneous Conversion: Can the Lord work directly with individuals and spontaneously convert them? [Romans 10:14, Acts 10:5].

Caught in the Act (of Sin): If someone is caught in the act of sin (stealing, idolatry, etc.) when Jesus comes back, will they lose their salvation? [James 3:2, Matthew 18:21-22].

Involuntary Conversions: Are you familiar with sudden involuntary conversions?

Defining "Salvation": Would you define "salvation" and what is the root and origin of the word?

Paul's Conversion: Can you help make sense of the three different accounts of Paul's conversion? [Acts 9:7, Acts 22:9, Acts 25:14, Matthew 27:5, Acts 1:18].

Can the Lord Reject Someone: If someone asks Jesus into their heart, can He still reject them? rec: Topical lecture "How Can I Know I am Really Saved?" or read "Empire of the Risen Son." [John 6:37-40, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8, Matthew 7:22-24].

Defining "Saved" & "Works" & Following Jesus: What does it mean to be "saved" versus just getting a ticket to heaven? Once you believe the gospel does transforation just come in time? How do works fit in? [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Philippians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 3:5, Titus 2:14].
"Feeling" One's Salvation: What if my feeling after conversion is fading? Rec: Topical lecture series, "How Can I Know That I am Really Saved?' [Romans 8:16, 2 Corinthians 13:5].

Baptism "For" the Remission of Sins: Regarding baptism, could the word "for" (eis) be interpreted as "because" of "remission of sins?" [Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21].

Paul's Conversion & Calvinism: Do Calvinists use Paul's unique conversion to support their denial of free will? [Acts 26:19, Acts, 9, Ephesians 1:4-5, Luke 19:41-43, 1 Timothy 1:12, Galatians 1:15-17].

"Judgment" vs "Salvation": Are we saved if we accept Jesus and repent, or are we held accountable for what we did on earth? [Luke 23:43, Revelation 20:12-14, 1 John 1:9, Romans 2:6-10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:7].

Working Out Our Own Salvation: Could you help me understand what seems like a contradiction between "working out your own salvation" and "justified by faith" or the "gift" of salvation? [Philippians 2:12, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Titus 2:13-14, 2 Peter 1:4].
Smoking Cigarettes (and Other Bad Habits): Is a believer who still smokes cigarettes working out their salvation?

Different Levels of Faith: Would you comment on the apparent different levels of faith in scripture, some naive and childlike, others more deeply understood? [Luke 19:8-10].

More Fully Defining "Salvation": What were you saying about "salvation" not being what some think? [Luke 19:10, Titus 2:14].

Old Testament Forgiveness: How were people forgiven for their sins in the Old Testament (relative to the shedding of blood and sacrifices)? [Luke 11:50-51, Matthew 16:24, John 8:31, Matthew 28:20].
Born Again: How do you go about being born again?
How Perfect Do I Have to Be?: I want to make sure I know where I am going. How perfect do I have to be? [1 John 1:9, 1 John 1:5-7].

The Faith of the Thief on the Cross: Do you think that the church undervalues the faith of the "thief on the cross?"

Praying for the Unsaved: How should we be praying for the unsaved, but not force it upon them? [Luke 13:34, Isaiah 5:4, Isaiah 66:4, Acts 26:19, James 4:3, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54].

Changes in One's Life After Salvation: If someone has not progressed or changed in their Christian life, then are they not really a Christian?

Artist Testimony; Moved by Art & Wife's Influence: I would like to share my testimony that my wife is who God used to bring me to Christ, as well as some art work that got me thinking.

The "Sinner's Prayer": What is an alternative to "The Sinner's Prayer" when leading someone to Christ when there is a limited amount of time. [Luke 18:13].
Evangelizing about Messiah: When evangelizing in scripture, was the main emphasis about getting people to understand that Jesus was the Messiah? Rec: A free tract at website under the "Comic" tab. [Acts 2:36, Acts 17:7].

Conversion, Salvation & Filling of the Holy Ghost: Is there any difference between conversion, salvation, and the filling of the Holy Ghost? Referenced: "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards? [John 15:13].

Helping in Homeless Encampments: I have been convicted lately about feeling I ought to witness to the homeless, but also that I ought not stop there. What do I do to actually help?

Losing one's Salvation: How do you arbitrate a discussion about whether one can lose their salvation? Recommended topical lecture; "Content of the Gospel" series, lecture on "Eternal Security." [Hebrews 2:3, Romans 10:9, Revelation 2:10, John 15:6, Luke 15:24].

First Resurrection: What is the ramification of the word for "having" being in the present tense, regarding the "first resurrection" in Revelation, and how does this affect the Dispensational view? [Revelation 20:6].

Univeral Conversion Before the Return of Christ: From where does the idea about the whole world being converted before the return of Christ come? [Habakkuk 2:14, Revelation 20, I Corinthians 15:25-26].

Salvation without the Holy Spirit: Do you think that some people can be saved, but not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
Real Christians: A teacher says that people who believe in "once saved, always saved" and are overly afraid of the antichrist, etc., don't have the Holy Spirit and are not really saved. What say you? [Romans 8:9].

"Leopard Change its Spots"-True Transformation: Can a person really change, or as the verse indicates-a leopard cannot change it spots? Recommendation topical lecture "Biblical Counsel for Change" and "Cultivating Christian Character." [Jeremiah 13:23, Matthew 1:21, John 8:31-32, I Corinthians 6:9-11].

Salvation, Justification, Sanctification, Transformation: Could you clarify the differences between salvation, justification, sanctification and how the need for repentance fits in? [I Thessalonians 4:3, I Thessaloninas 5:23, 2 Corinthians 7:1, I Peter 1:15].
Repentance-Only Needed Once: Is there only the one repentance when we first repent and receive Christ? [I John 1:9, I John 1:7, Galatians 5:16-17].

Saved as a Child-Still Saved? Is someone was saved if they asked Christ into their hearts when they were young, but they never exhibited any evidence of such throughout their lives? Recommends book: Steve Gregg's book on Hell. [Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23, Romans 10:9].

Gospel of the "Kingdom" or "Heaven & Hell": When did the gospel change from the "gospel of the Kingdom" and toward the "gospel of heaven and hell"? [Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6-7, Romans 10:9, Titus 2:14].

What Must I Do to be Saved?: What must I do to be saved? Recommends "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol.1; "There is Another King" & Volume 2;" All the King's Men." [John 5:23, I Corinthians 6:19, Romans 10:9].

Must You Be "Born Again"?: Do you agree with R.C. Sproul that in order to be a Christian, you must be "born again?" [Acts 11:26].

All Saved at the End in a Massive Conversion: If there was a massive conversion at some point in our culture, would that ultimately influence the rest of the unbelievers to believe? [Jeremiah 31:31-34, I Corinthians 5:6, I John 2:7, Galatians 5:9].

"The Sinner's Prayer" & Billy Graham: Do you believe in salvation through the "Sinner's Prayer", as Billy Graham preach?
"The Sinner's Prayer" & the Filling of the Holy Spirit: Does the Holy Spirit enter a believer's life upon saying "The Sinner's Prayer" or does that take place later? [Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:4-6, Acts 1:5-8, Acts 19:6, Acts 9:17].

Catholics Saved or Lost?: Are some Catholics saved? [Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 8:31-32].

Salvation Experience: If I had a salvation experience in the past, is my salvation legitimate? [I Corinthians 6:20, 2 Corinthians 13:5].

Pray & Get to Heaven: Is saying a prayer enough to get someone to heaven? [I John 1:9].

Saved by Works, Faith, or Grace?: It seems like there are a number of different ways to be saved, by works, by faith, and by grace. Can you clarify how we are saved? [Ezekiel 14:14-20, Acts 2:38, Ephesians 2:8-9, Galatians 5:6, James 2:14-26, Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21].

Born Again: What does it mean to be "born again"? Is it spiritual? Why is it a must? [John 3:3-5, Ezekiel 36:26,, Galatians 5:17-26].

Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): When the Bible warns us to "not fall away", could it not be intended toward those that are not true converts? [I Timothy 4:1, Matthew 7:21-23, Hebrews 3:12, 2 Corinthians 13:5].

Whose Initiative is it-God or Us?: Do you believe that the first step in conversion and regeneration is our initiative toward faith, or it it God working in us first? [Ephesians 2:1, Acts 2:37-39, Acts 7:54].
Dead in Trespasses and Sin: When scripture says "we were dead in trespasses and sins," do you think we are not really unable to do anything? Recommended topical lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Ephesians 2:1, Romans 9, Psalm 10:17, Proverbs 16:1].

Does Not God Change Your Character: Do you think that God does or does not change your character? [2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 3:10].
Praying for Israel: Why do we have to pray for the peace of Israel? Recommended Topical Lecture; What are We to Make of Israel?

Jewish Buddhist: Jewish Buddhist caller shares his testimony acknowledging a strong sense of the presence of Christ in a church Bible study.

Sinners Prayer, but No Evidence of Salvation: What do you say to someone who has said the prayer for repentance and salvation, but I don't see any evidence of having been "born again"? [Matthew 16:24-26, I Corinthians 6:19-20].

Faith Alone, No More Good Works Required (Hyper-Grace): Do you think that works are not longer required, including baptism, and it is by faith alone? [Acts 9, Acts 19, I Corinthians 15, I Corinthians 1:17].

Made Alive is Being Saved: When scriptures says, "you who are dead, are made alive", is it talking about salvation? [Ephesians 2:1, Ephesians 2:8, John 3:14, John 20:31-32, Romans 5:2, Luke 15:24].

What Must Be Done to be Saved: What must I do to be saved? Is it forever? [John 15:16, John 6:37].

Not Totally Convinced About Christ: If one doesn't feel absolute conviction about the truth of Christianity, what should they do? [Matthew 7:7-8, Jeremiah 29:13].

Repent Once or Often?: Is repentance something you do only once, or do you repent every time you sin? [I John 1:9, I John 1:5-7].

Baptism Required for Salvation: Does this verse affirm that one must be baptized to be saved? [I Peter 3:21, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, I Corinthians 15:1-2].

Jesus as Savior & Messiah to the Jew: Could you direct me, as a Jew, to more information in regard to understanding Jesus as Savior? [Psalm 110:1].

Unclean Spirit & Backsliding: Is the unclean spirit in Luke about backsliding? [Luke 11, Matthew 12].

Salvation-Requires the Heart, Not Just the Head: Would you comment on the saying that "you can believe with your head, but not your heart?" [Matthew 28:18].
Legalism Lecture: What lecture at your website would give more information about legalism? Recommended topical lecture, "Toward a Radical Christian Counterculture".

Dead in Sin (Calvinism): I don't agree with R.C. Sproul's characterization of how one is saved, and that man is completely dead until the savor saves him, and has nothing to do with it? [Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 20:31].

Not Doing Enough for God: As a relatively new believer, I am struggling with self-condemnation regarding how much I am doing as a Christian. What do you advise? [John 3:17, I John 3:21].

"Sinner's Prayer" Effectiveness: If I prayed this prayer in sincerity, (recites a prayer) can I be assured that I am saved? [Luke 18:13].

Fully Surrendered, but Worldly Responsibilities: Since there is actually so much we have to do , how does still one get to a fully surrendered state, and still take care of responsibilities?

Spiritual Interpretation of Genesis: Have you interpreted any other chapters of the Bible in a spiritual way as you did in Genesis 1? [Genesis 1, I John 3, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
Conversion at Baptism: Could you help sort out the idea of conversion at baptism, rather than at a separate time? [Ephesians 1:13].

Steve Gregg-Date of Salvation: What date were you born again?
Amillennialism in Scripture: Can you give two verses that support Amillennialism? Recommended lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?" [Matthew 12:26, Revelation 20:1-3, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Revelation 10:9, 2 Timothy 4:1].

Pronunciation of the Name, Jesus: Some say that the accurate pronunciation of Jesus' name is important.
Prayer for Salvation: How does one have to do it, to be saved? Some say it isn't by a prayer, but by abiding in Christ.

Bargaining with God: What are your thoughts on bargaining with God? [1 John 5:3].

The Good News from Jesus: What did Jesus tell people about His sacrifice, and what the good news was?

Paul on the Road to Damascus: Could you comment on Paul's conversion, and if it was on the road to Damascus? [Acts 22, Acts 9:5-6, Romans 10:9, Romans 14].

Conversion's Elation Expected to Last: As a former Mormon, as I moved away from religion, I have found in my new trust in Christ, a notable difference to the better. Should I expect this high to continue indefinitely? [I Peter 5:8-10].

I Never Knew You: How do you interpret it when Jesus said, "I never knew you."? [Matthew 7:21-22].

Sanctification: Regarding sanctification, is it a one time event, or a process? Does God do the sanctifying? [I Peter 1:14-15, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 3:18, Philippians 2:13, I Thessalonians 5:16].

The Point of Salvation: When is someone saved? What level of belief and obedience is required?

The Movie, "The Passion of the Christ": Did you see the movie, "The Passion of the Christ" and if so, what did you think about it and its accuracy?
How to Grow in One's Faith: What is your recommendation to a believer to help them grow in their faith? (Lecture series; Cultivating Christian Character). [Psalm 1:2].

Hypnosis: Is the use of hypnosis for overcoming bad habits or for health reasons acceptable for Christians? [John 8:31-36, I Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:16].

Clarification on Salvation for the Muslim: Caller makes some observations about the Muslim (Islam) faith and asks for Steve's clarification about salvation for the those in Islam.

The Kind of Belief That Saves: Could you talk about the opposite meanings of the word, "believes" in John & James, when referring to the demons who believe? [John 3:16, James 2:14, James 7:2, Galatians 5:6, Romans 4, Matthew 7:21, John 8].

Will God Answer the Prayers of an Unsaved Sinner?: As someone that is not certain they are saved, and continues to sin, will God still answer my prayers? [I John 3:10, John 10:27].
A 65% Believer: What if I am only 65% a believer, and am not sure that Jesus did not actually rise from the dead?
Christianity Hard to Get into: Is this Christianity not a tough school to get into? The criteria is rigorous.

Over or Under-Confidence in One's Salvation: Some people seem almost pretentious in their salvation, and yet I don't feel that way, can you comment? [Matthew 7:13, Luke 13:24, I Peter 14:18, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 16:24-26, James 3:1].
Lord, Lord, but He Never Knew Them: How could the people do works in his name, but end up not really saved? [Matthew 7:21, I Corinthians 13, I John 3:14].

God Should Not Repent: What does it mean that God is not a man that He should repent? [Number 23:19].
Dead to Sin: What does it mean that we should be "dead to sin"? [Romans 6:11, Romans 5:16-21 ].

Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].

Salvation, Powers and Principalities: Could you comment on salvation and the powers and principalities, and the relationship between them? [Titus 3:1, Hebrews 1:14, Ephesians 6].

Who Shall Separate Us from Christ?: Is Paul arguing that our love for God is what would prevent us from ever separating from God, and perhaps not just God's love for us? [Romans 8:31-39].

Who is in Charge on Earth?: Who is actually in charge on earth? [Proverbs 21:1, Psalms 34:7, Daniel 2:24, Romans 8:28].
The Earth Getting Worse Till the End: Do you think that the earth is going to get worse progressively before He returns? [Revelation 20:7-8].

Constantine's Christian Conversion: Do you anything about Constantine's conversion, his vision about the sign of the cross, and the ark that he made with pagan symbols on it?
Constantine's Pagan Temple Symbol: Did Constantine add the cross to many other pagan symbols in a temple?

Depression or Mental Disorders: How does one respond to someone claiming a mental disorder or depression, when it may well be a spiritual issue, rather than a medical condition?
How to become a Christian: What does one become a Christian?
Identifying Sin in One's Life: How does one identify a crippling sin in one's life? [I John 1:7].

Power No Longer Manifested in the Church: Is not the church not manifesting the power of God today as it should be? [Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, I Corinthians 4:20].
Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Is the power lacking in the church today because many may not have experienced the "Baptism of the Spirit"? [Acts 10, Acts 19].
Believers Not Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit: What do you say to a believer who has not experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives?[Hebrews 8:10, Ezekiel 36:25, Ezekiel 11:19, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].

Evidence of God for the Unbeliever: How can we convince others of God's existence, if we can't do it intellectually, and if the Holy Spirit isn't in them? [I Corinthians 12:3, Romans 11:22, Hebrews 3:2-12, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5].

Amillennial vs Postmillennial: What do you think about the Postmillennial view relative to the conversion of the world? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Matthew 13:24-30, Isaiah 11:9, Habbakuk 2:14].

The Sinner's Prayer: Why are you against saying the sinner's prayer and asking Jesus into one's heart, as I was saved by doing so?

The Importance of Baptism: Can you describe the importance of baptism? [I Corinthians 1:13].

Former Catholic Questions "What is Essential": From a Former Catholic, who is now attending a non-denominational church; "I get confused about the meaning of being "Born again" among other things. What should I be more focused on to grow in my faith?"
The Pentecostal Denomination & The Trinity: Does it matter what church I go to? The pastor of the Pentecostal church is nice, but his view of The Trinity doctrine is different.

Judgment at the Bema Seat: Regarding the Bema Seat and giving account of our sins, will we be judged on our works and not on our repented and forgiven sins? [I Corinthians 11:31, I John 1:9].
Living a Lazy Christian Life: Do you think that if we simply live an undisciplined or lazy Christian life, not necessarily living in flagrant sin, it will also be counted against us at the judgment? [Revelation 3:15, Matthew 13:37-38].

What is "His Will": What is doing "His will", as stated in Matthew? [Matthew 7:21, Matthew 5-7, Matthew 6:46].

Better Evangelism: Would not more people come to Christ, if they would exhibit His love more effectively and consistently in their routine lives?

Baptism & Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Does the Holy Spirit baptize us into the body of Christ and is water baptism similar to a wedding and commemorating our entry into a relationship with Jesus? [I Cor 12:13].
Who is the Restrainer of the Man of Lawlessness: Who is the restrainer that restrains the Man of Lawlessness ? [2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 7, Acts 17:7].

Calvinism-Golden Chain of Redemption: Would you share your thoughts on the order of events in redemption- chosen, foreknowledge, called, elect, predestined, etc. (Golden Chain of Redemption]? [Romans 8:28-30, I John 3:2, I Peter 1:2, Ephesians 2:6].

Test & Temptation in the Lord's Prayer: Is the word used in the Lord's Prayer for "temptation" the same as "test"? [Matthew 6:9-13].
Lord's Prayer -Thy Kingdom Come: What does it mean in the Lord's Prayer, "thy kingdom come"? [Matthew 6:9-13, 12:28, 16:24-26, Exodus 19:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Luke 17:21, 9:23, Colossians 1:13].

Lord and Savior - or Not: What do you think about the idea that someone can ask for Jesus to be your savior and later you can become a disciple? [Luke 14:26, 33, Acts 11:26, Romans 10:9, Luke 2:11].

The Age for Christian Commitment: At what age do you think kids are able to actually make a serious decision for the Lord and be baptized?

How Many Are Truly Saved Today: What kind of percentage of people today do you think are truly committed, or true disciples of Christ? [Matthew 7:22].

Deathbed Evangelism: What would you say to bring one to Christ who is in their last moments of life?

Servants of Christ & True Conversion: Don't we have to be FULLY converted when have a conversion experience, the whole body, mind & soul? [Romans 1 & 2, 12:1-2, John 3]

Saved - What Does it Mean?: What does it mean to be saved? And what are we being saved from ... hell? sin? suffering? [Matthew 1:21, Titus 2:14, Galatians 1:4, I Peter].

Addressing the Transgender: How should Christians deal with some of the awkwardness of mistaking the gender, or addressing a transgender? [Jeremiah 8:9].
Identity in Christ: What does it mean to have "identity in Christ"? [I Corinthians 3:4].

Biblical Joy: How would you describe biblical joy ... is it a fact, feeling, emotion, and similar to happiness? [Acts 5:41].

Paul's Conversion: Why didn't Jesus dramatically convert the other people with Paul, when he was on the road to Damascus, rather than just Paul? [Romans 10:2, Acts 9:15, I Timothy 1:13].

Workers of Iniquity: Could it be that the people to whom Jesus said, "workers of iniquity" had been believers at one point, but had fallen away? [Matthew 7:21-23].

Too Late to Repent: Is it too late for me, if I spent too much of my life doing my own thing, and though I want to, I can't seem to really get back on the narrow path and live like I should? [Revelation 2 & 3].

Being like Christ: How are we to be "Christians" or like Christ, if there is "none like Jehovah"? [2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 5:1].

Keeping One's Zeal: Do you have advice for someone who wants to never lose their zeal and commitment for the Lord.

The Law: Would someone have to go to court in The Law? [Romans 10:4].
Assurance of Salvation: How can one know if they are a true believer?
Repentance: What about repentance?

Salvation: What is required to be saved? [Acts 11:26, Acts 2:38].

Sinlessness: Do you know Jesse Peterson? He says that people cannot sin once they have been born again. [I John 3:8, I john 2:, I John 1:7, Galatians 5:17,]

Believing in Jesus: Is believing that Jesus is the son of God enough to be saved? What is high Christology? [Romans 10:9]

Holy Spirit: Where does it say that we have the Holy Spirit if we are a believer, or are 'born again'? Is it acceptable to ask God for the Holy Spirit? [Luke 11:13, John 3:3, Romans 8:9-10, 16],

Salvation: Am I really saved? I am still struggling with sin in my life. If I am truly converted, why am I still having to do continue to struggle?

The Narrow Path Why is it a "narrow path"? Why is it taking so long for people to find Christ? Is it because the path is so narrow? [Matthew 7:13].

Repentance-After Death: Is there a possibility of repentance after death? What scriptural references would support this idea? [I Tim 2:4].
Christians sin: What do you say to those Christians who insist that we, as Christians, sin every day? How does one define sin? [I Corinthians 10:13]

Signs of Salvation: What are the necessary signs of salvation? Do you have to be baptized or speak in tongues in order to be saved? What does being saved actually mean?

Daughter's lack of zeal for the Lord: I;m concerned that my daughter doesn't seem to have a desire for God & wondering if you could give me advice

Salvation through the Gospel of John: Can an unbeliever become a believer by just reading the book of John?

Works of the Flesh: List of carnal things that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God. Does this include Christians who do some of those things? [Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10]

Deathbed conversion as opposed to long-term Christians losing their faith: What about a good person who was a Christian most of their life who ends up going to hell & a person who was evil most of their life who repents and becomes saved?

Holy Spirit: If you don't receive the Holy Spirit are you automatically going to hell?

Washed Robes: "Blessed are those that wash their robes that they might have the right to the tree of life", what is this referring to? What are the robes, & how do wash them? [Revelation 22:14]

Faith & Good Works: Faith in Christ is a must for salvation, but are doing good works just optional?

Seeking the Kingdom of God: How do people seek the Kingdom of God? [Colossians 1:13, Matthew 5:16].
Loving God: How do we love God with all our hearts, soul, and mind? [James 1:17, I John 4:19].

God Trusting People: Does God trust people?

Judged by our Works: If we're all saved when we are in Christ, then why are we judged for our works?

Continuing in Sin: When sin seems to keep winning when does God finally give up on you?

Jesus' actual Commandments: What are Jesus' actual commands?

Breaking Covenants: Is the New Testament breakable or unbreakable & what are the penalties if you do?

Donald Trump & MLK jr: I have a bone to pick w/ you about your support of Donald Trump but yet you talk against Martin Luther King jr.

Pornography: I've been struggling with fear & purity because I keep continuing with the temptation of pornography

Getting Germans to understand the Gospel: How do we get Germans to get going on the right path?

Losing Faith: Caller feels like he's lost his faith, finding it hard to go to church or read the Bible, looking for encouragement & motivation

Thief on the Cross: If the thief on the cross had been able to come off the cross & continued his occupation, wouldn't that show that he really hadn't been genuine? What about if he started up 10 yrs later?

Renewing Your Mind: What does it mean to renew your mind? [Romans 12:1-2]

Assurance of Conversion: How do you know that you are born again?

Being Born Again: If someone who is born again they can not sin, is that right? God doesn't change, so once someone has accepted Jesus, it's unchangeable, so someone can't loses their salvation, right? [1 John 3:9]

Transforming your Mind: We need to completely transform our mind from sin and think about God. [Matthew 7:13-14]
Deathbed Conversion: Can an Adolph Hitler type person really be saved in a deathbed conversion if they really repented?

Born Again....& Again: You can't be born again & again & again & again, so you shouldn't really be able to lose your Salvation.

Being Transformed: you change your thought processes by reading the Bible & focusing on Jesus, right? Saul becoming paul, he seemed to never have another relapse

Concerned Salvation: Caller is questioning her salvation & concerned that she is not long for this world, & wondering what to do.

Glory of the Lord: What is Paul talking about in the last verse of 2 Corinthians 3, the veil being removed & us able to see the glory of the Lord? [2 Corinthians 3:18]

Justification, Sanctification, Glorification: What are the definitions of Justification, Sanctification, Glorification?
Glorification: Are we already glorified when we come to Christ through our salvation? [Romans 8:30]

Assurance of Salvation: Could I have some scripture verses on their assurance of their salvation? [1 John 1-5]

Faith & Grace: Are we saved by grace or faith? Is faith a gift God gives us or do we have to find it? [Ephesians 2:8-10]

Paul pre or post Conversion: In Romans 7, is Paul talking about his pre-conversion experience or his post-Christian experience, the old man or the new creature? [Romans 7]

Paul's Conversion: When was Paul saved, on the road to Damascus or not until Ananias came to him?

Continuing to Sin: John says that if we are Christians we no longer sin. I find myself still sinning, [1 John 2]

The Kingdom of Heaven Within: Jesus' Second coming is not going to be literal, physical coming, just an inward experience, just in us individually when we accept Him. I left that church. [Luke 17:21]

Vision of a Dead one with Dementia: I've been seeing a vision of a dead loved one, could she have accepted Christ with dementia?

Heart Change: Can only God can change our heart? What is that process?

Taking Bible Stories Literal-Noah & Jonah: Do you take the stories of the Bible literal or figurative, especially Noah & the flood & Jonah?
Catholic Confirmation: Does catholic confirmation count as being saved? What about Infant Baptism?

Saved but Excluded: Can you still be saved & not inherit the "kingdom of God" like it says in Galatians? [Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10]

Images of God: People thinking God (Jesus) needs to look a certain way.
Parable of the Sower: In the parable of the sower, are they all Christians being talked about?
Tribulation: Is there going to be great tribulation in the last days? (I think Steve forgets to answer it.)

Christian Living: If a person doesn't do all the things a typical Christian does, such as going to church, does that mean they are not a true Christian?

Losing Salvation: How does being born again correlate with losing our salvation?

Paul's Conversion: Is there a contradiction in Paul’s conversion story in Galatians and Acts?

Saul on the road to Damascus Was Saul saved at the very point of his experience on Damascus? Or was it not until he was baptized? [Acts 22:1-21]

No more Sacrifice for Sins: This passage of scripture is a little concerning to me because I have done a lot of willful sin after my conversion? [Hebrews 10:26-27]

Repentance, Conversion & Baptism: Being a Christian, repent before baptism, serious commitment

Losing interest in Christianity: Daughter gave her life to Christ as a child, but at 13 seems to have departed from Christian activity, is she still saved?

Questioning Conversion: How do I know if I am a Christian if i keep struggling with sin?

Beginner's start in the Bible Where is a good place to start as a new Christian reading the Bible?

Walking in the Spirit, Is it not simply doing the right thing rather than ignoring one's behavior? Is behavior modification really something to focus upon? [Galatians 5:16]

Making it to Heaven: New believer wondering how one becomes a committed disciple, how do you make it "up there" (to heaven)?

Meaning of Repentance: Repentance, what does it really mean? Do we continue to sin even after we do repent?

Persecution of Christians: Why are Christians suffering violence? What is happening in the churches in America?

Converting to Catholicism: What counsel would you give for someone who's about to convert to Catholicism, mainly because of being in love & wanting to marry her?

Twinkle of an Eye & the Light of the Eye: Verses that talk about the eyes, one about the twinkle of an eye & one about the light of the eye, is there any correlation? [1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 6:23]

Not Being Completely Cleansed: People who have not been properly cleansed, not saved, how does this apply to people now who don't do it all right? [2 Chronicles 30:17-19]

Being a True Follower of Christ: The essentials of Christianity, what does it take to be recognized as a believer by God?

Holy Spirit Entering a Believer: When does the Holy Spirit enter the believer or when do they receive baptism of the Holy Spirit? By the laying on of hands?

Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 10:9]
License to Sin: What about a person who said the sinner's prayer in their youth, yet have lived a sinful life & think they are still saved?

Responsibility for Salvation: Who's ultimately responsible for our salvation, us or the Holy Spirit?

Why a Christian: You asked the other day a hypothetical question, Why be a Christian? Why believe in God? & I'd like to answer. [2 Timothy 2:15, Philippians 4:7-9]

Faith Proceeding Regeneration: Did I hear you say that Faith has to proceed Regeneration, but Calvinism believes that you are regenerated before you have to have faith but that is wrong?

Inherit Salvation in Future: In Hebrews it says that our inheritance of Salvation is future, but there are a few future aspects of it anyway, Justification, sanctification, glorification, transformation. [Hebrews 1:14]

Messing up, Wondering My Salvation: Wondering if I'm really saved, & I've failed God by marrying the wrong person. Will He forgive me anyway?

Assurance of Salvation: I used to be in the Music business, but I developed problems with my ears, & can't do that anymore, but I've been looking at end time events seeming to fall in place, & I'm questioning my salvation & wondering what to do?

Repentance in the Bible: Is repentance in the Bible turning from sin?

Sinner even though a Christian: We realize are sinners, accept Jesus, repent, but then awhile later we realize we are still sinners

Renewing our Minds: Renewing our minds, having discipleship [Romans 12:1-2]

Being Born Again: Are we supposed to be taking being "born again" literally? [John 3:3]

Meaning of Christianity: What does it mean to be a Christian because I've had inconsistent behavior?

Nicodemus' Salvation: Can we say if Nicodemus was saved or not?
Not Accepting Jesus: What if people don't accept the Man Jesus, but live by the Light they have, isn't that good enoug?

Being Saved: What does it mean to be saved?
Requirements for Salvation: What is required to be saved?
Belonging to God: What does the Bible say about those who belong to God?

Overcoming the Flesh: What's the proper way to overcome the flesh? What is the difference between temptation & sin?

Getting Different Rewards in Eternity: Do people get different rewards in Eternity or not? and if that is the case, i have a second question....
Workers In The Vineyard: Workers came in at different times & getting the same wage, what is the meaning? [Matthew 20:1-16]
Dangers of Deathbed Conversions: Steve also explains the dangers of waiting until a "Deathbed experience" happens.

Becoming Like Christ: Can these 2 verses be coupled together as far becoming like Christ? [Romans 8:29, Philippians 1:6]

Power to Become the Sons of God: What does "become" mean it says that "we have the power to become the Sons of God"? [John 1:14]

Anathema Because of Proselytizing Jews: Should I be considered am I consider anathema for trying to proselytizing Jews, even though they don't believe in Jesus & need to be converted?

Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]

License to Sin By Grace: So a minister thinks that because of grace one can you live any way they want & still be a Christian, is this true?

Holy People on Individuals: Does the Holy Spirit come upon everyone the same way or is it individualized?

Confessing the Lord's Prayer & Saying Sinner's Prayer: Is confessing the Lord & saying the sinner's prayer enough to be saved? [Romans 10:8-11]
KJV Translation of the Bible: Is the King James Version the best translation?

Theology, Doctrine & Apologetics or Relationship with Jesus Christ: Theology, apologetics & doctrine vs a Relationship with Jesus, which is more important?

Eternal Security: eternal security, once saved always saved,

Eternal Security: Can you really lose your salvation? Isn't it once saved, always saved?

Sinner's Prayer: Just saying the sinner's prayer some think you're automatically in, & caller suggested you weren't, & one person told me there are carnal Christians. [1 Corinthians 3]

Assurance of Salvation: I've squandered my life, ruined it, now I'm a believer & wondering where I stand; how can I know that I'm saved?

Jews Sudden Conversion: In the dispensationalism model of eschatology, how come the Jews during the 7 year tribulation period will all of a sudden come to Christ because of this anti-Christ that was going to rise during that time & compel them to go to Jesus?

Paul's Conversion going to Damascus: Did an angel appear to Saul on the way to Damascus or was it actually Jesus? Mormons told me it was the former, an angel

True Christianity: What is the true way to be a Christian, because Buddhists seemed more Christ-like than Christians?

Christian Conversion: Could a person who appears not to be a Christian because of swearing & backsliding, etc., still be a Christian?

A Form of Godliness: Having a FORM of godliness but denying the power thereof, what is the power he is talking about? [2 Timothy 3:5]

Spiritual Maturity at Death: When a believer dies, have they reached their full maturity/perfection that God wants them to be at? [John 15:2] Incomplete(?)

Transformed life as a result of being Born Again: When people are born again, how often are they actually changed, it changing their lives.

Best method of converting people: Is the Fire & Brimstone approach or talking about the gospel of love better? [1 John 4:18]

Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?
Converting Spouse: Caller has been trying to expose his wife to Jesus, & have her accept Jesus, & would like advice from Steve the best way to do that.

Dead to sin: What does it mean to be dead to sin? What does it mean to be dead to the law? [romans 6;2, 7:4]

Kingdom of God to Personal Salvation: When did the kingdom of God transform into just being saved & going to heaven, personal salvation, instead of worried about promoting the kingdom of God?

True Conversion: Having true evidence of a genuine faith, how should one be changed? Power, changed by the Holy Spirit.

3 Part Beings: We are a tri-part being, body, soul & spirit, the only thing that gets born again is the spirit [1 Thessalonians 5:23]

New Birth Experience in the OT: They could be born again, a new born experience, in the Old Testmanet too? What is supplication? [Ezekiel 36:25-27, John 3:5]
Supplication: What is the meaning of supplication? (prayer)

Evangelicalism: Is Evangelicalism talking about a particular group? What is the definition of "evangelicalism"?

Evidence of being a Christian: Where do you know there's real evidence of salvation, self-sacrifice?

Being Tortured by Scripture: calvinism seems to be "tortured" by the gospel involving the stages of conversion.

"I Stand at the Door & Knock": Can we use this phrase, "Behold, i stand at the door & knock & if anyone opens the door, I'll come in" as a repentance tool to get people to repent & ask Jesus into their heart? [Revelation 3:20]

Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Do we receive the Holy Spirit immediately upon receiving salvation/conversion or not until later? [Acts 19, Romans 8:9, Acts 2:4]

Conversion without Baptism: If someone on their deathbed receives Christ but are not baptized, are they still saved? [Luke 23:42-43]

Fear & Trembling: It says in the Bible that we need to work out our salvation with fear & trembling. (gets cutoff but able to answer question) [Philippians 2:12-13]

Receiving Christ: Is there a proper way to receive Christ?

Taking Up Your Cross Daily: What exactly does Jesus mean to take up your cross & follow Him daily? Does that mean living a holy life? Is it talking about day-to-day activities & life, such as who you are going to marry? [Luke 9:23]
Addictive Behavior or Living Sin: We don't have to torture ourselves, our body, in order to get out of a life of sin, do we?

King David & Bathsheba: Did King David actually rape Bathsheba? Do you suppose she knew what she was doing bathing in front of the palace, trying to seduce him?
Paul's struggle in Romans 7: Was Paul's struggle in Romans 7 pre or post conversion? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? [Romans 7, Ephesians 6]

Fair warning before death: Will God give us fair warning before we die or before He comes back?

Anti-Paul Movement: There seems to be this anti-Paul Pharisee Movement going around saying that we can't believe Paul. What do you think about it?

"I NEVER knew you": Who are these people that Jesus never knew? [Matthew 7:21]
"They will make merchandise of you": What does the phrase mean, "they will make merchandise of you"? [2 Peter 2:3]

The 10 Virgins Parable: Since the Virgins all "rose" at the same time, isn't that proof that they were all believers? [1 Thessalonians 4:16, Matthew 25:1-13]

Free Will: Caller shared a story involving Lisa Cook & her grandfather who didn't accept Jesus even on his deathbed.

Spirit & Truth: We have to worship God in Spirit & in Truth, so what does that mean? Was He changing how it was done right then because how could they do that up to that point since there were no regenerated Christians yet? [John 14:23-24]
Moving in & out of the Spirit: Is it possible to have the Spirit in you one day & then out the next, in & out, in & out, in & out?

Marriage & Salvation: Caller is concerned about his Marriage, & also wonders if he has had such a true conversion experience since he's having so much trouble w/ his marriage.

Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me: God was just looking away for a minute sort've like when your own child might be seriously injured, you just sort've want to look away even though you love the child very much. [Matthew 27:46]
Faith & Works (Saved By): God's work & our work, but we are saved by God's work, but maintain our salvation by our works, caller thinks. [Philippians 2:12]

Garden of Eden 2: End of Time being like the Garden of Eden, is there a verse that says that? [Revelation 21 & 22]
Being Born-Again: The Bible doesn't really say anything about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord. So how does a person become a member of the Kingdom of God, a Christian?
Kingdom of God: When was the Kingdom of God established? At time of John the Baptist or at Pentecost?

Foundations: How do we get a Foundation that resists against the storms of life? [1 Corinthians 3:11]
Renewing our Minds: What does it mean to renew our minds? [Romans 12:1-2]

The Sheep & Goats: People making it to the Kingdom just by default, helping other Christians of human beings in general even though not Christians themselves? [Mathew 25]

Dementia: Is it possible the caller's sister is still there, in the spirit, even though she has dementia? He's hoping she started going in God's direction before she started having dementia.

Salvation (by Works): There's a required preconditional work, like saved by faith, but you have to have Fear of the Lord for instance.

The Church of Firstborn: Has Steve ever heard of the church called, "The Church of the Firstborn"?
Paul's War Against the Flesh: Is Romans 7 referring to Paul's struggle with sin before or after his conversion? [Romans 7:14-18]

The Old Man & the New Man: What is the Old Man & the New Man & how are we to put off the Old Man? [Ephesians 4:20, Romans 6:6]

Converted & Becoming as Innocent as a Child: What does Jesus mean by becoming a child, converting to an innocent child? [Matthew 18:3]

Becoming Spiritually Dead: If you become a born-again, having gone through the new birth experience, how can you become unborn again? How can you lose your salvation?
Battle of Gog & Magog in Ezekiel: What is or was the fulfillment of the Battle of Gog & Magog in Ezekiel 38-39? [Ezekiel 38 - 39]

Salvation from the Bible: Taking our Salvation only from the Bible, Tom the Catholic disagrees. Baptism saves. [Matthew 19:25, 10:22, 24:13, Mark 16:16, John 6:50]
Church is built on Apostles: Church is gone, invisible!

Seeking the Face of God: What does "Seeking the Face of God" mean?
Prodigal Son: A born again Christian can be spiritually dead again, is that reasonable to think? Although it is true that the prodigal son story was before the born again experience happened after the cross. [Luke 15:11-32]

Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: What are the Essential Doctrines & Behaviors of being a Christian?

Old Nature vs New Nature: So if you have the Holy Spirit in you once you accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior, what makes a person still sin? [Galatians 5:17]

Grace & Works: At what point do you think grace is overridden by failing to do a specific work, if at all?

Calvinist-Regeneration: How can a person who is dead in trespasses & sins repent to God, if God didn't call them?

Dead in Sins & Trespasses: Caller contends that only the act of God can make a sinner become alive & not spiritually dead in their trespasses, but Steve contends that ANYONE can repent & come to God & become alive. [Ephesians 2:1, Genesis 20, Luke 15:11-32]

Come Out Among Them & Be Separate: What does it mean to "Come out from among them & be separate?" [2 Corinthians 6:17]
Fear & Trembling: What does it mean to "work out your Salvation w/ Fear & Trembling"? [Philippians 2:12]
The Narrow Path Radio Show: What do you hope for as God's will to accomplish with this show? What do you pray for when you pray for your program?

Saved by Faith & Not Works: We are saved by faith, but not works, but I've always struggled w/ that because then a person thinks they can live a life of sin, & just have faith. What do you say? [James 2:14-15]
Death-bed Conversion: So if we repent right before we die, no matter if it's a deathbed confession or not, we are saved. What about someone like Adolph Hitler?

Jesus Christ the Only Way: Only people who have accepted Jesus Christ can make it into the New Jerusalem, isn't that right?
Tithing: Do we have to still tithe?

Preconversion or postconversion: Is Romans 7 talking about Paul's Pre-conversion or post-conversion experiences? [Romans 7:13-25]

Free Mason: Can a Free Mason be a Christian at the same time?
Paul's Conversion: Was Paul converted against his will? [Acts 16]

Holy Spirit: You have to ask for the Holy Spirit, even after you are born-again, is that right? [Luke 11:13]

Impeccability of Jesus: God the Father couldn't have sinned, but could Jesus have?
Holy Spirit & the Spiritual Man: So then if the spiritual nature has the Holy Spirit & is close to God, he also won't sin, isn't that right? (a little bit convoluted question.)

Appreciates Show: Thank you for your very awesome show!
Intellectual & Personal Knowledge of God: How do I apply this passage of Scripture to my life, not worrying about our temporal life, but keeping our eyes on something we can't see & making it real, not just having an intellectual knowledge about God but a personal, deep one? [2 Corinthians 4:16-18]

Hour is Coming & now is: Is this a Spiritual Resurrection or a Physical Resurrection that Jesus is talking about in John? What about in 1 Thessalonians 4? Spiritual & Physical resurrection in the Revelation 20? [John 5:24-30, Revelation 20:1-6]

Sam Harris: Sam Harris is looking into Buddhism.
Sanctification: Sanctification is change of the heart.

Parable of the Soils We need to implement this, & figure out our spiritual gifts, but what do the rock & seeds mean, growing deeper & deeper in your Christian walk? [Luke 8:4-21]

Born again, carnal nature remaining: How come our old man, our carnal nature, doesn't just disappear once we become converted? [Romans 7]
Sinless before Glory: Can we become sinless on this side of glory?

Sinners in the OT: How were people of the OT forgiven, like Adam, Eve or even Cain, if he was? Are they in heaven right now?

Light of the Body: What does this passage of Scripture mean about the Eye being the Light of the Body? [Matthew 6:22-23]

Hot or Cold Laodicea: Cold could represent something good as well as when its hot, like passionate for Christ?

Turning to Christianity: Can Steve explain why should a person turn to Christianity in a couple/few sentences?

Holy Spirit: When does the Holy Spirit come to live inside you? [1 John 4:13, Romans 8:9]

Walk according to this rule: What is this "rule" that Paul was talking about? Was it talking about being a New Creature in Christ? [Galatians 6:14-16]
Perfect in Christ Jesus: What does it mean to be "perfect in Christ"? [Colossians 1:28]

The Blinding of Paul: is it safe to say that Jesus was the one that blinded Paul on the way to Damascus? [Acts 9:3-9]

Advancement & Decline of the Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed, but it seems like it will grow really strong for awhile, & then decline, such as in Europe, North America. How is it ever going to come to a climax if it continues like that?
America & 3rd world Countries: Should we invest in our own country or 3rd world countries since there doesn't seem to be much fruit here lately?

Forgiveness: It says in the Bible that if we confess our sins He is faithful & just to forgive our sins. What about people who don't ask for forgiveness? What about people who don't deserve forgiveness, especially since they haven't asked for it? [1 John 1:9, John 20:23]

144,000: Caller thinks the 144,000 weren't raptured, & they were converted during the tribulation. They will be permanently sealed. Does Steve agree?

Lacking in my Salvation: How can I know I am a true Christian? [Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 9:23-24]

Calvinism & Arminianism: Even though a fellow Christian brother believes in one point of the Calvinism, but not the rest, that does not necessitate that he is a Calvinsit. Is that possible?
Assurance of Salvation: How do you KNOW that you are saved? [James 2:19]

Inner Witness & Being Saved & Calvinism: Sometimes I wonder if i'm saved or not because I seem to be lacking an "inner witness", & sometimes I think Calvinism is right, that only a select few, the elect, are going to be saved, & not me. Can you comment on that? [Romans 8:16]

Paul's Infirmity: I always thought Paul got blind from his experience at Damascus. [Acts 9:1-31]

Good people not in Heaven: How come good people who just don't happen to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior won't be saved? [John 3:16, Romans 10:13]

Being Born-Again: What does it mean to be born-again?

Discipleship & Obedience: We need to become a Disciple of Christ when we become Christians, is that not right, but some just want to make sure they stay out of hell, but shouldn't we be craving to learn about Jesus as much as can, & do anything He asks? Isn't a major part of Discipleship making more disciples of Christ? Why such a minority of people wanting to do that?
Extravagancy: What if we are living way more luxurious than we should, instead of giving to missions? [Romans 14:4]

Jesus' Disciples Baptizing: What was the purpose of Jesus' Disciples' Baptism, or, how was it different than John the Baptist's disciples' baptisms? [John 3:22-24, John 4:1-4]
Church of Christ: The Church of Christ believes in instant baptism after conversion, that's one thing that's good about their belief system.

Hinduism verses Christianity: Does God seek us or do we seek Him?
Becoming a Christian: How do we become a Christian? [John 3]
Incognito Christian & not understanding everything: If we are threatened w/ death for being a Christian, can we pretend we are not, even though we are? What if I don't understand everything as a Christian? [Luke 17:33, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25 25, John 12:25 25, Mark 8:35 35, Luke 9:24]

Hell: What is your view of Hell? Don't you believe it's "eternal"? [Luke 16]
Regeneration: Is there any Scripture that teaches we are regenerated BEFORE we put our faith in Christ?

Receiving the Holy Spirit before Baptism: Is this the only passage of Scripture where it says people received the Holy Spirit before Baptism? [Acts 10:44]
Cessation of the Gifts of the Spirit: Do the Spiritual Gifts still exist for today or not?

Paul's Conversion: Can you please explain these 2 verse in Acts that seem to contradict each other involving Paul's conversion? [Acts 9:7 & Acts 22:9]

Being born-again before the Cross: How could the lady caught in adultery be told to never sin again & be a born-again, regenerate Christian, since Jesus hadn't died yet, & the Holy Spirit hadn't come upon people? Or how could Nicodemus be rebuked for not understanding the process of being born-again since it hadn't happened yet? [1 Peter 1:11, John 3, 8:1-11]
4 Blood Moons: Caller explains the 4 Blood Moons John Hagee is talking about that a previous caller brought up.

Paul Pre-conversion Experience: Isn't Romans 7 talking about Paul's pre conversion experience? Are there 3 different levels of people, the natural, unregenerate kind, the carnal Christian & the Spiritual Christian? [Romans 7:14-15, Romans 8:6, 1 Corinthians 3:1]

Oneness Pentecostals: Being baptized in Jesus' name is acceptable.
Romans 7, pre or post Conversion: Caller explains that he thinks it's Paul Pre-conversion experience from Romans 7:15-25.
Steve's View of Hell Book: When is Steve's book on the 3 Views of Hell going to be available.

Paul's Ongoing Christian Experience: Can Steve please explain what's going on right here with Paul? [Romans 7:15-25]

Church of Christ: The Church of Christ believes that salvation begins at baptism. Is that true or are we saved before Baptism, that we are just doing it as a public symbolic gesture becaues Jesus commanded it? [Acts 2:38, Titus 3:5, John 3:20]

Set Free of Sinful Nature: Caller thinks that once we are saved, have a true conversion, we are saved for life, for eternity, because our will has changed & has become God's will.

Jesus' Appearances after Resurrection: Why didn't Jesus appear to more people, especially unbelievers, after His resurrection, because wouldn't it have made Christianity explode even faster? His resurrection is the paramount evidence to Christianity.
Gospel of Thomas: Doubting Thomas' book isn't in the Bible, but he believed in Jesus resurrection, after he saw Him.

Seventh Day Adventists & Revelation Seminars: When Seventh Day Adventists have Revelation Seminars & they get converts for Baptism, they are getting baptized into their church, right?
Regenerated Christians: Do you consider Seventh Day Adventists born-again, regenerated Seventh Day Adventists?

Good Conscience & Baptism: Can you explain these verses in 1 Peter that seem to say different things about being saved, on one hand being regenerated & the fact that baptism saves us & having a good conscience? [1 Peter 1:23, 1 Peter 3:21]

Paul's Pre-Conversion or Current Spiritual Experience (rebuttal): A friend of Steve's calls to rebutt what Steve said about Romans 7:14-25 talking about Paul's current Christian experience & says that Paul is talking about his previous life. [Romans 7]

Paul's Pre-Conversion or Current Spiritual Experience: Is Romans 7 talking about his preconversion experience or his Christian experience? [Romans 7, Romans 8, Galatians 5:16]
"With the Mind" & "With the Flesh": A Pastor said that we need to commit to obey the law of God, but with our carnal nature we are always going to be serving our flesh. Is that true? [Romans 7:24-25, Matthew 26:41]

Spiritually Dead, Sick or Well: Would Steve say that a man is born spiritually dead, spiritually sick or spiritually well?

Harlot Being Jerusalem: Is the Harlot Jerusalem & the "Great City" in Revelation 17 talking about Jerusalem & 7 mountains & the beast seems to be talking about Kings. I'm I right on that? [Revelation 17:1-18]
First Resurrection meaning Born Again: So if the first resurrection in Revelation 20 means being regenerated, coming to life in Christ, what if we Fall Away but come back, does that still count as the "first" resurrection? {Revelation 20, Hebrews 6:4-6]

Filling of the Holy Spirit: Is it biblical to ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit after conversion, or is receiving it at that time enough?

Different Backgrounds When Converted: People have different experiences, different temperaments when they come to faith, so it will be a different experience for everyone.

New Man God Created: Can Steve please explain a verse in Ephesians abut the "new man"? [Ephesians 4:24]

Buddhist Closer to Jesus: Buddhist caller feels he's getting closer to Jesus.

Connecting with God: How do you "connect" with God?

Salvation Birthdate: How should I answer people when they ask me when my conversion date was since i was raised as Christian? When I was baptized?

Mike Warnke-The Satan Seller: Has Steve ever heard of Mike Warnke & the book, "The Satan Seller"?
Mike Warnke-False Teacher: So even if Mike Warnke was a false teacher, could God still have used him to bring people to Christ?

Holy Spirit & the New Covenant: Did people's heart get changed in the Old Testament?
Bearing Arms in Self-Preservation: Did you say we are not allowed to defend ourselves in self-defense with guns?

Entire Sanctification: Salvation is a continuing, life-long process, that you aren't just made holy by saying a sinner's prayer at an altar call.

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