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Topic: Jesus (as God)

Episode Topic Audio

Miracles During Jesus' Ministry: How many miracles are recorded from Jesus' 3 years of ministry? Do you have any information about that in your lectures? [John 21:25].
Mary's Records of Jesus' Ministry: Did Mary ever write anything down about Jesus' youth and ministry?

If Jesus Sinned: If Jesus had sinned, would the Old Testament saints have had their salvation rescinded?
Created Evil: If Satan was created by God to be a tester (tempter), wouldn't that mean that God created evil?

John the Baptist & Jesus: Didn't John the Baptist know Jesus all their lives and he would have been known as a righteous man? [John 1:31-33, Matthew 3:14].
John the Baptist & Jesus: Why didn't John the Baptist immediately ask Jesus if He was the Christ? [Matthew 11:3].
John the Baptist's Ministry: Did John the Baptist leave the wilderness and come into town preaching because everyone knew him, including Herod? [Luke 3:19-20].

Jesus as God-If He had Fallen: How can we say Jesus was God? What would have been the consequence if Jesus had fallen?

Thomas' Recognition of Jesus as God: Isn't Thomas' declaration that Jesus was God in John 20, and the fact Jesus did not correct him, the best evidence that he understood Jesus' Deity? [John 20:28].

The Disciples' Limited Understanding that Jesus was God in the Flesh: Do you think that Jesus' disciples understood that Jesus was God in the flesh? [John 1:41, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14:8-9, John 16:12, John 20:28, Romans 10:9-11, 1 John 1:13, 1 John 2:22].
Believing in the Trinity: Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be saved?

Unitarianism-As Opposed to Trinitarianism: Do you think that Unitarianism (God is one, rather than three, as is in the Trinitarian view) is a heresy?
Trinitarian or Unitarian: What do you make of John 17:3 (God and Jesus mentioned as separate) in light of the Trinity debate? [John 17:3].

Comment on Hinduism: Converted from Hinduism to Christianity, caller comments on the lack of evidence for Hinduism.
Both God and Human: How can God be both man and human?
Dying for the Sins of Others: If any man was sinless, could he die for the sins of others?

Jehovah's Witnesses (Deity of Christ): How do you counter the Jehovah's Witness' rejection of the deity of Christ based on 1 Corinthians 16? [1 Corinthians 16:24, 1 Corinthians 16:28, Philippians 2:6-7].

Jesus - Created or Eternal: What difference does it make whether we believe that God created Jesus, or that Jesus was eternal in His existence?

Mary, Mother of God: How would you explain the incarnation of God through Mary, to a Catholic?

Subservient God: Atheist caller: Is God subservient to anyone? How is it that Jesus, fully God and fully human, could do anything apart from God or have a different will? [1 Corinthians 11:3, Colossians 2:9, John 14:28].
Jesus Feeling Guilt or Remorse: Atheist caller: Do you think that Jesus ever felt guilt or remorse?

Contradictions about the Trinity: If there is one God and Jesus prayed to God, and Jesus is His Son, how can this be? How can God have died on the cross, if God can't die? [James 1, James 2:19, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Timothy 3:16, Philippians 2:6].

Jesus, Confucious & Buddha: What are the differences between Christianity and all the other religions, particularly in how is Jesus different than Buddha or Confuscious?

Good vs. Evil & "None Good But God": How do you reconcile the idea that not everyone is all good or all evil, and Jesus said "There is none good but God?" [Romans 3:9-19, Mark 10:18-21, Romans 2:17, Romans 3:1, Psalms 14:4].

The Trinity: Would you give me specific verses that distinguish between the three persons of the Trinity, specifically the Holy Spirit? [John 14:16-17, John 14:23, 1 John 2, John 14:11, John 14:28].

"None Good but God": Why would Jesus say, "there is none good but God" if He was God? [Matthew 19].

"He Emptied Himself": What does it mean "He emptied Himself? "[Philippians 2:6-7, Acts 1:8, Matthew 12:28, James 1:13, Matthew 24:36, John 1:14].

The Trinity: Having studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, could you convince me of the "Trinity?" Rec: Topical lecture Series; "Knowing God," "The Trinity." [Galatians 1:1, John 14:18].

Jesus, the Lamb, Worshipping God: Is Jesus, as the Lamb, seen as also worshipping God? [Revelation 1:8, Revelation 5:1-14, Revelation 1:10, John 5:23].

Immutable (Unchanging) God: Could you explain the apparent contradiction with the claim that Jesus/ God never changes, but when Jesus came, He "emptied Himself?" [Genesis 18:1ff, Philippians 2:7-11].

One God & Jesus as God: Could you point out some scriptures that clearly say that there is one God and that Jesus is God? [Deuteronomy 6:4, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 43:10, 1 Corinthians 8:4, I Corinthians 8:6, John 17:3, John 1:14].

Jesus' Authority & Limited Knowledge: Didn't Jesus already have all authority prior to the scripture that says it was given to Him? Did he have limited knowledge? [Hebrews 2:9, Ephesians 1:21, Matthew 28 :18, Daniel 7:9-10, Luke 2:52, Matthew 24:36, Philippians 2:7, Matthew 12:29].

"Impeccability of Christ": How does one evaluate the veracity of the "impeccability of Christ"? [Hebrews 4:15].

Disciples & Apostles Knowledge of Jesus' Deity: Did the disciples and apostles understand that Jesus was deity or God? [Matthew 16:16, John 14:8-18, John 16:12-16, Matthew 8:27].

Locust in Revelation Had Long Hair: Is there a relationship to the long hair on the locust in Revelation to men wearing long hair in our culture? [Revelation 9:8].
Jehovah Witnesses: Why do the Jehovah Witnesses translate John 1:1 as Jesus was "a" God, rather than as we do-as He was God? [John 1:1, Deuteronomy 32:39].

Jesus is God: Where does it say that Jesus is God? Recommended; topical lecture; "Knowing God; Deity of Christ." John 1:1. Romans 9:5, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 11:1, Revelation 11:17-18].

Jesus as God (Monotheism): Is Jesus excluding Himself when He says that God is the only true God? [John 17:3, I Timothy 3:16, John 7:3, I Corinthians 8:6, Romans 9:5].

Father God's Name: Do you think that God the Father does not really have a name, and Jesus is also YHWH? [John 8:54, Genesis 18:1, I Timothy 3:16].

Sharing with Jehovah Witness: Are there any specific scriptures you would suggest I share with a Jehovah Witness? [John 1:1, Revelation 1:8-11, Revelation 1:17-18, Revelation 22:13-16]. Recommended: Topical lecture; "Knowing God; Trinity and Deity of Jesus".

Trinity & Understanding That Jesus is God: How important is it to believe in the "Trinity", or that Jesus is God to be saved? [Romans 10:9, John 10:30].

Jesus-Not God: How do you respond to the Watchtower (Jehovah Witnesses) who say this proves that Jesus is not God? [John 17:3, John 1:14, Genesis 2:24, Genesis 18:1, I Timothy 3:16].

"Who Do You Say I Am?": Why did Jesus hesitate to state clearly who He was-and in some cases says, "Who do you say I am? [Mark 8:27-29, Luke 9:18-20, Matthew 16:13-16, John 6:15, I Corinthians 2:8].

"Wrath of God" vs "Gentleness of Jesus": Can you reconcile the "wrath of God" and the "gentleness of Jesus", when scripture indicates that Jesus was God?
God's Wrath as Consequence: Can you think of a biblical example when God's wrath was not consequential?

Jesus Co-Equal with God: Could you comment on Jesus being a different person, but co-equal with God? [John 5:26-27, John 5:17, John 5:37].
Understanding Doctrine (including The Trinity): How important is it to understand various doctrines, including the Trinity? [Matthew 11:25].

Jesus Was God: Did you say that Jesus never said He was God, but doesn't Hebrews 1:8 show that Jesus was God? [Hebrews 1:8, John 1:1, Romans 9:5, 2 Peter 1:1, Luke 7:48, Matthew 9:5].

Jesus as God: At any time in the past, was or is Jesus actually God, or known as God? [Genesis 1:26, Romans 10:9, John 10:30, James 1:13, Luke 11:20, John 14, I Timothy 3:16].

Jesus Did Not Say He was God: Did Jesus ever say He was God?
Jehovah Witnesses: Are the Jehovah Witnesses heretical?

Jesus, "I AM God": Did Jesus ever actually say, "I am God"? [John 10:30, John 8:58, Matthew 27:11, Luke 23:3, Revelation 22:13, Isaiah 44:6-8, Ezekiel 34:11-16, John 10:11-18, I Timothy 3:16].

Who is Jesus?: Who is Jesus to you? Did you say that Jesus was a "type" of God? [I Corinthians, Romans 5:12, John 1:14].
Jesus as the Father: What do you think about the verse that says that "He shall be called Wonderful, the Everlasting Father"? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God-Trinity".[Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30].

Trinitarian Analysis: A priest said that Jesus has to depend on His Father for working miracles and such. Was he correct? [Luke 2:52].

God & Jesus Two or One in Heaven?: When we get to heaven, will se see God and Jesus as two separate people? [Revelation 4-5].

Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].

Disciples of God or Satan: Since scripture says if we continue in His word, we become His disciples, do we then become Satan's disciples if we continue in lies? [John 8:12, John 8:31, John 8:44, 2 Peter 1:4].
Jesus Not Born: What do you think of a pastor who teaches that Jesus was never born, but was always God who came directly to earth?

Praying to Jesus instead of to God: Since we are to have no other God before Him, then why do we so often pray to Jesus, instead of to God and how does this related to the Trinity? [Matthew 6:9-13].

Objection to Long Hair (on Men): How long is long hair on men? [I Corinthians 11:14, Deuteronomy 22:5, Acts 18:18].
Who is Jesus?: Who was Jesus? [I Timothy 3:16, John 14:8-10].

Jesus-More Than Messiah: Do you think that Jesus was more than the Messiah? [Mark 14:61].
Preaching Against Sin: Should we be preaching against sin today? [I Corinthians 5:12].
Evangelizing Others: Do you think that formulaic methods or "one size fits all" approaches to evangelism are effective?

Confused About God & Jesus & the Trinity: Could you help me understand some of this confusing teaching about Jesus raising Himself and sitting by His own side? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God-The Trinity". [John 20:31, Mark 10:18, Luke 22:42, I John 2:18-22].

Spirit of Christ: Caller substantiates that the Holy is the Spirit of Christ and is not another Person. {Isaiah 28:10,

Paul's Writing: Is Paul really writing his books, or is there another writer (scribe/ emanuensus/ amanuensus) helping to write more eloquently?
Jesus Rule Over Universe: Did Jesus have authority over only the earth and sky, or the whole universe? [Colossians 1, Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:20-23].

When Jesus Knew Who He Was: Is there anything in scripture that would indicate when Jesus knew He was the God-man and the Messiah? [Luke 2:49, Matthew 2].

Simon of Cyrene: Why do you think it was significant for us to know that Simon of Cyrene was the one who carried the cross. [Romans 16:13, Mark 15:21].
Believe that Jesus is God or You Are Antichrist: What do you think of John MacArthur's position that you have to believe that Jesus is God or you are antichrist? [I John 2:22, I John 4:3].

Jesus While in the Womb: Where was Jesus when He was in the womb, having left Heaven and before He was born? [Luke 2:52].
Mary & Joseph's Knowledge of Jesus' as God: Did Mary & Joseph know that Jesus was God? [John 14:9, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:7].

Arguments Against Trinity & More in the Nicaean Creed: What are the arguments against the Nicaean Creed, besides the idea that Jesus is God (Trinity)? [I Corinthians 8:6].
Canon of Scripture Finalized: Which council was the canon of scripture finalized? Was it at the Nicaean Council?

Praying to Jesus: What do you think about praying to Jesus? [John 16:23-26, Ephesians 3:14, Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Acts 1:15-26, Acts 4:24-27].

Jesus-Fully God & Fully Man: How do you explain the general concept of Jesus being both fully God and fully man?

Jesus is Not God: What do you think of Jesse Lee Peterson saying that Jesus is not God? [I Corinthians 11:3].

Christ's Divine & Human Nature: How and why would Jesus not be able to determine when His return would be, if He was also God? [Mark 13:32, Philippians 2:6, John 14:23].
Jesus Emptied Himself: Of what did Jesus empty Himself? [Philippians 2:6, Matthew 12:28, I Timothy 3:16, John 1:14].

Nestorius & Hyposstatic Union (Jesus' Humanity): Could you talk about Nestorius (hypostatic union)?
Debate Over Essentials: Caller posits: Protestants can't even agree on what is essential in order to debate, therefore "Sola Scriptura" (scripture alone) is impossible.

Defining "The Beginning": What is "the beginning" in Genesis and John? [Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, Job 38:7, Psalm 33:6-9].

Jesus 100% God and Man: How can Jesus be 100% God, but also 100% man?

Jesus as a Created Being, and Not God: As a former Jehovah Witness, we are still at odds about Jesus being God, based on their Bible translation (New World Translation). Recommended topical lecture: "Knowing God series". [John 10:34, Colossians 1:15, John 1:3].
You were "gods:" Could you sort the quote, "I said you were gods?" [Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, Isaiah 9:6].

Jesus Not God: Could you help me counter the argument that Jesus is not God? Recommended Topical lecture; "Knowing God".
Jesus as the Begotten: Would not Jesus' birth be God "begetting" Him? [Philippians 2:6, Luke 1:35].

"Jesus" is God Not in the Bible: Could you help me understand what you meant when you said that the Bible does not say that "Jesus is God"?
Unsaved Adult Children: What can I do to help my adult children become saved?

Simon (the Pharisee & the Leper): Is Simon the Pharisee the same as Simon the Leper? [Luke 7:36-49, Matthew 26:6].
Jesus as God, Praying to God: How does one answer the question, "If Jesus is God, then how does God pray to God?" [I Timothy 3:16, Genesis 18:1, Hebrew 7:3, John 14:9, John 10:30, I John 4:2, I Timothy 2:5].

God Manifested Himself and Became Flesh: Where is the verse about God being made flesh and how He was made Manifest? Recommended lecture; Knowing God. [John 1:14, I Timothy 3:15, John 14:9, John 10:30]. (This is a continuation from the previous call....had to add it as another call.)

No Longer a Believer: One of my friends is no longer a Christian, and says Jesus is not the Messiah because He did not fulfill the prophecies, and If God hated blood sacrifice, then why did He sacrifice His Son? [John 10:24].

Jesus as Savior & Messiah to the Jew: Could you direct me, as a Jew, to more information in regard to understanding Jesus as Savior? [Psalm 110:1].

Jesus, Not God, but Only the Son while on Earth: Do you think that Jesus was not God while on earth, that He was only the son? [John 1:1, Philippians 2:6, 2 Corinthians 5:19].

How to be Saved: What does one do to be saved? [I John 5:11-12, Romans 10:9].
Understanding God & Jesus: How do I understand the various labels for Jesus, God, and in the Trinity (Messiah, Son of God, etc.) and who should I be praying to, or addressing? [Matthew 11:29-30, Ephesians 3:14, John 14:6].

"God of all Gods" Contradiction: Is there not a contradiction about God's singularity in these verses in Psalms? [Psalm 136:2, Psalm 95:3, I Corinthians 10:20, I Corinthians 8:4].
Conflict of God & Jesus' Will: Isn't there a conflict when Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine", indicating that God and Jesus did not have the same mind and will? [Luke 22:42].

Jesus 100% Human or Not: Was Jesus 100% human, or was He half God? [John 14].

Pronunciation of the Name, Jesus: Some say that the accurate pronunciation of Jesus' name is important.
Prayer for Salvation: How does one have to do it, to be saved? Some say it isn't by a prayer, but by abiding in Christ.

The Virgin Birth's Relevance to the Gospel: If the virgin birth was not part of the text, what harm would be done to the gospel?

Jesus the Beginning of Creation: Could you help me understand the meaning of the Greek word for "beginning" in this verse about Jesus being the "beginning of creation" in Revelation? [Revelation 3:14, John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-16].
Biblical Writers Use of Words & Language: Do you look at the way the Biblical authors use certain words in your study?

Jesus Not Necessarily the Eternal God: Is it possible that scripture doesn't necessarily affirm that Jesus is actually exactly the same as the eternal God? [John 1:1-3, John 8:58, Revelation 1:8].

Charismatic Movements that Go Too Far: The movements of New Apostolic Reformation, Joel's Army, Manifest Sons of God, seems to be teaching that Jesus is 'just' a man, can you comment? [Joel 2].

Angel or Jesus in Revelation 1: Wasn't John speaking to the angel and not to Jesus in Revelation 1? [Revelation1:17]

Jesus May Not be God Himself: Based on these scriptures, is it possible that Jesus might not actually be God, but could be acting on God's behalf instead of actually being God Himself? [Exodus 7, Revelation 1, John 1, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians 5].

Jesus Not God (Questioning the Trinity & Oneness Doctrines): What about those that don't think Jesus is actually God, so they are neither Oneness or Trinitarian? Lecture recommended; Knowing God. [I Timothy 3:16, John 1:1, I John 2:22, I John 4:3, John 14:9, John 1:14, Philippians 2:6, Acts 17:28, John 14:9, ohs 14:28].

Jesus is God: If someone believes that Jesus is the son of God, but fails to see that He was God, are they lost?

Jesus Proved His Deity by Miracles: Was Jesus God because He did miracles? [Acts 2:22, Psalm 107:29, Psalm 77:19].

Trinitarian Views: Do you agree that all we have to do is look at all of the various trinitarian and unitarian views to get a good idea of what it actually is?
Jesus as God or Just Worthy to be Worshipped: Is the essence of the Christian faith more about Jesus being worthy to be worshipped to the glory of God, rather than that He is God Himself?

Belief in Jesus: If someone believes that Jesus is the Son of God, is he saved?

By Whom also He made the Worlds What other worlds is Hebrews talking about? [Hebrews 1:2]
Being Made so much better than the Angels: What does it mean that Jesus was "made" so much better than the angels? [Hebrews 1:4]

Human or God-man Jesus: Was there no human man that was Jesus, but only a God man that became Jesus, as William Lane Craig stated?
Jesus or God Tempted: If Jesus was God how could He have been tempted, if God cannot be tempted? [Matthew 4:1-11, Hebrew 4:15].

The Point of Salvation: When is someone saved? What level of belief and obedience is required?

Jesus is God Required Knowledge to be Saved: Based on the scripture, "I am He", does one not then have to believe that Jesus is God in order to be saved? [John 8:24, John 8:58, John 9:9].

God & Jesus as Coequals: Is there a verse that says that one must believe that the son and father are coequals? [Matthew 11:29-30, John 16:12].

Television Production About Jesus: Are you familiar with the television production "From Jesus to Christ-The First Christians"? [Luke 2:11-14].

Was Jesus "Fully" God & "Fully" Man?: Is there scripture that indicates that Jesus was "fully" God? [I Timothy 3:15, John 1:14, Philippians 2:6, John 14:28, Matthew 10:29].

Steve Gregg - a Trinitarian: Are you a Trinitarian? Why or why not?
Saved if One Doesn't Believe Jesus is God?: Can someone be saved if they don't believe that Jesus is God, but still believe in Christ? [John 16:12-13, John 14:9, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13].

Illustration of The Trinity: Comment on the clarity of the illustration for "the trinity", as "God as sun, Jesus as the light, and the Holy Spirit as the heat."

Heirarchy or Co-equal Persons in Trinity: Is God, the Father, at a higher position than Jesus and the Holy Spirit, even though the "Trinity" is typically considered co-equal? [Philippians 2:5-11, John 14:8, Romans 15:6].

"Inspiration" of Scripture: Would you talk about your view of the "inspiration" of scripture? [Luke 1:77, Ephesians 3:19, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Jeremiah 36:32].
The Incarnation: What is your view of the incarnation (Kenosis Theory)? [Philippians 2:7, Luke 4:14]

One Person, Jesus, Justifying All: How did could one person's death (Jesus') provide the justice necessary to forgive all mankind of all their sin? [Romans 3, Ephesians 2:15, 2 Corinthians 5, I Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:6, John 15:1-6].
Justification of All Sin by One Man: How can it be "just" to have Jesus bear all sin in His one body ?

Jehovah's Witnesses' View of Jesus: Jehovah Witnesses use Hebrews 1 & 2, to claim that Jesus is Satan's brother and He is not deity. Can you give me a response? [Hebrew 1:8-10, Psalms 45:6, John 20:17, Psalm 102:25-27, Luke 11:20].

Jehovah Witness Views of Government Involvement: How would you respond to the Jehovah Witness view of not becoming involved in government issues? [Matthew 25:31-36, James 2:16].
Jehovah Witness View that Jesus is Not God: What do you say to a Jehovah Witness to respond to their belief that Jesus is not God? Topical series recommended:Knowing God. [John 1:1].

Jesus Emptied Himself: How did Jesus lay aside God's nature (Kenosis Theory) and still perform miracles and what does that mean for us today regarding miracles?[Philippians 2:5-7, Matthew 12:28, Luke 4:14, Acts 1:2, John 5:19, Matthew 24:36 ].

Jesus as the First Created Thing: Could you comment about Jesus being the first created thing, as the Jehovah Witnesses believe? [Revelation 3:14, John 1:3].
Jesus, both God and Son: Could you talk about Jesus being both the Son of God and God, Himself? (Knowing God lecture series suggested at

Scripture Variances in Translations: Could you clarify the variance between translations regarding Jesus as the Son? [John 1:18].

Steve Gregg's Exercise Program & High School Grades: What does your daily physical exercise consist of? What kinds of grades did you get in school?
"I Am" and its meaning: Does John 8:24 mean that you have to believe Jesus is God to be saved? [John 8:24, John 9:9].
Unitarians & Idolatry: Do the Unitarians think that worshipping Jesus is idolatry, since they don't believe that Jesus was God?

Caller Attempting to Disprove Christianity: A non-believer presents his postulates about the necessity of proving ones' genealogy from David without such the fallacy of Christianity would be proven. An discussion ensues about what makes him hesitant to follow Jesus. [Matthew 1:1].
Comment on Coronavirus/ COVID-19; Non-believing caller comments on the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic:

Law Regarding Calling Oneself the "Son of God": Did the Jews have a law against anyone saying they are "the son of God" [John 19:7].

Jesus as The Everlasting Father: When Jesus is called various titles in Isaiah, they make sense, until one gets to "the Everlasting Father". Can you clarify? [Isaiah 6, 9:6].

Jesus a Sinner: What do you think about someone who said that Jesus had to have sinned or He would not have been human? [2 Corinthians 5:21].
Jesus-Half Human & Half God: Was Jesus half God and half human?
Jesus "a" God: What do you think about a woman who says the original text says that Jesus was a God, and that the word "a" was taken out by Catholics?

Kenosis Theory & the Bethel Movement: Because of my concern about the Bethel movement and Bill Johnson's teaching, I am trying to sort out the "Kenosis Theory"? [Philippians 2].
Hillsong Music Bans: Do you think it is an over-reaction to not ban singing of Hillsong music?

Trinity: Is it not easy to believe that the Holy Spirit is actually just the spirit of God rather than a separate person? [John 14].
Preincarnate Jesus-The Word: Isn't the Eternal Word not really the Son until He was born in Bethleham? [John 1:1].

Jesus Equal to God Proof: What are the best verses for proving the deity of Jesus to a Muslim? [Genesis 18, John 14, 16:12-13, Revelation 1:8, 11, 17-18, Colossians 1:15, John 8:58, Philippians 2:5-11].

None Good but God: Why did Jesus question those that called Him good, and say there is "none good, but God"? [Matthew 19:17].

Evidence that Jesus Was God: What scripture would you use to convince people that Jesus was actually God? [John 1:1, 14, Exodus 3:1-17, Psalm 137, Genesis 18:1, 32:24, I Timothy 3:16, John 14:9, Luke 1:34-35].

Jesus-New Sabbath: Is Jesus our new Sabbath, and if so, how would you defend that? [Hebrews 4, Matthew 11:29-30].

Jesus' Equality to God: If Jesus has the same authority as God, then why would Jesus not know about the timing of "The Second Coming"? [Matthew 24:36, John 10:30, Colossians 2:9].

Jesus Subordinate to God Eternally: Do you think that The Son is eternally subordinate to The Father, as do John Piper and Wayne Grudem? And where then would The Holy Spirit be? [I Corinthians 11:3, 15:24].

Jesus Equal with God: Would you help me understand how Jesus could be considered equal with God, if He was God? [Philippians 2:3-7, John 13:4-8].

What the Disciples Knew about Jesus: In light of the miracle of the calming of the sea, did the disciples know that Jesus was God? [Matthew 16:16, Psalm 107:23f].

Sinful Nature: Do you believe we inherited anything in the fall, such as a sinful nature, that Jesus did not inherit, particularly in light of the quandary about His ability to be tempted like us? [Genesis 3:5-6, Romans 5:12-18].

Jesus is God: How do you convince others that Jesus is God? {Revelation 3:20, Hebrews 1:8}

God, the Word: Why did the translators elect the grammar to render, "The Word was God", rather than "God was the Word?" [John 1:1].

Foreknowledge & Freewill: If God knows everything we will do, how is that freewill? Open theism discussed.
Two Witnesses (Revelation): Did Jesus know everything? Can we know absolutely who the two witnesses were in Revelation?

Son of Man: Why did He call Himself, "Son of Man", when He was the "Son of God"? [Daniel 7:12f, Acts 7:56].

God as 2 Persons: Does scripture seem to indicate that there are two different entities; the King of Israel & His Redeemer, the first & the last [Isaiah 43:1, 44:6]?

Jesus the Son of God: How do I understand the relationship or overlap of the Father and Son, and how His omnipresence and omniscience worked?
Jesus before age 30: What was Jesus doing the first 30 years before His ministry started?

Eternity: How does one understand; Christ as the image of the invisible God, and Jesus as "The Word" from the beginning? [Colossians 1:15, John 1:1].

Son of Man: Why does Jesus refer to Himself as the "Son of man"?
Jesus referring to Himself as Christ: Why didn't He call Himself Christ more often than Son of man?

Jesus-Incarnate God: How is Jesus both human and God? [John 1:1,14].

Jesus, Lord & Savior? Is Jesus, without ambiguity, the Lord & Savior?

Trinity: Involving the Trinity, is God an individual Being or 3 Beings that make one God? [John 20:17]

Faith of Christ or in Christ: In Galatians it says "faith OF Christ" vs "faith IN Christ" [Galatians 2:16]
Not of Works: "It's of Faith & not of Works" discussion. [Ephesians 2:8-9]

Jesus Emptying Himself: Did Jesus give up His deity on the cross? Did He give up some of His divinity when He was here? [John 5:30, Philippians 2:7-9]

Trinity: Trinity, disagrees about the "One", wasn't Jesus begotten prior to the Incarnation?

Jesus Being God: I'm trying to figure out how God can become God in the Flesh, like the Jehovah's Witnesses don't think they do. [Revelation 4, Philippians 2:6]

God Replacing what Satan stole: I heard that Jesus came to replace what Satan had lost?

The Impeccability of Jesus: Could Jesus have sinned? [Hebrews 5:7]
Surrendering to God: What does it mean to surrender to God?
Lust: What does the word "lust" mean?

Jesus Emptying Himself: Did Jesus lay down His divine power completely, including His healing power, it coming from the Father? [Philippians 2:7-11]

Jesus Having a God: How can Jesus have a God? [John 20:17]

Unitarian vs Trinitarian: Does Father equal Holy Spirit? Why is it important to believe that Jesus was actually the Son of God Incarnate? The Old Testament people didn't know that! Why isn't the Holy Spirit the Father since it was He overshadowing Mary instead of the Father?
JWs, Mormons & the Trinity: You just explained that Christians believe the Trinity differently, but yet the JWs & Mormons are called a cult because they believe it differently. Why?

Trinity: Is the Holy Spirit God's errand Boy? Can you please just address the Trinity?

Jesus & Other Religious Leaders: How is Jesus different from Buddha & other religious leaders? What is the difference between Buddhism and Christianity?

Jesus' Rearing (Education): Did Jesus have to learn things as He grew even though He was omniscient?

Jesus as our Light: Is Jesus light?
Rulers over us: Are one who has authority over us, are they servants of God? [Romans 13]

Jesus Learned Obedience: What does it mean when the bible says, Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered? [Hebrews 5:8]

Finding God: Do you agree that people who reject the cross will not find God?

Jesus being Michael the Archangel: Is calling Jesus Michael the Archangel heretical?

Jesus Claims to be God: Do all the gospels indicate that Jesus was God?

Who do you say that I am?: "Who do you say I am?", what did Jesus mean by that? Why did He ask that? [Mark 8:39, Matthew 16:13]

Making it to Heaven: New believer wondering how one becomes a committed disciple, how do you make it "up there" (to heaven)?

Nation of Israel or Jesus: Is the Servant of YHWH Israel or Jesus? [Isaiah 53:11]

Worshipping Jesus & God the Father: Did Jesus ever command to be worshipped? What is required for worship? Worshipping God through song?

Betrothed or the Bride of Christ: Is the Body of Christ, the church, a betrothal or the actual bride of Christ right now? [Matthew 26:29]

Jesus Body at His Return: When Jesus rose from the dead, did He have the same body He had before He came down here or a newly glorified body? Will Jesus have the same body He had at His resurrection when He returns? [Acts 1:9-11]

God's Mercy & Forgiveness: God is infinite in forgiveness, but people still have to be held accountable who scorn Him.

Made of the Seed of David: It says in Romans that Jesus was "made of the seed of David", but He wasn't created, was He?

The Book of Romans: Do you feel you are getting a lot more questions about romans lately since that is what is being on in BSF right now?
Messiah & Abraham: Where do you find evidence about the Messiah in the Genesis? Wasn't he promised through Abraham?

The Pre-Incarnate Jesus: What form was Jesus in before He became flesh?

Parallels in Jesus, Adam & Barabbas: There seems to be parallels in the Garden of Eden & Garden of Gethsemane, the guards spear in Jesus' side & water & blood came out, & seeking a counterfeit "son of the father" in selecting Barabbas instead of Jesus. [John 18, John 19]

God Not being able to be Tempted: Why does it say that God can't be tempted, but Jesus was tempted, can you clear up this conflict?

Denying Jesus Is God: Is denying that Jesus is God the spirit of anti-Christ?
Losing one's Salvation: Can one lost their salvation denying Jesus is God?

Jesus Not Being God: My sister says Jesus is not God, can you help me & show me that He is God? [John 1:1, John 1:14, John 8:58, Revelation 1:, John 10, Philippians 2]

Jesus coming in the Flesh: Are people in denominations such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Mormons/LDS as anti-Christ since they claim Jesus didn't come in the flesh?

Discrepancies about the Manna: There seems to be some discrepancies about the manna in the wilderness, Moses making manna happen from Heaven in Exodus, but then Jesus said Moses didn't in the gospel of John, & that they who ate it would live, but they died, but did Moses give them bread from Heaven or did Jesus? [Exodus 16:4, John 6:32, John 6:50-51]

Blind Man or His Parents Guilty of Sin: Who sinned, the blind man or his parents? [John 9]
Jesus Breaking the Sabbath: Why was Jesus breaking the Sabbath just for healing on the Sabbath?

Praying to Jesus or the Father: Should we pray to Jesus or to God the Father?

JW & the Correct Jesus: Are the Jehovah's Witnesses worshipping the correct Jesus?

Jesus Emptying Himself: What does it mean Jesus emptied Himself? He never ceased to be God, right? [Philippians 2:5-8]

Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]

Christ' Blood Different than Ours: With the life being in the blood, was Jesus' blood different than ours?

Jesus' Uniqueness Over other Leaders: Jesus taught the same thing as leaders of other major religions, like do unto others as you'd want to be done, so is Jesus real?

Donating to The Narrow Path: How can one donate to you if they have no computer?
Pre-Incarnate Christ, to being made Man, to Glory Now: How did Jesus change from when He was w/ God before His birth & what is He now?

Jesus being the First Born: I was talking to some Jehovah's Witnesses, & we got to talk about Jesus being the first born, first begotten, & just wondering if you could talk about that. [Colossians 1:18]

Comparison of Buddhism & Teachings of Christ: Buddhism & teachings of Christ comparison.

Hindu Worships gods & Jesus: I've been talking to a Hindu who believes in worshipping many gods, & also claim that he worships Jesus, could that be true?

JW's & Michael the Archangel: Doesn't this verse prove that Jesus isn't Michael the Archangel is the Jehovah's Witnesses contend? [1 Thessalonians 4:16

First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?

Jesus Contradiction: No one has asked Him where He was going because Peter asked Him where He was going! [John 13:36, John 16:5]

The Millennial Reign: Christ & the millennial reign, if you were not with Christ, you will be thrown out into outer darkness, is this true?

Seeing a Different Jesus in the Paradigm of Adventism: Seventh Day Adventists preach a different Christ. (follow-up)

A False Christ: Would disproving Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, & Adventists have a false Christ endanger your salvation? (The person called several times seeming to have a vendetta against SDAs.)

The Thomas Jefferson Bible: What do you think about the Jefferson Bible? How could he take all the miracles of Jesus out of the Bible? How do you counter it?

Praying to Jesus vs the Father: Is not praying to Jesus-actually praying to the Father?

Jesus Being Good: "Why callest thou Me good?", so Jesus was either saying He was bad or He was good & if He was good, He was God! [Matthew 19:17]

Jesus is God: Jesus as God in the flesh, so how come He didn't know stuff? [Matthew 24:36]

2 Natures of Christ: 2 natures of Christ, Him being fully Man & fully God, how can they co-mingle?
Christ's Omnipresence: Was Christ omnipresent while He was here earth?

Jesus as Michael the Archangel: Is Jesus Christ michael the archangel or not?

Objection to the Trinity: One reason people object to the Trinity so much is because Jesus, as God, became our example. Just mainly that Jesus was God.

Vendetta against the SDA Church: SDAs/Adventists suggest that you shouldn't PRAY for people who drink coffee or tea.
Jesus having a sinful nature: Jesus had a sinful Nature.

Deity of Jesus: Someone doesn't believe the Deity of Jesus

The Notorious Heresy: Notorious heresy discussion, Mary the mother of Jesus/God, & Jesus having 2 natures

Claiming Jesus' Power: Bill Johnson, in his book, "When Heaven Invades Earth", says that Jesus performed the miracles by being in right communion w/ God, not because He WAS God, & since there's no cancer in heaven we can say no cancer down here as well, & what does it mean that He emptied Himself? [Philippians 2:5-8]

Power in Christ: Our "authority" in Christ, being saved, prayer, word of faith

Witnessing to Muslims: Why is Jesus called the Son of God, & why did God need to have a Son if God is complete?

Esther: Was Esther mentioned in the chronicles/history of Medes & Persians?
King David: Is David mentioned anywhere outside the Bible?
Evidence of Jesus: What about evidence outside the Bible of Jesus' existence?

Jesus as our Brother: Caller has been being told that not only is Jesus obviously God, but He's our Brother as well. Is that Biblical? [Hebrews 2:11, Romans 8:29]

Pre-existence of Jesus: Didn't Jesus exist before His incarnation?

Jesus Can Call 12 Legions Angels: Caller is converned that preachers misquote the verse about Jesus calling Legions of Angels or having His father doing it. [Matthew 26:53]
Jesus the Son of God: Jesus had to have been fully human (& not the Son of God) because otherwise how could He fully rely on the Father and expect us to?

Jesus Dinstinguised from other Religious Leaders: Why is Jesus different from all the other leaders?

Jesus Equal with God & Broke the Sabbath: Jesus broke the Sabbath & claimed He was equal with God, but is there any ambiguity of what it is saying? [John 5:15-18]

Jesus the Creator: Is Jesus the actual Creator? The Muslims have a problem if you tell them that. [John 1:1, Genesis 1]

God's Creatures Suffering in Hell: Caller talking to an atheist/agnostic, but the only problem that his atheist has is, why would God create a hell (to torture His creatures)?
Evidence of Historic Jesus Aside from Bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible what there actually was a historic Jesus?

THe Impeccability of Jesus: Someone told me that Jesus couldn't sin because of His impeccability, but if He couldn't sin, how could the temptation have been genuine? [Hebrew 4:15, Matthew 4:1-11]
Being Alone with God: How do you get completely alone with God & talk to Him?

Jesus God or Son of God: Is Jesus God & is He the Son of God?

Forgive them for they know not what they do: When Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", do you think they were actually forgiven right then?
Authors of Genesis: How many authors do you think there were of Genesis?

Jesus not Good: I talk to Muslims & they say to me that since Jesus said, "None good but God", that that means He's saying He's not God. [Luke 18:19]

Jesus' Incarnation & being Omnispresent: Was Jesus omnipresent in His incarnation & can you comment on John 3:13 in relation to it? [John 3:13]

Believing Jesus is the "I AM": Is Jesus just talking to the people in His audience at the moment or all of us? [john 8:24, John 9]

Angels being told to Worship Jesus: Jesus as "the Son", part of the Trinity, but angels were commanded to worship Jesus. Why did they have to be told if Jesus was God? [Deuteronomy 32:43, Psalms 97:7, Hebrews 1:6]

"Let Us": Who is Jesus? Who is the "us" in Genesis? [Genesis 1:26]
Elohim: What about the name "Elohim"? Is it only a Jewish name they use for God? Why is it plural & singular at the same time? [Genesis 1:1]
Rabbis Rejecting Trinity: If what you said about "Elohim" is true, you'd think they wouldn't have had so much trouble in accepting Jesus.

Mosaic Law Severity & Jesus' Mercy: There seems to be a disparity between the severity of the penalties in Leviticus & the loving forgiveness of Jesus

"Let US Make Man": Why does God use plural in Genesis when He was about to create man? Was He talking to the angels? To the animals? [Genesis 1:26]

Communicating with the Father, Son or Holy Ghost: Is it okay to communicate to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit interchangeably?

Rabbi Translating Isaiah different: Caller talking to a Jewish Rabbi said that his version of the Bible does not say that Jesus would become the Messiah. [Isaiah 9:6]

Tell No Man I'm Christ: Why didn't He want people to know He was Christ? [Matthew 16:20, Matthew 26:41]
Binding & Loosing: What was the Binding & Loosing that Jesus was talking about? [Matthew 16:19]

Trinity & Jesus being the Son of God: esus, the Son of God, distinction between being the Son & being God, how is God in the flesh?

The Word becoming Flesh: Michael the Buddhist wants to know about "Logos", the Word, Jesus, becoming Flesh. [John 1]

The Word being Jesus: What does it mean that Jesus was "The Word" before He came down here to earth? [John 1]

Law of Double-fulfillment: You as a partial preterist think that most prophecies have been fulfilled, but what about double-fulfillment prophecies?
Satan being bound, Jesus plundering his house: Isn't Satan doing the same thing to the church what Jesus is supposed to be doing to Satan, plundering it, destroying it, creating havoc?

In the Father, In Christ & In the Spirit: What is the difference between being In the Father, In Christ or in the Spirit? [Romans 8:9, 14:17]

Trinity: My friend doesn't believe in the Trinity because it can't be found in the Bible the word itself also. [John 1] (the audio skips a little bit seems to be only limited to this Q, & the previous)
Jesus being fully God & Man: One problem He has is Jesus being 100% human/man, & 100% God. How can that be possible? [Philippians 2:5-8]

Muslims & their belief about Jesus: Why do Muslims think that Jesus never died & was actually lifted up? [Isaiah 53, Proverbs ]

Jesus & Horus: Are you familiar with the supposed similarities between Jesus & the Egyptian god Horus, such as the Virgin Birth?

Prayer: Are we allowed to pray directly to Jesus or the Holy Spirit? [Luke 11:1-4]

The Existence of the Devil & Evil: If Christ is all knowing, why did He create the Devil & evil?

Yahweh, the Father, the Son, & the Trinity: Discussion about the Name Yahweh for God.
KJV Translators & Colossians: Why did the KJV translators translate Colossians 1:16 incorrectly?

The Deity of Christ: A person said that Jesus did NOT have to depend on His Father because of His own Deity, that He had His own power of performing miracles, healing & resurrections, while He was here on earth, is that true? Jesus was a 100% God & 100% man at the same time, but didn't rely on His Father. [John 14:10, 5:19, Matthew 12:28, Acts 1:2]
Jesus' 2 Natures: So WAS Jesus 100% God & 100% Man like most people think?

Jehovah's Witness & only calling God Jehovah: Why the insistence of only calling God "Jehovah", translating it as such, by the Jehovah's Witnesses?
JW's & Jesus NOT being God: Just because people bowed down to Jesus does not mean that He's God, a JW claims.

Josephus & other 40 Historians: Why wouldn't all these Historians who were OUTSIDE the Bible mention Jesus if He really existed?

Judaism: Judaism is the true religion because it talks about the coming Messiah?

Jack Gregg: Are you related to a Jack Gregg who I worked for for 20 years?
Jesus Becoming Aware of who He was: When did Jesus become aware that He was the Son of God?

Last 2 verses of the OT: What do the last 2 verses mean about sending Elijah the prophet in the Day of the Lord? [Malachi 4:5-6]

"Who do you say that I Am?": Why did Jesus so say not to tell anyone about Him or His works? What were the disciples preaching since Jesus hadn't been resurrected yet? [Mark 8:27-30, Matthew 11:1]

Mormonism (Mormon Caller): Caller wanted to correct Steve that he was wrong that Mormons don't believe Jesus Christ was God, that he must be confused w/ JWs, who are the ones who actually don't.

Praying to 3 Persons: We see a person as one individual, but even though Jesus is one Person, it almost seems like we are talking to 3 People, does that make sense?

The Impeccability of Jesus: Was Jesus sinless because He couldn't sin or because He chose not to sin?

Muslim not believing Jesus is God: Caller has a friend who is a Muslim. They don't believe Jesus is God, but believe that he is the Son of God, & don't believe in the Holy Spirit. He also doesn't believe in 6 literal days because no light for 3 days before the Sun.

Believing in Jesus & once you do: A caller asks a litany of questions about following Jesus, in relation to the following verses. [john 14:23, 1 john 2:3-4, 1 john 3:8-9]

Jesus being filled with Holy Spirit: Can please decipher these 2 verses about Jesus & the Holy Spirit? [Luke 4:1, 4:14]

The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?

"You are gods": What does it mean in Psalm 82:6 "you are gods"? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Jesus as the Son of God: Is this why the Jews were so offended when Jesus called Himself the "Son of God", they knew Psalms 82 was just poetic language calling people gods? Why did Jesus call Himself the Son of Man? He got that from Daniel 7:12, right? [Daniel 7:12]
Jesus as the Son of Man: But what about Ezekiel even being called that more than Jesus?

Jesus Knowing who He was: When did Jesus know who He was? Did Mary have an understanding of who He was? [Luke 2:52]

Jesus Emptying Himself: Did Jesus give up Deity while He was down here? (Kenosis theory) [Philippians 2:7]

Jesus was conceived with immortality: Jesus was immortal, no death in Him. He wasn't capable of sinning, apparently. A caller has all kinds of ideas about Jesus while a Man.

Mary's Conception: Was Jesus any part of Mary? Did God just use Mary's womb as an incubator?
Jesus as a Child: Was Jesus aware of who He was when He was a kid (younger than 12)?
Becoming Sinless: Can we become sinless?

Jesus giving up Deity: Jesus was 100% God & 100% man, but didn't He divest Himself of His Deity?

Jesus at Right of Hand of God: Since God the Father is a Spirit, & Jesus is in physical form, where is Jesus right now?

Jews & The Son of God: What about the Jews who never recognize Jesus as the Son of God?

Faith & Belief: Caller wanted to comment about Faith.

Jews & Jesus: Will Jews ever believe Jesus to be the Savior the way He's purported to save people, will they ever believe that? (Asked by Michael the Buddhist...hence the word, "purported".)
Old Testament Predictions of Jesus: What are some of the verses in the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus of the New Testament?
Why hast thou forsaken Me: Was this Jesus' human side, crying out, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" [Matthew 27:46]

Praying in Jesus' name: What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name, and, do we have to say that phrase every time we end a prayer? [Colossian 3:17]

Jesus having the Holy Spirit: Did Jesus really need to get baptized to receive the Holy Spirit because wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that He had the Holy Spirit in Him all the time, especially since it says John the Baptist had the Holy Spirit in him from birth? [Luke 1:15, Matthew 3:16]

Impeccability of Jesus: God the Father couldn't have sinned, but could Jesus have?
Holy Spirit & the Spiritual Man: So then if the spiritual nature has the Holy Spirit & is close to God, he also won't sin, isn't that right? (a little bit convoluted question.)

Word equals Law: Caller has a friend who thinks the word, "Word" in John 1 is actually supposed to be referring to the "Law". What do you think? [John 1:1]
Pagan Days in contrast to Jewish Feast Days: Caller's friend is really against pagan holidays but thinks we need to keep the Jewish Feast days.

Jesus' Course of Action (not following the expected program): Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knew immediately that it was God telling her that she got to have the privilege of having the Son of God & it must've been quite a miraculous experience, but during His ministry, she questioned if He was okay or not, wanting to take Him home. Why would she wonder that after she knew what knew? John the Baptist also wondered if He was the One or not during his suffering, even though he also had known. [Mark 3:20-33, Matthew 12:43-50, Luke 7:20]

Sabbath: If Jesus had broken the law, His mission as Saviour would've failed so He only broke man's added laws to it, according to this listener. [Matthew 12:1-8, John 5:18]

(1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?

Spiritual Gifts & love followup: So the gifts will just be perfected in love then, & so it's not the gifts that will disappear, but the immaturity of not having love in them? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
Jesus Broke the Sabbath: So you think Jesus actually broke the Sabbath? [John 5:17, Matthew 5:17-19, Colossians 2:14-18]

The Blinding of Paul: is it safe to say that Jesus was the one that blinded Paul on the way to Damascus? [Acts 9:3-9]

Divinity of Jesus & 2nd Godhead of Trinity: Don't you believe in the Divinity of Jesus & that He's the 2nd part of the Godhead?
Self-interpretation of the Bible: Isn't it sort've scary to have self-interpretation of the Bible since you can be learning about the wrong Jesus? Isn't the Church a pillar of the truth? [2 Peter 1:20]
Being anathematized & not using Study Bibles: Martin Luther was anathematized because he left the church, & you say we shouldn't be using Study Guide Bibles.

Giving Jesus Honor: I've been telling JWs that we aren't supposed to give too little honor to Jesus, but they are going around door-to-door saying we shouldn't give too much honor to Him. Do you think that's a good argument? [John 5:23]

Jesus being born today: Listener isn't sure if she'd believe in Christianity if Jesus was born in this day & age. Immaculate Conception, Son of God, a Savior, Atonement, Resurrection, it all sounds crazy to her, & if she wouldn't believe that it happened today if it did, why would she believe it happened 2,000 years ago either?

Jesus Breaking the Sabbath: Caller doesn't think John says that Jesus actually broke the Sabbath, that it was just their (the Pharisees) perspective that He did. [John 5:18, Matthew 12:1-8]
Jesus Healing a blind man on Sabbath: Why did they accuse Him of working on the Sabbath for spitting dirt in the mud & healing a blind man? They were accusing of Him breaking it, too, weren't they? [John 9]

Divinity of Christ pre-Baptism: Is it probably true that Jesus was not fully knowledgeable of who His ministry until after His baptism? [Luke 2:41-52, Matthew 3:13-17]

Jesus Son of God but not Deity: How can someone be a Christian if you acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God but not Deity?
Believing "in" or Believing "Upon" Jesus: Is there a distinction between believing IN Jesus or believing upon Him?

Essentials of Christianity: I called the other day & asked what the Essentials of Christianity, How come you didn't say one of them was that Jesus was God?
Fellowshipping & Jesus the Son of God: How do you fellowship w/ people who don't think that Jesus is the Son of God? or what if people don't think He came down here in the flesh?

Impeccability of Jesus: Caller says that Steve almost sounds like an SDA, saying that Jesus could've sinned.
1,000 Years: You are negating the words of Jesus when you say He didn't say it was a literal 1,000 years! That's why Michael the Buddhist never hears Jesus from you, so says the caller. [Revelation 6:1-10]

Coinherence - Impeccability of Christ: Did Jesus really have Free WIll to go against what the Father wanted Him to do? He must've because otherwise how could it be that "He loved the Father"?

Divinity of Christ, Monotheism & Dennis Prager: My father-in-law is a very intelligent man, but he doesn't believe in the Divinity of Jesus, but he believes in God & he gets a lot of his information from a Dennis Prager. Can you tell me pointers to share with him as I dialogue with him? (Lengthy discussion)

Jesus Emptying Himself: What does it mean that Jesus emptied Himself & became a humble Servant? [Philippians 2:7]

God's Sovereignty: Why does God have complete control or authority over us?
Witnessing to Atheists: How do explain the God of the Old Testament to atheists who think He was an angry God as Richard Dawkins believes? Where is the starting point to engage w/ Atheists, such as Jesus being the Son of God?

Holy Spirit - Like a Dove: When it says that the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus LIKE a dove, does that mean in the manner in which He did it & not so much it being an actual dove? [Matthew 3:16-17, Luke 3:22]

Jesus' Lordship & Authority: When did Jesus receive His Lordship & Authority? After His death & resurrection? [Philippians 2:7-8]

Jesus Never Claimed to be God: Jesus was the second "Adam", wasn't He? Was He the example of what Adam should've been, yet also came down here to die for our sins?
Jesus the "God Man": So wouldn't it be accurate to call Jesus, the "God Man"?

Financially Supporting the Rape Victim: Isn't the reason God permitted the victim to be married by the attacker is to financially support her since she'd have no other means?
Stoning Jesus because He Claimed to be God: Caller was trying to help a previous caller to explain that Jesus claimed to be God is why the Pharisees wanted to stone Him. [John 8:24]

Trinity & Being a Christian or not: Caller said that the reason people don't think he's a Christian is because he doesn't believe in the Trinity. Can he still be a Christian even though he doesn't believe Jesus is God but only the Son of God?

Jesus as the Son Before His Incarnation: Was Jesus the Son of God before His incarnation? [Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, Isaiah 9:6-7, Proverbs 30:4, John 1:1-5]
Everlasting Father: Is Jesus the Father? [Isaiah 9:6]

"Eternal Father" & The Trinity: Why do people have problems with the title of "Eternal Father" for Jesus relative to the Trinity? [Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30].
Praying to "Jesus" Rather than "God": Regarding praying to "Jesus" rather than "God", don't you think that His sitting at "the right hand of the Father" as indication of authority rather than literal?

Discipline of a Parent: How would one bring church discipline against a parent according to Matthew 18? [Matthew 18].
Jesus as God: Is Jesus God? If so, what is the connection between Him and God? Was He praying to Himself? [Genesis 1:1].

Early Believers Worshipping Jesus: Since people didn't really understand that Jesus was God at first, but worshipped Him, anyway, should not have Jesus corrected their thinking? [Acts 10:25, Revelation 19:9-10, Revelation 22:8].

Contradiction in Joshua: Is there a contradiction in scripture about when Joshua took the land-one saying it was in a battle and in another peaceably. [Joshua 10:21].
"Violent Take it by Force": Could you review the verse about "the Violent taking by force"? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].
More Violence in the Old Testament: Is God more violent in the Old Testament than Jesus is in the New Testament? [Psalm 103:8].

The Conscience: Do you think that the commandments are stepping stones to a mature conscience? [Galatians 5:23].
God as Vulnerable Man: Isn't it particularly touching that God would become vulnerable as a man and suffer temptation?
Jesus' Deity: How did Jesus describe His own deity, and did He use "Son of God"? [John 10:36].

Jesus' Early Life: Is there something that stopped Jesus from sinning when He was a child? (the impeccability of Jesus Chrsit.)

Praying Directly to Jesus: Is it okay to pray directly to Jesus or only God the Father?

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