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Topic: Plagues

Episode Topic Audio

Adding to the Book of Revelation & Threat of Plagues: Regarding the curse of plagues to those that "add to this book" how would that happen if this is about A.D.70? Wouldn't the curse still apply to us, today? [Revelation 22:18-19].

Sparing the Righteous: How does the verse about God sparing the righteous from being put to death in Genesis 18 jibe with the plagues in Revelation? [Genesis 18:23-25, Revelation 7, Revelation 9:4].

Last Trump: Could you help me sort out the timing of the last trump being blown, and the plagues that follow? [I Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:15].
Chronological Bible: Would a chronological Bible tell us what order things will happen in (in Revelation)? [Revelation 8-11].

Raptured Church Before the Tribulation: Since scripture indicates that He has not appointed His church unto wrath, so why do you think the church will not be spared the tribulation? [I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4, John 6, John 17:15, Psalm 91:10].

Literal Events in the Bible Stories: Am I supposed to take the stories of Samson catching 300 foxes and killing 1000 men, literally, as with the descriptions of the events of the plagues, etc.? [Judges 15:4-15, Exodus 7:22].

Wonders, Miracles, Signs: How does the word "wonders" apply in the story of the plagues on Egypt? [Exodus 3:20].

Revelation Signs & the Horseman: Do you think the flooding in China and COVID19, may be related to the horseman in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6, Revelation 1, Matthew 24].

Coronavirus: What do you think about the Coronavirus and its ramifications?
Can One Lose Their Salvation: Do you think someone can lose their salvation? [2 Thessalonians 2, Hebrews 3:1, 12, I John 5:11, Luke 15].

Coronavirus Predicted: Do you think that things like the Corona Virus Pandemic are predicted in the Bible?

Moses, Plague & Livestock: In the story of Moses, how can all the livestock be killed, and yet later more are killed in each of the next two plagues?
Reliability of the Bible: If language is not always precise in Biblical scripture (as in hyperbole), can we still trust it to be reliable?

Mosquitoes? Ticks? Why?: Why would God create things like mosquitoes and ticks ... and dinosaurs? Was it because of the fall?

Choosing to put the Blood on the Door: The 10th plague & the Passover are good examples of salvation, being covered by the Blood, but it's also a good example of freewill, isn't it? God does the saving, but they were choosing to put the blood on the door. Isn't it a good example of defending against Calvinism?
3rd & 4th Generation or Not the Father's or Son's Sins, but their own: There seems to be a contradiction because in Ezekiel 18 that each person is responsible for their own sin, not the father or the son, but in the 10 commandments it says that sins of the fathers would be passed down 3 or 4 generations. How do you harmonize these? [Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20]

Bubonic Plague: Is the Bubonic Plague related to the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Witch of Endor: Who is the Witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28].
Pharaoh's Magicians Mimicking Moses: How were the magicians in Egypt able to sapreform the same magic tricks that Moses did for real [Exodus 7:8-13]

Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?

Evidence of the 10 Plagues in Egypt: Is there any documentaries on the evidence that the 10 plagues actually happened in Egypt? ("Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" "Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy")

People after the Flood: Was Noah & his family the only people that made it after the Flood? If it IS the case, why so many primitive people?
Mosquitos & Plagues: Did God create things like Mosquitos, Flies & plagues/diseases?
6,000 years being enough time: It just doesn't seem like 6,000 years is enough time for everything to have happened that happened, millions & millions of people being killed & so on?

Adding to the Bible: What do does Steve think of these passage of Scripture in Revelation that says anyone who adds or takes away from the Bible (or Revelation), that it's going to be bad for them? [Revelation 22:18-19]

The Plagues of Revelation: If the plagues happen after Jesus comes back, why would they be necessary?

Miracles during the Exodus of Egypt: Can you survey the miracles during The Exodus from when Moses met with Pharaoh until the parting of the Red Sea? How long of a time duration was that?

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