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Topic: Tartarus

Episode Topic Audio

A Third of the Angels Who Fell : Since 1/3 of the angels fell, how many are there, and what are those fallen angels doing now on earth? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Revelation 12:4, Daniel 8:10, Isaiah 14:13, Obadiah 1:4, Matthew 11:23, Daniel 12:3, 2 Peter 1:3, Ephesians 6:12, Acts 1:7].

Chuck Girard (Christian Musician): Have you heard of Chuck Girard?
Fallen Angels: Where are the fallen angels now? [2 Peter 2:4].

Origin of Satan: Caller disagrees with Steve that the Bible is not clear on the origins of Satan. [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4].
Satan's Origins-God Can't Create Evil: Since it is impossible for God to create evil, doesn't this require us to believe that Satan must be a fallen angel? [Proverbs 16:4].

Greek Mythology & Tartarus: What about the parallels between Greek mythology and the word, "Tartarus" in the New Testament? [2 Peter 2:4].

Eternal Punishment in Hell: Caller shares thoughts from a book called "Truth about Hell" and wonders if Steve knows about the various view of hell. Recommended, Steve's book; "Three Views of Hell."

The "Abyss": What is the "the abyss" in Luke where the demons hope not to be sent? [Luke 8:21, Revelation 0:2, Revelation 20:3, I Peter 2:4].

Afterlife & Hell Not Found in Old Testament: Is it correct that the afterlife and hell is not really mentioned in the Old Testament?
Hell in the New Testament, Why Not Old Testament: Why wouldn't the Old Testament talk more about hell when it is so important in the New Testament? [2 Peters 2:4, Isaiah 14:9-20].

Hell, Hades & the Lake of Fire: Can you help me understand Hades (or hell) better, if hell is thrown into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, 2 Peter 2:4, Revelation 6:7-8].

Does Hell Exist?: Is hell an actual place, or a state of mind, and how would you help someone that doesn't believe in hell, change their mind? [Matthew 13:42, 2 Peter 2:4-5, Revelation 20:15, James 3:6, Matthew 16:24, Ephesians 4, Luke 16:22, I Peter 3:20-21].

Bible That Doesn't Translate all the Greek Words for Hell: Is there a Bible translation that actually uses the proper Greek words, like Tartarus and Gehenna, instead of "hell" for all them?
Image of Fire & Torture in Hell: Whenever we hear the word hell, we all envision torture in a fire, why is that? [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 10, Matthew 25:41]
God Didn't Translate His Word Very Well: Is there a case to be made that God didn't do a very good job of translating His word and getting His message across to us? [Psalm 92:15].

Heaven & Hell in the Bible: Could you help me sort out all the various references and meanings of the biblical use of the words "heaven" and "hell"? [2 Corinthians 12:2, Revelation 4, 2 Peter 2:4, James 3:6, Isaiah 30:33].

Hell, Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, Sheol & The Lake of Fire: What is the difference between all the words used for hell? [Tartarus, Hades, Sheol, Gehenna, etc.) [2 Peter 2, Revelation 20:10].

Hell: What difference does it make how God uses hell and which view of hell is correct?
The Incentive of "Eternal Torment": Are we losing the incentive of "eternal torment" if we consider the possible other views of hell? [Proverbs 28:5]. Steve's book; "Hell-Three Views"

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