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Topic: Mary (Mother of Jesus)

Episode Topic Audio

Mary's Pregnancy: When Mary was impregnated, was Jesus then partly human and part God, or all God? [Luke 1:35].
"Built Upon This Rock" (Peter): What is meant by the church being built on this rock? Is he referring to the revelation (confession) of the Apostle Peter? [Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 2:20, Revelation 21:14, 1 Peter 2:5].

Miracles During Jesus' Ministry: How many miracles are recorded from Jesus' 3 years of ministry? Do you have any information about that in your lectures? [John 21:25].
Mary's Records of Jesus' Ministry: Did Mary ever write anything down about Jesus' youth and ministry?

Jesus' Genealogy: Why do we say that Jesus came from David's line? Was it because he was Joseph's adopted son? [Luke 3:23, Matthew 1:1-17].

The Sinlessness of Jesus: How does it work if Jesus was sinless, but was born as a human, who is automatically sinful? Is this why He wanted to be baptized?

Born of Woman: Why is the phrase "born of woman" used here about John the Baptist, since Jesus was also "born of a woman?" [Matthew 11:11, John 1:13].

Gift of Tongues Caller recommends Justin Peter's YouTube lecture "Clouds without Water."
Son of David-Joseph & Jesus' Genealogy: How do we reconcile Jesus still being the "Son of David," if he is not genealogically linked to David through Joseph? [Matthew 1:2-16, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31-32].

Mary's Blood & Genetics: Did Jesus have Mary's blood (and DNA)?
Original Sin & Immaculate Conception: Doesn't the Bible say that we are all born in sin (original sin)?

Steve Gregg's Income: Do you get any money from the sales of your books? What about when you travel to Australia for ministry? How do you pay for that?
Lifespan & Longevity in Genesis: What about the lifespans described in Genesis? Why did they live so long, and lifespans change so dramatically before and after the flood?
DNA of Jesus: Do you have any thoughts on the DNA of Jesus?

Mary & Jesus' Purification: Referring to Mary's purification process and the inclusion of the pronoun "their" rather than "her" in some translations, which seems to suggest that Jesus needed purification also, do you think that Jesus needed to be purified? [Luke 2:22].

Twelve Tribes: Why are there different tribes named in the Old Testament vs the New Testament? [Revelation 7].
Bethlehem Relatives: Why couldn't Mary and Joseph find relatives to stay with when they went to Bethlehem?

The Spices for Burial: Caller shares information about the burial spices in ancient cultures and some of the symbolism about them. [Exodus 30:23-25].
Mary or "Jerusalem, Mother of Us All": What do Catholics say about "Jerusalem, the mother of us all" instead of Mary? [Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:9-10].

The Apostles Scripture: What version of the scriptures would Paul and the apostles have used?
"Virgin" in the Septuagint: If the word "virgin" in Hebrew means "young woman" does the fact that the apostles used the Greek Septuagint (where the word is "parthenos," which means "virgin") tend to nullify the argument of liberal scholars that Mary may not have been a virgin? [Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14].

Mary, Mother of God: How would you explain the incarnation of God through Mary, to a Catholic?

Visions of Mary & Mary in Church History: How important was Mary in the history of the church? What about the visions of Mary? [Acts 1].

Greek Orthodoxy: Could you help me assess what seems to be better answers coming from Greek Orthodoxy? [Matthew 23:5-6, 2 Timothy 2:1-7].

Did Mary Know?: Did Mary know that Jesus was the Messiah, or was she unsure? [Mark 3:20-21, Mark 3:31].

Two Marys: Is this the same Mary as the mother of Jesus? [Matthew 27:55, Matthew 13:55].

Simeon & Mary's Heart Pierced: Could you explain what was meant when Simeon blessed the baby Jesus and prophecied to Mary about "piercing her heart?" [Luke 2:34-35].

Jesus' Genealogy: Why are we given both Joseph and Mary's genealogies, and how does the line of Jospeh relate to Jesus'? [Luke 3, Matthew 1, Jeremiah 22:28-30].

Mary (Mother of Jesus): Catholics believe that Jesus would not deny any request of Mary in our prayers. [John 19:26, John 2:3, Luke 11:27-28].

Book of J (Authorship of Moses' Writings): Caller begins to tell Steve about the "Book of J" which questions the authorship of Moses' writings (AKA Documentary Hypothesis).
Jesus & Mary's DNA: Do you think that Jesus had some of the human DNA of Mary?

The Virgin Birth: Why do we take the "virgin birth" literally, since there are numerous stories and myths making similar claims? [Isaiah 7:14].

Apparitions & Visions of Mary: Has anything good come from apparitions and visions of Mary? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]

John Caring for Mary (Mother of Jesus): Why did Jesus choose John to care for his mother, when He had brothers that could've done so?

Chronology of Jesus' Birth Story: Can you help me sort the chronology of the story of the birth of Jesus and the Wise Men? [Luke 2:39].
Zacharias & Elisabeth: DId Zacharias & Elisabeth live in Jerusalem? [Luke 1:39].

Jewish Listener's New Book: Jewish listener shares information about his new book that is supportive of the Christian faith, but it is from the Jewish view. He also comments on the reason there was a need for the virgin birth. He refers to his book and radio show "The Bible Live."

Mary & Joseph to Bethlehem: Why did just Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem for the census, and not their parents also?

Visions of Mary: What do you think about all the reported apparitions of Mary all over the world?

Virgin Birth Contested: Why do some people deny the virgin birth, when scripture clearly prophesies it? [Isaiah 7:11-14, Isaiah 45:11].

Marian Doctrine: How do you help someone overcome the influence of the "Marian Doctrine"? [Matthew 12:46-50].

Nestorius (Church of the East): What do you know about Nestorius and the controversy in the Church of the East?

The Television Show "Chosen": Comment about the producers of the show "Chosen?"
Long Lives Recorded in Genesis: Could you comment on the long lives of people recorded in Genesis? [Pslam 90:10].
Jesus Calls Mary "Woman": Is there something significant about it when Jesus spoke to his mother and called her "woman?" [John 2:4].

Beginnings of the "Church:" Could you clarify exactly when and how the "church" began, as the Catholics claim that Mary started the church when she gave birth to Jesus?

Mary's Lineage: Could you talk about the lineage from David to Mary? [Luke 3].

Jesus' Genealogy: Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31].

Jesus' DNA: What DNA did Jesus have ... half Mary's and half God's? [I Timothy 3:16].

Catholicism & Marian Doctrines: How would you dissect the Marian Doctrine (Mariology) and Apostolic Succession, particularly in light of my newly converted and passionate brother? Recommended; debates with Jimmy Akin.

"Ark of the Covenant" as Symbol for Mary: Could you talk about how the Ark of the Covenant is interpreted by Catholics as representative of Mary, and what the typology would likely be correct? [Revelation 11:19, Psalm 40:8].

Catholic Priests Inhibiting the Salvation of Many: Are Catholic priests blocking people from becoming saved by their teachings, such as praying to Mary, and the priests forgiving sins? [John 20:23, I Peter 5:1].

On Jesus Right Hand or Left: Why would their mother (Salome) ask for her sons to be sitting on Jesus' right hand or left? [Matthew 20:21-25, Mark 10:40, Matthew 16].

The Perpetual Virgin Mary: Was Mary's other children actually step brothers of Jesus, and likely Joseph's sons, not Mary's? [I Corinthians 7:34, Hebrews 13:4].

Praying to a Statue of Mary: Is it idolatry to pray to a statue of Mary?
Confession to a Catholic Priest: What do you think of the Catholic requirement to confess one's sin to a priest? [James 5:16, Matthew 6:9-13].

God Impregnating Mary: Did God impregnate Mary, or did he just plant the complete fetus in her womb?

Catholic Veneration of Mary, Mother of Jesus: Is the veneration of Mary in the Catholic church possible the "great deception?"
"Abomination of Desolation": Caller questions the events surrounding the rapture and the "Abomination of Desolation"? [Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13].

Jesus While in the Womb: Where was Jesus when He was in the womb, having left Heaven and before He was born? [Luke 2:52].
Mary & Joseph's Knowledge of Jesus' as God: Did Mary & Joseph know that Jesus was God? [John 14:9, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:7].

Mary Had Original Sin: Would not Mary have original sin attached to her?
Joseph as Jesus' Miraculous Father: If God did no pass sin on to Jesus through Mary, then could He have not created Jesus with Joseph as the father, also?

Joseph-Biological Father of Jesus: Have you considered the possibility that Joseph was the biological father of Jesus?
Bible Contradictions: What about unbelievers who think that the Bible is full of contradictions?
Trinitarian Verses That Don't Belong in Scripture: Didn't you say that these Trinitarian verses didn't belong in scripture? [I John 5:7].

Martin Luther & Mary: Caller indicates that Luther never backed away from the Catholic view of Mary.
The Catholic Eucharist (Communion): Caller indicates that the Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Jesus, not just a symbol. [Malachi 1:11, Hebrews 9:4, Romans 12, I John 3, I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 28:18, I Timothy 6:3].

Martin Luther and Mary, Mother of Jesus: Did Luther ever actually denounce the Catholic veneration of Mary?
Paul-Calvinist or Arminian?: Would Paul be considered a Calvinist (Augustinianism) or an Arminian?

Catholicism: What is the best argument against Catholicism? (Ref: Debate with Jimmy Aiken). [I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25].

Mary's Age in Pregnancy: How old was Mary when she was impregnated? Muslims often compare their faith to Christianity
Taking Another Man's Wife-Muslim Perspective: Could you elaborate on the ethics in the Old Testament regarding taking another man's wife, relative to Muslim views? [Deuteronomy 21:10-14].

Discrempencies in Jesus' Genealogies: Can you please help me with these discrempencies of the genealogies of Jesus? [Matthew 1. Luke 3]

Visions or Appartitions: Is there anything in the Protestant world that would parallel the Catholic world in the appearances and visions of Mary (Fatima, etc.)
Abandoning Mary's Catholic Sacred Position: At what point was the idea that Mary was so honored disappear from Protestantism?

Mary's Sinlessness (Immaculate Conception): Discussion of Mary's sinlessness (immaculate conception). [Luke 1:28, Ephesians 1:6, Mark 3:31-35, Luke 11:27].

Mary Had Only One Son: As a Greek Orthodox Christian, we believe that Mary only had one son. Could you react to this? [Matthew 1:25].

Jesus in the Tomb: When Jesus was in the tomb, where was His soul? [Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:27, I Peter 3:20, I Peters 1:11, 2 Peter 2:5].
"Do Not Touch Me": What was meant when Jesus said to Mary that she was not to touch Him? [John 20:17].

Catholic Traditions & Inconsistencies: Are not Catholics inconsistent when they indicate there are not new revelations since scripture was written, however they have all these oral traditions, such as various beliefs about Mary?

Remarriage to Former Spouse: Is it possible to remarry my wife, even though, she has been married to someone else in the interim? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Disbelief in the Virgin Birth: Can someone who doesn't believe in the virgin birth, still be a Christian?

Welsh Revival Love Song: Are you familiar with the love song, "Here is Love, Vast as an Ocean", of the Welsh Revival?
Jewish View of the Virgin Birth: Did the Jewish people understand and believe the virgin birth? [Matthew 1].
Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents: Why did Herod seek to kill the infants?

Virgin Birth Isn't the virgin birth in Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14].

The Virgin Birth's Relevance to the Gospel: If the virgin birth was not part of the text, what harm would be done to the gospel?

God's Emotion: Is God emotional and is He capable of lashing out? [Exodus 33:3].
Pharisees Wanting to be Baptized by John: Why would Pharisees want to get baptized by John the Baptist?
Jesus Supporting His Mother, Mary: Was Jesus supporting his mother, Mary? And why him instead of his brothers? [Luke 8].

The Virgin Birth: How important is the "virgin birth"? [Luke 1:34-35].

Steve Gregg's New Book on the Kingdom: When is your new book coming out and will it deal with Dispensational views?
Jesus Didn't Inherit Mary's : How could Jesus not inherit Mary's sinful human nature, since she was just human? [Genesis 3, Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Romans 8:4, Galatians 5:16].

Praying to Mary and the Saints: Is there any scriptures that tells us not to pray to Mary and the saints?

Age of Jesus and Mary: Doesn't the traditional view of the age of 12 for Jesus in the temple and the age of Mary of 13, seem like nonsense to you?
Sabbaths & Festivals: Is it really logical to in Romans and Colossians to assume that the Sabbath referred to is the weekly Sabbath? [Romans 13:1-7, Colossians 2:16 2].

Geneaology of Jesus: Could you help me understand the geneaology of Jesus that seems to be traced through Joseph? [Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38].

Ark of the Covenant Represents Jesus or Mary: Is the Ark of the Covenant a type of Mary, as the Catholics suggest, or Jesus, as Protestants tend to believe? [Revelation 11, Psalm 40, Galatians 4, Revelation 17, 21].
Revelation's Woman Represents Mary: Does the woman in Revelation represent Mary? [Revelation 11:19, Revelation 12:1-6].

Mary Never Died: Did you know that Catholics believe that Mary never died?

Mary Overshadowed by God: Why was "overshadow" the word used when describing Mary's conception of Jesus? [Luke 1:35, John 1:14]

The Holy Spirit & Mary, Mother of Jesus: when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, did she then have the Holy Spirit as we do? [Acts 1, Acts 2:17, Psalm 51:11, John 7:39].
The Holy Spirit in The Old Testament: Can you clarify the Spirit coming upon people in the Old Testament and if He would then stay with them?
Hail Mary, Full of Grace: What does it mean to say, "Hail Mary, full of grace?" Does it mean she was born sinless?

Where was Joseph?: Where was Joseph, in light of Jesus directing her care to John? [John 2, John 19:26-27].

Mary's Heart When Jesus Was a Child: When Luke says that Mary "kept these things in her heart", does this mean she doesn't really understand who He is? [Luke 2:51].
Mary Not Understanding Jesus: What didn't Mary understand when she was in the temple with Jesus after He had gone missing? [Luke 2:50].
Mary Had More Kids: Does the passage support that Mary probably had more children, since she lost track of Jesus? [Luke 2:41-50].

Between the Resurrection & the Ascension: After the resurrection and before the ascension, did Jesus go back and forth between heaven and earth sometimes?
Mary-Don't Cling: What about when Jesus told Mary not to cling to Him? [John 20:17]
Fruit Fruit of Jesus: What about the verses about Jesus as the first fruit, does it indicate that Jesus went back and forth between earth and heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20].

Catholic Traditions-Praying to Mary, Forgiven by Priests, Holy Water: Is it really sin, or idolatry, when Catholics pray to Mary, instead of to God? What about when they say you have to go to a priests to get your sins forgiven [Acts 8, James 2].

Exegesis and Eisegesis: Can you clarify the difference between "exegesis" & "eisegesis"?
Mary: What do you think about the answer I got from a Catholic about how could Mary hear prayers of more than one person at a time?
Debating Catholics: Would you debate a Catholic radio host?

Mary's Purity (Virginity): Does the word understood for indicating that Mary was a virgin, necessarily mean "virgin" in other passages? [Hebrews 13:4, Matthew 1:25, 2 Samuel 6:23].

Immaculate Conception & the Rosary: Would you comment on the Catholic beliefs of "The Immaculate Conception" and their rosary beads?

Virgin Birth: Why does the book of Mark not mention the virgin birth? [John 1:14].
Many Came Out of Their Graves: In Matthew, it is mentioned that many came out of the graves, is this possibly an interpolation (adding of text)? [Matthew 27:52-53].

Mary's Genealogy: What do I tell a Jewish friend about Jesus' direct bloodline to David? [Luke 3:23f].

Praying to Mary: What do you say when you speak to a Catholic about praying to Mary? [Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2].

Mary's traditional attributes: Where did all the Catholic traditional beliefs about Mary begin (being the mother of God, perpetual virginity, etc.)? [Matthew 1:25, Hebrews 13:4].

Mary: Did Mary become a queen when she gave birth to Jesus? Was Mary ever venerated in the Biblical days? [Acts 1]

Wedding Wine Miracle: When Mary told Jesus about running out of wine at the wedding, why did He address her the way he did and what did Jesus mean by "my hour is not yet come." Why did He ultimately end up performing the miracle? [John 2].
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?

Virgin Birth a Myth: Jews say the virgin birth prophecy was invented by Christians, that the famous verse we use in Isaiah that predicts the coming of a Messiah is spoken of in the past tense, not the future. [Isaiah 9:6]

Mary & Joseph's Other Children: Would you toak about Joseph & Mary's other children. Had Joseph been married before?

Joseph, a Widower: Was Joseph a widower with children? Where do they get that idea from?

Praying to Mary: Caller was listening to a Catholic radio show, & they were talking about a book called, "Rethinking Mary", a book explaining why you should be able to pray to Mary. Will praying to Mary affect people's salvation?

Purgatory: Is there really a purgatory like the Catholic church says there is?
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit, Mary's pregnancy. [1 Corinthians 14:33] (Editor's Note: I frankly have NO idea what the caller is talking about!)

Stoning for Adultery: If the law said Mary should be stoned, why was Joseph going to quietly put her away, rather than doing what the law indicated he should do?

Mary & her young age Pregnancy: Why is 13 the age that Mary was impregnated? Why then isn't that age OK for sex?

Sabbath Keeping Catholic: Keeping the Sabbath as a Catholic. I don't keep the Sabbath day very well, but what do you think about the importance of that?
Praying to Mary: I pray to Mary as a Catholic. What do you think about that?

Marian Apparitions: Can the apparitions of Mary be real that supposedly happened in Fatima?

Not Worshipping Graven Images: Caller calls right back from the same show to clarify what the catechism says about graven images.

Catholic Catechism & Graven Images: Caller doesn't think Steve Gregg is right about catholic church leaving out graven images in the catechism. (followup from 8/13, 3rd Q)

Transfiguration: I don't understand the Transfiguration. Can you explain it?
Mother of God: It says the mother of Jesus was persecuted, how do we know that? [Revelation 12:1-6]

Praying to Mary: Where does the Roman Catholic Church get the idea of praying to the Mary, the mother of Jesus?

John the Apostle's Mom & Mary, & John the Baptist's Mother Cousins: Elizabeth & John the Apostle's Mother & Mary are all cousins. How do we deduce this because I can't seem to find it in the Bible?

Marian Apparitions: Marian apparitions & other supernatural phenomenon [Deuteronomy 13:1-3]

Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Was Mary completely without sin both before & after Jesus was born? Does the bible say whether she ascended to heaven or not?

Prediction of Jesus: Is the chute referring to Mary? I know the branch is referring to Jesus. Is the Holy Spirit wisdom? [Isaiah 11:1-2, Proverbs 8]

Mary Magdalene: Was the "case closed" against Mary Magdalene because of no witnesses? [John 8]

Jesus Prophecy about the Catholic Church: Do you think Jesus was foretelling about the Catholic church when he said not to call people "Father"?

The Mother of The Church: How can "The Jerusalem Above" be the mother of Jesus and of those on the day of Pentecost. [Galations 4:26]

Nicene Creed: Caller is concerned about the Veneration of Mary & the phrasing of the incarnation of Jesus through the Virgin Mary & the Holy Spirit.

Mary's Genealogy: What is Mary's genealogy? [Luke 3:23-38]
Antichrist: Who comes first, Jesus or antiChrist?

Mary's Genealogy: 2 different father's for Joseph, one saying that Jacob is Joseph's father & another one saying Heli is his father. [Matthew 1:16, Luke 3:23]

Genealogies of Joseph & Mary: Caller wants to give insight of Mary's when talking about the genealogies of Joseph & Mary, that you don't have to go by the term "son". [Luke 3:23]

Mary's Genealogy: Where does the line of Mary go back to since Joseph is not related Jesus. [Luke 3:23-38, Matthew 1]

The Assumption of Mary: the Assumption of Mary, wondering if you knew how far that went back, & other catholic traditions

Self-Defense with a Gun: Is it okay to have a weapon to defend yourself?
Praying to Mary: My wife is Catholic, & prays to Mary. What do you think about that?

Catholic Church teaches false Doctrine: Roman catholic teach doctrine

John taking care of Mary, Jesus' Mom: Did Mary live w/ john in Ephesus after Jesus died? [John 19:27]

Sinlessness of Mary, Mother of Jesus: Was Mary, mother of Jesus exempt from original sin (immaculate conception)?

Anti-Christ Darwin: Could Darwin be considered an anti-Christ?
Mary Apparitions: Is it possible these Marian Apparitions are true? [1 John 4:1]

Mary, the Mother of Jesus: The Assumption of a Mary & believing in Catholic Tradition. Paul didn't believe that, did he?

Christmas Story: Purification required, including Mary's Son, Jesus, but He was sinless. [luke 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:20-21]

Virgin Mary just an Incubator: Was the Virgin Mary a sinner, & if so, wouldn't that make Jesus a sinner? God just made an incubator out of Mary then, Jesus just being a zygote?

Eastern Orthodox: What are your main doctrinal objections to Eastern Orthodoxy?

Woman of Revelation 12: What does the Woman & the 12 stars of Revelation 12 represent? Mary? [Revelation 12:1-17]

Marian Apparitions: What is Steve's opinion of Marian Apparitions?f

Catholics Praying to Idols & Saints: Idols & images that are prayed to in the Roman Catholic church & praying to saints, how do they
Eastern Orthodox Venerating Saints: What about the Eastern Orthodox pretty much doing the same thing as the Catholic church, praying to idols, images & dead saints, even though they call it venerating?

Mary equal with God: Where does the Catholic church get their idea that Mary is equal with God?
Priests Forgiving Sins: Where do they get the idea that the priest can forgive sins?

Tithing: what do churches make the mistake about saying you have to tithe?
Mary's Knowledge of Jesus' Miracle Capability: Did Mary know about Jesus' ability to turn the water into wine?

"Behold thy Mother": When Jesus told John to take care of His mom, Mary, why didn't He have His siblings do it? [John 19:26-27]
Vinegar & Gall: Did this really happen like it says in Psalms of Jesus both drinking Vinegar & eating Gall? [John 19:28, Psalms 69:21]
Laid in a New Tomb: Is there any significance to Jesus being buried in a "New Tomb"? [John 19:41]

Residence of Mary, Joseph & Jesus after His Birth: How long did Joseph & Mary live in Bethlehem after Jesus' birth?

A Heavenly Mother (goddess): What does Steve think about a Heavenly Mother?

Roman Catholic Church & the Vatican: Why does the church pray to Mary, among other things?

Steve & the Holy Spirit: Does Steve think of himself as in the Holy Spirit? How are we born-again?
Trinity: Does Steve understand the Trinity? The Father loves the Son, & the Son loves the Father, so the Love IS the Holy Spirit.
Virgin Mary & her Son Jesus Christ: Does Steve understand Mary & her Son Jesus? Who is the closest to Jesus that is our mother? Who was the most obedient, who was there every step of the way but His mother? He was brought in by her because she was the most faithful. She is full of grace!

Elijah, Enoch & Mary being Translated: Was it Ezekiel that was translated into heaven? Is there any Biblical basis for saying that MARY ascended to heaven without Death like Elijah & Enoch?

Mary, the Mother of Jesus: How old was Mary when she had Jesus, & did she have anymore children?

Mary as a Surrogate Mother: Was Mary just a surrogate mother for Jesus?

Jesus Turning Water in Wine: Jesus reaction to His mother seemed like He was a little angry at her for asking, & wondering if anyone heard Him say that, & after all that, He ended up performing it anyway. [John 2]

Jesus Knowing who He was: When did Jesus know who He was? Did Mary have an understanding of who He was? [Luke 2:52]

Intercession, Mary, & Psychics: Is intercession through Mary, like Catholics do, is that sort've like psychics talking to the dead, which the Bible forbids? [Deuteronomy 18:10-12]

Mary's Conception: Was Jesus any part of Mary? Did God just use Mary's womb as an incubator?
Jesus as a Child: Was Jesus aware of who He was when He was a kid (younger than 12)?
Becoming Sinless: Can we become sinless?

Marriage, No license (Spiritual Marriage): When did Marriage Certificates become a thing? Do you have to get one to get married or can you just get married spiritually? Were Joseph & Mary married before she became pregnant w/ Jesus?

RCC & Confession & Worshipping Mary: Caller thinks that Confession or Worshipping Mary in the Roman Catholic Church are wrong or unnecessary to do.

Purification of Mary follow up - "There" or "Her": Caller does a follow-up on a caller who was concerned about the word "there" or "her", & giving his insights he gleaned. [Luke 2:22] {Editor's note: Just for the record, I don't remember the question that he's talking about, & I spent over an hour looking for it. If anyone finds the call he's talking about, let me know!}

Mary the 2nd Eve: What do you think about Eve being the Second Eve as the Pope declares?

Mary the Mother & Trinity: You had a call about the Pope making the Mother of Mary as part of the Trinity. I did some research on that, & he does say that indirectly.

Mary, Jesus & turning the water into wine: Did Mary know Jesus could do this type of miracle because of things she had possibly seen Him do before the "first" miracle of turning water into wine? [John 2:1-10]
Noah cursing Canaan: So if Ham was the one who saw Noah's nakedness, why was Canaan cursed by Noah & not Ham? [Genesis 9:25]

Mary the Mother of Jesus: What is your view of Mary the Mother Jesus?

Mary's Age of Conception of Jesus: What age was Mary when she was conceived with Jesus?
Tithing 10%: Where do churches get the idea that we have to pay 10% of our moneys?

Best Bible Version: What is the best Bible version or translation?
Catholic Doctrines; Infallibility of the Pope & Praying to Mary: What to you think about the Catholic Church's doctrines of the "infallibiltiy of the pope" and praying to Mary?
Best Church to attend: What is the best denomination or church in which to find fellowship?

God's Timing of Mary's Pregnancy: Why did God choose to have Mary pregnant during her betrothal to her husband Joseph? [Luke 1, Luke 2]

Protestants Switching to Catholics: Isn't it sad that so many Protestants are switching over to Catholicism?
Believing in the Mary, Mother Of Jesus: Caller's friend thinks that there's a major significance to the mother of Jesus, Mary. When they start to believe that kind of thing?

Marian Apparitions: What can you say about "Mary Appariations"?

Wrong Doctrine & Heresy: What is the difference between Heresy & wrong doctrine, & should we treat wrong doctrine as harshly as we would heresy?
"Faith Cometh by Hearing" & Jesus being a Mediator: Where is the verse that talks about, "Faith cometh by hearing"? ANd where does it talk about Jesus being our Mediator? [Romans 10:17, 1 Timothy 2:5]
Praying to Mary: Do Catholics actually pray to the Mary, the mother of Jesus?

Mary's Care After Jesus' Death: Why did Jesus commit his mother Mary's care to John, rather than one of her other children, after his death? [Acts 1, John 7:5].

Baby Jesus' in House, Not Stable: Did someone take Mary and Jesus into a house, moving them from the stable? [Matthew 2:16, Matthew 2:11].
Hell & Abraham's Bosom: In the story of the rich man and Lazaras in Abraham's bosom, when did hell become, hell? [Revelation 20:14].

Wedding at Cana: Was Mary asking Jesus to go get more wine or perform a miracle and create the wine at the wedding at Cana? [John 2:1-11].
Nicodemus-Jesus in Heaven Already: Could you explain this confusing statement in John 3, about those who had ascended into heave, and Jesus being in heaven, though He was not. [John 3:13, John 7:37-39].

Venerating Mary: Do those that venerate Mary have a completely different gospel?

Mary & Joseph: Were Mary & Joseph blood-related, half-brother & sister?

Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Marion Doctrine: Steve and Catholic apologist Tim Staples continue their discussion. Topic: Marion Doctrine (Mary, Mother of God).

"What Have I to Do with Thee?" What does this phrase mean "What have I to do with you?" [Luke 8:28, John 2:4, Matthew 8:29].
Jesus' Faith: Is there anywhere in scripture that says that "Jesus had faith?" [Galatians 2:16].

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