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Topic: Bible Reliability

Episode Topic Audio

The Manuscripts (of the Bible): Could you help me better understand the various manuscripts for the Bible?

Inspiration of Scripture: How has your understanding of "inspiration of scripture" grown? [2 Timothy 3:16-17].
Apostles Paraphrasing: Is it possible that the apostles paraphrased what was said?

Questioning Authorship of BIble Books: If it were proven that an author of one of the books of the Bible was not accurate and not an apostle, how would it affect your faith?

Atheist's Skepticism about the Veracity of the Bible & Miracles: Atheist: Regarding the flood, research says that the heat produced by mountains moving would cause so much heat that everything would melt. He reports that the evidence about the miracles in the Bible moved him away Christian faith.
Atheist-Creation Story Untrue: If Genesis's story about the creation isn't true then would not the whole need for a Messiah be unnecessary?

Differing Directions to the Disciples about Taking Provisions" What do you make of the differences in the instructions given the disciples where they have been told to take provisions and also told not to take provisions in Mark and Matthew? [Matthew 10:9, Luke 22:36, Luke 6:26, Mark 6:8, Matthew 6:33].
Differences in Gospel Accounts: How do we rule out collusion in the accounts of the gospels?

Bible Inerrancy: As someone who was once into the inerrancy of the Bible, I am seeing more that I question in it now. Could Noah's Ark story be a fable?

Best Accurate Translation: What is the best and most accurate translation of the Bible? (NASB-New American Standard Bibe, NKJ-New King James, ESV-English Standard, CSV-Christian Standard, Interlinears).
Pre, Mid, or Post Tribulation Rapture: What is your position on pre, mid, or post tribulation rapture and why? [1 Corinthians 15:51f, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Psalm 2:8, John 6:39].

The Cepher Bible & the Book of Enoch: Have you heard of the Cepher Bible? What do you know about the Book of Enoch?

Why Trust the Bible?: How should we defend the question "Why the Bible, instead of other religions holy books?" Isn't circular reasoning to use 2 Timothy 3? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 John 4:1-4, Deuteronomy 18:22, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, John 13:20, 2 Corinthians 12:12].

BIble-Truth or Fiction: Is the Bible true or fiction? Where would it be in the library? Is it mostly spiritual?

Do Not Add to Scripture: How do you reconcile the "do not add" phrases in both Deuteronomy and Revelation? [Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18, Proverbs 30:5-6].

Atheist Caller: Why Jesus? Why Christianity?: An atheist caller asks: Why Jesus? Why Christianity? What is the methodology that you use to support or verify your faith as true?
Witnesses to Christ & His Life: Why do you think the New Testament writers and His disciples are reliable witnesses?

Buddhism vs Christianity Buddhist caller discusses basic differences between the two faiths (Buddhist & Christianity) in the way truth is established (epistemology). Rec: Video; [Hebrews 11:6].

"The Five Solas": What do you think of "The Five "Solas"?

Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."

Manela Effect: Could you talk about the "Mandela Effect?" [Isaiah 11:6-9, Isaiah 21:1-4, Isaiah 65:25].

All Religions-Same God & "Judge Not": How would you respond to someone that claims all religions refer to the same power and the Bible is simply written by men, therefore we are not to judge others? [Matthew 7:1-2, I Corinthians 2:15,John 7:24, I Corinthians 5:3, I Corinthians 10:15, I Corinthians 14:29].

Bible Books: How did we get to what we accept as authentic Bible books, in contrast to the books that the early church accepted?
Book of Wisdom: Is "the Book of Wisdom" actually the same as Solomon? Ref: The Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.

Laying a Fleece: Caller shares her story of "laying a fleece."
Hyperbole in Scripture: How does one know when something is hyperbole in scripture? [Genesis 22:17].

Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?

Psalms Direct Obedience: Are these verses about wanting to live a holy and hiding the word in one's heart, prescriptive, or only descriptive? [Psalm 119:9-11].
Memorizing Scripture: Should we not be memorizing scripture to help us ovecome disobedience and sin? [John 8:31, Psalm 119:9-11].

NIV (New International Version) Translation: What do you think of the NIV (New International Version) translation of the Bible?
Eternal Security: Do you think that we can walk away from the Lord if we choose to do so?

Atheist Caller-Grounds for Rejection of the Bible: Atheist responds to the claim that atheists hold the Bible to a higher standard than other historical records.
Atheist-The Bible as Myth: Athesist Caller; Why not call the Bible stories as myths?
Atheist-Different Conclusions about God: Atheist; Do you think that two intelligent people can look at the same evidence and conclude differently.

Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is True?: Why should we believe that the Bible is true? [Isaiah 41:21-23].
Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is God's Word: Atheist: Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Atheist: Why "love" the Bible?: Atheist: Why should we love the Bible?

One or Two Demon Possessed Men?: Can you explain why the other gospels don't say that there were two demon possessed men, but only mention one. [Matthew 8:28-34 ].
Unconditional Love: Can you explain "unconditional love" and what that specifically means? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:37].

Records of Converstations in the Bible: How did they record the specific words of Jesus in scripture, like in the conversation of the woman at the well, and Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane?
Souls That Preceded the Coming of Jesus: What happened to the souls that preceded the coming of Jesus? [Genesis 15:6, Psalms 32:2, Hebrews 11].

Atheist Caller-How Can You Act Like This is Not Big Deal?: Atheist caller: How can you just let these discussions take place, acting like it is a small matter?
Atheist Caller: Go to a Museum instead of the Bible: Atheist; Should people not go to museums instead of look to the Bible for their view of God?
Atheist Caller: Hell: Atheist: Don't you just give people no choice when you tell them they are going to hell? Isn't it all just a silly story?

Translation Variation: Why would part of the verse, specifically, "Dumb" be omitted in some translations? [Exodus 4:11].
Original Manuscripts of the Bible: Where do we get "the orginals" of the Bible texts from which translations are made?

Atheist Questions Theological Investigation: From atheist caller: What tools of investigation do you have in theology and what has been the advancements?
Atheist Challenge About Biblical Reliability: Atheist caller suggests that Steve is misleading his audience because of the limitation of sources outside of the Bible.

Atheists Calling into the Show: Steve Gregg loves atheists or agnostics calling into the show, but when they call in, he'd love for them to have a specific point on why they don't believe there is a God rather than just generalizations.

God's Invisible Attributes: What are the invisible attributes of God? [Romans 1:20].
Best Bible Translation: What is the best Bible translation? New American Standard and New King James are among those mentioned.

Eastern Orthodoxy vs Protestantism and Church Fathers: Are Protestants inconsistent to say they only go by the Bible when church tradition is what gave them the canon of scripture?
Trusting the Church Fathers for the Books & the Doctrines: Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?

Shorter Version of the Book of Mark: Didn't Jesus predict His resurrection earlier in the book of Mark, regardless of the missing later chapters in some manuscripts?
Bible Manuscripts: Isn't it possible for writers of Bible manuscripts to make spelling errors, etc.
Infallibility of the Bible & the Quran: Isn't some of the arguments for the Quran (Koran) by Islam, very similar to the arguments for the Christian Bible's infallibility?

Proof of God from an Atheist View: Atheist Caller in dialogue about the proof of God.
Atheist Doubting the Gospel Books: Atheist presents the collection of the canon (books for the Bible) being questionable. [Mark 16:8].

Infallibility of the Bible: If the words of scripture in the Bible are true, but not infallible, is the Bible not in danger of becoming untrue?
Preservation of His Word: Do you believe that God has preserved His Word? [I Corinthians 7:25, I Corinthians 7:40, Galatians 2:11].

Bible Reliability: How do we know the construction of the Bible is to be trusted and was not manipulated for social or political agendas?

Satan Released: If the devil is released from the pit, could unbelief be what he has perpetrated? [Revelation].
Revelation Written by a Mad Man: Could the book of Revelation be the ravings of a mad man?

Inspiration of Scripture: Can you clarify your position on the "inspiration of scripture"? [2 Timothy 3:16].
Automatic Writing from God: Do you think that the Old Testament was written with automatic writing from God?
Moses' Source of Information: Do you think that Moses got his information from God about Genesis, etc.?

Faith & Hell: Doesn't the Bible say that very person has been given a measure of faith? [Romans 12:3].
Hell & Bible Reliability: Should not everyone just take the Bible for what it says and not what others say it means?

Steve Gregg's View of "Inspiration": Could you clarify your position on "inspiration" regarding scripture? [Ephesians 3:1-6, 2 Corinthians 5:20, I Corinthians 7:40, John 13:20, Romans 15:28, Galatians 2:11-21, 2 Timothy 3:16, I Corinthians 1:14-17, I Corinthians 14:37].

King James Version Only Acceptable Translation: As a "King James Only" person, I think that God only wants one "Word of God", and I don't understand why we don't just take it on faith that the Word we have in KJV is correct?

History, Authorship & Origins of the Torah: What do you think about the differing opinions of the history, authorship and origins of the Torah?
Masoretic Text or Septuagint: Is the Masoretic Text or Septuagint more reliable?

Salvation without Repentance: Could you explain what is meant by "the gift of God is without repentance"? [Romans 11:29, John 3:5].
King James Bible Version Only: What do you think about a church who thinks that the King James Bible is the only acceptable Bible to use? Recommended book; "The King James Only Debate" by James White

Reliance on Catholic Tradition: How do I refute the Catholic idea that we need to rely on tradition in addition to scripture?

Jesus' Virgin Birth: If someone denies that Jesus was "virgin born"?

Authorship of the Gospels: What do you think of the theory that the writers of the gospels were not the actual authors?

Biblical Mathematical Calculations: Isn't it realistic to think that some of the biblical mathematical calculations, such as in the 70 weeks in Daniel's prophecy and Cyrus' Decree?

Authenticity of 2 Peter: What evidence is there that 2 Peter is an authentic writing to share with someone who thinks Paul is a false apostle?

"Principle of First Mention": Does the Bible reveal the truth according to the "Principle of First Mention", which suggests that the first mention in the Bible reveals sufficient truth on any subject?
Book of Jasher: What about the "Book of Jasher" mentioned in Joshua? [Joshua 10:13, I Chronicles 29:29].

Closed Canon of Scripture: Why do you believe in a closed Canon of scripture?
Bible's Construction Subjective: Do you think the way the Bible was constructed was really subjective?

Evidence the Bible is True: What is the minimum amount of evidence that we need to prove the truth of the resurrection and bible record?
The Talmud: What is the Talmud and when was it written?
Ist Century History of Jesus: Are there any first century writings about Jesus?

Supernatural Alteration to Scripture: Has the Bible been supernaturally altered, changing verses in the King James Version to say something different than it had before. Do you think it has to do with the strong delusion? [Isaiah 11:6, Matthew 24:41, Luke 17:35, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12].

The Bible as the Word of God: What are some good arguments to convince unbelievers that the Bible is the Word of God?

Elijah & Jehoram: How do you deal with Elijah writing Jehoram after he had already left earth? [2 Chronicles 21:12].

Bible That Doesn't Translate all the Greek Words for Hell: Is there a Bible translation that actually uses the proper Greek words, like Tartarus and Gehenna, instead of "hell" for all them?
Image of Fire & Torture in Hell: Whenever we hear the word hell, we all envision torture in a fire, why is that? [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 10, Matthew 25:41]
God Didn't Translate His Word Very Well: Is there a case to be made that God didn't do a very good job of translating His word and getting His message across to us? [Psalm 92:15].

Various Bible Manuscripts Compared: Is there a good book that consolidates all the various manuscripts to help sort out the differences?
Better Evidence Should Have Been Left to Confirm the Bible's Reliability: Does it not seem like Jesus should have left better evidence that the Bible is true?

Bible Reliability Questioned by Atheist: A long-time Atheist friend of mine has challenged the reliability of the Bible because it has been translated so many times. How would you respond to him?
Testing Prophets Today: Since someone prophesied that Trump would win this election, should we test those that give prophecies? If so, how would you go about testing it before it evidences itself?

All Scripture is Inspired: What does the verse about scripture actually say in the Greek? [2 Timothy 3:16].

NIV Bible Translation: What do you know about the NIV Bible, as I have heard some distressing things about missing text and some of those translators? [Romans 8:1].

Evidence that Christianity is Not True: Is it not evidence that Christianity is not true since there are those that wish to feel something from the Holy Spirit and they don't? [James 1:7 Matthew 8:26].
Losing Faith: How can one continue to believe in something that they don't see evidence of?
The Resurrection isn't a Historical Fact, it's a Supernatural claim: Caller says that the resurrection isn't a historical fact, and doesn't it require more evidence to claim the supernatural?

Forcing One to Believe the Bible is the Word of God: How can you force someone to believe that the Bible is the word of God?

Objectivity and Reason: How does one objectively determine whether one or the other person is being reasonable?
Is the Bible True?: Is it not difficult to objectively reason that the Bible is true?

Why Does God Let Children Die if He Can Do Miracles?: Why would God do miracles for certain people and let children die of starvation every day?
Bible is Not Reliable: Caller says the Bible is not reliable, because He says He is sorry He ever made mankind. [Genesis 6:6].

Bible Manuscripts; Received or Majority Texts: Could share your view about the controversy between the Received and the Majority Texts? [Mark 16:9-20, John 8:1-11, I John 5:8]

Being Critical of the Faith One Has been Taught & Determining the Non-negotiables: Would you offer some guidance about how to be critical of the faith views one has been taught, and have confidence to explore truth and know what is essential to keep?
Critically Cross-examining the Scriptures: How does one remain spiritually safe, and avoid offending God, when critically cross-examining the scriptures?
Nonsensical Scripture Resolved: If you run across some scriptures that seem nonsensical, how do you process through that?

Books Removed from the Bible: Why did church leaders remove some of the books of the, such as, Enoch, and Maccabees?

Bible-The Word of God: Caller comments on verses about the Bible coming by the hand of God.

The Bible-The Word of God: How do I respond to someone who wants to know where the Bible says that it is the word of God?

The Trinity: What list of things to believe would we make regarding the essentials of the faith and the "Trinity"? [I John 4:15].
Inerrancy of the Bible: How should we be view the claim that the Bible is inerrant? [I Corinthians, 2 Timothy 3:16].
Character of God in Conflict with Old Testament: Can you help me with my struggle with some of the Old Testament passages that seem to conflict with the character of God? [Luke 24:25, John 5:46].

Bart Ehrman Video: Bart Ehrman thinks the Bible was just handed down from Heaven in immaculate form, & Steve asked who actually believes that, & caller points out that that is what his church taught.
Ordination & Seminary What is your opinion of ordination and seminary training its relationship to competency when teaching the Bible?
Leah, Rachel, Jacob & Laban: Was Laban always planning to substitute Leah for Rachel, or could it have been a last minute decision because she had not found a husband by then? [Genesis 29].

Death Angel: Is death an angel, based on Hebrew mythology?
Catholic Church & Their Traditions: Has the Catholic Church changed many things in the faith in order to gain more control?
The Apocrypha: Should one read the Apocrypha?

"Father, Forgive Them"-Manuscript Variance: The "Father, forgive them..." verse does not appear in all of the manuscripts, would you speak to that? [Luke 23:34].

Scripture Variances in Translations: Could you clarify the variance between translations regarding Jesus as the Son? [John 1:18].

Ten Commndments & Bible Contradictions: An atheist brought up contradictory lists of the Ten Commendments in Exodus. How would you respond? [Exodus 34].

Gift of Prophecy Today: If the canon of scripture is complete, then how can there be a gift of prophecy today? If so, what does it look like? [Acts 21].
Gift of Prophecy Defined: Is the gift of prophecy about making predictions? [I Corinthians 14:29, I Thessalonians 5:20-21, I John 4:4].

Why is Not More Being Written in the Bible Today: Why are God's people not still writing more to add to the Bible?

The Sermon on the Mount: What should I consider when sharing "The Sermon on the Mount" with introducing someone to Christianity?
The Unity Church and the Gospels as True Historical Events: How do you affirm that the gospels are true historical events to someone being drawn to the Unity Church? [John 19, Luke 1].

Dangerous Bible Translation Differences: Would you comment on the excluded passages in some of the translations which I maintain indicate dangerous doctrines. [Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8, I John 5:7-8].

Jesus' Words Recorded: How did Jesus' words actually get recorded? How could they remember His exact words and get it on paper?

Convincing a Skeptic: How would you convince a skeptic that the rumbling of the mountain wasn't just a volcano erupting? [Exodus 19:14f].

Bible Books Removed from the Bible: Could you talk about when some of books of the Bible was removed?

Bible Stories-Untrue Fables: My 12-year-old grandson thinks that much of the Bible is not true, but fables, what would you say to him?

The Bible - "The Message": Do you know anything about the translation of the Bible called "The Message" (paraphrases)?
Abortion Comment: Comment about the ramifications of abortion.
Life Application Bibles: What do you know about the Keen Application Bible?

Irrefutable Fulfilled Prophesy: Are there some prophetic passages that are particularly convincing to the skeptic? [Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, Daniel 7-10].

Book of Hebrews' Authorship & Credibility: The book of Hebrews' authorship is unknown, right? So why is it in the Bible? [Hebrews 13:23].

New Testament Reliability: Did the Catholic church alter the New Testament? Is it still trustworthy?

Clarity from God for Guidance: Will scripture, or the Holy Spirit, always teach and lead you? Or are there times when it will be unclear? [Acts 16:6-7, Proverbs 3:6].

Bible Translation Problem: Can you resolve the very unrelated wording in Hebrews and Psalm 40, where the words used for "opening an ear" are to equate to "body prepared", seemingly meant to come from the same text? How can that be? [Hebrews 10:5, Psalm 40:2].

Bible-Prove to be True: If you were to pick one point to prove that the Bible is the inspired word of God? [Isaiah 44:7].

Bible Inspired by God: How can we prove that the whole Bible is true, reliable, and inspired by the Holy Spirit?

The Apocrypha: Regarding the Apocrypha, isn't it more appropriate to consider it a Jewish area of expertise, rather than Catholic or Protestant? How did it's inclusion in Catholic Bible come about?

Dating something B.C.E. & C.E.: What does B.C.E. and C.E. mean?
Woman Taken in Adultery: Would you talk about the story of the woman taken in adultery in John 8 and the question of it being possibly added later? [John 8:1-12, Luke 23].

Moses, Plague & Livestock: In the story of Moses, how can all the livestock be killed, and yet later more are killed in each of the next two plagues?
Reliability of the Bible: If language is not always precise in Biblical scripture (as in hyperbole), can we still trust it to be reliable?

Biblical Inerrancy: I don't think there is any reason to call the Bible "inerrant", as it doesn't say that it is ... what do you think? [I Corinthians 1].

Woman Taken in Adultery: Regarding the story of the woman taken in adultery, some claim that it is not a true story, what do you think about it? [Matthew].

Bible's Authenticity: If someone believes that the Bible is just story-telling and more like mythology in nature? [2 Chronicles, 2 Kings, Genesis 1, 2:24, I John 3:12].

Tree of Life or Knowledge: Sometimes the tree in the garden is call the Tree of "Life", and other times it is called the tree of "Knowledge"? Which is it? [Genesis 2-3, 2:9].
Similarity between Christians & Other Cultures Histories: What do you think about all the similar characteristics in Sumerian cultures and Christian stories, and how their stories overlap?

Biblical Manuscripts: Which manuscripts are the most reliable?

Satan Tempting Jesus: Why would Satan try to tempt Jesus with such an absurd proposition? [Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13].
Peter Enns View of Biblical Contexts: What is your view of Peter Enns writings that suggest that there are inconsistencies in Biblical writings and that it is oriented toward that specific culture and time?

Bible's Reliability: Can you talk a little about the trend for many believers to take the Bible as simply stories for the sake of illustration, not necessarily reliable accounts?

Bible & Verses: Why does the Bible read like a story, but is broken into verses?
Women Wanting to Rule Over Husbands: Can you talk about the verse in Genesis that talks about how women, after the fall, are going to want to control their husbands? [Genesis 3:6, 4:7].

Trinity: Would you enlighten me about when the controversial text in 1 John 5:7 was incorporated into the Bible, and talk about its reliability?

Disciples Taking Notes: Do you think that the disciples took notes while Jesus was speaking?
Holy Spirit Teaching Truth: Why do people seem to disagree on some points of scripture even though the Holy Spirit is intended to bring us into all truth? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 16:13].

Inerrancy & Authority of Scripture: Would you clarify the concept of "inerrancy of scripture"? What does this mean in terms of human fallibility and the authority of scripture? [Numbers 25:9 & I Corinthians 10:8, I Corinthians 1:14-16].
Variation in Manuscripts: What about the parts of the Bible that are not in some manuscripts? [John 7:53-8:12, Job 42:7-17]."

The Bible being Authorative: Caller wants a resource on proof that the Bible is authoritative (Call gets dropped unfortunately)

Global Flood & Fossil Records: Was there a global flood in Noah's day? Why do we not see fossil records from the animals that came off the Ark and migrated to various area? What do you say to someone having trouble believing in the Bible because of doubting the flood story?

Bible Background - Inner Man & Outer Man: Can you recommend a book that gives a reliable background of the books of the Bible? Would you talk about the "inner man" vs the "outer man"?

Scripture relevancy to today: Why do we think some scripture applies to us, when it was written to specific ancient people [Zephaniah 3:17]? Old Testament verses identified in the New Testament, as applying to us now. How to distinguish ones applicable to us today? [2 Corinthians 1:20].
Seven Churches (Revelation): Are the seven churches in Revelation, equal to "seven ages" many have been taught? [Revelation 1:11].

Christian Mythology: Are stories of Jesus regarding crucifixion, resurrection, etc. taken from stories before the Bible (mythology)?
Being a Prepper: Is being a prepper, a survivalist, is that a lack of faith?

Apologetics vs the Bible Alone: What is Pre-suppositional apologetics (and evidential apologetics) and isn't the Bible enough as it is? [Romans 1:16].

Where the Eagles are Gathered: Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].

Bible History, Manuscripts: Discussion of Biblical history and manuscripts.

New Testament Reliability: How can we be sure that the New Testament is not corrupted?

Peter's Chronology of Events: A pastor said that Peter was not giving the order of events of how things actually happened, what say you? [Acts 2:38].

Compilation of the Bible: Can you comment about this; A former priest told me that I wouldn't be a Christian if I knew how the Bible was compiled?

Jan Markell & Jack Hibbs: Should we go listen to Jan Markell and Jack Hibbs when they are going to be in his area?
Date of Writing of the Gospels: Do you know when the four gospels were actually written?

Witnessing to Unbelievers: Witnessing to people who don't believe in the Bible at all, mythology they call it, controlling the masses they say it is

Mandela Effect: Does the "mandela effect" really happen, verses changing?

Challenging the Dates of the books of the Bible: Can you talk about the Dating of the books of the Bible?

Scriptural Textual Variances: There seems to be differences in Biblical Manuscripts. What can you tell me about them?
Dating of the Book of Revelation: When was the book of Revelation written?

Bible Translations: How come some verses in KJV of the Bible are not found in others?

Titles in Chapters of Psalms: Are the titles for the Psalms reliable?

Book of Job: Is the book of Job pseudepigraphal? Is it a real story of a real event?

The Disciple that Jesus Loved: Is john really the disciple that Jesus loved, because how could John, a fisherman from Galilee, be able to get past the Gate of the palace of the High Priest, but Peter wasn't able to? [Acts 4]

Genealogy of Jesus & Joseph: Why is Jesus' step-dad Joseph's genealogy so important in Matthew 1 when he wasn't even blood related to Jesus? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]

Bible Writers not Alive: Agnostic challenging Biblical reliability because the writers were supposedly not alive when Jesus was present.

Lady Caught in Adultery: So was the story about the lady caught in adultery supposed to be there or not? [John 7:53-8:11]
Book of Life or Tree of Life: In Revelation 22, does say names won't be in the Book of Life or won't eat from the Tree of Life? [Revelation 22:19]

Supernaturally Changed Words of the Bible: Some of the words in the Bible have been changed, is this being done supernaturally?

Bible Incomplete: People say that the Bible is incomplete. Do you have anything I can listen to about that?

inerrant Word of God: The Word of God is inerrant in the original text that it came in.

Missing Text: Why is verse 4 there in some bibles & not others? [John 5:4]

Early Manuscripts & the Adulterous Woman: The story about the Adulterous woman is not in the earliest manuscripts. How come? Is it reliable? Does it belong in there? [John 7:53-John 8:12]

Sola Scripture: Is sola scriptura wrong because the Bible was compiled according to tradition?

Sola Scriptura & Relevancy of Scripture: Do you believe in sola scriptura and no tradition at all? Is any scripture outdated?

Bible Phrase Missing from Manuscripts: Phrase about "not walking according to flesh..." is said to not be found in the oldest manuscripts? [Romans 8:1]

Disbelief: Is disbelief in Christianity indefensible?
Compilation of Bible: Was the Bible miraculously compiled?

Destined for Hell: Why would God create people destined for hell?
Reliability of the Bible: My son is concerned about the possible corruption in scriptures.

The Book of Acts: Some Liberal scholars are questioning inconsistencies and lack of harmony in the Book of Acts

Books of the Bible: How can we be sure the ones who determined what to include in the New Testament didn't make mistakes, determining what was going to be in canon of Scripture?

New Testament Reliability: People say we can't trust the Scriptures of the New Tesament because they were just letters all compiled together centuries later. [2 Timothy 3:16]

A Case of Plagiarism in the Bible: 2 chapters of the Bible say the exact same thing, so is this a case of plagiarism? [2 Kings 19, Isaiah 37]

KJV only Advocate: (lively discussion) Bible translation, KJV ONLY? Are other versions corrupted? Are those that read other version going to hell?

Doubting the Bible: Listener is doubting his faith, doubting the reliability of the Bible, & he needs assurance about the authority and integrity of it.

King Cyrus Predicted: How come the Bible isn't considered inspired by more unbelievers that it is since Isaiah so accurately predicted about King Cyrus 150 years before he was born? [Isaiah 44:28-45:1]
Authorship of Isaiah: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the Isaiah authorship?

Doubts the Inerrancy of Scripture: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy Word of God be considered a Christian?

Alexandrian Text or Textus Receptus is the Alexandrian Text or Textus Receptus better?

Abraham's Genealogy: Abraham's children, disparity in the ages, is there a discrepancy in the math from when Abram was born & his father died? [Acts 7:2-5, Genesis 11:6, Genesis 12:4]

God's Speaking Trumping the Bible: If God personally speaks to you, is it more important than what you get from the Bible?
The Apostles Infallible: Could the apostles have been wrong?

Celebrating Christmas: Should Christians be celebrating Christmas? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
Missing Books of the Bible: Are there books not in the Bible that should be?

Bible Completion: When was the Bible completed & compiled?
Apologetics & Mormonism: Have you ever heard of Norman Geisler? He says there's NO WAY Mormons/LDS can be Christians when they go against so much of Christianity & tell Christians to join them, so don't you think that is true?

Doubting the more I read the Bible: I'm actually having more doubts about God the more I read the Bible, not less, so what do you recommend that I should I do?

Bible Translators getting it so Wrong: How do translators make mistakes that are so glaring sometimes? [Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18]

Context of Scripture & Cherry Picking: What can you say about people saying you are are just saying take the Bible in Context so they can skillfully cherry pick from the Bible, but not really taking it in context? Exegesis over proof-texting.
Once Saved, Always Saved: So you say people can lose their salvation? What about people who go through a rough period of time, & go out & perform willful sin? Are they lost during that period of time?

Paul's Writing Above all other's Writings: Have you ever heard that Paul's writings are elevated above anyone else's, including Jesus' own words?

Adding Additional Apostolic Book of the Bible: Could we add more apostolic writings, if genuine ones were located?

Canon of Scripture: So the canon of scripture was organized by the catholic church?

Crossing the Red Sea Documentary: What do you think about the documentary about evidence of the crossing of the red sea?
Hebrew Language: When did the Hebrew language start?

Dislike of the Modern Translations of the Bible: "Man shall not eat by bread alone", the modern translations seem to be different that what it says.

The Word of God: Is the Bible really the Word of God?

Narrator Omniscience How did one record conversations/events in the bible if no one was there to record it?

Jesus & God in comparison to the Bible, The Bible is not a complete, some claim, not the same as just believing in God.

Italicized Words in the Bible: Are the italicized words in the Bible inspired?

Studying the Bible: What is the proper way to study the Bible?

Verses that might've Surprised Steve Gregg: What are some verses that surprised you the first time you read the entire Bible through?

English hard to Translate: Is English is the hardest language to translate?
Chapters & Verses a Liability: They didn't even have Chapters & Verses before, so people can take a verse out of context by not understanding its full mean, making it a little bit of a drawback.

Missing Books of the Bible: Are there any books that are missing from the canon of Scripture?

Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text: What text do you think is better for the bible, textus receptus or that alexandrian text?
Best Bible Reading Plan: What do you think is the best Bible reading plan?

Canon of Scripture: Were books left out of the Bible that should've been there?

Thomas Jefferson & His Bible: 3rd discussion about Thomas Jefferson, this caller thinks he WASN't a Christian

Thomas Jefferson Bible Rebuttal: I want to disagree w/ you about what you said yesterday about thomas jefferson & the jefferson Bible.

The Thomas Jefferson Bible: What do you think about the Jefferson Bible? How could he take all the miracles of Jesus out of the Bible? How do you counter it?

Understanding the Bible by culture of the day: Middle eastern culture a little bit different than the modern era or life in America. Can you talk about it?

Infallibility of the Bible: Can you explain again how you know the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God?

Lion lying down with the Lamb: The lion lying down w/ the lamb, was the King James Bible supernaturally changed because it doesn't say that anymore! [Isaiah 11:8, Isaiah 65:25]

Atheist Question number 1 - Bible Confusion: If God's not Author of confusion, why is the Bible more confusing that anything else in history?
Atheist Question number 2 - God's Omnipotence: If God is omnipotent, how could He change something?

Geneva Bible: What does Steve know about the Geneva Bible?
KJV of the Bible: Is it true that King James said how it certain words could be translated in the King James Bible?

Truth of the Bible: Where can someone go to find the absolute, unadulterated truth? [The Narrow Path website?]

Esther: Was Esther mentioned in the chronicles/history of Medes & Persians?
King David: Is David mentioned anywhere outside the Bible?
Evidence of Jesus: What about evidence outside the Bible of Jesus' existence?

Apocrypha: Does the Apocrypha have any bearing on our salvation?

Bible Discrepancy of Israel in Egypt: There is seems to be a discrepancy of how long Israel was actually in Egypt. Can you clarify? [Genesis 15:13-16, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:16-17]

The ESV Translation of the Bible: What do you think about the reliability of the ESV translation of the Bible?

Mandela effect: Caller would like Steve's thoughts on the "Mandela effect" (invented memories). [Isaiah 11:6, which you will hear addressed in later calls about this "phenomenon"]

Doubting the Inerrancy of Scripture: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of Scripture be a true Christian?

Demons cast out by only Fasting & Prayer Text Missing: Caller has heard that in some translations the phrase, "some (demons) can only be cast out by fasting & prayer" & was wondering if that was true or not. [Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29]

KJV Only Issue: You said there is no scripture to KJV only mindset, shouldn’t we only have ONE translation? He says he gets confused with all the other translations. He thinks we need to have moderation. [2 Peter 1, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14]

KJV Only People: The King James Version only people, why do they even think that, how does it even happen & why is it incorrect to believe?

Doubting Faith: Caller is questioning/doubting their faith, the veracity of the Bible and Christianity.

Problems with Audio FIles: When listening to some of your lectures, they seem to speed up & slow down. Do you know why that is?
Unknown Authors of Books of the Bible: If they didn't know the author of a book of the Bible, did that impede if the book was inspired or not & added to the canon of Scripture?

Bible Written by God or Man: was the bible written by God or only by people who had a relationship w/ God? Pastor cites different creation accounts?
All or Parts of Bible Inspired: How we know if all of the Bible is inspired or only parts?
Mosaic Law Harshness: Do we have to believe in the harness of mosaic law, all the capital punishment & so on? did they end when Jesus died on the cross then because we don't do those things anymore.

Doubting the Inerrancy of God: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of the Bible be a true Christian?

Being an Atheist in Light of Book of Daniel: How can there possibly be any atheists if you look at the book of Daniel at all the evidence? [Daniel]

Inspiration of the Bible: What does that mean, the inspiration writings of the Bible? Are the books as a collection inspired?

Translations of the Bible: What is Steve's opinion about all the different translations of Bible (that try to help you understand the Bible better)?

Date of the Book of Revelation: When was the Book of Revelatoin written & what style was it written in? People say it's very similar to Jewish writings before Jesus.
Having Doubt: Caller considers herself a Christian but is still a skeptic, still finds that she has a lot of doubt.

Unicorns in the Bible: Where it says in Numbers about the trength of the unicorns, it seems like they've actually discovered unicorns, validating the Bible even more. [Numbers 23:22, Numbers 24:8]
Christograms such as Fish: Is there any type of taboo of making our own Christogram, like the fish?

Woman Caught in Adultery Story: The woman caught in adultery story, I heard there's a lot of controversy of whether that belongs in the Bible or not, that it was an insertion? What do you say? [John 7:53-8:11]
Seventh Day Adventists: Where do Seventh Day Adventists get their name & why so much emphasis on the Sabbath?

Outside Sources of the Bible & Jesus: Is there anything outside the Bible that proves the existence of the Bible & Jesus?

Biblical Inerrancy: Caller doesn't believe in Biblical inerrancy & wondering if Steve can comment on it. [1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Titus 1:12]

"What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]

Ethiopian Bible: What would you say to people who say the Ethiopian Bible was written way before the Christian Bible came out, so Christianity is just a copy of that?
Rastafarianism & Halle Salasi: What do you say to people who say Halle Salasi came from the Trible of Judah & it a Messiah?

Evidence of the 10 Plagues in Egypt: Is there any documentaries on the evidence that the 10 plagues actually happened in Egypt? ("Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" "Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy")

Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].

Paul being removed from the Bible: People actually believe that Paul needs to be removed from the Bible?
The Christmas Story: Do you have any good verses in the OT that illuminate the birth of Christ? [Luke 1 & 2, Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Micah 5:2]

Anti-Paul Movement: There seems to be this anti-Paul Pharisee Movement going around saying that we can't believe Paul. What do you think about it?

"Throw it all out": Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that if a portion of the Bible is bad to throw it all out?
Mormonism & Fallacy of the Bible: That's what the Mormons say, that some of the Bible is wrong, because, for example, it says "repented" of the evil He was going to do to the Israelites for worshipping other gods. [Exodus 32:14]

KJV of the Bible: Are there errors in the KJV of the Bible?
Women Preachers: What is your position on women preachers/ordination? (never gets a chance to answer this Q however)

James Authorship: Who wrote the book of James, & when was it added to the Canon of Scirpture?

Authority & Inspiration of Scripture: Discussion about inerrancy of Scripture, but we shouldn't say more about the Bible than the writers of the Bible believed about it (Another very convoluted, hard to understand question...2 in a row).

Manuscripts of the Bible: Were the Manuscripts just one long continuous words, w/ no breaks, commas, capitalization?
Bob Dutko: Steve Gregg was in an interview w/ Bob Dutko, does he have an audio file of that?

The Bible Just a Nice Set of Stories: How do you deal w/ someone who claims to be a Christian, but thinks the Bible is just a book of made up stories, & how would you share w/ them that they are wrong?

Age of the Earth, Prehistoric Age: The Age of the Stars & other things don't seem to match up w/ the Creation Account, so how do we deal w/ that? [Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1:19-20]

Missing Bible Verses: Why is [Acts 8:37] missing out of the Modern Translations of the Bible?

NIV Translation: Why are some verses missing in the NIV of the Bible?
4 different kinds of Baptisms: There are only 4 kinds of Baptisms in the Bible, is that right? Being immersed in Water, in the Holy Spirit, in Fire, & in the baptism of Suffering?

The book of Ezekiel: Why are the prophecies given out of chronological order?

Taking the Bible Literally, Selectively: A friend of the caller said that Christians just take what they want literally out of the Bible, so that makes the Bible not true.

The Role of Women in the Church: Steve keeps saying, "Jesus says", Paul says", or "the Bible says", but which is it?

Getting a New Bible: Caller is considering getting a E. W. Bullinger Companion Bible, would Steve recommend it? What is a good one?
Genesis 5 genealogy: Cain is not in the genealogy of Genesis 5. Why not?

Taking the Bible out of context & taking your Thoughts Captive: Caller thinks a lot of verses are taken out of context, & wants to talk about a few examples. [2 Corinthians 10:4-5]
I'm in the midst of 2 or 3: That's not necessarily saying God is going to be there in prayer because there are more people, but it's in reference to church discipline. [Matthew 18:20]

Virgin Birth: The Virgin Birth story seems to be similar to other stories of leaders who were heroic, doesn't it?

The Story Bible: Some friends are very excited about a new non-denominational church, but they are using the "Story Bible". Concerned about the Church if they use such a Bible.

Similar Writing in the Bible: Why is Isaiah 36:1-39:8 so much like 2 Kings 18:17-20:21? People have been challenging the validity of the Bible just because of this, copied or similar material. [Isaiah 36:1 - 39:8, 2 Kings 18:17 - 20:21]

The Bible: Who wrote the Bible? How do we know it's not just a story?

Hell - Universalism View: The father of aller believes in Universalism, that eventually, no matter what you believe, you'll end up in Heaven. What can I tell him?
Honoring ones Dad: So how would you recommend I get along w/ my dad who says it doesn't matter what you believe, that the Bible is not 100% inspired by God because it was written by men?

Lost Books of the Bible: Why would some books that are mentioned in the Bible be lost if God wanted them to be in the canon of Scripture? [Psalm 12:6-7]

Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]

Refuting the Bible was just written by men: Do you have anything that I could have people who say that the Bible is just a common book, just written by men, listen to?

Books of Acts complete: Was there supposed to be some more things after the last official of verse where Paul was preaching about the Kingdom of God? [Acts 28:31]
The Sonnini Manuscript - Acts 29: Have you heard of the Sonnini Manuscript that include an Acts 29? Is it a valid chapter?

The Catholic & KJV Bible: What is the difference between the Catholic & KJV Bible?

1 & 2 Timothy: A friend of my friend started saying that he didn't think 1 & 2 Timothy was actually written by Paul, & even if it was, there are some problems that w/ what Paul wrote. Can you help me out?

Textus Receptus over the Alexandrian Text: Why do you prefer the Textus Receptus over the Alexandrian Text, if you do?
Learning about Christ - Christianity: Where would you recommend that a newly converted Christian or an unbeliever start reading the Bible to learn about God in the best way?

The Bible & the Church Fathers: How did the Church Fathers view the Bible, & how did we stray from that, if we did?

Jesus' Birthplace: Did I hear that there was a discrepancy of where Jesus was born?
Bart Ehrman: I've been getting my information from Bart Ehrman & was told he was a scholar. What do you think of him?
Scripture is God-breathed: I know there are 2 Scripture that says the Bible is inspired or God-breathed. Can you point me to them? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21]

Amillennialism: The problem with being an amillennialist is that Revelation wasn't canonized until at the Council of Trent in 1545. Do you have information on that?

Bible throwing curve balls: I really believe in the fundamental essentials of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ &, the main & plain things, but then the Bible just throws weird things out there that we have to believe like literal creation, people burning in hell, & God creating Satan. Can you help me with the weird things that it seems to teach?

Canonicity of Scripture & Peter: Do you believe Peter wrote the 2nd epistle of Peter?
The Nag Hammadi Library - Chenoboskion Manuscripts: Was this just a collection gnostic books or books of the Bible also?
James & Jude & Hebrews: Authorship of James, Jude & Hebrews, & how do we know to accept those books?

Fasting & Textus Receptus or Alexadrian text: Did Jesus say to only pray, or fast & pray? Do we use the Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text? [Matthew 17:20-22, Mark 9:29]

Innocence Restored: Michael the Buddhist discusses about humanity going back to innocence/restoration after the Fall.
Bible Translated many Times: The Bible has been translated so many times it might've lost its accuracy, caller surmises.
Jesus' physical presence: It must've been wonderful being able to be around Jesus when He was here, but now all we have is the Bible to rely on, so it makes it a little hard to believe. [John 20:24-31]

Dispensationalism & Premillennialism: I enjoyed your book about the 4 views of Revelation as I was making my transition to Partial Preterism.
Views of Hell, Traditional View, Eternal Torment: I want to talk about your views of hell now. What would you call Hell if you didn't call it the "traditional view"?
Bible stories resembling Babylonian Mythology: People have said that Christianity & the Bible have just copied stories from Babylonian Mythology. Do you have thoughts about this, especially regarding the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 19:19-31]

Jeremiah 31 & the Qumran texts (Dead Sea Scrolls): I've heard that the chapter in Jeremiah about the new covenant is not found in the Qumran texts, is this true? [Jeremiah 31]

The Inspiration of the Bible: Daughter in law has a problem believing in the authenticity of the Bible because when she went to school she was told that the Bible was just man-made.

Roman Catholic Church & Missing books of the BIble: Did the Roman Catholic Church take books out of the Bible?

Books Not Put in the Bible: Caller's friend is concerned that there were some books that should've been were not included.

Canonicalization of the Scripture: How were the books of the Bible decided that would be put in & which ones would be left out?

Morning Star Describing both Lucifer & Jesus?: So did you say that the term "Morning Star" was describing Lucifer as well as Jesus too? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16
Infallibility of the Bible: If it's the case that the KJV translators got the word, "Lucifer" wrong in Isaiah, does that still mean the Bible is completely infallible & inspired?

Cearsar's Messiah: Have you ever heard of "Caesar's Messiah"?

Inerrancy of the Bible: How we know the Bible is inerrant?
Taking the Bible Literally: How do we know when we are supposed to be taking the Bible literally? [Genesis 1-2]

Christianity Borrowed from Ancient Religions: A friend of the caller said that Christianity is just originating from Ancient Religions that also had the same things like a Virgin Birth. (Steve recommended a video called, "Zeitgeist" on YouTube, 2 parts.)

Chapters & Verse Numbers in the Bible: Caller comments on previous caller about chapters & verse numbers.
Gay Marriage: We shouldn't let the state define marriage.

Bible Format; Chapters & Verses: Who was first responsible for putting chapters & verses in the Bible?

Missing Part of the Book of Mark: Why are there alternative endings to the book of Mark, as some Bible versions do not include a few verses?

Bible Reliability: Caller said that his pastor said that not all things that are in the Bible are true. Can Steve comment on this
Getting to Jesus Through the Roof: Is the story about people coming down through the roof to get to Jesus allegorical? [Mark 2:4, Luke 5:19].
Understanding Paul: How does one learn to understand the writings of Paul better? [2 Peter 3:15-16]

Reliability of Revelation: How can we trust one man's vision - the Book of Revelation?

Satan Knows the Authority of Scripture: Isn't Satan actually affirming the authority of the Bible by his using it when he tempted Christ? [Acts 19:15].
Jesus Being Called, "Master": Could you talk about Jesus allowing the disciples to call Him, "Master"? [Matthew 23:9, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44].

Old & New Testament's Inspiration vs Authority: Could you do a synopsis of the difference of the kind of authority (and inspiration) of the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? [2 Peter 1:19, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, I Corinthians 7:12, I Timothy 4:1, Matthew 28:18].

Applying same Scripture Different Ways: There really is no universal way to apply the same passage of Scripture for might mean something else to someone else. Do you think that might be true? (Spiritualizing Scripture)
God Speaking to us: Can God speak to us apart from the what He says in the Scripture? Is it possible He might ever tell us something CONTRARY to what the Scripture said?

Inerrant Scripture: People say we shouldn't say Scripture isn't inerrant? Is that true? [2 Timothy 3:16]

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