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Topic: Spiritual Warfare

Episode Topic Audio

Sealed by the Spirit but Losing One's Salvation: Could you give examples of how someone sealed with the Holy Spirit can still lose their salvation for all eternity? Rec: Topical Lectures: "Content of the Gospels," "Eternal Security." [1 John 5:11-12, John 3:16, John 3:36, John 15:1-6, Romans 11:16-22, 1 Corinthians 9:26-27].

War in Heaven Chronology: When did the war in heaven take place when Michael the archangel was fighting to cast out Satan? [Revelation 12:7-10, Revelation 12:1-12, John 12:31, Luke 10:17-20].

Free Will & Sin in Heaven: Do you think that we will still have free will and be able to sin in heaven? [Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:25-26, Galatians 5:17].

Unanswered Prayer: I assume you have been praying for your children to come to the Lord for the past 40 years, how do you reconcile this unanswered prayer? [Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 9:23].

Visibility of Satan, Spirits & Demons: Why do we not see Satan and the demons, if they are not spirits? Ref: "Empire of the Risen Son" by Steve Gregg [Ephesians 2:2].

Withdrawal from Drugs, Alcohol & Nicotine: Are the physical problems (itching) I am experiencing a result of the withdrawal from drugs, alcohol, and nicotine, or is it a spiritual attack?

Spiritual Warfare Post Death: After we die, will we be active participants in spiritual warfare?

Needing Specifics for Prayer: Is it biblical for someone to require specifics if they will be praying for you?
"Fire Prayers": Do you know about the book "Fire Prayers?"

Encouragement to Someone Struggling: Caller encourages a previous call struggling with alcohol. [Luke 4:13, James 4:7, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, Genesis 32:22-32].

Struggle & Living in Obedience: Is the struggle one experiences living the Christian life typical until the resurrection, and naturally brings the question, "Why did you make me like this?" [Romans 7-9, Romans 9:20-21, Romans 9:4, Galatians 5:16].

Powers, Principalities & Rulers: "Principalities, powers, and rulers" in Ephesians define against whom we should fight? Can you clarify the difference between them? [Ephesians 6:12, Titus 3:1, Daniel 10:13].

Calvinism & Arminianism: Do you think the main two divisions in Christianity is between the Calvinists and the Arminians?
"Every Thought Brought into Captivity": Could you riff on the last lin in 2 Corinthians 5, regarding "bringin every thought into Captivity?" [2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Romans 12:2, Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:28, 2 Corinthians 10:1, Matthew 28:20, 1 Corinthians 6:9]

Jesus Revolution-Greg Laurie & Chuck Smith: Caller encourages listeners to see the movie, even though he doesn't care for the teaching of Chuck Smith and Gregg Laurie.
Struggle Between Flesh & Spirit: When Paul looked to the Old Testament for instruction about the struggle between the flesh and spirit, should we then use the New Testament in the same way? [Romans 7-8, Galatians 5:17, Romans 8:4f].

Pornography: How do I combat pornography? [Matthew 5:29-32].

Rebuking Evil Spirits: What should we understand about rebuking unclean or evil spirits, both in ourselves and in others? [Jude 1:9, Daniel 10:10-14, Matthew 16:23].
Bible Reading for the Young: What would you recommend for young people for Bible reading? Rec: Topical lecture series; "Culivating Christian Character"/ "Cultivating the Word of God."

Commanding Angels: Is there a precedent in the Bible about believers "commanding angels" to take action? [Hebrews 1:14, Galatians 4:1, Luke 1:34, I Corinthians 6:3, Hebrews 2:7].
Church Multiplies Under Persecution: Why does the church grow under severe persecution? It does not make sense.

Discouragment in Prayer vs Hardness of Heart: If someone is struggling because of the discouragement in their failures in reoccuring sin, therefore finding it hard to pray, is their heart becoming hardened? [Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 10:10-14, Psalm 103:13-14, Hebrews 4:14-16, Revelation 12:12, Matthew 4:11, Luke 4:13, Matthew 26:41].

Curses on Government: Is there any biblical precedent suggesting that we should be praying for curses to be lifted off of our states? [2 Corinthians 10:5-7, Proverbs 26:2].

Mental Health: How should believers deal with mental health issues and related psychological concerns?

Improving My Prayers: How can I improve my praying and become more confident and trusting? [James 1:6, Psalm 115:2-4, John 8:44, Revelation 12:9, Matthew 7:11, I Peter 5:7, I John 5:14].

Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Could you share any scripture that indicates that the devil can speak into people's minds? [Matthew 16:23].
Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Since we have the mind of Christ, how can we have thoughts coming into out minds from Satan?

Ex-Homosexual & Ex-Transgender; Dealing with the Temptation: Ex-homosexual & ex-transgender: When I am tempted by the wrong sex, is it demonic? [Matthew 19:12]. Lectures recommended.
The "Offspring" of Satan in Genesis: Could you explain what is meant by the "offspring" when the offspring of the serpent was cursed? [Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:9, John 8:44, I John 3:10].

Demonic Attacks: Caller shares his past experiences and increased attacks (possibly demonic). Do you know someone who deals with this? Recommends; Topical lecture on "Spiritual Warfare?."

Why Pray?: Do our prayers really change things if the outcome is already in God's hands? Recommended book; "The Kneeling Christian". [James 4:2-3, James 5:16, Luke 11:9, Matthew 7:7, James 1:6 , Matthew 6:10, I John 5:14, Genesis 1:26-28, Daniel 10:10-14].

Empowered by the Holy Spirit: Are there two separate events in the Christian experience, where one accepts Christ and then later we empowered by the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 5:18, Acts 19, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13].
Spiritual Warfare: How do you know when you are in the middle of spiritual warfare? [I Peter 5:8, 2 Peter 2:11, Ephesians 6:10-18].

Scripture Taken Out of Context: Do you think you took scripture out of context when referring to Romans 7 and it application to living the Christian life? [Revelation 3:20, Romans 7, Romans 8:1-4, Galatians 5:16-17, Romans 8:23, Romans 7:23-25, Romans 7:14, Romans 7:17, Romans 7:20].

Cain & Abel: What do you think about these two interpretations of the warning issued to Cain about his needing to do well? [Genesis 4:6-7, Genesis 3:16, Romans 5:7].

Weakness in Obedience: What was Paul referring to in Romans 7 when he says he does the very things he wishes not to do? [Romans 7:15-25, Romans 8:2-4, Galatians 5:16-17].
Armor of God: What exactly is the "armor of God"? Recommended topical lectures; "Spiritual Warfare". [Ephesians 6:10-18].

Mental Illness in Family Member: How do I look at a diagnosis of my ex-wife's mental illness (Bipolar) in light of scripture, particularly relative to my daughter? Topical lecture recommended; "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
Thanks to Steve & The Narrow Path Ministry: Caller thanks Steve for causing him to reexamine what he has been taught, which has made him grow in his faith. [Proverbs 18:17].
All Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think that all prophecies have been, or where, fulfilled by 70A.D.? [Daniel 2:35].

Take it By Violence: Could you talk about the passage indicating that the kingdom is suffering violence and taking it by violence? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].

Feeling Overwhelmed: Could you encourage me as I am feeling overwhelmed and am struggling, even after I put on the whole armor of God? [2 Timothy 2:3, Ephesians 6:10, Isaiah 40:31].
Grace & Power: How do we actually get the grace and power of the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 2:8, Romans 5:2, I Corinthians 15:10, I Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 4:16].

A Christian's Fear of Satan: Could you talk about the Christian's fear of being attacked by Satan, and if we are not a threat to him if he is not doing so? [I Peter 5:8, James 4:7, Ephesians 6:10-18, I John 4:4, Luke 10:19, 2 Timothy 2:3-5, John 8:32].

Blessing a House: If someone wants their house blessed because of suspected demonic activity, is it something that is biblical to do? [Revelation 18:2, Jeremiah 51:37, Matthew 12:43].

Overcome: What is it that we have to "overcome"? [Revelation 3:20, Revelation 12:11, John 16:33, I John 2:14, I John 5:4-5].

Spirit Beings Neither Good or Bad: What do you think of John Walton's view that angels are neither good nor bad? [Job 1-2, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Revelation 12:9].

Demon Possession: Caller shares story of her experience with demons

Inanimate Objects with Demons: Do you actually believe that an inanimate object can have a demon? [Acts 19:19].

Attaching Evil to Inanimate Objects: Can someone attach evil, or curses, to an inanimate object, such as a Bible? [James 4:7].

Evil Spirit: Can an evil spirit (demon) program people?

Objects with Demonic or Evil Attachments: What do you think about the possibility of an evil attachment to an object in my home that makes my kids uncomfortable?

Spiritual Oppression, Possession & Mental Illness: Could you help me understand the differences between spiritual oppression, demon possession, and mental illness? [Acts 10:38, Matthew 4:24, Galatians 5:16-18].

Family Curses & Divine Counsel for Prayer: Have you heard of bringing prayer to a "counsel of divine judges" which may be tied to Genesis? He feels he may have a family curse. [Genesis 1:26-28, I Corinthians 6:3].
The Didache: What do you think about "The Didache"?

Changing My Evil Heart: How do I, who has backslidden and feel that evil is deeply rooted, actually change my heart? Lecture recommended lecture; Spiritual Warfare & both books, "Empire of the Risen Son". [Romans 7, Matthew 26:41].
John Owen's (Puritan): What do you think of the Puritan writer, John Owen's book, "The Mortification of Sin"?

Witchcraft: How does one recognize if someone is secretly practicing witchcraft? And how would one pray against it or a curse? Recommended lecture: "Spiritual Warfare."

Sinlessness in Heaven-Why Not Sin Free Here: If sin doesn't exist in heaven, how will God bring us to a state of sinlessness? If this could be achieved, why didn't He do that to begin with? [Romans 7:24-25, Galatians 5:17].

Satan and Lucifer Not the Same: Repeat caller asks to again present her opinion that Satan and Lucifer are the same character. Recommended lecture; Spiritual Warfare-Origins of Satan.

If Lucifer is Not Satan: Who is being referred to if Lucifer is not Satan? [Isaiah 4, Isaiah 14:12-22, Daniel 4].
More about Satan: What lecture should one listen to at the website in order to learn more about spiritual warfare? Recommended Topical Lecture; Spiritual Warfare.

Possible Demonic Presence: Caller wants prayer for what may be a possible demonic presence in his home. What should I do to handle this situation?

The Struggle in Temptation for Adam vs Paul: Could you talk more about the choices we make, the choices Adam & Eve made, and the warfare Paul describes in walking the Christian life? [Genesis 3:6, Romans 7:23, I Timothy 6:17].
Adam, Eve & the Holy Spirit: Did Adam & Eve have the Holy Spirit in them? [Galatians 5:17].

All the Conspiracies: As a fairly new Christian, I am finding some of the vast amount of conspiracies theories out there very unsettling, so how do I sort that? [Psalm 2, Isaiah 8:11-15, I Peter 3:15].

Demonic Powers Today: Can you help me with the spirits that are causing COVID and political evil right now?

Demon's Ability to Read: Can a demon read my PIN numbers when I enter them at the bank?

Jesus' Temptation: Was Jesus' temptation physical or visionary one? Where would one draw the line determining this? [Matthew 4:1-11].

Mental Health, Counseling & Psychotherapy: Is it too extreme to say that one doesn't need psycho-therapists to heal mental health issues? Isn't Jesus is enough? Lecture: "Biblical Counsel for a Change".

Dungeons & Dragons Game: Is there any danger to playing the game, "Dungeons & Dragons"?
Demon Presence: Are angles and demons around us all the time?

Homosexual Addiction: What do you say to someone who has been involved in a homosexual lifestyle and addiction their whole lives due to childhood abuse? Rec Lecture: Cultivating Christian Character [I Peter 2:11].

Why Jesus Didn't Want People to Understand His Parables: Could you clarify why Jesus indicated that he didn't want people to understand His parables, if He wants everyone saved? [Mark 4:12, Mark 4:34, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13].

Music Therapy: Caller suggests music therapy for one who is troubled by negative or demonic spirits. [I Samuel 16:23].

Satan Taking Up Residency in Christian Lives: Could you tell me what the Bible says about Satan taking up residency in the minds and lives of Christians? [Hebrews 4:15, Matthew 4:1-11, Matthew 16:23, Genesis 3:6].

Anxiety & Guilt: Could you help me out with my anxiety and guilt, following quite an accusatory sermon? [I John 2:4, Proverbs 28:1].

What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].

Prayer in Tongues Required: How do I handle someone in a group, who insists that prayer must be in tongues in order to be as powerful as it can be? [Matthew 6:6].
Binding & Loosing: What does it mean to "bind and loose" on earth, particularly relative to prayer? [Matthew 18:18, Matthew 16:19].

Christians Devoured by the Devil: Does the verse about the devil being like a lion seeking to devour us, how does this apply to Christians? [I Peter 5:8].
Thoughts from the Devil: Can the devil actually put thoughts into your heads? [Matthew 16:23].
Jesus Seeing the Devil: Did Jesus actually see the devil when he was tempted in the wilderness?

Demon Possession & Exorcism: How long does it take to get rid of demons?
Demon Exorcism: Do people know when demons come out of them when they are being exorcised?
Demon Deliverance & Laying on of Hands: Should you lay hands on someone you are trying to see delivered from demons?

Born Again & Sinlessness: I don't seem to understand what it means to be born again, because the Bible says you won't sin. Can you help me know how to accomplish this? [I John 3:9].
Confessing Your Sins to One Another: Every time we sin we are supposed to confess to our brother, so so I have to go do that all that time? [James 5:16].
Christ in Me Should not Allow Sin in Me: If I have Christ in me, how can I still sin? Am I not to overcome the devil? It is really hard! [Galatians 5:17, Philippians 3, I John 1:9, Ephesians 1:7, Matthew 23, Matthew 11:29, Matthew 26:41].

Spiritual Attacks & Mental Illness: Could you talk about spiritual attacks and its relationship to mental illness, and even such things as panic attacks? [Matthew 4:24, 7:13].

Kingdom of God Enacted: Are we at that place in God's timeline suggested in Genesis 3, where the kingdom of God is enacted and progressing-in the crushing of Satan's head? [Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalms 47:3,
Kingdom of God: Who is being grafted into the kingdom - is it now primarily gentiles, rather than the Jews? [Romans 11:11f].

Sin that Keeps Reoccurring: How does one deal with reoccurring sin that seemingly can't be beat? How does God forgive in this situation? [Matthew 1:21, I Peter 2, Psalm 119:11].
Tribulation & Rapture: Could you clarify more about the various positions on the tribulation and rapture? [I thessalonians 4:16-17].

Suicide and Guilt: I am considering suicide because of guilt. I am not sure what to do? [I John 1:9, Romans 8, I John 3].

After the Victory, Why the Fight Continues: Would you clarify your thoughts on the victory of David in Isaiah, but the necessary "mopping up" that follows?

Tearing down strongholds: Can we tear down strongholds in other Christian's lives? [2 Corinthians 10:3-5].

Taking Thoughts Captive in Spiritual Warfare: Why do you say that Paul meant to take other people's thoughts captive, rather than one's own in this passage about spiritual warfare? [2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 2:14, Romans 7:22].

Christian Charities: Are you familiar with the organization called "Persecuted Church"? What is the one you mentioned with "Martyrs"? (Voice of the Martyrs).
Women & Circumcision: How to women fit into the circumcision symbolism?
Thoughts into Obedience: How do you bring your thoughts into obedience to Christ? [2 Corinthians 10:5].

Charles Kraft & Authority: Are you familiar with Charles Kraft and his premise about our authority and power? [I Corinthians 12].

Enemy Attack: Does the enemy attack more when one changes from one religion to another? [I John 4:4, James 2:19].

Repentance & the Distractions: Why is it so hard to come back to the Lord, and battle all the distractions that seem to try to keep you away? [Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9].

Submission to a Corrupt Government: What is our obligation as Christians to submit to government, especially since the beast is apparently a corrupt form of government? [Revelation 13, 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, Ephesians 6:12].

Entangled in the Affairs of This Life: What does scripture mean when it says that no one who is in warfare entangles themselves with "the affairs of this life"? [2 Timothy 2:1-4, I Corinthians 10:31].

Spiritual Warfare: Do you think that sometimes we are encouraged to focus too much on the devil, rather than leaving the battle to Christ and His authority? [Matthew 28:18, 12:29, Jude 9, I Peter 5, I John 4:4, James 4:7, Galatians 5:16, 2 Corinthians 3:18].

Weapons of Warfare: Would you talk about about the weapons of warfare in 2 Corinthians and suggest some verse(s) that would helping us to battle the negative or sinful thoughts that come into our minds? [2 Corinthians 10:2-7, I Peter 2:11, Galatians 5:16].

Forgiveness & Repentance: The Lord's prayer indicates that we need to ask God to forgive our trespasses, but He indicates that we must repent or we will perish, so how can we stop sinning completely? Can you help me understand what repentance is? [Galatians 5:16-17].

Battle Flesh & Spirit: Clarify sin and the battle between flesh and spirit [Romans 6:23, Galatians 5:16-17].

Lucifer: Listened to your spiritual warfare and am listening to the section about Lucifer. Could you expound on that name, where the came from?

Struggling with Sin: Wanting to not fall into sin but sometimes sinning, why don't we want to do only righteousness? [Romans 7:14, Galatians 5:17]

Spiritual Warfare: Why is there spiritual warfare? How did it get started, w/ satan in heaven? (A lot of echo of each caller.)

Spiritual Warfare: Are the powers of hell coming against us & is Satan in hell?

Strongholds: Strongholds, lie vs truth, [John 8:44, Proverbs 8:14, Ephesians 6:6-12]

Armor of God: What does it mean to put on the full armour of God? How do you walk in the Spirit? [Ephesians 6:10-20]
Bible Translations: What is the best translation of the Bible?

Marijuana Use: What can you tell me about marijuana use? I think I keep thinking I have victory over it & then don't.

Christian Lifestyle: Attempting to live an obedient life but the pull of the world so overpowering.

Sword: Is the sword paralleled to the word bringing down strongholds?

Sleep Paralysis, Demon attacks & Spiritual warfare: Caller tells about a personal experience with a demons, & calling on the name of Jesus. He would like to know what Ephesians 6 has to do with this? [Ephesians 6:12]

Armor of God: Do you have the full armor of God on all the time?
World Peace? Why is there no world peace?

Being Alive without the Law: Can you explain what Paul meant by being alive without the law, but sin revived, & he died? Revealing what sin?
Different names of the Gospel: Are there just many different names of the Gospel, but the same Gospel?

Donald Trump: Caller doesn't think Donald Trump is a Christian & is certainly not very humble.
Spiritual Warfare: What should we know about it? did you say that you've performed an exorcism before?

Paul pre or post Conversion: In Romans 7, is Paul talking about his pre-conversion experience or his post-Christian experience, the old man or the new creature? [Romans 7]

Spiritual Warfare: Even if you are not living up to God's standards, can Satan tell you that you're okay, & that you can still work for Him even though you are not actually okay with God?

21 days to get an Answer: Why did it take an angel 21 days to get to where Daniel was, him having to deal w/ a blockage of the king of persia? Why couldn't God had just blown him out of the way?

Divide the Water from the Water: Why does the Bible say that waters were separated from waters? [Genesis 1:6-7]
Destruction of the Flesh: Putting one out of the church & giving them over to satan, that his spirit might be saved, doesn't this sort've defend once saved, always saved? [1 Corinthians 5]

The Devil's Powers: Does satan have powers to control us?
Our Carnal Nature: Are we being tempted of ourselves, our flesh, our carnal nature, just as much as we are being tempted by Satan?

Drawing Closer to God: Believer who wonders if his relationship is more one-sided, He doesn't feel as though God responds or speaks to him; how do you improve your relationship with God?

Spiritual Warfare: Challenges and sin continuing to rage in a person's Christian life, warfare waging, just wondering what to do.

Carnal & Spiritual Man: A Christian doesn't sin, the spirit man doesn't sin though fleshly man does as Romans 7 says. [1 John 3:6-10, Romans 7, Galatians 5:16-17]

Gates of Hell not Prevail against the Church What did Jesus mean by "the gates of hell" will not prevail against it? [Matthew 16:18]

Spiritual Warfare: I want to talk about Spiritual Warfare & storming the gates of hell, a song Casting Crowns did, & my pastor was talking about "kicking down the gates of Hell". What do you think about that?

Spiritual Warfare: Looking for a church who acknowledge spiritual warfare.

Being Given Prophetic Word: Caller feels she's been being given prophetic words & wondering if they were biblical?

Holy Spirit control verses Carnal Nature: I am concerned that I'm not letting the Holy Spirit lead me as much as I should? how much control does the He need to have?

War in Heaven: What heaven is this in reference to regarding this war, how do angels fight, and is it them we are fighting with now in spiritual warfare? [Revelation 12, Ephesians 6:12]

Aliens being Demonic: Have you ever heard of aliens being demonic beings?

Spiritual Warfare: Caller has friends dealing with anxiety, depression & other mental issues. Does Gregg have any lectures that deals with this kind've thing?

Demonic activity, Spiritual Warfare & Power of Suggestion: Demonic activity/Spiritual warfare: Can Steve please critique the caller's about how the power of suggestion? [Hebrew 4:12, 2 Timothy 2:6]

Demonic Presence: Could Steve please share the specific cases of demonic activity in houses he lived in, asked because of an answer he gave the day before.

Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Territories & Inanimate Objects: Do demons only possess human or real estate & inanimate objects as well?

The Spiritual Armor of God: I was wondering what each armor in the spiritual armor of God in Ephesians rrepresent? [Ephesians 6:10-17]

Putting on the Full Armor of God, combating Demonic Activity: Caller is concerned about having the full armor of God, fighting emonic or supernatural influences in her home, feeling very afraid. [Ephesians 6:14-17] (same caller as 2nd of same show.)

Armour of God: The Armour of God, isn't the Sword the Living Word of Jesus?

Pleading the Blood: Can you explain what "pleading the blood" means?

Spiritual Warfare & Armour: Can you please talk about spiritual warfare & spiritual armour? [Ephesians 6]

Violent take it by Force: Can you please address this verse, where the "violoent take it by force"? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 13:24]

Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?

Strong-hold & Foot-hold follow-up:: What are they again, since Steve didn't get a chance to answer the first time?
Jacob's Trouble: How is it that the children of Israel experienced Jacob's trouble & are saved out of it, but how were they experiencing distress of it if they left before 70 AD? [Jeremiah 37]

Street Preachers Follow-up: Paul didn't hold anything back when he was publicly speaking. [Acts 20:20]
Strong-holds & Foot-holds: What is the difference between a strong-hold & a foot-hold? (Steve, however, gets interrupted in his answer.)s

Satan Putting Thoughts in Mind: Can Satan put thoughts in our mind, & does that mean he can get in the mind of a Christian, & can he read our thoughts?

Holy Spirit: Can Steve please explain Romans 8:1-4? Walking in the Spirit, that'd be different than walking according to the requirements of the law, so what did Paul mean by the righteousness of the law?

Homosexual Temptation: A friend of the listener struggles w/ same-sex attraction. Can he still be a Christian despite this?

Spiritual Warfare/Christians Authority: Who is the real enemy? Is Satan considered a proper name? If that's not his name, what authority do we have to rebuke him as a Christian?

The Church of Firstborn: Has Steve ever heard of the church called, "The Church of the Firstborn"?
Paul's War Against the Flesh: Is Romans 7 referring to Paul's struggle with sin before or after his conversion? [Romans 7:14-18]

Bible interpretation in James: "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5 What does it mean? [James 4:5]

Attacked from the Enemy (Satan): How would you describe being attacked by the enemy (the devil)?

Carnal Warfare & Spiritual Warfare: In Romans 7 Paul seems to say there's warfare between the Carnal Nature & the Spiritual Nature, but in Ephesians he says we aren't war with our flesh. [Romans 7, Ephesians 6:1-12, 2 Cortinthians 10 :3]

Assurance of Salvation: I keep having a besetting then that I keep falling into, & so wonder if i'm saved or not.

Progressing as a Believer: When we need to move on from the basics, is a good plan to advance; 1.proclaim the gospel, 2. redeem our world, and 3. pray to bring down strongholds?

Revelation's War in Heaven: Could you offer some cliff notes on Revelation's war in heaven and the casting out of Satan? Recommended; verse-by-verse lectures & topical "Spiritual Warfare". [Revelation 12:7-12, John 12].

"Count the Cost" & "Total Surrender": Why would someone want to "count the cost" when they are in "total surrender?" Why does one's personal testimony often neglect the trials of surrender and spiritual warfare? [Luke 14:28-31].
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Why is blasphemy (speaking) against the Holy Spirit an unforgivable sin? [Matthew 12:31].

Apathy about the Kingdom: Is the apathy we see about the advancement of the kingdom relative to the ineffectiveness of the churches? [Matthew 24:14, Acts 17:7, Matthew 6:33].
Distraction with Dispensationalism: Do you think that premillennial Dispensationalism is a distraction to keep people from fully engaging our tasks?

"Weapons Against You Will Not Prosper": Could you talk about the Isaiah passage and the promise that weapons formed against us "will not prosper" and if it applies to us today? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 54:17, Galatians 4:7, Revelation 12:10-11].

Christians Still Sin: Can Christians still be evil after they are converted? [Galatians 5:17].
How to Study the Bible: Is there any recommendations for better Bible Study (Inductive Bible Study)?

Satan's Attacks & Mental Illness: Since Satan is not omnipresent, isn't it a mistake to claim you are being attacked by him, personally, especially in light of the fact mental illness can often be explained? [James 1:15, Matthew 12:26, I Timothy 4:1].

Walking in the Spirit: Suggestions on ways to walk in the Spirit.
The Movie, Harvey: Have you ever seen the movie called, "Harvey"? It's an object lesson to how to be able to "walk in the Spirit" practically.

Walking in the Spirit: If you walk in the Spirit, you won't gratify the carnal nature, but how do you put that in practical terms?

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