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Topic: Husband & Wife

Episode Topic Audio

"Desire for Thy Husband": Would you explain the second part of the verse in Genesis 3:16, that says "thy desire shall be to thy husband?" [Genesis 3:16, Genesis 4:7].
The Legacy Standard Bible: What do you think of "The Legacy Standard Bible?"

"Two Shall Become One": Does the passage in Genesis that says "the two shall become one" mean that one is incomplete when not married? [Genesis 2:24]

God Divorced Israel: When did God divorce Israel? [Jeremiah 3:14, Deuteronomy 24:1-4].

Husbands & Wives (Submission, Love & Respect): Can you respect someone if you don't love them? If a spouse is abusive or demeaning, should the wife still be submissive?

Overly Emotional & Focused on Evangelism: What should I do about my overly emotional focus on evangelism and having no interest in general entertainment, my wife, outside activities, and such? [1 Corinthians 7:34].
Church Fellowship (Buena Park CA): What do you think of the Church "The Way Fellowship" in Buena Park, California? Is it a good church?

Praise & Worship: Is there any difference between praise and worship? [1 Corinthians 11:2, 1 Corinthians 11:17, 1 Peter 2:5, Romans 12:1, Philippians 4:18, Hebrews 13:13]
Understanding Women: What does scripture mean to "dwell with understanding" regarding your wife? What about the “weaker vessel?” [1 Peter 3:7]

Wives Who Won‘t Submit: How far does a husband go if his wife will not submit? [Ephesians 5:22-25, 1 Peter 3]

Pastor Not Giving Time to His Family: If a pastor's wife is divorcing him because he is not giving enough time to his family, what scripture can you share? [1 Timothy3:4, Matthew 10:37, Luke 14:26].

Pornography: Is it pornography if a wife is sending nude pictures to her husband?

Family Order & Husband's Headship & Responsibility: Caller shares the idea that the husband is the head of the household. [Galatians 6:1].

Divorce: What do you say about my Christian wife divorcing me against my wishes? [Matthew 7:22].
Divorce & Bound for Hell: Are we both bound for hell, if my wife is divorcing me?

Amplified Bible: Is the Amplified Bible more accurate?
Husbands & Wives: Why is the order as it is when it says that men need to love their wives and the women must respect their husbands, and he doesn't also say the same in reverse? [Ephesians 5:25, Ephesians 5:33, Titus 2:4, I Peter 3:7].

Finding a Good Spouse: Caller comments that good marriage partners require not only compatibility, but endurability and having a life calling. [Psalm 15:4].

Seeking a Spouse: How does someone navigate seeking a spouse if they find that those that are more attractive seem to have less strength in their Christian walk?

Polygamy: What can I say to a woman who thinks that the Lord told her that it is acceptable to have two husbands? [Luke 11:24-26, Romans 7:2-3, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].

Living with a Contentious Wife: How do you deal with living with a contentious wife? [John 1:16-17, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 1:8, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10].

Potential Wife When Dating: How soon should a guy be looking for Christian compatibility and traits as a potential wife when he is dating?

Angry & Damaged Husband: Can you advise me as I struggle with living with a bitter and angry husband?

Sexual Relations While on Wife's Menstrual Period: Is a Christian man supposed to be having sexual relations with his wife when she is on her menstrual period?

Husbands Sanctified by Wife: Where is the scripture about husbands being sanctified by their wives, and does it work in reverse? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].

Husbands & Wives Sanctified by One Another: Would you explain the use of the word "sanctified" in this verse about husbands & wives? Would this concept be discussed anywhere else in scripture? [I Corinthians 7:14, I Peter 1:15].

Living with Those Dramatically Opposed to Christ: Caller looks for counsel regarding living with a spouse that reacts dramatically again the name of Christ.

Showing Love of Christ to One's Wife: How can I make the the love of Christ apparent to my wife in our struggling marriage? [Ephesians 5:25-27].

Family Hierarchy: Do you think that it is better for husband and wives to make mutual decisions, rather than as scripture directs men to be the head of his household? [Ephesians 5:22, Ephesians 5:32].
Christ Submitted to the Church: Is it correct to say that Christ submitted Himself to the church? [John 13:14].

Family Roles-Wives Submitting, Men Loving: Are the roles played in the family, such as a wife submitting to her husband, and man loving his wife, simply a cultural directive? [Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18, I Peter 3:1-6].

Remarriage to Former Spouse: Is it possible to remarry my wife, even though, she has been married to someone else in the interim? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Disbelief in the Virgin Birth: Can someone who doesn't believe in the virgin birth, still be a Christian?

Defraud Not One Another in Marriage: would you clarify what it means to "not defraud one another" and if this grounds for divorce? [I Corinthians 7:5, Exodus 21:10-11].

Women in the Church: It seems that the scripture about women's roles in the church is affected by the culture of that time, and that there is still a stigma about women teaching. Can you help? [Ephesians 5:23-31].

When is Divorce Acceptable: Are there times when divorce is an acceptable option? [Malachi 2:16].

Dating One's Wife: Do you think that the counsel of "dating your wife" is wise and according to scripture and Paul's exhortations. [I Corinthians 7:29, I Peter 3].

Elders & Deacons: What is the difference between an elder and a deacon? [I Timothy 3].
Elder-Husband of One Wife: What does it mean in the qualifications for elders when it says "husband of one wife"? [I Timothy 3].
Male as Generic Descriptor in Scripture: Does the Bible use "he", the male gender descriptor, in a generic and inclusive way rather than really indicating a male is being discussed?

Living With an Untrustworthy Spouse: How can I live with a wife that is terribly disrespectful and is now draining my bank account?

Proclamation: Caller shares a proclamation about the glory of God.
Identifying The Called: The words for used for "called" in Romans 8, are two different Greek words, so does that identify a particular and exclusive group of people as "the called"?[Romans 8:28-30, Isaiah 66:4, Hosea 11:4, Revelation 17:14].
Husband/ Wife vs Bride/ Bridegroom: Is there any distinction between the husband/ wife in the Old Testament and the bride/ bridegroom in the New Testament? [Isaiah 43:4, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 19:7-9].

Loving Others & Oneself: Is it correct to love my fiance more than I love myself.
Being the Best Husband: What are the best scriptures to study to help me become the best husband I can be? [I Corinthians 13, I Peter 5, Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 5].

Bible & Verses: Why does the Bible read like a story, but is broken into verses?
Women Wanting to Rule Over Husbands: Can you talk about the verse in Genesis that talks about how women, after the fall, are going to want to control their husbands? [Genesis 3:6, 4:7].

Husbands Love your Wives: What is the meaning of this, loving your wife? [Ephesians 5:25]

Husband & Wives Directives: There are directives to men as to how to treat their wives, but are there directives to the wives as to how to treat their husbands? [1 Peter 3:5]

Couple Worshipping at Separate Churches: A husband & a wife not worshipping together, one preferring the catholic church & another one preferring Protestantism. i'd just like your thought on that.

Spouse Saved by Default: Is paul saying that the unbelieving spouse is saved by default? [1 Corinthians 7:12-16]

Spouse more Spiritually zealous than the other: What about husbands who are not the best Christian leaders in their home and community, who are not as spiritual or zealous their wife? [1 Peter 3:1-6]

Wife's affection for husband in the OT: It says a wife should have affection for her husband in the Old Testament. Where is that in the Bible? [Ezekiel 16 & 23]
"Only-Begotten" How come "only-begotten" is only in the KJV of the Bible & not any of the modern translations?

Bride Claiming to be a Virgin but not: What if you Bride to be claims to be a Virgin, you get married & it turns out she isn't?
Marriage & Divorce: What if a wife is divorced for just causes? Is the person still marrying her committing adultery because she was already married even though it was for right causes?

Husband & Wife Worshipping Together: Should a married couple always attend church together?

Husband/Father not Involved with Family: Husband doesn't engage with the family but is attached to computer, phone & TV, & it's just as if it's not a real marriage & wondering what to do.

Marriage & Divorce Situation: I'm in a really abusive marriage, my wife won't divorce, but she's not being a wife.

Dead Sea Scrolls: I heard that the Dead Sea scrolls were missing Esther, is that true? when it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love?
Loving Your Wife: When it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love? [Ephesians 5:25-33, Colossians 3:19]

Wives Should ask their Husbands: I don't think you should answer questions from other men's wives because that's the place of the husband! [1 Corinthians 14:35]

Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?
Converting Spouse: Caller has been trying to expose his wife to Jesus, & have her accept Jesus, & would like advice from Steve the best way to do that.

Sanctified by the Spouse: What does it mean that an unbeliever is sanctified by their spouse & what does "sanctified" mean anyway? [1 Corinthians 7:14]

Be as though you have no Wife: Caller is wondering what Paul meant by "...that both they that have wives be as though they had none"? [1 Corinthian 7:29]

Couple Hating each other: How can God possibly expect you to stay together if you don't love each other anymore?

Married & Divorced, became Christians & Remarriage: Caller wants to know if their marriage is legitmate after her husband & her became Christians but having married & divorced before that? [1 Corinthians 7]

Committing Adultery by Default: If a husband divorces his wife except for adultery, he causes her to commit adultery by default, is that true? [Matthew 5:31]

Booty of Wars won by Israel: When Israel won wars, they'd get the booty, including women, & give them over to the priests but what would the priest do with them?
The Song of Solomon: id Solomon write the Song of Solomon, & it Christ speaking to the church?

Sexual Purity: How do we deal with pedophiles, wife beaters & homosexuals?
Sharing the Gospel with such People: How do we evangelize to such people?

Husband's faith: Wife is concerned about her husband's lack of faith, he being told that God is like a horse & can come believe anything about God that he wants. But someone said that a wife can't instruct or talk about Bible things w/ her husband, so she's afraid of talking to him. [1 Peter 3:1]

Marriage, separation, divorce situation: Concerned about not putting my wife's need ahead of mine even though she wants to separate for me.

Chosen by God: Why should I ask for my husband to be saved if it's not necessarily God's will for him to be saved?

Marriage & Children: Love toward wife more important than children, is that true? [Matthew 19:5-6]

Desiring to Control your Husband, a Nagging Wife: What does the Bible have to say about a wife nagging her husband, what IS nagging in a marriage, & what you consider nagging & not nagging? [Genesis, 3:16, Proverbs 19, 21, 27]

Head Coverings: Could Head Coverings just be a euphemism for the husband, & prophesying would be like doing it w/ out your husband? What does Steve think of that idea?

Women Keeping Slient: Is the reason there's even a controversy is because of bad punctuation? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35]

Seek ye First the Kingdom of God: It says in the Bible to seek ye first the Kingdom of God & HIS righteousness & all these things will be added unto you. Hod do you do that? [Matthew 6:33]
Head of the Household: Caller just got married & wants to know how to be a good husband, the head of the household like the Bible says, & wants Steve's advice of how to do that.

Spouse Saved by Default: If a husband is saved, he justifies the wife, or if the wife is saved, she justifies the husband, is that the way it works? [1 Corinthians 7:14, 1 Peter 3:1-6]

Spouse being very problematic: What do you do when your spouse goes out of their way to be problematic, refusing to pray with you, go to church with you?

Household Conduct (Wives Submissive to Husband): Caller wondering if Paul got his household rules of conduct from the culture of the day & so it no longer applies for today. [Ephesians 5:22-24, Ephesians 6:1-8, Colossians 3:18-24]

Seeing our Loved Ones: Will we see our loved ones in heaven?
Animals in Heaven: Will animals go to Heaven?
Forgiving Ex-Husand: Caller is trying to forgive her husband.

Paul's Oppression of Women: We no longer agree with Paul's stance on slavery so why do we still have to obey his belief on the oppression of women? [Ephesians 5:21-24]

Woman going Back to former Husband: In light of what it says in 1 Corinthians does a woman who gets a divorce, can she legally & morally go back to her husband without getting remarried? Does she have to get another marriage license? What if the husband is not a believer & doesn't want to get another one? [1 Corinthians 7:10-11]

Women Subordinate to Men: Are Women supposed to be subordinate to Men?

Husband Head of the Home: Is the Husband really the head of the home? [Ephesians 5:23]

"Contentious Wife & Foolish Son": Would you interpret this verse in Proverbs about a foolish son & a contentious wife? [Proverbs 19:13]
Receive, Accept & Welcome: Do these 3 words, "receive", "accept" and "welcome," found in various translation for the same word, have different nuances? [Romans 15:7]

Unforgiveness for Unfaithfulness: I struggle with unforgiveness toward my unfaithful husband, but don't want to go to hell. Can you help? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 7:12, Ephesians 4:30].
Unforgiveness Sends Us to Hell: Should I take the Bible literally when it says I will go to hell if I don't forgive? What will happen to my unfaithful husband? [Matthew 19:6].
Some Sins Worse Than Others: Doesn't the Bible say that all sins are the same, rather than some sins worse that others?

Walking Alone with God: Is walking with God meant to be a solo experience? Can you recommend some scripture to assist me in my walk? [1 Corinthians 7, 1 Peter 3:1-6]. Recommends; Bible Study Fellowship

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