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Topic: Bible Manuscripts

Episode Topic Audio

The Manuscripts (of the Bible): Could you help me better understand the various manuscripts for the Bible?

Jehovah's Witnesses: What do you know about the "J 1-27" texts that the Jehovah's Witnesses use (

Masoretic Texts (Hebrew Texts): Do you know the difference between various Hebrew texts (Westminster Leningrad Codex and the Masoretic text)?

Discrepancy in Years in Texts: Which number of years is correct in these verses? [1 Kings 6:1, 1 Kings 4:26-28, 2 Chronicles 9:25].
Latin Vulgate: Do you think that the Latin Vulgate is a better manuscript?

Languages in the New Testament: How do I find out if the book of Mathew was written in Hebrew, rather than Greek, like the rest of the New Testament?

Manuscript Variations: Could you explain why some sections of scripture, as in Mark 16, are not in some translations? [Mark 16:9-20].

Replenish the Earth: Why does it say "replenish" the earth in Genesis, if there was nothing before? [Genesis 1:28].
The Septuagint: Has the difference between the Greek Septuagint and the Hebrew Bible seemed significant to you?

Atheist's Skepticism about the Veracity of the Bible & Miracles: Atheist: Regarding the flood, research says that the heat produced by mountains moving would cause so much heat that everything would melt. He reports that the evidence about the miracles in the Bible moved him away Christian faith.
Atheist-Creation Story Untrue: If Genesis's story about the creation isn't true then would not the whole need for a Messiah be unnecessary?

Differing Directions to the Disciples about Taking Provisions" What do you make of the differences in the instructions given the disciples where they have been told to take provisions and also told not to take provisions in Mark and Matthew? [Matthew 10:9, Luke 22:36, Luke 6:26, Mark 6:8, Matthew 6:33].
Differences in Gospel Accounts: How do we rule out collusion in the accounts of the gospels?

The Apocrypha (Eastern Orthodox Church): If the Apocrypha was in all Bibles up until the 1800s, then did everyone have defective Bibles?

Extrabiblical Books: Why are some of the extrabiblical books not included in the Biblical Canon? [1 Chronicles 29:29, 1 Corinthians 10].

"Christ" Deleted From Translation: What do you think about the word "Christ" being left out of the end of some Bible translations? [Revelation 22:19].

Lucifer-Created Good or Evil?: Was Lucifer created good or created evil? [Isaiah 7:12, Ezekiel 28:16].
Missing Verses: Why are some verses missing in some translations, such as Matthew 17:21?

Steve's Old Friend Reaches Out: A friend of Steve's past, called to share the passing of their mom and how much she appreciated "The Narrow Path" ministry.
Omitted Verses in the NIV Translation: Why did the NIV drop Matthew 7:21 verses in their translations? [Matthew 7:21].

"Antichrist" vs "The Antichrist:" Could you explain why some of the translations say just "antichrist" and others says "the antichrist?" [1 John 2:18].
"The Last Hour": Does "the last hour" refer to A.D.70? [1 John 2:18].

Books Not Included in the Bible: Is there any value in reading the books that were not included in the Bible?

Pauses & Breaks in Early Manuscripts: Where would one go to see the original breaks in the original Greek manuscripts?

The Bible's Formation: Could you talk about the Bible's development?

Archaeology & Bible Manuscripts: Is there anything to support archaeological finds from monestaries?

Chronology Confusion in Gospel of John: Could you speak to the chronological confusion in the Gospel of John relative to the baptism of Jesus and the Temptation in the wilderness in contrast to the other gospels? [John 1:19-51, Acts 2].
Woman Taken in Adultery: What is your take on the story of Jesus and the woman taken in adultery not being in the earliest manuscripts? [Luke 23, John 7:53-8:11].

"Chiasms" (Chiastic Structure) in Scripture" Do you think that looking into "chiasms" in scripture is profitable?
Difficult Passages in Scripture: If I run across a verse I don't like or don't understand, I tend to dig into it, to figure out why I am wrong. Is this how I should I be looking at this?

Stephen is Mistaken-Christianity Fails: If Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit, but was mistaken in his speech, for example, how does he come up with where the bodies are buried Shechem, instead of Hebron? And how does he come up with the 70, instead of 75 bodies? Only the Masoretic text is infallible.

"Not Peace, but a Sword": Why would there be this passage about not coming to bring peace, "but a sword", when it is so frightening? [Matthew 10:34-36, Micah 7:6].
The Bible's is Incomplete: Was there more that could have been included in the Bible that was not written? [John 21:25].

Eucharist's Symbolims: Does this verse prove that the Eurcharist is symbolic, rather than symbolic? [John 6:57, John 4:10, 2 Samuel 23:15, I Chronicles 11:17, I Kings 22:27].
The King James Version: Is not the King James Version a special translation above all others in preserving God's word?

Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."

Manela Effect: Could you talk about the "Mandela Effect?" [Isaiah 11:6-9, Isaiah 21:1-4, Isaiah 65:25].

Being Faithful vs Works: How does one having to be faithful in serving God not the same as "salvation by works"? [Ephesians 2:9-10, Titus 2:14, Galatians 5:6, James 2:20, Acts 17:30].
Alexandrian Text & Corruption: How does one know that the Alexandrian text has not been corrupted?

Bible Books: How did we get to what we accept as authentic Bible books, in contrast to the books that the early church accepted?
Book of Wisdom: Is "the Book of Wisdom" actually the same as Solomon? Ref: The Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.

Altering the Word of God: How do they scriptures against altering the Word of God apply to some of the paraphrases, dynamic equivalency and other translations of the Bible?

Taking Away from Scripture: Regarding the scriptures that say something about "not adding to or taking away" from scripture, what are we to make of that today? [Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6].

Bible Versions & King James Bible: What do you think about the RSV (Revised Standard Version) version of the Bible, and is the King James Bible the only one we should read?

Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?

Dispensatinalism (Steve Gregg's Lectures): Where is the best place to find your lectures on Dispensationalism? Recommended; topical lecture called "When Shall These Things Be?"
Textus Receptus (Received Text): What is the "Textus Receptus (Received Text)"?

Atheist Caller-Grounds for Rejection of the Bible: Atheist responds to the claim that atheists hold the Bible to a higher standard than other historical records.
Atheist-The Bible as Myth: Athesist Caller; Why not call the Bible stories as myths?
Atheist-Different Conclusions about God: Atheist; Do you think that two intelligent people can look at the same evidence and conclude differently.

Bible Translation-King James Only: What do you think about those that think that only the King James Translation is a good translation?

Records of Converstations in the Bible: How did they record the specific words of Jesus in scripture, like in the conversation of the woman at the well, and Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane?
Souls That Preceded the Coming of Jesus: What happened to the souls that preceded the coming of Jesus? [Genesis 15:6, Psalms 32:2, Hebrews 11].

New Living Translation: How should I convince someone that they should probably no longer use New Living Translation because of the omitted verses? [Matthew 17:21, Matthew 10:15, Matthew 11:24].

Translation Variation: Why would part of the verse, specifically, "Dumb" be omitted in some translations? [Exodus 4:11].
Original Manuscripts of the Bible: Where do we get "the orginals" of the Bible texts from which translations are made?

Moses' Source for Genesis: How did Moses know what to write in Genesis about the creation and the events in the Garden of Eden?
The Kingdom of God: How do I learn about "The Kingdom of God"? Recommended topical lecture, "The Kingdom of God" or download free book, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 1", at the website.

The Books of the Maccabees: Could you tell me why the Books of the Maccabees was taken out of the Bible?

Early Written Forms of the Pentateuch: Do you think that the Pentateuch was written on stone or animal skins?
Documentary Hypothesis: Comments regarding Steve's disabuse of the Documentary Hypothesis in his lecture on the Pentateuch.

Shorter Version of the Book of Mark: Didn't Jesus predict His resurrection earlier in the book of Mark, regardless of the missing later chapters in some manuscripts?
Bible Manuscripts: Isn't it possible for writers of Bible manuscripts to make spelling errors, etc.
Infallibility of the Bible & the Quran: Isn't some of the arguments for the Quran (Koran) by Islam, very similar to the arguments for the Christian Bible's infallibility?

Proof of God from an Atheist View: Atheist Caller in dialogue about the proof of God.
Atheist Doubting the Gospel Books: Atheist presents the collection of the canon (books for the Bible) being questionable. [Mark 16:8].

Infallibility of the Bible: If the words of scripture in the Bible are true, but not infallible, is the Bible not in danger of becoming untrue?
Preservation of His Word: Do you believe that God has preserved His Word? [I Corinthians 7:25, I Corinthians 7:40, Galatians 2:11].

Satan Released: If the devil is released from the pit, could unbelief be what he has perpetrated? [Revelation].
Revelation Written by a Mad Man: Could the book of Revelation be the ravings of a mad man?

"The Lord's Day" in Revelation: Can we say that "The Lord's Day" is Sunday in Revelation 1? [Revelation 1:10].
Scribal Errors in Scripture: Could you talk about the possible scribal error in Luke 11? Do these errors happen often? [Luke 11:51, Matthew 23:35].

Arguments Against Trinity & More in the Nicaean Creed: What are the arguments against the Nicaean Creed, besides the idea that Jesus is God (Trinity)? [I Corinthians 8:6].
Canon of Scripture Finalized: Which council was the canon of scripture finalized? Was it at the Nicaean Council?

King James Version Only Acceptable Translation: As a "King James Only" person, I think that God only wants one "Word of God", and I don't understand why we don't just take it on faith that the Word we have in KJV is correct?

Textual Criticism: Is textual criticism important to consider and is one of the various manuscripts (Alexandrian, Textus Receptus) available?

New King James Version: Do you think that the New King James improves upon the King James Version?

History, Authorship & Origins of the Torah: What do you think about the differing opinions of the history, authorship and origins of the Torah?
Masoretic Text or Septuagint: Is the Masoretic Text or Septuagint more reliable?

Salvation without Repentance: Could you explain what is meant by "the gift of God is without repentance"? [Romans 11:29, John 3:5].
King James Bible Version Only: What do you think about a church who thinks that the King James Bible is the only acceptable Bible to use? Recommended book; "The King James Only Debate" by James White

Chronicles of the Kings of Israel: What do you know about what happened to the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel? [I Chronicles 29:29, I Corinthians 5:9].

Carnal vs Spiritual Insight into the Bible: Is there a difference between a carnal and spiritual understanding of the Bible [2 Corinthians 13:5, Luke 17:21, Romans 8:9-10].

Change of Translation of the Word "Purify": Could you comment on the change of the pronoun relative to the word "purify" from "her" to "their"? Would this be suggesting that Jesus needed to purificatioin? [Luke 2:22, Leviticus 12].

Detractors of the Book of Esther: Who are the detractors of the book of Esther and its inclusion in the Bible ?

Authenticity of 2 Peter: What evidence is there that 2 Peter is an authentic writing to share with someone who thinks Paul is a false apostle?

Mandela Effect & the Lion Lays Down with the Lamb (KJV): What do you think of the Mandela effect relative to the verse about the lion laying down with the lamb? [Isaiah 11:6, Isaiah 65:25]

Closed Canon of Scripture: Why do you believe in a closed Canon of scripture?
Bible's Construction Subjective: Do you think the way the Bible was constructed was really subjective?

Which Zechariah?: Which Zechariah is being referred to in Matthew 23? [Matthew 23:35, 2 Chronicles 24:21, Luke 11:49-51].

Supernatural Alteration to Scripture: Has the Bible been supernaturally altered, changing verses in the King James Version to say something different than it had before. Do you think it has to do with the strong delusion? [Isaiah 11:6, Matthew 24:41, Luke 17:35, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12].

Missing Books of the Bible: Why would the books, such as the Books of Enoch and Jasher, not be in the Bible, but are quoted in scripture?

Support for the Greeks in the New Testament: Since the Philistines were Greeks and constantly attacking Israel, why does the New Testament seem to support the Greeks? [Jeremiah 47:4].
The Greek Language of the New Testament: Why was the New Testament written in Greek instead of Latin? Was that prophesied?

Studying the Manuscripts: Caller recommends the book, "Encountering the Manuscripts" by Philip Comfort for studying the scriptures.
Old Testament Metaphors for Evangelism: Can you find any flaw in Christians seeing metaphors of Christ in any of the Old Testament and then sharing that with unbelievers? [John 5:46, Isaiah 53].
Greg Boyd: What do you think about and Greg Boyd?

Various Bible Manuscripts Compared: Is there a good book that consolidates all the various manuscripts to help sort out the differences?
Better Evidence Should Have Been Left to Confirm the Bible's Reliability: Does it not seem like Jesus should have left better evidence that the Bible is true?

King James Version's Use of the Plural Are the words "thee, thine, thou", are singular in the King James Version, distinguishing them from the plural application? [Luke 21:32].

Forcing One to Believe the Bible is the Word of God: How can you force someone to believe that the Bible is the word of God?

Objectivity and Reason: How does one objectively determine whether one or the other person is being reasonable?
Is the Bible True?: Is it not difficult to objectively reason that the Bible is true?

Bible Manuscripts; Received or Majority Texts: Could share your view about the controversy between the Received and the Majority Texts? [Mark 16:9-20, John 8:1-11, I John 5:8]

The Septuagint: Should not The Septuagint have a more prominent position in the Christian world?

"Father, Forgive Them"-Manuscript Variance: The "Father, forgive them..." verse does not appear in all of the manuscripts, would you speak to that? [Luke 23:34].

New Testament Reliability: Did the Catholic church alter the New Testament? Is it still trustworthy?

Biblical Manuscripts: Which manuscripts are the most reliable?

Mark-Chapter 16: Would you enlighten me about the controversy regarding the original manuscripts of Mark 16? [Mark 16:8f].

Hebrew Test & The Septuagint: Can you give me an overview of the differences between translations of the words in the Hebrew text and the Septuagint?

Textual Criticism: Jesus said His words will never pass away, but textual critics claim that we are missing some of the words from manuscripts, how do we assess that? [Matthew 24:35]

Trinity: Would you enlighten me about when the controversial text in 1 John 5:7 was incorporated into the Bible, and talk about its reliability?

Original New Testaments Texts: Which texts of the New Testament do you prefer? (Alexandrian, Textus Receptus, etc.)

Early Manuscripts: Early manuscripts of the Bible comment.
Eusebius: Why don't you quote Eusebius who believes the same as you, as far as eschatology? 21, 6, 2,

Early Manuscripts: Did any of the church fathers have all the existing old Manuscripts? How much earlier were all the manuscripts I just mentioned written prior to the Textus Receptus? Is there any evidence that the people who wrote the manuscripts before the Textus Receptus denied the Deity of Christ? What do you think some of reasons Westcott-Hort the Greek Bible?

Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved?
Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41]

Church Government: What is the best form of church polity, elders, overseers, & so on?
Bible Manuscripts: Why are some manuscripts considered so much better than others by some, especially KJV only types?

Manuscripts Regarding Trinitarian Views: What manuscripts were used after some were destroyed at the Nicene Counsel, and its relavance to view of the trinity? [I John 5:7].

Trinity: Were the church fathers destroying manuscripts that might possibly compromise of our idea of the Trinity? [1 John 5:7].

Manuscript of the Bible & Trinity Doctrine: Manuscripts of the bible & caller thinks the trinity doctrine is dependent on 1 John 5. [1 John 5:7]

Scriptural Textual Variances: There seems to be differences in Biblical Manuscripts. What can you tell me about them?
Dating of the Book of Revelation: When was the book of Revelation written?

Lady Caught in Adultery: So was the story about the lady caught in adultery supposed to be there or not? [John 7:53-8:11]
Book of Life or Tree of Life: In Revelation 22, does say names won't be in the Book of Life or won't eat from the Tree of Life? [Revelation 22:19]

Missing Text: Why is verse 4 there in some bibles & not others? [John 5:4]

Early Manuscripts & the Adulterous Woman: The story about the Adulterous woman is not in the earliest manuscripts. How come? Is it reliable? Does it belong in there? [John 7:53-John 8:12]

Bible Phrase Missing from Manuscripts: Phrase about "not walking according to flesh..." is said to not be found in the oldest manuscripts? [Romans 8:1]

Destined for Hell: Why would God create people destined for hell?
Reliability of the Bible: My son is concerned about the possible corruption in scriptures.

Doubting the Bible: Listener is doubting his faith, doubting the reliability of the Bible, & he needs assurance about the authority and integrity of it.

Remembering the Verse References: How important is it to remember Bible verses & references?

Alexandrian Text or Textus Receptus is the Alexandrian Text or Textus Receptus better?

Celebrating Christmas: Should Christians be celebrating Christmas? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
Missing Books of the Bible: Are there books not in the Bible that should be?

Bible Completion: When was the Bible completed & compiled?
Apologetics & Mormonism: Have you ever heard of Norman Geisler? He says there's NO WAY Mormons/LDS can be Christians when they go against so much of Christianity & tell Christians to join them, so don't you think that is true?

Good Translations of the Bible: What Bible Translations do you recommend?

Interlinear Study Bible: Is a good interlinear bible the best thing to have when studying the Bible?

Bible Translators getting it so Wrong: How do translators make mistakes that are so glaring sometimes? [Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18]

Interlinear Greek Bible for both Manuscripts: Is there an interlinear Greek for both Alexandrian & Textus Receptus?
The Devil Understanding the Plan of Redemtion: "things which angels desired to look into", why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Satan not knowing God's plan for redemption, yet he tried to prevent Satan Jesus from going to the cross? [1 Peter 1:12, 2 Corinthians 2:8]

Numerous Bible Translations: Why so many translations? Can't people just get together & just figure out which is the ONE best translations?

Adding Additional Apostolic Book of the Bible: Could we add more apostolic writings, if genuine ones were located?

Italicized Words in the Bible: Are the italicized words in the Bible inspired?

Studying the Bible: What is the proper way to study the Bible?

English hard to Translate: Is English is the hardest language to translate?
Chapters & Verses a Liability: They didn't even have Chapters & Verses before, so people can take a verse out of context by not understanding its full mean, making it a little bit of a drawback.

Christmas Story: Purification required, including Mary's Son, Jesus, but He was sinless. [luke 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:20-21]

Remedy Paraphrase Bible: What is Steve's opinion on the new "Remedy" paraphrased Bible?
Sola Scriptura What is Steve's opinion on "sola scriptura"?

King James Version of the Bible, but older Texts: So there are older texts that were discovered after the King James Version of the Bible was written?

Demons cast out by only Fasting & Prayer Text Missing: Caller has heard that in some translations the phrase, "some (demons) can only be cast out by fasting & prayer" & was wondering if that was true or not. [Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29]

KJV Only People: The King James Version only people, why do they even think that, how does it even happen & why is it incorrect to believe?

Date of the Gospel of John: When was the Gospel of John written? Which of 3 books was written first, Revelation, the Gospel of John or the 3 epistles?
Actual Dates of the Gospel of John & Epistles: Do you have any idea what the actual dates those books were written then? I know you think Revelation was written in the 60's.
Style Textually The 4 Books were Written: Can't we tell by the style they were written?

Misquoting from the Septuagint: Did any of the New Testament writers misquote from the Septuagint?
Best Translation: What is the best translation, the Septuagint or the Hebrew Bible? [Luke 24:45]

Books of the Bible: How were the books for the Bible selected?

Inspiration of the Bible: What does that mean, the inspiration writings of the Bible? Are the books as a collection inspired?

Translations of the Bible: What is Steve's opinion about all the different translations of Bible (that try to help you understand the Bible better)?

Woman Caught in Adultery Story: The woman caught in adultery story, I heard there's a lot of controversy of whether that belongs in the Bible or not, that it was an insertion? What do you say? [John 7:53-8:11]
Seventh Day Adventists: Where do Seventh Day Adventists get their name & why so much emphasis on the Sabbath?

Jesus Coming or Going: Did Jesus say He wasn't going, or wasn't going yet? It seems to be saying contradictory things depending on which translation of the Bible you are using. [John 6:6-9]
Septuagint: What can you tell me about the Septuagint Bible? (A Bible that was translated to Greek the Hebrew language of the Old Testament.)

"What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]

Apocrypha Books: Why are the apocrypha books that are mentioned in the Bible not included in the Bible?

Ethiopian Bible: What would you say to people who say the Ethiopian Bible was written way before the Christian Bible came out, so Christianity is just a copy of that?
Rastafarianism & Halle Salasi: What do you say to people who say Halle Salasi came from the Trible of Judah & it a Messiah?

Manuscripts of the Bible: Were the Manuscripts just one long continuous words, w/ no breaks, commas, capitalization?
Bob Dutko: Steve Gregg was in an interview w/ Bob Dutko, does he have an audio file of that?

English Translations of the Bible: Which English Translation does Steve prefer?

Canonicalization of the Scripture: How were the books of the Bible decided that would be put in & which ones would be left out?

Morning Star Describing both Lucifer & Jesus?: So did you say that the term "Morning Star" was describing Lucifer as well as Jesus too? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16
Infallibility of the Bible: If it's the case that the KJV translators got the word, "Lucifer" wrong in Isaiah, does that still mean the Bible is completely infallible & inspired?

Codex Vaticanus (Alexandrian Text): Caller wanted to chime in & talk about the older manuscripts of the Bible called Codex Vaticanus.

Textus Receptus & the KJV Bible: Caller was finding some minor contradictions of different versions of the BIble & was wondering where the textus receptus came from, & he had a friend that said the KJV was the only correct Bible Translation.

Missing Bible Texts: Is there a real good Bible that the missing verses from some manuscripts?
Tithing: Aren't we supposed to give at least a portion of our money to our local church?
Bible for Kids: Do you a recommendation of a good Bible that a kid could understand?

Missing Part of the Book of Mark: Why are there alternative endings to the book of Mark, as some Bible versions do not include a few verses?

Bible Text Completed: The church I am attending seems to think that the scripture "when that which is perfect has come" refers to the New Testament, and that the gifts of the Spirit have ceased. What do you think? [1 Corinthians 13:10-11, 1 Corinthians 1:7].

Bible Translations: Which Bible translation is more accurate than others and why do you think so? Rec: Young's Literal Translation, King James Versions, ESV, NASV, etc. [Matthew 24:35].
Inerrancy of Scripture: If we allow that some mistakes may have been made in some of the manuscripts, are we opening the door to a great error?

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