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Topic: Omniscience

Episode Topic Audio

God's Love from Eternity Past: How should I understand the idea that God loves every individual in eternity past, even before they existed (outside of time)? [Galatians 1:15-17, Jeremiah 1:5].

Abraham & Isaac (Openness Theology): Does the story of Abraham and Isaac teach about omniscience and that decisions aren't always made in advance (as in Openness Theology)? [Genesis 22:12, Genesis 18:21].

Jesus' Omniscience: Could you elaborate on Revelation 1 and how much knowledge Jesus had? [Revelation 1:1, Matthew 24:36, Luke 2:52].

Miracles Don't Exist: If I don't believe in miracles, does it make me a heretic?

Wine & Water: Why didn’t God reveal to people that if you boiled water, you wouldn’t have to put wine in it to disinfect it? [1 Timothy 5:23]

God's Omnipotence vs Fallen World: Can you help me understand why God would create a humanity that would fall if He is all-powerful and all-knowing? [Genesis 6:6, Isaiah 53:3, Ezekiel 43:11].

Redemption Planned Before the Fall: How could redemption have already been planned, if Adam & Eve had not yet fallen? Ref: "Jesus on Every Page" by David Murray. [2 Corinthians 4:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Genesis 1, 2 Corinthians 3:18].

Repentant Murderer & Unrepentant Victim: What about someone who murders another, but repents, however, the victim hasn't had a chance to repent?

God's Foreknowledge & Free Will: Does God know everything I am going to do? If so, then how can I have free will?

God's Foreknowledge: Does God know everything in the future, or just all the possibilities and the possible people that will exist, because He is beyond time? [Amos 3:7-8].

God Knew Us Each Personally Before the Foundation of the World: Does God know each of us personally before the foundation of the earth? [Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 20:15, Matthew 10:29-31].
God's Partiality: If God chose one person before the foundation of the earth, but did not choose another, doesn't that show God with partiality? [Acts 10:34-35, James 4:6-7].

Why Test if God is Omniscient?: If God already knows the outcome, why does He have to test people-like when He tested Abraham? [Genesis 18:20].

Jesus' Authority & Limited Knowledge: Didn't Jesus already have all authority prior to the scripture that says it was given to Him? Did he have limited knowledge? [Hebrews 2:9, Ephesians 1:21, Matthew 28 :18, Daniel 7:9-10, Luke 2:52, Matthew 24:36, Philippians 2:7, Matthew 12:29].

Satan's Making of Hell: Have you ever heard the doctrine that Satan and the other fallen angels actually created hell? [Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10].
Demons Clairvoyant: Is Satan and his demons clairvoyant or psychic-or possibly omniscient?
Feeling Condemned: Satan and his demons love to make us feel condemned and guilty, right? [I John 3:20-21].

Open Theism: What is "Open Theism"? Is it heresy?

God's Foreknowledge: Does God know everything from the beginning to the end? [Luke 22:54-62, Matthew 26:69-75].

God's Intervention to Prevent Evil: Why did not God prevent such a tragic event in the news?

God's Invisible Attributes: What are the invisible attributes of God? [Romans 1:20].
Best Bible Translation: What is the best Bible translation? New American Standard and New King James are among those mentioned.

Satan Reading our Thoughts: Can the enemy read our thoughts? [Matthew 16:23].
Mind-reading Technology in the Hands of Satan: If there is ever a technology that could read minds, could the enemy get ahold of it and use it against us?

Open Theism & Other Views of God's Omniscience: Do you hold to the classical view of the omniscience of God because of scriptural evidence, or because of the classical tradition?

Jesus-Fully God & Fully Man: How do you explain the general concept of Jesus being both fully God and fully man?

Date of Our Death: Does God know when we are going to die? [Job 14:5, Revelation 11, Matthew 10:29, Philippians 1:23].

Our Prayers Affecting God's Actions: If God knew that Hezekiah's son, Manasseh, would be so terrible, why did He grant Him the 15 more years? [2 Kings 20, Psalm 106:15].

Trust & Acknowledge God: Could you help me understand Proverbs 3:5-6? [Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 131:1-3].
Homosexuality: If I think the Bible indicates that homosexuality is wrong, am I leaning on my own understanding?
Homosexuality: Is it acceptable to read an article about homosexuality from my pastor, who affirms the lifestyle, if I am attracted to both sexes? [Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:22-32, I Corinthians 5:12].

Open Theism: Would you talk about "Open Theism"?

"Open Theism" vs Omniscience: Could you expound on "Open Theism", in contrast to my view of God's omniscience?

God's Omniscience: If God is omniscient, would he not know who would choose Him (Caller thinks he disagrees with Steve). Recommended Topical Lecture; "God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation."

God Created a Flawed World: If God is all powerful and wise, why did He create such a flawed creation, and create beings that did not have the self-control to do the right thing? [Deuteronomy 30:11].
God's Foreknowledge: If God has foreknowledge, why would He bother testing us, if He already knows the outcome?

Disagree that God has the Right to Our Lives: I disagree with your position that because God created us, He can do whatever He wants with us?
God Torturing Us: If God can't go against His character, than can He torture us?
God's Right to Tell Us What to Do, or Suffer Consequences: Does God have the right to make people do whatever He wants them to do, or make them suffer consequences?

Secret Things: What about the "secret things" only God knows, and the revealed things, are they for everyone? [Deuteronomy 29:29, Acts 1:6, Luke 24:45].

God's Knowledge Limited: Since God tests us, is His knowledge limited in some way, so that He doesn't know the outcome of the test?

God Changes His Mind: Would you talk about the all-knowing God who changes his mind in scripture? [Jeremiah 18:8, Genesis 3:9].

Why Does God Let Children Die if He Can Do Miracles?: Why would God do miracles for certain people and let children die of starvation every day?
Bible is Not Reliable: Caller says the Bible is not reliable, because He says He is sorry He ever made mankind. [Genesis 6:6].

Why Does God Make Any That Will Not Believe?: Since God knows who will accept Him, why would He still make people if they will be consigned to hell?

Why Pray: What is the purpose of prayer, if God doesn't change His mind, and things are established already? [2 Kings 20, I John 5:14-15].

If God Knows My Future, How Am I Accountable?: If God knows my future, then how am I accountable for where I end up?

God's Omniscience & Grief: Caller comments on previous and indicates that God is grieved clearly grieved over His children.
God Made us Flawed: Caller suggest that God made us with flaws:

God Knows Past, Present & Future: If God knows all things, the beginning and the end, then, how can He regret the choices people make? [Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 22:12].
God's Preordaining Everything: Does God not knowing some things throw a monkey wrench into the concept of God preordaining everything (Calvinism)?
Making a Donation: Do you have a phone number to make donations to? How do you spell Temecula?

Openness Theology - God's Foreknowledge: Would you discuss Openness Theology and God's Foreknowledge (knowing the future)? [Isaiah 40-49].

Why Did God Create the Evil Realm: If God is so good and all-powerful, why would He create a evil realm, its consequences, and competition for righteousness?

The Chosen of God, the Elect: Why do you believe that we are not chosen as the elect by the Holy Spirit?
A Sovereign God That Allows Evil in the World: If God is sovereign, why does He allow so much evil in the world?

God's Intention in Creation: Can you clarify your position that God did not intend for this creation to be corrupted and people to fall? [Genesis].
God Omniscience Questioned in the Creation: If God is omniscient, why then would He go forward with the creation, knowing that it would be corrupted and He would have to wipe everyone out?
Sin in Heaven & No Free Will: Would it not follow that the only way there will be no sin is in heaven, is if our free will is taken from us?

Jesus' Murder as an Offering & Salvation: The idea that Jesus had to be murdered in order to make salvation a way for us, doesn't make sense. Can you defend that?

Old Testament Salvation: How could the people of the Old Testament be saved, since Jesus had not yet come as the mediator? [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11].
Faithful Non-Christians, Who Just Don't Know: What happens with those that are the committed and faithful, but not a Christian, like the religious Jews?

God's Comfort & Being With Us: Could you clarify how God will be with us, and what the comfort of God is? [2 Corinthians 1:3-5].

God's Omniscience: Why would God imply that He doesn't know what is happening in Sodom & Gomorrah, if He does? [Genesis 18:21, 3:9, 4:9].
God's Omniscience: What are some scriptures that teach us about God's omniscience, or His choice not to use it? [I John 3:20].

Why Do We Pray: Do we pray to change things, or pray that God will changes his mind, or what? [James 4:2-3, Matthew 6:10].

Kenosis Theory & the Bethel Movement: Because of my concern about the Bethel movement and Bill Johnson's teaching, I am trying to sort out the "Kenosis Theory"? [Philippians 2].
Hillsong Music Bans: Do you think it is an over-reaction to not ban singing of Hillsong music?

A Predetermined or Predestination Life: Are we only living out what has already been determined? If God knows everything, is sovereign, then is it all predetermined?

God's Sovereignty & Time: Does God really know the future? Can He choose not to know certain things? [Genesis 22:12].

Jesus' Omniscience & Return: Does Jesus not even know when He is returning? [Matthew 24:36, Luke 2:51, John 1:14].

Jesus the Son of God: How do I understand the relationship or overlap of the Father and Son, and how His omnipresence and omniscience worked?
Jesus before age 30: What was Jesus doing the first 30 years before His ministry started?

Omniscience: Does God choose not to know everything? How does this fit in with "openness theology"

God's Omnipresence: Is God is present at every moment of time? Are there any other dimensions mentioned in the Bible?

Light before Sun: where was the light coming from before the sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
God's Omnipresence: Is God everywhere?
Nephilim, Giants, Angels having sex w/ Women: Is that what Genesis 6 is saying, Angels having sex with women?

God's Foreknowledge, yet Murder of Innocent People: Why would God permit a son to murder his very christian parents if He had foreknowledge & the ability to stop it?

Doubting God: James says not to doubt when you pray for something, that a person who doubts is like a person who is being tossed by the ocean, a double-minded person, but everyone has a crisis of faith once in awhile, questioning events and why God is allowing something, even John the Baptist did, so what exactly is James saying here? [James 1:5-7, Matthew 11:3, Ephesians 6:16]

Human Pawns to God: Are we simply pawns being arranged by God? Are we being tested just to see if worthy opponents? Isn't that a little bit unfair? [Ephesians 2:6-7, Ephesians 3:10]

The Size of God: How big is God & why does He care about something so small? Does moral character, moral laws apply to other worlds?

A Different Take on the Trinity: Is the reason Jesus couldn't do anything apart from the Father & the Father can't do anything apart from the Jesus, & the Holy Spirit?

God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?

God's Agenda: What's God's Agenda (for taking so long)?

Mark on Cain: If there was only 3 people on the planet after Abel was killed, who was Cain afraid of that would kill him? [Genesus 4:9:15]
Impossible Things for God: Could God do things that are impossible for Him to do, such as making a rock that is too heavy to move?

God Allowing Evil: If God allows evil, doesn't that make God not God?

God Never Created: God was not created but the Creator, but how can that be?

God changing His Mind: God changed His mind, & what do Calvinists say about that? [Amos 7]

Waking up God: Caller is concerned about man's attitude towards God, telling Him to wake up, [Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 52:1, Psalm 121:4, Matthew 8:23-27]

God Being for Us: If God is for us, who can be against us? What does that mean? We seem to be up against a lot of foes. [Romans 8:31-36]

Predestination & an Omnipotent, Omniscient God: How does God's Omniscience go because if He knew someone was going to go to Hell, why did He create him, because doesn't that make Him responsible for them going to hell?

God has the Last Word: Caller just wanted to comment on the first call that God has the final word!

Time: What do we know about time? God lives outside of time?

King Solomon: Would you say King Solomon died saved or unsaved? [1 Kings 1-12, Ecclesiastes 12]
God allowing bad things to occur: God doesn't do bad things to us, but does He allow bad things to happen to us? [Hebrews 12]

Power of God: How can or does a person rely on the Power of God?

Pre-tribulation Rapture: We shouldn't divide over eschatological differences, but it's the love of Christ that is the really important, essential thing!
Open Theism: Did God dispense w/ SOME of His omniscience so He could truly give people Free Will?

God "Looking" for Adam: How could God be looking for Adam since He knows everything? [Genesis 3:9, Psalm 139]

Calvinism, Free Will & God's Omniscience: Caller thinks that our "free" will is an illusion, that we don't we really have free will. God knows everyone who's going to be

Abraham's Test with Issac: Why did God have Abraham go through with the test of whether he'd sacrifice his son or not since He already knew what he'd do? [Genesis 22:1-19, Genesis 3:8-9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:20-21]

Open Theism: Please give the best arguments for & against "Open Theism"?

Why did God Create all This?: If God knows all and knows how it all plays out in the end, then what is the point of all the suffering?

Jesus Not Omniscient & the Trinity: Does Jesus not knowing some things prove that the "Trinity" may not be true? [Matthew 16:27-28, I Timothy 2:5, Ephesians 4:4-5, Romans 8:29, I Corinthians 11:7, Colossians 1:18, Matthew 24:36, Luke 2:52].
"Lord" (Curios): Does the use of the word "Lord" (curios) indicate one must accept the trinity view to be saved? [Romans 10:9-10].
"Son of Man Coming in His Kingdom" & the Millennium: Do you believe that the "Son of Man coming in His Kingdom" refers to the coming millennial reign? [Romans 16:27-28, Colossians 1:13, Mark 4:28, Matthew 24:33-34].

Sovereignty & Foreknowledge Defined: Regarding the sovereignty of God, did God know everything and how everything will turn out (Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence)? [Isaiah 46, Isaiah 45:12, Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:29-30].

Getting Through the "Dry Spells" in Our Faith: How do I manage my dry spells and work though my conviction, especially with all the distractions? [Joshua 1:8, I Peter 2:2].
God Knows Our Hearts: God knows our hearts and intentions, right? [Psalm 119].

God's Choice & His Omniscience: Don't you think that God's will and His choices do not take away from His omniscience? And if He chooses to, He could forget our sins and remember them no more? [Hebrews 8:12].

Admiring God's Creation, but not Creator: Buddhist caller says that everything exists, no matter paradigm you live in, has merit of by its creation in itself. [Romans 1] (A lot of snap, crackling, pop going on here!)

A New perspective of Genesis 1: Caller was listening to a program that says the reason Genesis 1 is there is not to give a literal interpretation of Creation, but that there's only one God, & He is it. [Genesis 1]

God Being Able to Multitask: How can God deal with some many people at the same time?

Jesus' Foreknowledge: Why did Jesus ask questions of some, if He already knows everything ahead of time? [Philippians 2:7, Luke 2:49, Acts 1:1, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 24:36, Luke 8:45].

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