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<< August 2013 View all months October 2013 >>

September 02, 2013

   Heart, Mind & Soul: If a person has to have a heart tranplant, does the personality come with the other heart too?

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   Paul's Oppression of Women: We no longer agree with Paul's stance on slavery so why do we still have to obey his belief on the oppression of women? [Ephesians 5:21-24]

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   Wicked Dead: Where do the unrighteous dead go after they die? [Luke 16:19-31]
Difference between God & Jesus: What is the difference between God & Jesus?

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   First Christians from Syria: Is there any significance to what is happening in Syria right now with the country also having the first Christians, so worried about a Christian stronghold or something? [Acts 11:26]

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   Appreciation Comment: Caller appreciates Steve's shows.

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   Testimony Shared: A caller shares an experience about witnessing the spirit, body, mind & soul.

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   USA supporting Terrorism: What can we do about our country supporting terrorism?

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   Prophecies Predicting Destroying Nations & Cities: Caller thinks it's prophecy that a whole bunch of nations, cities & governments are getting destroyed.
Evil Government Officials: Are we supposed to obey evil government officials? [Romans 13]

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   People Being Raised at Jesus' Resurrection: How long did the people live who were resurrected at Jesus' resurrection? [Matthew 27:51-53]

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September 03, 2013

   42 laws of Ma'at: Did Moses get some of his commandments from ancient Egypt from something called, the Ma'at?
No Evidence of the Exodus: People say there's no evidence of the Great Exodus out of Egypt & the crossing of the Red Sea. Is there any truth to that?

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   Catholic Archgaeologist: Caller heard about a Catholic nun archgaeologist who says there's evidence of the exodus of the Israelites, but atheist archgaeologists are trying to supress it.

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   The Epic of Gilgamesh: There's evidence of a Flood before Moses' record including the Epic of Gilgamesh.

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   Generational Curses: Caller wants to talk about Generational Curses again.

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   Wiping out Israel: Is there a Scripture that says a 1/3 of Israel will be destroyed? [Zechariah 13:8]
Seventh Day Adventists: Can you talk about Seventh Day Adventists? (Steve gave the wrong year; he said 1914, it was 1844)

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   Derek Prince: Does Steve have any thoughts on Derek Prince?
Isaiah Predicting Current Events: Do these passages in Isaiah have anything to do with what is going on right now? [Isaiah 17, Isaiah 19] (caller's audio is rough)
Edomites: Are the Edomites no longer in existence?

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September 04, 2013

   Pastors not Speaking Out: How come more pastors aren't speaking out against the evil cultural changes that are happening in this country?
Qualifications of Baptizer: Who is qualified to baptize? Only clergy or can laymen do it also?

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   The Narrow Path Show: Caller wanted to tell Steve that the show has been being dropped off on his local radio station & thinks there might be hackers. And he loves the radio show.
Lustful Thoughts: Caller wants to know how to get rid of lustful thoughts.

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   God "Granting" Repentance: Can only God grant repentance?
Prevenient Grace: Can you talk about "prevenient grace"?
Willing your self into Heaven: Can someone "will" their way into heaven, to become saved?

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   God Choosing/Drawing Us: God has to choose or draw us, doesn't He? [Ephesians 1:4, John 6:44, Philippians 2:13]
Jesus going into the Future: Could Jesus have gone to the future?

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   Taking the Bible Literally: Should we take the Bible literally?

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   Separated from God: What does it mean to be separated from God? [2 thessalonians 1:9]

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   "Fulness of the Gentiles be come in": What does the "fulness of the Gentiles be come in" mean? [Romans 11:25b]

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September 05, 2013

   Trinity & Being a Christian or not: Caller said that the reason people don't think he's a Christian is because he doesn't believe in the Trinity. Can he still be a Christian even though he doesn't believe Jesus is God but only the Son of God?

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   Atheists Slamming the Bible because of Rape Stories in it: Caller egages a lot with atheists, & they try to debunk the Bible with all all kinds of things that happened in the Bible, & the lastest one was about rape. Can Steve talk about that? [Deuteronomy 22:28, Exodus 22:16-17]

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   Job Suffering: Doesn't what God allowing happen to Job proof that Calvinism might be correct?

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   Financially Supporting the Rape Victim: Isn't the reason God permitted the victim to be married by the attacker is to financially support her since she'd have no other means?
Stoning Jesus because He Claimed to be God: Caller was trying to help a previous caller to explain that Jesus claimed to be God is why the Pharisees wanted to stone Him. [John 8:24]

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   Proclaiming the Gospel: Doesn't Paul say that we need to proclaim & confess Jesus to people besides just being a good example?
Churches lacking the Holy Spirit: There still seems to be a lack of the power of the Holy Spirit in churches to tell people about Jesus.

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   No more Sacrifice for Willful Sin: What is this passage of Scripture talking about? What is the sin that is being talked about? [Hebrews 10:26-27]

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   Book of Remembrance: Is God going to throw away the "Book of Rembrance" to the depths of the sea, not remembering "every idle word" even though Jesus said we will be judged by even our words? [Matthew 12:36]

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September 06, 2013

   The Nation of Israel: Isn't there anything involving ethnic Israel in light of "this mystery"? [Romans 11:25]

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   Promises of God, Conditional & Unconditional: The Bible teacher that the caller was listening to said that there were conditional & unconditional promises, & cited one verse in Matthew that was unconditional, but caller disagrees. [Matthew 11:28-30]

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   Genealogy in Matthew 1: How come the genealogy of 42 generations, 14, 14, & 14 in Matthew is a different number of generations than is found in the Old Testament genealogy? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
Genealogies & Age of the Earth: Do the Genealogies in Genesis help us determine the age of the earth?

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   Wedding Feast: When is the Wedding Feast? Is it before the coming of the Lord? [Luke 12:35-37, Matthew 22:1-14]

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   Jesus Never Claimed to be God: Jesus was the second "Adam", wasn't He? Was He the example of what Adam should've been, yet also came down here to die for our sins?
Jesus the "God Man": So wouldn't it be accurate to call Jesus, the "God Man"?

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   Shaking the Dust off Your Feet & Jesus "Coming": In Matthew, what does it mean, "till the Son of man be come" mean since Jesus hasn't come back yet but the gospel was preached by the Disciples? [Matthew 10:23]

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September 09, 2013

   ONE Baptism: Paul says there is only one Baptism, so how can there be another baptism of the filling of the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 4:5]

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   God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost in Genesis: Wasn't the Trinity in the creation account? [Genesis 1-3]
Endorsing a Book He is Writing: Caller wants to endorse a book he's writng about the Trinity from the perspective of the book of Genesis.

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   Replacement Theology: Caller suggest that people who believe in "Replacement Theology" borders on being anti-sementic, & he defends why the plan involves the nation of ethnic Israel. [Genesis 17:7, Zechariah 12:2-11, Matthew 23:39, Romans 11, Revelation]
Israel & Jerusalem the Apple of God's Eye: Israel & Jerusalem are still God's special people, the apple of His eye. [Zechariah 2:8]
Romans 11 & Israel: What about Romans 11 where it says God will NOT cast away his people?

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   Equivalent of "anti-sementic" of dislike of Gentiles: What is the word equivalent to the dislike of Gentiles like the word "anti-sementic" is to ethnic Israel?

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   Christianity Becoming more Mature: Does Steve agree with the caller that Jesus is waiting for the Christian church to make more of an impact on the world before He comes back?

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   Olivet Discourse: If the signs given in the Olivet Discourse were referring to the destruction of 70 AD, what signs are we now supposed to look for His Second Coming?
The Gospel Being Preached to the World: What about, "the gospel shall be preached to all the world & then the end shall come"? Couldn't that be considered a "sign"? [Matthew 24:14]
"Until the Times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled": What about the says, "until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled"? Isn't that a sign? [Luke 21:24]

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September 10, 2013

   Melchizedek being Shem: Caller thinks that Melchizedek was Shem & hasn't been able to disprove it. What does Steve think about his idea?

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   Following a God who had people Killed: Why would people want to follow a God that requires people to kill people in the Old Testament?

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   Mormons being Christians: Are Mormons Christians?

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   Associating with Same-Sex Marriage Couples: How should I associate with co-workers who are in same-sex marriages as a Christian?

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   "Christians" Falling Away: Caller doesn't really think we can lose our salvation, that the people in Hebrews 6 were never really true followers of Christ. What does Steve think about that? [Hebrews 6:5, John 17:12]

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   Youth Pastor with Pornography Addiction: A youth pastor has just confessed to having a pornography addiction. He's taking a leave of absence, but does it disqualify him in the future?

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   9 of the 10 of Commandments: Why do we only keep 9 of the 10 commandments, excluding the Sabbath commandment?

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September 11, 2013

   "Above that which is Written": What did Paul mean when he said, "don't believe above that which is written" in 1 Corinthians? [1 Corinthians 4:6, 1 corinthians 1:31, Jeremiah 9:23]
Oral & Written Instruction: Did Paul expect the Corinthians to obey his oral instructions just as much as his written instructions & was it to be passed on to future generations as his tradition?

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   Judgment of Nations: Is there a possibility Jesus is about to judge all nations, but will give nations who repent a reprieve of the judgment? [Matthew 25:31-32]
Influencing Gospel in Government or Individuals: Should we be more worried about trying to influence our country with the gospel or individuals?

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   Corporate or Individual Prayer: Which is more effective, individual or corporate prayer? [James 5:16, Matthew 18:20]

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   Fruit of the Spirit & Filled with the Holy Spirit: How does one know when they are filled the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? What about Christians who have the Holy Spirit, but aren't baptized with it, don't they also have the fruits of the Spirit?
Ministers Being Filled with the Spirit: What about ministers who were raised Christians but might not be filled with the Holy Spirit? (Steve recommends the Lectures, Charisma & Character)

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   Spiritually Dead, Sick or Well: Would Steve say that a man is born spiritually dead, spiritually sick or spiritually well?

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   Total Depravity: Caller thinks that "total depravity" is biblical because if you don't then you believe in a Salvation-by-works system, & not a Grace Salvation. [Ephesians 2:8-10]

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September 12, 2013

   "The Flaming Toilet of Death": Did Steve ever watch the video called, "The Flaming Toilet of Death", & what did he think of it?
Hell not in the OT: Hell wasn't even mentioned in the Old Testament. [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66:24]

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   Grace upon Grace: What does "grace upon grace" mean in the Gospel of John? [John 1:14-16, Ephesians 4:29]

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   Michael the Buddhist's Spiritual Status: Michael the Buddhist is calling to give an update of his fellowship in Christian circles.

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   The Mystery of the Kingdoms: Why didn't Jesus want to make known the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, speaking to them in the parables so they couldn't understand it?
Revealing Kingdom of God to Paul: Why did Jesus want to make the Kingdom of God known to Paul since he didn't care about it?
"All things are by Him & for Him": What does all things are by Jesus & for Jesus? [Colossian 1:16]

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   Scarlet Beast and the Harlot: Who is the Scarlet Beast and the Harlot? [Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: When was the book of Revelation written?

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September 16, 2013

   Paul's Pre-Conversion or Current Spiritual Experience: Is Romans 7 talking about his preconversion experience or his Christian experience? [Romans 7, Romans 8, Galatians 5:16]
"With the Mind" & "With the Flesh": A Pastor said that we need to commit to obey the law of God, but with our carnal nature we are always going to be serving our flesh. Is that true? [Romans 7:24-25, Matthew 26:41]

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   Eve's Knowledge of Labor Pains: How did Eve know about Labor Pains if she had never had any children before Cain?

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   God's Foreknowledge: Did God know us before we were created? [Psalm 90:1-2, Job 38:7]

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   Syrian Conflict & Current Events: It seems like every time there's an event in current events like the Syrian Conflict that there's talk of the Secret Rapture. What do you say about that?
Walking in the Spirit: What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? [Galatians 5:16-25] (Steve recommends from his lecture series called, "Cultivating Christian Character" & the specific lecture called, "Walking as Jesus walked.)

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   Paul's Pre-Conversion or Current Spiritual Experience (rebuttal): A friend of Steve's calls to rebutt what Steve said about Romans 7:14-25 talking about Paul's current Christian experience & says that Paul is talking about his previous life. [Romans 7]

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   Michael the Buddhist Having a relationship with Jesus, becoming more spiritual, will make the things that happen here, make everything else secondary...michael saying this even though he hasn't converted to Christianity....yet.

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   "Cultivating Christian Character": Steve recommened Cultivating Christian Character to a previous caller, & this caller gives a plug to that series, that she really likes it.
Melchizedek: What can you tell me about Melchizedek? Was he a pre-Christ? [Genesis 14, Hebrews 7, Psalm 110:4]

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   Christians Joining the Military: Is it okay for Christians to be in the military?

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September 17, 2013

   No Need for Teachers: If the Believers have received an anointing of The Holy Spirit, does that mean there's no need for a Teacher? [1 John 2:7]

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   God of the Old & New Testament: Can Steve explain a good resource on the contrast between the Old Testament God & the New Tesament God regarding God's wrath? [Romans 11:22]

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   Satan as a Tester: What if Satan was completely submissive to God? [2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21, Deuteronomy 13:1-3, James 4:7-8]

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   Praying in the Name of Jesus: So are we always supposed to end our prayer, "in the name of Jesus"? [John 16:23-24]

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   Binding & Loosing: What does "binding & loosing" mean? [Matthew 16:19, Matthew18:18]

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   Angels Being Tested: You say we are supposed to be tested, but were the angels ever tested when they fell?

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   Sorcery, Drugs & Pharmakeia: Are we supposed to be using mind-altering drugs for healing since it's a form of sorcery according to Revelation? [Revelation 18:23, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15, Galatians 5:19-21]

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   Lord of Hosts: We are the vessels of Christ. [Matthew 12:45] (quite frankly, i couldn't figure out what the caller was saying!)
Eschatology & the Supernatural: Caller is interested in the supernatural, casting out demons, & other stuff in the supernatural realm.

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September 18, 2013

   Righteous Still & Filthy Still Isn't there a verse in Revelation that says that it'll become so evil in the last days that they are set in their ways that it's impossible to change? [Revelation 22:11]

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   No Private Interpretation: How do you know that the stuff you are interpreting is not just your or the religions own private interpretation which Peter says not to do? [2 Peter 1:20] (Caller gets off & calls back & is the 4th caller.)

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   Good Conscience & Baptism: Can you explain these verses in 1 Peter that seem to say different things about being saved, on one hand being regenerated & the fact that baptism saves us & having a good conscience? [1 Peter 1:23, 1 Peter 3:21]

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   Shiloh's Glory Removed: When God removed the glory from Shiloh, it never returned, is that true? [jeremiah 26:6]
The Lord Building a 3rd Temple: Is the Lord going to build a 3rd Temple?
Churches Preaching a 3rd Temple: Why is there so many preachers preaching about the rebuilding of the Temple?

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   Christianity a Cult: Caller thinks Christianity could even be considered a cult. (Caller was second caller in program, calling back after getting cutoff.)
Eternal Torment: Where does it say in the Old Testament that people are going to be tortured in Hell?

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   Adding to the Bible: What do does Steve think of these passage of Scripture in Revelation that says anyone who adds or takes away from the Bible (or Revelation), that it's going to be bad for them? [Revelation 22:18-19]

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   God's Foreknowledge but Testing us: God tests us, that's true, but God knows what the outcome is going to be. God wants us to pass, but Satan wants us to fail.

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   3rd Temple being built: Steve said that there was no mention of a Temple being built, but it says it in several places, the caller thinks.

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September 19, 2013

   Job's Children: Why did God let Job lose his children? Listener thinks that sounds very mean of God.

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   All Scripture Inspired by God: When it says in 2 Timothy that ALL Scripture was inspired by God, he was only talking about the Old Testament Scriptures at the time, wasn't he? [2 Timothy 3:15-16]
Studying The Mosaic Law: So we shouldn't worry about studying the Old Testament law?

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   Struggling with Sin: Paul says we are always going to be struggling with sin, but then a verse in Hebrews seems to say you can't be struggling with sin, that you can't sin anymore. [Romans 7:14, Hebrews 10:26]

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   Let your Yes be Yes & your No be No: What did Jesus mean by, "Let your yes be yes & your no be no"? [Matthew 5:33-37]

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   Open Theism: Caller is reading a book about Open Theism & wondering what Steve thinks of it.
Tithing: Are we supposed to still pay tithe? [1 Corinthians 6:2]

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   Falling Away: Caller is concerned about Falling Away in light of Hebrews 6. [Hebrews 6:4-6]

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   Interpreting Dreams: How do we know how to interpret dreams?

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September 20, 2013

   Increasing Faith & Forgiveness: Can you please expain this passage in Luke both about increasing your faith, talking about a mustard seed & talk about the relationship with the master & servant, which doesn't seem very loving. [Luke 17:3-10]

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   Michael the Buddhist: Time & Space doesn't exist.

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   Jesus Losing None: I thought Jesus didn't want to lose any? [John 17:12]
Eternal Security, Once Saved, always saved: Caller is convinced that there's no way we can loose our salvation, can't be snatched away by the devil. [John 10:28]
Steve Gregg & other Theologians: Caller thinks Steve is wrong & points out that some pretty important theologians also disgree with Steve's belief, so he must be wrong.

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   Marian Apparitions: What can you say about "Mary Appariations"?

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   The Sun of Righteousness Arising: The Light or the Sun or the Son in Malachi 4 will be a blessing to the righteous & a devastation to the wicked, the caller points out. [Malachi 4, Revelation 6:12-17]

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   God's Will & Free Will: We are supposed to do God's will, but we as human beings have a free will.

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September 23, 2013

   Seeing our Loved Ones: Will we see our loved ones in heaven?
Animals in Heaven: Will animals go to Heaven?
Forgiving Ex-Husand: Caller is trying to forgive her husband.

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   Glory of God (Shiloh): When did the glory of God Leave the temple? At the ripping of the Curtain?

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   "Go & Sin No More": Can we really go & "sin" no more?

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   Nazarene & Nazareth: Mary & Joseph lived in Nazareth, but where does it say in the Old Testament that Jesus was a Nazerene? [Matthew 2:23, Micah 5:2]

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   God's Spirit Striving: Did the Holy Spirit leave right before the Flood & then come back at Pentecost? [Genesis 6, Acts 2:1-4]

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   Jesus' Broken Body: When it talks about communion in the Bible, only one time it uses the phrase, "His broken body", & so does it matter if the word "broken" or not?

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   Baptism: Do I need to get rebaptized since I didn't understand everything when i did get baptized?

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   Lucifer (Satan) Being a Fallen Angel: Was Satan a Fallen angel? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]

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September 24, 2013

   Baptism Necessary for Salvation: What does the Bible say about Baptism for Salvation?

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   "None Seeking after God" What does it mean that no one is seeking God? [Romans 3:10-11, Psalm 14, Psalm 51]
God Failiing: If not everyone is seeking after God, isn't God failing?
God Chooses People & Thief on Cross Baptized: God Chooses people, the caller thinks. Also, caller thinks the thief on the cross was baptized by public declaration. [1 Corinthians 1:26]

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   Anger about People taking Advantage of Food Charity Program: Caller is mad that some people who are taking advantage of the Food bank program & wonders if she has a right to be angry.

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   Original Sin: Why do preachers believe in Original Sin & preach it? [Romans 5:12-21]
Jesus Sinless: Jesus wouldn't have been able to escape Original Sin if that doctrine was true, isn't that right?
Church of Christ: What do you think about the "Church of Christ" denomination?

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   Seventh Day Adventists & Revelation Seminars: When Seventh Day Adventists have Revelation Seminars & they get converts for Baptism, they are getting baptized into their church, right?
Regenerated Christians: Do you consider Seventh Day Adventists born-again, regenerated Seventh Day Adventists?

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   Christians & Current Social Trends & Lecture: Caller was wondering if Steve he recorde the talk he had just had on current social issues such as homosexuality & terrorism, & would he give some of the highlights of that meeting.
Baptism: Church of Christ People think you MUST be baptized in order to get to heaven, even though it is commanded, but if you don't, you are doomed, & the thief on the Cross didn't matter because it was before the New Covenant.
"Refuse to be offended": I really enjoyed the series of lectures called, "Refuse to be Offended". (At the end of the call it starts becoming very distorted.)

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   Halloween: Is Halloween celebration Satanic? How do Christians feel about it? (Steve's had a very bad connection all of a sudden & has to reboot halfway through the answer.)

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   Heavens: How many heavens are there? [2 Corinthians 12:2]

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September 25, 2013

   Pontius Pilate: Pilate was known to be a heartless tyrant, so are the gospel accurate when they make it seem he was sympathetic to Jesus?

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   Halloween: Caller doesn't think Christians should participate in Halloween at all. [1 Corinthians 6:12, Romans 14:5-6]

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   God's Son Declared in the OT: Are there any texts in the Old Testament that declares the coming Messiah is the Son of God? [Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 2:7]

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   Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Fire: What is the difference between being baptized with just the Holy Spirit & being baptized with the Holy Spirit & Fire? [Acts 1:5, Matthew 3:10-12, Acts 2]

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   Resurrection of Jesus: What is the historic the Bible...of Jesus' resurrection?
Evidence outside the bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible that Jesus rose from the dead?
Christians Being Wrong: Christians are just irresponsible, so make it foolish to believe what they believe.

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   Halloween: Caller is surprised that Steve would say that Halloween was a good holiday. (He didn't.)

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   Healing the Sick: This verse in James almost makes it sounds like it's a sure thing that a person will be healed if they are prayed over. What do you say? [James 5:14-15]

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   Prophecy: Caller heard that Psalms 83 is a prophecy about future events. What does Steve say? [Psalm 83]
Infant Baptism: Is infant Baptism Biblical?

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September 26, 2013

   Works & Grace: On the grace & works issue, i was watching a documentary that said you don't need to "strive" for salvation, & someone thinking they can do something to please God is wrong, & there are verses that say we are automatically justified, but didn't Jesus tell us to strive? [Luke 13:24]
Legalism: What exactly is legalism?

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   Devil Tormented Forever: Is the Devil tormented forever or will he eventually be burned into non-existence? I've been reading Edward William Fudge's book, "The Fire that Consumes" that says that he'll be burned. [Revelation 20:10]
Church Membership: Having to believe a church's distinctive doctrines in order to be a member of that church, what do you think about that? Just on the doctrine of eternal torment which they believe in, but I don't, I'd have a problem signing the membership card.

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   Jesus' Appearances after Resurrection: Why didn't Jesus appear to more people, especially unbelievers, after His resurrection, because wouldn't it have made Christianity explode even faster? His resurrection is the paramount evidence to Christianity.
Gospel of Thomas: Doubting Thomas' book isn't in the Bible, but he believed in Jesus resurrection, after he saw Him.

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   Slain from the Foundation of the World: NASB says seems to apply the phrase, "slain from the foundation of the world" in a completely different location, changing the meaning. Is that true? [Revelation 13:8]
Quakers: Do you know anything about the Quakers? Do they really not have a pulpit, so anyone can go up & speak instead of just having it for a sole Pastor?
Calvinism & Arminianism: How are Calvinism & Arminianism different? You believe in Arminianism?

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   Bible Translations & The Mirror Bible: The caller is impressed with a Bible translation called the Mirror Bible by Francois du Toit.

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   Free Will & Being Saved: So you think people will be saved because of Free will, so they won't be saved from what? What does being saved mean? Saved from what?
Hell - Lake of Fire: Caller thinks Steve needs to specify what he means by what people are saved from. Are they saved from eternal damnation? With the fact that Steve believes in the possibility of Universal Reconciliation.

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September 27, 2013

   Duplicate Program: (Same exact Program as September 24, 2013)

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September 30, 2013

   Millennium: Are they talking about the Millenium in Micah? [Micah 4:3, Isaiah 2, Revelation 20, Romans 14:17]
"Coming to Zion": What about "coming to Zion"? [Hebrews 12:22]

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   Calvinism, Bad Things Happening & Micromanaging: God doesn't micromanage, but what about when God tests us & allows very bad things to happen, isn't that micromanaging?

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   Jesus' Second Coming: What is your view about Jesus' Second Coming? Do you believe in a 1000 year reign?

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   Trust the Lord Completely: How do you trust in the Lord completely & not rely on yourself? [Proverbs 5:3-7]

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   "Forever" by Paul David Tripp: Caller wanted to recommend a book by Paul David Tripp called, "Forever" that really talks about bad things happening to us & the fact that we only see things from our perspectives, but God sees things from the whole scheme of things.

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   "The Christian in Complete Armour" by William Gurnall: What does Steve think about the book, "The Christian in Complete Armour" by William Gurnall? Does he agree with everything he says in it?

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   Japheth's Offspring: Can you explain the son's of Japheth & Noah in Genesis 10? [Genesis 10:1-5]

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   If My People Turn From Their Wicked Ways: Do we Christians in America use this famous verse & promise too much about humbling ourselves, pray & turn from our wicked ways, that God will heal our land or can it be applicable to us? [2 Chronicles 7:12-14]

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