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<< November 2014 View all months January 2015 >>

December 02, 2014

   Antinomianism & Arminianism: Are Antinomianism & Arminianism complete opposites? (Calvinism & Arminianism & Antinomianism & legalism are what he meant.)
Jesus' Authority: Was Jesus' position of Authority different after His resurrection than it was before it?

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   Once Saved, Always Saved: Once Saved, Always Saved just isn't right!
Faith & Works: We aren't saved by works, but it isn't all just faith either!
Judaism: Should I do any Jewish practices as a Christian since I was born/raised a Jew?

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   "The Republic" - Plato, Socrates: What do you think about Socrates, Plato & Aristotle having a lot of wisdom before Christ? The Republic which i'm reading just seems to have such good parallels to the Bible.

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   Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola & George Barna: In a book called, "Pagan Christianity", which is about what's gone wrong in the Institutional church, it talks about the Pastoral Leadership mentality, which is more like tradition of man than biblical thing. What are your thoughts?

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   Paul & Jesus' Gospel: People think that Jesus & Paul taught 2 different things. What do you think? [Galatians 5:6]

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   Preaching Jesus' 2nd Coming Imminency: Is it necessary to preach the imminency of Jesus' second coming?

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   Back to the Lord but Circumstances inhibitive: I have come back to the Lord, & I want to get married, but my girlfriend does not. Not sure what to do!

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December 03, 2014

   Adultery & Lust: Is Adultery the same as the same as lust? Was Jesus only talking to married men, & so a single man is off by a technicality because he isn't married & able to commit "lust"? [Matthew 5:28]

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   Preaching Styles: Why do some preachers feel they have to yell? Did Jesus or Paul ever yell?

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   Visualization & Affirmation: Is it wrong to use Visualization & Affirmation because according to Johanna Michaelsen, it is not a good idea to do that.

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: My wife divorced me because of my alcoholism. What should i do?
Alcoholism: How do i get out of my alcoholism?

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   Radio Programs & the Narrow Path: There are some radio shows that just seems to disagree with your teachings.
Date of the Book of Revelation: Wife & I debating the dating of the book of Revelation, my wife thinks way after 70 AD, i think before 70 AD.
Baptism: Is water baptism necessary for salvation?

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   God Pleased & then Displeased: Why did God go from being so please of Creation to being grieved that He made creation, made man? [Genesis 1-2, 6]

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December 04, 2014

   Calvinism-Total Depravity: Calvinist's like to use verses surrounding the Flood as proof that Man is completely depraved. [Genesis 6:5, 8:21]

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   Qualifications for Church Elders: Elders need to have all their children under control, walking w/ the Lord, in order for them to be qualified. What is your opinion about it?

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   Relationship problems & children out of wedlock: Wondering what to do about it.

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   Feasts of the Lord: Of the Feasts of the Lord, Which ones have not been fulfilled at the first coming of Christ? [Leviticus 23]

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   KJV only Advocate & 4 major Revisions: Caller disagrees there's been 4 major revisions of the KJV of the Bible like everyone purports.

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   God Revealing Himself: Can & does God still communicate through Dreams, Visions, audible voices, Prophecies, Angelic Messengers?

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   Jesus the Good Shepherd: Jesus was referred to as the Good Shepherd, but why would He want to be called that since they had such a low status in society? [Genesis 46:34, Matthew 11:29]

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   New Covenant: Who is the New Covenant for? Was it made to the house of Israel?

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December 05, 2014

   The Jews: Who are the Jews? Are they Israel? Are they Judah? Or are they some other people?

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   Peter, the Fish & Taxes: What was the purpose of the exercise of Jesus having Peter get the coin from the fish? [Matthew 17:24-27]

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   Dispensationalism & the 144,000: After the Rapture, David Jeremiah suggested that the 144,000 would be a future group, 12,000 people from each tribe, & they'll evangelize the entire world of the people are "left behind". What do you think?
Date of the Book of Revelation: Was the book of Revelation written after 70 AD, or before?

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   Appointed to Eternal Life Believed: A Calvinism & Arminian debate, trying to dissect a particular verse, the caller trying to point out that some are predestined to believe. [Acts 13:48, 2:23, 4:27-28]

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   Jesus Wept: Why did Jesus weep? Because Lazarus was dead? It shouldn't have been because of that because He knew He was going to raise him from the dead. Was it because of their unbelief? [John 11:33-36]

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   God's Sovereignty & Free Will: Did God just make these 2 ideas, God's sovereignty & having Free Will, to just co-exist with each other?

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December 08, 2014

   Unregenerate Men: Does God command unregenerate men to do things they can not possibly do? I know it sounds like Pelagianism, but what is your take?

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   Rewards - Prizes: Most people think that the rewards you receive is your faithfulness while we were down here on earth. Do you agree with that? [1 Corinthians 9:4, Philippians 3:7-11]
Eternal Security: God won't leave you once you belong to Him, isn't that right?

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   Salvation Transaction: To some people Salvation is like a Transaction, that once you cash in, you are set for life, for eternal life.
Salvation via other Religions: There's a lot of Religions that seem to have the same idea/experiences as what happens in Christianity, so is it possible that God just uses them to get people to come to Him?

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   Life after Death: What really happens to after you die? What happens to your spirit? Does it stay here in this realm? Does it go to Heaven? Is it unconscious?

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   Abortion: How can God be against abortion when at one time He drowned the whole world in a Flood except for 8 people?

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   The Menorah: Caller was given a Menorah, but isn't sure where to put it w/ her Christmas decorations, & is it even acceptable to have in your house?

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   Soul-Sleep: Being on a operating table, being under anesthesia, makes me think of soul go out & then you are suddenly being woke up!
The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer I enjoyed this book very much & see parallels of what you teach.
Put to death fleshly things: Isn't choosing to put away fleshly, carnal things a matter of an Act of Will, so doesn't that take away the idea that it's just all up to God?

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December 09, 2014

   Similar Writing in the Bible: Why is Isaiah 36:1-39:8 so much like 2 Kings 18:17-20:21? People have been challenging the validity of the Bible just because of this, copied or similar material. [Isaiah 36:1 - 39:8, 2 Kings 18:17 - 20:21]

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   Loving Your Enemy: Can you explain what Jesus meant by "love your enemy"? We need to help Christians with guns to help people in 3rd world countries being killed for their faith. [Matthew 5:41-48. James 5:6]

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   Jesus' Brothers: I've been reading a book about Jesus' brothers, but the person who wrote it is a RC, so wondering your thoughts?

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   Isaiah 53: Why is Isaiah 53 written in the past tense? [Isaiah 53]

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   Dying for Christ: If we have a true relationship w/ the Father, with Jesus, we should have no fear of dying for Him, if we were ever threatened w/ death for not denouncing Christ.

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   KJV differences: Another KJV advocate caller trying to back up another KJV advocate who had been calling recently, saying that there wasn't many changes.

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   Catholicism & Christianity: How do Catholicism & Christianity (Protestantism/Evangelicalism) differ from each other?
Mormonism & Christianity: What is the difference between Mormonism & Christianity?

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December 10, 2014

   Animal Sacrifices: It tells us in Hebrews that animal sacrifices can never take away sin, so why do verses in the Old Testament seem to say just the opposite, that they can & will? [Hebrews 10]

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   Nero Caesar: You say the name, "Caesar Nero" adds up to 666, but was that in Greek or Hebrew that you said it did that?

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   Death unto Life & Gave He power: Are these statements a little bit contradictory? So to become Sons of God, all we have to do is believe, & repent & become born-again? [John 5:24, John 1:12, 1 Peter 1, 1 John 3:2]

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   American Slavery & Slavery in th Bible: Discussion about slavery, both the American version & the slavery of the Bible.
Christian Zionism: What is the view of Christian Zionism & getting a remnant of Israel back together?
Genocide to Canaan: What about the genocide the Jews did to the Canaanites?

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   Daughter of Zion: Tribes of Judah are coming out. (a very crazy call.)

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   Covenant: What is the significance of the Blood in the Old & New Covenants?
Jesus' Imminent Return: Is Jesus' return imminent? [2 Thessalonians 2]

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   Christmas: Is there any biblical basis for celebrating Christmas? Is there anything wrong w/ celebrating it?

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   Christian Zionism & Hebrew blacks Jews: Caller rebutting a call she heard about Christian Zionism.

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December 11, 2014

   Steve Gregg's Understanding & Teaching: You have a good method of teaching, but in some things we are just going to have to agree to disagree, but hoping that you come around to the correct truth (state of the dead). You are very tough on people who hold Calvinism, but make a pass on what happens to you after death.

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   Contradiction in Romans: Paul seems to be saying 2 different things: "Obeying the law makes us right in His sight", & then "we can not be made right by the law". What are your thoughts? [Romans 2:13, 3:20]
Marriage & Steve's Ex-Wives: You seem to bring up marriage & divorce a lot, & your stance on them, & you keep hashing out stuff about your former wives. How does you current wife put up with it all the time?

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   Mediterranean Sea & Jesus' Ministry: Did Jesus ever do anything at the Mediterranean Sea? Did any Biblical character for that matter?
Cremation: What does the Bible say about Cremation?
Profanity: What does the BIble say about profanity/cursing?

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   Church Leadership & Being Single: Is it acceptable to be in Church Leadership, & not be married & no children?

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   Guilt & Shame: The Christian message is pure, meaningful, that when it tells you to repent, it makes no bones about it, you need to repent & change your mind.

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December 12, 2014

   Fasting: What's commanded or expected of us in the New Testament when it comes to Fasting? Is there a certain amount of time we should fast? Should we be listening for the prompting of the Holy Spirit? What are we to fast? The new fad is to fast from internet, computers, tv. Is that acceptable?
Mental Lust Grounds for Divorce: Is lust which happens in the heart grounds for divorce or only actual physical adultery, fornication?

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   "In Essentials, Unity, in Non-Essentials, Liberty, in all things, Charity": Who coined that phrase? What are the essentials? Can they boiled down to the fact that they are the Word of God & the Truth?

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   Lust thoughts crossing your mind (Sin & Temptation): What if a lustful thought crosses your mind, but you'd never act on it? When is it sin or just temptation?

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   Faith & Suffering: Suffering & Faith are both gifts from God.
Yoke is Easy & Burden is Light: Why did Jesus say His Yoke is easy when it seems to be anything but? [Matthew 11:30]

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December 15, 2014

   Final State of the Lost: What is the Final State of the Lost?
"Be aware of the Doctrine of the Pharisees": "Do as they say, but don't do as they do". Why did He say that? [Matthew 23:3, 16:12]

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   Build My Rock upon this Church: What did Jesus mean by, "I will build My Rock upon this Church"? [Matthew 16:17-19]
My Father has revealed this: Jesus told Peter he was blessed because the Father had revealed it to him that Jesus was the Son of God, so could a person who is a Calvin say things have to be revealed to you before you can believe or have faith? [Matthew 16:17]

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   Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: When someone gets indwelt with the Holy Spirit, does that ever make them haughty?

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   Calvinism: Did I hear you say that you are a Calvinist? Why do so many Christians become Calvinists?

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   Come Out Among Them & Be Separate: What does it mean to "Come out from among them & be separate?" [2 Corinthians 6:17]
Fear & Trembling: What does it mean to "work out your Salvation w/ Fear & Trembling"? [Philippians 2:12]
The Narrow Path Radio Show: What do you hope for as God's will to accomplish with this show? What do you pray for when you pray for your program?

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   Spiritual Fornication: I need a biblical definition for spiritual fornication. Some groups feel that if you go to another group, you are committing spiritual fornication.

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December 16, 2014

   Pagan Roots for Christmas: Is it wrong for Christians to decorate a Christmas Tree, & share gifts? What about Santa Claus & stockings? Is there any Biblical evidence to suggest these things are wrong because of their pagan roots? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]

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   Jews & The Son of God: What about the Jews who never recognize Jesus as the Son of God?

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   Dead in Sins & Trespasses: Caller contends that only the act of God can make a sinner become alive & not spiritually dead in their trespasses, but Steve contends that ANYONE can repent & come to God & become alive. [Ephesians 2:1, Genesis 20, Luke 15:11-32]

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   Paganism, Christmas & a lone ranger: A person is going solo during Christmas w/ out his family gathering because he refuses to celebrate anything pagan involving the holiday.

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   Kingdom of Heaven & the Wedding Feast: What was the purpose of the Wedding Feast parable & one guy coming w/ out wedding attire? [Matthew 22:1-14]

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   Lottery - Gambling: Is it a sin to play the Lottery or Gamble?

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   Judgment Day & the Christian: As a Christian, do we need to have any fear of the judgment on Judgment Day even though we were washed in the Blood of Christ? [1 Peter 1:2, 17-19]
Death: What happens to us as soon we die? Do we go immediately to Heaven?

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December 17, 2014

   Resurrection & the Rapture: What is "this day" in Acts referring to? Who is the Man Child in Revelation? (This call was so convoluted, I have NO idea what the guy was talking about!) [Acts 13:33, Revelation 12:5]

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   Jesus' Appearance in Revelation: What does Steve make of Jesus' appearance in Revelation? [Revelation 1:12-16]
Santa Claus: What about teaching children about a Santa Claus?

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   Unequally Yoked: What does the word "sanctified" mean in the famous unequally yoked verse? That the spouse & children of a spouse that is saved are automatically saved? [1 Corinthians 7:13=16]

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   Heretical Groups & Cults: Are Heretical groups & cults by any chance a judgment of God to weed out the Wheat & the chaff?
Dispensationalism: Was Dispensationalism invented by Satan?

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   Jimmy Swaggert: What do you think of Jimmy Swaggert?

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   Santa Claus: I'm just going to teach the truth about Santa Claus to my children.
Jews & Gentiles in Romans: I think Paul is talking to the Gentiles in the book of Romans, but you think only the Jews? [Romans 1:13,18, 2:17]

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December 18, 2014

   Sin of Omission: There was a call (which we don't have access to) of a story about a guy who didn't share the gospel in time to someone before they died. And what about not being a whistleblower soon enough & something bad happens, do you have an obligation to do something like that, tell people about something that needs to be taken care of?

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   The Story Bible: Some friends are very excited about a new non-denominational church, but they are using the "Story Bible". Concerned about the Church if they use such a Bible.

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   Appointed to Stumble: I don't believe in Calvinism either, like you, but this verse seems to agree with their position, that people were appointed to stumble & be disobedient. [1 peter 2:8-9]

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   Church is Christ-centered (the Story Bible): A previous caller was concerned about a church using the "Bible Story", but I can assure you that the Church is legit, that they are mainstream & just use that Bible as an outreach.

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   Daniel prayed 3 times a day: Was that normal for the Jew to pray 3 times a day? Or was that just what Daniel did? [Daniel 6:10-28, Psalm 119:164]
Disobeying the Government: What if the government ever made such a decree here? Would we have to obey the government? Or should we do what Daniel did? [Matthew 6:6, Romans 13:1-4]
Mandatory Vaccinations: What if good conscience I refuse to take vaccinations? This Ebola thing is all about mandatory vaccinations.

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   Cremation: How is possible for God to put us back together if we get cremated?

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   The Wise Men & Jesus: How old was Jesus when the Wise men actually caught up with Him?

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   Eternal Security: I don't believe you can really lose your salvation because once you start drinking from the living water, you will "never thirst" again. Doesn't that mean you'd never be leaving Christ, never thirst again? [John 4:14]

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December 19, 2014

   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Wife isn't there emotionally or physically for him, & so he just feels trapped. What should he do?

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   Drawing back unto Perdition: It God's faith, but not our faith, so we can't lose our salvation, can't really full time fall back into perdition. What are your thoughts? [Hebrews 10:39, Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 10:17, Mark 9:24, 1 Corinthians 5:1-5]

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   Jesus at Right of Hand of God: Since God the Father is a Spirit, & Jesus is in physical form, where is Jesus right now?

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   People's Voice don't change: I have no idea what this caller is talking about.

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   Understanding Scripture: What does this passage of Scripture mean in Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 3:17-21
Dying in middle of sin: what if you die right in the middle of a sin? Are you doomed?
Unique Questions on the Show: Do you ever still get a question on your show you've never answered anymore, that is unique, or have they all been answered before?

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   Concerned about Deceased Wife's Salvation: Is there a chance my wife had a chance to reconcile herself with God? We found out she had been living in sin, stealing from a family.

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   Physical State of Jesus: Followup comment to call about the state of Jesus while He's on the Right hand of God.

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December 22, 2014

   Discipleship: What about having mentors? People holding you accountable?

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   Women Wearing men's attire: What clothes are women not supposed to wear that pertains to men's clothing? [Deuteronomy 22:5]

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   Christmas Story (KJV only Advocate): The caller contends that the newer versions of the Bible add conditions to the verse, & reads a few examples, & wants to know which version is getting it right? [Luke 2:14]

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   Best Version of Bible: Looking for the best version of the Bible, especially interested in the NIV. Your thoughts?

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   NLT of the Bible: I personally like the NLT of the Bible. What do you think about that version?
In Whom I'm Well Pleased: Perhaps it was a future instance where God would be pleased w/ the people who believed in His Son later on? [Luke 2:14]
Jesus' Baptism & Resurrection When Jesus received the Holy Spirit in His baptism, is that when was able to perform miracles? Did He have to have the Holy Spirit in order to perform miracles? And then after His Resurrection, He even had more power?

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   Christmas Trees: What is Jeremiah saying about Christmas Trees? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
Traditions of Man: Jesus was mad at the Pharisees for putting aside the Word of God for their traditions. {Mark 7:6-9}

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December 23, 2014

   Equipment Problems w/ the Broadcast: There seems to be problems with your show.
Modern English Version: Have you ever heard of the MEV, Modern English Version?

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   Equipment Problems w/ the Broadcast: There seems to be problems with your show.
Modern English Version: Have you ever heard of the MEV, Modern English Version?

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   Satan Knowing Our Thoughts: Is there anywhere in the Bible where it says Satan can't or can read our thoughts?

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   Word to word translation: Caller comments about using various Bible Translations of the Bible, depending on what she's doing, just a causal reading of the Bible or a deep study, but there's just the "milk" versions, & then the "meat" versions.
Disposing of Bibles: What is the best way to dispose of a Bible?
The Message Bible: The Message Bible seems to be heretical. Your thoughts?

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   Former Pastors: What do you think of the former pastor attending the same church he had pastored? You'd think the new Pastor would feel a lttle threatened.
Pastor/Teacher: Is a Pastor considered a Teacher?
Watching Action Movies: What do think about our thoughts being influenced by the movies we watch?

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   Church History & Coptic Church: When was the Coptic Church excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church?
Pastor in the Bible: The word Pastor in the Bible discussion from a previous call. [Ephesians 4:11]

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   Technical Difficulties of Broadcast: Follow-up of Technical Issues.
Pastors in the Bible: When you said the other day that there was no "Pastors" in the Bible, I remembered a verse in Ephesians. What about that one? [Ephesians 4:11]

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December 24, 2014

   The Wind Blows Where it Wishes: Do Calvinists like this verse? What are your thoughts about this verse? [John 3:8]

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   Broadcast Technical Difficulty Follow up: Followup to concerns about technical difficulties the show is having.

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   Carnal Warfare & Spiritual Warfare: In Romans 7 Paul seems to say there's warfare between the Carnal Nature & the Spiritual Nature, but in Ephesians he says we aren't war with our flesh. [Romans 7, Ephesians 6:1-12, 2 Cortinthians 10 :3]

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   The Secret Place of God: What is the Secret Place of God & how do you get into the Secret Place of God? [psalm 91]

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   Holy Spirit in OT & NT: What is the difference between the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament & the New Testament?

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   3 Wise Men: Why did the star lead the Magi to Jerusalem rather than straight to Bethlehem? If the star led them directly to Jesus, the slaughter of the innocents would've been avoided. What purpose could there have been in alerting the Roman government of the arrival of Israel's King?

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   Faith for Healing: You need to believe by faith that you can be healed, Word of Faith & Pentecostal people say.

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   Technical Difficulties: Yes, the difficulties are happening in his area too.

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   KJV vs NKJV: In the KJV it says, "The love of money is the root of ALL evil", but in the NKJV it says, The love of money is the root of ALL SORTS of evil. Which one is correct? [1 Timothy 6:10]

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December 29, 2014

   Animal Sacrifice: Why did God say He didn't really want animal sacrifice in Hosea, but then lay out a detailed plan of how to do them in Leviticus? [Hosea 6:6, Leviticus 1-7]

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   Animal Sacrifice (follow-up): Why was it even necessary to have a blood animal sacrificial system? [Matthew 20:28, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24-25]

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   Laborer is worth his hire: You don't ask for money, but the Bible does say the Laborer is worth his hire. [1 Timothy 5:18]

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   Christmas Tree: The Christmas Tree is an idol!

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   Jimmy Swaggert: Caller called to give further insight about Jimmy Swaggert, but got cut off.

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   Hebrew & Gregorian calendar: Are we as Christians supposed to follow the Hebrew Calendar or the Gregorian calendar?

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   Eve & Childbearing: Why would Eve know about childbirth if she hadn't had children before? [Genesis 3:16]

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   You shall surely die: What did God mean when He told Adam he would die? [Genesis 2:17]
Outside the Gate Liars: When Revelation talks about people outside the gate, especially liars, doesn't that mean an eternal state?
God so loved the world: Does God no longer love the people who are outside the gate? [John 3:16]

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December 30, 2014

   Turning over the Moneychanger's Table: Is there anything we can apply from Jesus flipping the moneychanger's table over? Is anger a sin? Do you think Jesus was angry? Righteous anger.

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   John Noe - Full Preterist, Part II: Follow-up call about John Noe, who is a full preteris.

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   "In" the World or "Of" the World: Caller is concerned about working for a public company that gets subsidized by taxes, what he calls legalized theft, & wondering if he should quit because his conscience is somewhat against it.

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   Healing Frequency Music: Have you ever heard of something called, Healing Frequency Music, & what do you think about it if you have?

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   Judas Iscariot & Eternal Life: Could Judas have possibly had eternal life since Jesus said that they all had been kept by Him? Where do you suppose he started his transition of losing his faith? [John 17:3,12, john 12:1-8]

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   Holy Spirit: When the Holy Spirit enters someone who becomes a Christian, does his spirit simply get "activated" or does something get added?

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   Arnold Murray: Have you ever heard of Arnold Murray? You should listen to him.
Suicide: What do you think are going to happen to my friends who committed suicide?

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December 31, 2014

   Year of Jubilee: Did the Jews ever keep the Year of Jubilee? What is the spiritual application for us today? [Luke 4:18]

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   Discipleship, Salvation & Sanctification: How do you forsake everything? [Mark 10:17-31, Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30, Luke 14]
Baptism regarded as not important: Isn't the importance of Baptism sort've watered down nowadays?

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   Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Can someone get remarried if they got a divorce, & it wasn't for a case of adultery?
Divorce: What about a wife who's been physically abused?

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   Calvinism, saving yourself, & boasting: I'm not a Calvinist, & i'd never think of boasting. Why do Calvinist think non-Calvinists would think that?

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   Dark-Skinned People: Where did dark-skinned people come from? where did color of people come from?

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   Pornography: Struggling w/ pornography, & I also have a son who struggles with it. What should I do to help him & myself?

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