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<< February 2015 View all months April 2015 >>

March 02, 2015

   The Book of Revelation: What is the value of the Book of Revelation for us today?

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   Liberty Savard: Has Steve heard of Liberty Savard? He needs to get her books & read the positive side of the binding & loosing [Matthew 16 18]

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   Falling Away: What are these passages of Scripture saying about "Falling Away"? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 10:26-27]

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   Spirit of America Rising with Humble Brian The Great: Michael the Buddhist thinks Steve needs to get on the program with the Humble Brian the Great as a guest & share his beliefs.
Michael the Buddhist calling about Michael the Buddhist: Michael the Buddhist calls back to reply to caller who called the week before about him being indecisive, & he tries to explain why he's not a Christian.

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   Local Church in Portland that teaches Amillennialism: Does Steve know any churches in the Portland area that teach Amillennialism?

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   World Wide Church of God: Steve doesn't consider the World Wide Church of God a cult anymore but mainstream? What were the changes that were made?

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   Michael the Buddhist: Michael the Buddhist is a popular fellow of late, people wondering about him (a call was about him last month also).
Size of the Universe: Why did God make the universe so big? Are there possibly other planets like ours, other "experiments" God has out there?

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March 03, 2015

   Lucifer being the Satan (or not): Caller has always been under the impression that Satan was the fallen angel Lucifer, had never heard of another view, until he heard Steve talking about it. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:3-9, Luke 10:18]

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   Homosexuality: Are we supposed to love the sinner but hate the sin, but treat them with absolute respect & let them have their rights? [1 john 4:20]

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   Dispute with sibling about Inheritance: Caller is having a dispute with his sister & wondering how to resolve it. [Luke 12:13-15]

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   Pets going Heaven: Do pets go to heaven? But what about Ecclesiastes 3:21? If they do go to heaven, what do they do to go there, to get there? [Ecclesiastes 3:21]

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   Pets in Heaven: Dogs incessantly barking in heaven, so it wouldn't be heaven, having to hear them!

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   Women out living men: Women tend to live out men, so how about when the men were living to be 800 or 900 years old?

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March 04, 2015

   Bankruptcy: Does Steve have any thoughts on the Biblical perspective of Bankruptcy?

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   Mark of the Beast & Sunday Keeping: I need some Scripture to refute that anyone who does not keep the Sabbath will be receiving the Mark of the Beast & won't go to Heaven. [Colossians 2:16-17, Romans 14:5-6]

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   Aaron & Hur holding up Moses Arms: Is there a reason that Aaron & Hur were the ones that held Moses' arms up, were they the only ones qualified? [Exodus 17:12-14]

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   Inspired & Authorized: How do you use the words Inspired & Authority?

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   Humility: Does God expect us to grovel towards Him? [Matthew 15:22-28, John 21:15-17 Philippians 3:4]

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   Ministry Workers having 9-5 Jobs: So do you people who work in the ministry have to have separate jobs?

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March 05, 2015

   Calvinism: Would it be unjust for God to make a group of people who had no possibility of salvation, & throw them in hell? Isn't that the same think as you saying that God just created the devil to be a tempter & then God punish him for it? Isn't that the exact same thing?

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   "You are gods": What does it mean in Psalm 82:6 "you are gods"? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Jesus as the Son of God: Is this why the Jews were so offended when Jesus called Himself the "Son of God", they knew Psalms 82 was just poetic language calling people gods? Why did Jesus call Himself the Son of Man? He got that from Daniel 7:12, right? [Daniel 7:12]
Jesus as the Son of Man: But what about Ezekiel even being called that more than Jesus?

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   Dispensationalism: So John Darby's main thing was to convince people that the church & Israel were 2 separate things, is that right?
Steve's view of Eschatology: So is Steve's view of the last days (eschatology) a mixture of several view points, & what verses does he use?

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   "You are gods": "You are God's" in the possessive sense, is that possible? [Psalm 82:6]
A good commentary: Do you know of good commentaries that you'd recommend?

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   Hebrew language & Ezekiel: Caller wants to continue talking about the discussion of "gods" & "man", he just wanted to confirm that Steve was right.

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   "You are gods": Another caller wanted to opine about "you are gods". [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Understanding Truth: Sayings in one language & cultures would not be understood in other languages & cultures.

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   Sabbath: Since the Sabbath is mentioned in the 10 commandments, doesn't that make it above the ceremonial sabbaths? [Exodus 20:8-11]

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March 06, 2015

   Sola Scriptura: What does Sola Scriptura mean, a Catholic asks a Protestant, because all the problems, divisions that the Protestants are having stems from that.
Catholic Church the only way: Anyone who is not under the umbrella of the pope or in the Catholic church are not saved, caller's Catholic friend says.

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   Judging the 12 Tribes of Israel: After the regeneration, the 12 apostles will be judging the 12 tribes of Israel…..making a distinction between the Jews & Gentiles? [Matthew 19:28]

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   The Book of Nehemiah & Joy: How do you apply "the Joy of Lord is my strength", we get strength from His joy? [Nehemiah 8:10]
Manasseh killed Isaiah: Is it true Manasseh killed Isaiah? [Isaiah 9:21, 2 Chronicles 33:13]
Not Loving Jesus Most: Where is it in the Bible where Jesus says if people love their mother or father more than Him, they are not worthy of Him? [Matthew 10:34-38]

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   Anabaptists: Is it true there were people who disagreed with the Catholic Church before Martin Luther, such as the Anabaptists?
Generational Curse: Do we inherit sinful patterns from past generations unless we break away from it?

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   Jesus being in the Heart of the Earth: Caller wants to give a view about Matthew 12:39-40. Literal 3 days & 3 nights Jesus being in the tomb discussion. [Matthew 12:39-40]

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   Revelation of God Through Dreams: Decision Making & the Will of God by Friesen, if it isn't expressly commanded in Scripture or forbidden by Scripture, you can't make a wrong decision.

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March 09, 2015

   Young Earth Creationism: They have a new teacher in a Christian school that is a Theistic Evolutionist, & caller has been leering about old earth & just wondering why Steve doesn't believe it. "Days" has meaning different meanings, he's learned.

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   Recreation in Heaven: Will there be recreation on the other side of glory? Is recreation acceptable here on earth for that matter?

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   Christ 2nd Coming: Jesus will come on the Feast of Tabernacles.

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   Michael the Buddhist: Michael wants to avoid pain, but the thing we need to get away from is sin, so he needs to change his entire belief structure.
Lewis Sperry Chafer: Caller reads a quote from Lewis Sperry Chafer & wondering what Steve's thoughts are on it, about works & Calvinism.

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   New Earth in place of Heaven: Caller would rather be in Heaven worshipping God rather than coming back down to this earth.

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   Demons Crying Out: How did they have the authority to beg Jesus not to torment them? [Mark 5:7]

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   Putting out Fleeces: What is Steve's view about putting out fleeces?

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   Demon Possessed People: In today's day & age, people who are crazy you might think are demon possessed but aren't, but in the Bible it seemed to be the norm that they were.

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March 11, 2015

   Peter denying Jesus 3 times: Was Peter compelled to deny Jesus 3 times, especially in relation to what Jesus said in Matthew 26? [Matthew 26:31]
Meditating on the Word of God: What does Steve mean by meditating on the Scripture?

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   Conservative & Liberal Christians: Caller has trouble w/ both Conservative & Liberal Christians, because conservative tend to be legalistic, while liberal Christians, anything goes.
Inspiration of Scripture: What exactly does "inspiration", "inspired" mean when we are referring to the Holy Scriptures? [2 Timothy 3:16]

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   "Refuse To Be Offended": Where can that lecture be found on the Narrow Path Website?
Tithing: Caller thinks the onus is on Steve Gregg to show where it says we don't need to tithe. [Revelation 22:18-19]

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   Parables, Grain of Seed & Leaven: Most people consider these parables with a negative connotation, but caller has an issue with it because it's talking about the Kingdom of God. [luke 13:18-21]

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   Laws that we keep & don't keep: How do we know what laws to keep or not, from the Old Testament? The 10 commandments we hold to, right?
Building Altars to Worship God: What about building little altars to worship God, extracting stuff from Old Testament stories?

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March 12, 2015

   Baptism & Partaking of the Lord's Supper: Can a person be a part of the Body of Christ, but not fully a member of the Kingdom of God, but yet be able to break bread (for example, if they haven't been baptized yet)?

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   David killing Goliath twice: Did David have to kill Goliath twice, once by the stone from the sling shot & then killed him with the sword? [1 Samuel 17:50-51]

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   Paul going to Heaven: Are there other verses besides 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 where it talks about Paul going to Heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:1-10]

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   Serpent Seed Doctrine: There are 2 seeds, a seed of God, or a seed of the devil, Jacob have I loved & Esau have I hated. [Matthew 13:38 Romans 9:13].

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   Made in His image & became like us: It seems to say 2 different things about God creating us, that we were made in His image, but then that we became like Him. [Genesis 2 & 3]

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   Strange Doctrine: People comes up w/ all kinds of strange doctrine.

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   Serpent Seed Doctrine, Arnold Murray: People w/ strange doctrine, & yet they seem so right on in some places, & make their patrons fall for them.

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March 13, 2015

   Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Can I know I am seeking first the Kingdom of God by completely trusting God, & leaning unto our own understanding? [Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5]

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   King Solomon: Would you say King Solomon died saved or unsaved? [1 Kings 1-12, Ecclesiastes 12]
God allowing bad things to occur: God doesn't do bad things to us, but does He allow bad things to happen to us? [Hebrews 12]

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   Getting a New Bible: Caller is considering getting a E. W. Bullinger Companion Bible, would Steve recommend it? What is a good one?
Genesis 5 genealogy: Cain is not in the genealogy of Genesis 5. Why not?

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   Buddhism: Michael the Buddhist called to critique yet another caller talking about him & Buddhism.

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   Blessings of the OT for Israel & us: Are the Old Testament just for Israel or for us also?

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   Women Pastors: What does Steve think of Women Pastors or Women in Leadership roles in the Church?

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   Scripture & Inspiration: What are the meaning of the words, "Scripture & Inspiration" in 2 Timothy? [2 Timothy 3:16-17]

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March 16, 2015

   Noah & Ham, "Uncovered his nakedness": What was the nakedness Ham uncovered? Why did Canaan get cursed when he had nothing to do w/ anything? [Genesis 9:20-27]

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   English Translations of the Bible: Which English Translation does Steve prefer?

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   Vaccines & Peter's Vision of animals: Our bodies are God's Temple, so be careful what you put in it, so no vaccines, caller thinks, but does Acts 10 trump that?

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   Jesus Turning Water in Wine: Jesus reaction to His mother seemed like He was a little angry at her for asking, & wondering if anyone heard Him say that, & after all that, He ended up performing it anyway. [John 2]

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   The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?

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   The Torah: Paul was talking about the Torah when he was talking to Timothy about the Scriptures, caller thinks. [2 Timothy 3:15-16]

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   Making Jesus King: They wanted to make to Jesus King by force, but what were the conditions that God was looking for Him to be Savior by the Jews? [John 6:14-15]

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March 17, 2015

   Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation & why is it considered a heresy?

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   Cock shall not Crow: Jesus told Peter the cock would not crow before Peter denied Him 3 times, so was that a man or a rooster crowing? [luke 22:34]

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   Tetragrammaton & Yahweh: How many Hebrews manuscripts would have the name "Yahweh" verses what you find in the Tetragrammaton?

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   The Book of Mormon: Does the Book of Mormon talk about the Native Americans & all these ancient people that it proclaims to talk about?

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   The Ceremonial Law & Love Relationship: One time Steve was differentiating between the ceremonial law & a relationship w/ Jesus & others, but what about Matthew 5:17-19? [Matthew 5:17-19]

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   Women Preachers: What is Steve's view about women preachers/pastors?

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   Law being Fulfilled: Caller wanted to chime in about the law being fulfilled in [Matthew 5:17-19]

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March 18, 2015

   Jesus being filled with Holy Spirit: Can please decipher these 2 verses about Jesus & the Holy Spirit? [Luke 4:1, 4:14]

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   The Book of Judas: Judas was actually a supporter of Jesus, but wanted Him to go the way he wanted Him to go, just trying to speed things up.

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   Different Crowd Reactions to Jesus: Why were they angry & why were they amazed? Caller is stumped by Luke 4:22-32. [Luke 4:22-32]

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   Body of Christ Speaking in Tongues: How should we speak in tongues when in the Body of Christ, or even privately? [1 Corinthians 14]

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   4th Kingdom of Daniel 7: What does the 4th Kingdom in Daniel 7 actually represent? Is the caller doing a disservice by only exposing her children to Dispensationalism? [Daniel 7]

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   Personal Prophecy: 2 Pastors told the caller that her family will be saved, but she doesn't feel that.

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   Wine in the Bible: What does the Bible say about wine in the Bible & strong drink?

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March 19, 2015

   The Office of Apostles & Prophets: Are Apostles & Prophets for today, & if they, who decides that they are (aside from God)?

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   Not all Israel, are Israel: Would you help me sort through the context and meaning of the 'hardening in part' of Israel and 'not all are Israel, who are Israel'? Who is the 'olive tree'? Who is the 'all that will be saved'? [Romans 9-11, 9:6, 9:27, 11:7, 11:25-26, 11:5, I Kings 19:18, Isaiah 10:22].

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   Distinction between Promises & Prophecy: Lady is claiming that since not one of Jesus' bones would be broken, she could claim that that prophecy/promise that HER bones weren't be broken. [John 19:36, Psalms 34:20]

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   The Role of Women in the Church: Steve keeps saying, "Jesus says", Paul says", or "the Bible says", but which is it?

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   Christianity & Buddhism: Michael the Buddhist calls again to continue the discussion about why he's not seeing it in Christianity. (He gives an interesting drowning scenario)

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   Let him that is Holy remain Holy, Let him that is Filthy remain Filthy: What does, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still"? [Revelation 22:11]

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   Unrighteous people casting out Demons: How could the unrighteous people successfully cast out demons? [Matthew 7:22-23]

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   Street Preaching: If you were preaching the gospel on the street, & were preaching to a whole crowd, how would you do it?

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March 20, 2015

   God's Glory in the Temple: Did God's glory remain in the Temple throughout the entire time until Jesus declared God had left it? [Ezekiel 11:23, Ezekiel 43:4, Matthew 23:8]
Wailing Wall (Western Wall): (aka as the Kotel) What about the Wailing Wall, how come it wasn't destroyed since Jesus said not one stone upon another will remain? [Matthew 24:2]

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   Nature of Evil & Original Sin: What is Steve's view of the nature of the Angels? Are we going to have any desire to sin on the other side of glory?

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   Government & Church Sovereignty: Does the church have to obey the government?

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   Satan being Omnipresent: Is Satan omnipresent?

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   Christian Science: Are the Christian Scientists just like any other denomination? Is there any place in the Bible we can exploit for healing?

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   Dishonoring a parent (Father): Would it be considered dishonoring their father if caller's children testify against him for the way he treats them?

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   Satan's Network (from 3 calls ago): Satan's on a chain, & we have to apply some common sense, & Satan is not doing everything bad that happens to us.

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   The "word" in James: What was the "word" James was talking about, Jesus' words? [James 1:18-27]

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   Satan a Murderer from the Beginning: Is there any evidence or tradition that Satan was a murderer from the beginning? [John 8:44]

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March 23, 2015

   God's Will - Sovereignty of God: "God wills to use our wills to accomplish His will." Can Steve unpack that saying? God allowing Islam to do what they are doing, what does he think?

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   Myrrh: Does Steve know anything about Myrrh & the spiritual significance of it?

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   "Take Up Your Cross": What did Jesus mean by "take up your cross" since Jesus hadn't been crucified Himself yet on the cross? [Luke 9:23]

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   Buddhism vs Christianity: Michael the Buddhist is calling again to converse about Buddhism verses Christianity.

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   Jehovah's Witnesses: What is the best way to speak to JW's about Christ, & where are they missing the ball?

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   Assyrian Christians being persecuted: Is there anything we can do for the Assyrian Christians being killed in Iraq by ISIS?

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   Homosexuality: Caller is struggling w/ same sex attractions.

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March 24, 2015

   Gays in Leadership Positions in Church: Our church is beginning to have no restrictions on gays having leadership roles in our church, & are performing gay marriages.

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   Speaking in Tongues as Evidence: Speaking in Tongues is the only evidence you can know you have the Holy Spirit, is this true?

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   The Book of Mormon Origins: How did we get the book of Mormon? No one could account for it, so it either came from God or from Satan, a Mormon friend told the caller.

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   Divorce & Remarriage Concern: Caller is concerned if his 2nd marriage is valid or not.
Canonization of Scripture: "All Scripture is God-breathed", does that include the books of the Apocrypha? [2 Timothy 3:16]

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   Day of Rest (Sabbath): Do we still need to have a day of rest, a Sabbath? Are the 10 commandments still for today?

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   Tongues for Preaching the Gospel: Isn't the purpose of tongues to share the gospel?

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   Disagree about Restoration of Israel: The "Remnant" of Israel & then a restoration of Israel. [Romans 11]

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March 25, 2015

   Calvinism: Does Calvinism make people hard-hearted? Does it have a deterministic aspect to it? Did it shape Fred Phelps character?

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   Traditional View of Hell: Separation from God is the actual punishment? If we are separated from God, how could we survive? [2 Thessalonians 1:9]

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   Demons being in Hell: Where does it say anywhere in the Bible about the demons being cast in hell? How can they be being judged right now because they sure seem to be wandering around the world right now? [2 Peter 2:4]

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   Satan (anit Christ) or Jesus First: At the very end, who’s going to come first, Satan (anti Christ) or Jesus? Or how's it going to work?

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   Hell: We don't really know how hell is going to play out. There's no concrete teaching on anything in Revelation for that matter.
Blood Moons: What does Steve think about all these "Blood Moons" coming up one right after another?

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   Traditional View of Hell Caller: Caller who had called a few calls ago calls back & remembered his 3rd Q: God made hell for the devil & his demons & not humans, is that true?

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   Literalism about Hell: We don't have any life w/ out God, so how could we exist in hell? [Acts 17:27]

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   Hell: Caller has a simple theory about why it isn't eternity in hell.

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   Hell Israel: Caller thought there was a verse in Isaiah that we are only partially separated from God, & Steve references 2 Thessalonians 1:9 in answer to that. [2 Thessalonians 1:9]
Lucifer: Comments about Israel from previous calls he's heard. Every time we call Satan Lucifer he's probably laughing since calling him that would be venerating him because it means worshipping.

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   Drama of the Israelites: Why is all this drama necessary before Christ came? Why not just promise Abraham that Christ could come & leave it at that?

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   Left Church because of LGBT: What are Steve's thoughts about LGBT? If Scripture is the foundation of what we believe, we need to do something about it w/ love.

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March 26, 2015

   Catholic Tradition: Tom the Catholic who used to always call in the early years want to chime in on a call he heard to March 6, the first Question, about Tradition.

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   Bible interpretation in James: "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5 What does it mean? [James 4:5]

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   The Brethren in Christ: Wondering if Steve knew what the Brethren in Christ stands for & wants denominations that are Arminianists, but continualists, but not dispensationalists.

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   God being Angry at Sinners: Did Jonathan Edwards have anything to do w/ the idea that God is Angry at Sinners?
R. C. Sproul & Romans 9 - 11: What was Steve saying yesterday about R. C. Sproul & Romans 9 - 11?

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   The After-Life: Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die? (Incomplete call/answer because mp3 file just abruptly ended)

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March 27, 2015

   Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: What are the Essential Doctrines & Behaviors of being a Christian?

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   Baptism: Being baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit vs just being baptized in the only the name of Jesus.

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   Meeting Jesus in the Sky: Caller is having a hard time understanding why we are to meet Jesus in the sky if He's coming down here to the earth? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]
Clouds: Are they going to be literal clouds when He comes down? [1 Thessalonians 4:17]

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   Believing in Jesus & once you do: A caller asks a litany of questions about following Jesus, in relation to the following verses. [john 14:23, 1 john 2:3-4, 1 john 3:8-9]

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   Stock Market Crashes & Blood Moons: God's hand in warning w/ stock market crashing, & the Blood Moons falling on Jewish Holidays, that it's all lining up.

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   Animals in Heaven: Animals in Heaven.
Steve is very dedicated: Steve being dedicated to his Ministry.
Red letter Edition - Don C. Harris: Is Steve familiar w/ Don Harris or the ministry of Red Letter Edition?

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   Bart Ehrman: Is Steve familiar Bart Ehrman? Does he know of any books that refute his works?

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March 30, 2015

   Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: Caller is concerned that Steve didn't say the important things about sharing the gospel. (bad clicking).

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   Middle Knowledge: Does Steve know much about Middle Knowledge?
Reprobate minds: What is happening in Romans 1:28, why did God give them a debased/reprobate mind? [Romans 1:28]

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   In-depth Bible Study: Caller wants an in-depth Bible Study, something like Steve Gregg has. (more clicking last call didn't have it even though the previous call before that did.)

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   Recognizing each other in Heaven: Will we know each other on the other side of glory?

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   Time: What do we know about time? God lives outside of time?

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   New Covenant Theology: Does Steve know about New Covenant Theology? Signs & Wonders happening. (more clicking)

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   Baptism: What is the difference between being baptized in only Jesus' name & being baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost?

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March 31, 2015

   Catholic Tradition & Word of God: Tom the Catholic wants to continue his discussion of a few days ago regarding Church Tradition, w/ addition to the Word of God.

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   Passover & the 10 commandments: Are we supposed to still keep the Passover & the 10 Commandments?

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   Seeking the Face of God: What does "Seeking the Face of God" mean?
Prodigal Son: A born again Christian can be spiritually dead again, is that reasonable to think? Although it is true that the prodigal son story was before the born again experience happened after the cross. [Luke 15:11-32]

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   Righteous Salvation & Being Justified: How do we merge all these words together? Being saved, justified, righteous, having faith [Romans 10:9-10, James 2, Hebrews 11:1]

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