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<< May 2016 View all months July 2016 >>

June 01, 2016

   Magi (Wise Men) Calculating Jesus' Birth: Using Daniel 2 & 9, how were the magi able use it or know about Jesus being born?
Day of the Lord: What does the "Day of the Lord" refer to? [Malachi 4:5, Joel 2, Acts 2, Acts 5, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10]

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   God's Law: Caller is interested in talking about keeping God's commandments, His law, because he thinks most denominations don't care about the law. [Romans 7:1-4]

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   Forgive them for they know not what they do: When Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", do you think they were actually forgiven right then?
Authors of Genesis: How many authors do you think there were of Genesis?

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   Fulness of the Gentiles Come in: What does, "wWhen the fulness of the gentile be come in" mean? [Romans 11:25]

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   Being Cutoff: What did Abraham mean by both the righteous & the wicked being cut off? [ezekiel 21:4]

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   God's Law & Commandments: Caller who has called many times in previous shows, & has already called once in this show, wants to talk more about God's commandments & law, that we need to keep them. [Matthew 5:17-19] (Caller asked to not call back anymore.)

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   Doubting the Inerrancy of God: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of the Bible be a true Christian?

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   Time, Earth & Creation: Shouldn't we just know that God created everything by His word instead of trying to determine the age of the earth & looking for dinosaurs & loosing the sight of Jesus?

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   Eternal Security: once saved always saved is not really true, you can turn away from Jesus, but is the covenant you made with God broken every time you sin?

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June 02, 2016

   Lucifer becoming Satan: I was told by a friend of mine telling me that Lucifer turned into Satan after being cast down from heaven with a 3rd of the angels, They all being punished by being sent to earth. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]

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   Jews Abolishing the Sacrificial System: Why did the Jews stop sacrificing animals after Jesus died? (She asked 2 questions, but Steve couldn't remember the second, & answers it later in the show: Why does there need to be a gate & wall in the New Jerusalem?)

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   God changing His Mind: God changed His mind, & what do Calvinists say about that? [Amos 7]

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   Walls & Gates in the New Jerusalem: Why does there need to be a gate & wall in the New Jerusalem?

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   God Hating People: How can a God of Love actually hate people?

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   Cutoff Analogy: Caller makes a humorous analogy about the word "cutoff" that was talked about in the previous show.
Grace-Favor or a Power: What is grace? Is it unmerited favour or is it a power we are given?

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   Marriage & Divorce pre-Christian: Marriage questions about getting mzarried & divorced before becoming a Christian & now becoming a Christian, what about restitution?
Doctrine of Imminency: Jesus coming back 40 years after the Nation of Israel was created, teaching His coming is imminent, Doctrine of Imminency. What does Steve think?

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   People Resurrected During Jesus' Resurrection: Can you explain Matthew 27:51-52 to me? [Matthew 27:51-53]f

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June 03, 2016

   Bible Written by God or Man: was the bible written by God or only by people who had a relationship w/ God? Pastor cites different creation accounts?
All or Parts of Bible Inspired: How we know if all of the Bible is inspired or only parts?
Mosaic Law Harshness: Do we have to believe in the harness of mosaic law, all the capital punishment & so on? did they end when Jesus died on the cross then because we don't do those things anymore.

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   The Flood: Why did God bring the flood? Did He overreact? [Genesis 6-8]
Men of Renoun & Nephilim: Are the people of the Nephilim & the men of renoun the same or different people? {Genesis 6]
Giants (sons) of God: So these were holy men, but I thought only noah & his family were holy during the Flood?

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   One Spouse became Saved: I try to talk to my wife about Christ, but she tells me to quit talking to her about it, so what am I to do?

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   Women Submission & Angels: Can you please talk about women submission of covering their heads & the angels? [1 Corinthians 11]
Learning How to Pray: How do you teach someone to pray? [Luke 11]

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   Elijah & John the Baptist: Trying to figure out the connection between Elijah & John the Baptist? [Matthew 17:10-13]

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June 06, 2016

   Calvinism-Not Agreeing: What should our response be when Christians oppose our viewpoints?

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   Homosexuality: Why would homosexuality get a pass when so many other sins do not?

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   Being Born: If babies go to heaven, why be born or live at all?

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   Messianic Movmement (Hebrew Roots): I have a friend who's been pressuring his family members in the the Messianic Movement & wondering what they should do?
Jesus' Name: The Messianic Movement thinks they have to say Jesus' name correctly.

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   Impossible to Sin: So when we become Christians, we can't sin anymore or be held accountable for it anymore? [1 john 3:9]

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   The Government & Kingdom Of God Variance: It says in Isaiah that "the government shall be on His shoulders", so in light of that verse, how much are we supposed to pay attention the government & politics? [Isaiah 9:6-7]

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June 07, 2016

   Explaining Trinity to The Jw: What is the best way to explain the Trinity doctrine to Jehovah's Witnesses who don't believe Jesus is the Son of God?

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   Salvation by Works: Mohammed Ali’s died recently, & there was inference about earning one’s way to heaven, salvation by works. Can you talk about this?

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   Moses & Aaron During Persution as Babies: How did Aaron miss the execution that Moses faced as a baby?

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   Hyperbole & Literal Interpretation: How are we supposed to learn Hyperbole verses literal interpretation of the Bible, when to apply it, & should we learn Koine Greek. (I don't really understand the question.)

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   Charging for Ministry in Contrast to Raising Money: What about raising money to support a ministry as opposed to charging for ministry.

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   Marriage Vows: Don't Marriage vows need to have audience in order to be real, verified, genuine?

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   Jerusalem originally Salem: Was Jerusalem originally called Salem or is it just short of Jerusalem? [Hebrews 7:1-2]
Impending Doom in Zephaniah: What can you tell me about the impending doom, that is talked about in Zephaniah & then having a chance for repentance? [Zephaniah] (Babylon Exile)

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   Misquoting from the Septuagint: Did any of the New Testament writers misquote from the Septuagint?
Best Translation: What is the best translation, the Septuagint or the Hebrew Bible? [Luke 24:45]

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June 08, 2016

   "Lest at any Time they should be converted": So going by Calvinist standard, "...lest at any time they should be converted…", why would Jesus have to hide His teachings so people wouldn't be converted since God already knows who's going to be His elect or not? [Mark 4:12]

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   Inerrancy of Scripture: Caller's brother told him that Steve was saying that evangelicals going way beyond the inerrancy of scripture. [2 Timothy 3:16] (I think the caller is talking about a call from 6/1/2016, 7th Question.)

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   Steve's View of Hell: Caller just got done reading Steve's book, "All You Want to Know about Hell" & wants to know if he has come any closer to what he beleives?

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   Bart Ehrman's Reason for Doubting Scripture: Caller gives insight as to why Bart Ehrman might've stopped believing in the inerrancy of Word of God.
Case for Traditional View of Hell: Sheep & Goats, Wheat & Tares, how can you identify these 2 different classes if the traditional view of hell wasn't right?

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June 09, 2016

   Date of the Gospel of John: When was the Gospel of John written? Which of 3 books was written first, Revelation, the Gospel of John or the 3 epistles?
Actual Dates of the Gospel of John & Epistles: Do you have any idea what the actual dates those books were written then? I know you think Revelation was written in the 60's.
Style Textually The 4 Books were Written: Can't we tell by the style they were written?

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   Spiritual Death Discussion: On a recent program a little while back you said, "the result of sin is death, not hell", can you explain what "death" is?

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   PBS Distorted View of the OT: Caller saw a special on PBS about how the Old Testament was written, them saying that they were stories of fiction.

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   Psychiatry & Depression: A friend of the caller who is a psychiatrist thinks people with depression should always be treated with Medicine, anti-depressants, What does Steve think about that?
Unconscious Memory: If you believe your "Unconscious Memory" is making you behave badly, you can still take control of it & do things right. [Recommends a series of Lectures called, "Biblical Counsels for a Change" about Mental Health.]

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   Pharisees & Scribes Knowing it was Jesus: How come the Pharisees & Scribes didn't keep track of & know who Jesus was since His birth since the Wise men had no trouble figuring out who He was at birth?
The Book, "Killing Jesus": What do you think about the book called, "Killing Jesus"?
God doing Everthing for His Glory: "I'm not doing this for you, but for Me!" God said [Ezekiel 36:22]

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June 10, 2016

   Whore of Babylon, Sitting on 7 Hills: Who is the whore of Babylon, the Lady sitting on 7 hills? [Revelation 17]

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   Demons Being Fallen Angels: Are the demons of the present day the fallen angels? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]

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   Ananias & Saphhira: Did Ananias & Saphhira go to heaven or to hell when they died? [Acts 5]

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   Millennium-Literal or Symbolic: Is the Millennium literal or symbolic? [Revelation 19 & 20]

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   Sanctification: What can you tell me about sanctification? Do you know of a good book I can read that talks about it.

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   Sanctification: Caller comments that we are sanctified or perfected as soon as we become a Christian, & continue to grow holy from there. [Hebrews 10:14]

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   Jesus' Genealogy back to David: If we were going to trace Jesus's bloodline back to David, where do we start? [Luke 3]
Mormons & Blacks: Why do Mormons shun blacks? Wasn't Bathsheba black?

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   Assisted Suicide: What is the Bible's position on assisted suicide in light of the fact that California just legalized it?

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   Steve Gregg & Hank Hanegraaff: Do you & hank hanegraaff see eye to eye on most biblical issues/interpretation? Have you two ever played a round of golf?

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   Authority to Forgive Sins: Did Jesus give the apostles authority to forgive other people's sins & does this translate down to us? [John 20:20-23]
Ananias & Saphhira: Ananias & Saphhira were not forgiven, & Peter seemed to have that power to forgive them or not forgive them & have them die immediately. [Acts 5]

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   Immortality of the Soul: How does each view of hell view mmortality of the soul? The annihilatist view, the unversal restoration view & the traditional view of Eternal Torment. [Romans 2:7, John 3:16]

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   Jerusalem Surrounded by Armies: So when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies, does that mean Jesus is coming back soon? [Luke 21:20]

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June 13, 2016

   Parellels Between the Sun & Light of God: light of the sun & the light of God, sun & mooning going dark, & God leaving Jerusalem, His light leaving them.
Tree of Life for Immortality: So if the only way to have immortality is to eat from the tree of life, doesn't that automatically do away with the notion of Eternal Torment in Hell?

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   70 AD to Second Coming Transition: Is Matthew 24:35 the transition when you think it's going from talking about 70 AD to His Second coming? [Matthew 24:35]
Full Preterist & Partial Preterist Ratio: What is the ratio of partial preterists to full preterists?
N.T. Wright: Have you read much of N.T. Wright's work? What do you think of him?

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   3 Part Beings: We are a tri-part being, body, soul & spirit, the only thing that gets born again is the spirit [1 Thessalonians 5:23]

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June 14, 2016

   Open Theism: Can you please talk about Open Theologyope (Theism)?

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   Spiritual Warfare & Armour: Can you please talk about spiritual warfare & spiritual armour? [Ephesians 6]

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   Nation of Israel & the Christian Church: How do you interpret Israel in this text? Dispensationalists say there is a distinction between the church & Israel, so can it be interpreted that way? [Romans 11:26]

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   Women Teaching: Should Women be teaching Men?
Boy Becoming a Man: When does a boy officially become a man?
Pastors' Unruly Children: What if a Pastor's child become unruly, unlawful, giving him a bad name? Does he have to step down?

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June 15, 2016

   Anathema Maranatha: Being accursed, Anathema Maranath, does that apply to Christians who fall out of love like the churches of Revelation? [1 Corinthians 16:22]
Homosexuals: It says in Romans that homosexuals/sodomites are worthy of death, so should they be lined up & shot like a pastor said once?

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   Health Care Insurance: Don't we have to obey the laws of the land, specifically health care insurance?

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   Water & Blood in 1 John: Caller tries to give an analogy of child birth, water breaks, & a lot of blood, so maybe it's just talking about physical birth? [1 john 5:6]
Born to Win Ministries: Have you ever heard of Ronald L. Dart & "Born to Win" ministries?

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   Israelites Returnnig even though having Unbelief: Israelites coming back to the land even though in unbelief? [Ezekiel 36:22-32]

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   Propitiation: What does the word, "propitiation" mean?
The Septuagint: Is the Septuagint available to us?

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   Number of People God Killed in the Bible: There's an atheist website about how many people God killed in the Bible. Can you shed some light on this propaganda?

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   Romans 9: Can you explain this passage of scripture in Romans 9? [Romans 9:15-18]

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   James not worried about Circumcision, but other things: Why does James say not to worry about circumcision, but then was worried about other things? [Acts 15:20, 1 Corinthians 10:7]

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June 17, 2016

   Jesus God or Son of God: Is Jesus God & is He the Son of God?

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   Systematic Theology: What do you think about going through a systematic theology?

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   Irregular Colored Animals: Jacob taking the irregular colored animals, stiped, spots or speckles, is this some type of superstition prenatal influence? [Genesis 30:7]

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   Replacement Theology-Kingdom being Restored: This can't be the church because it has never fallen down [Acts 3:21 sic (Acts 1:6 actually), Acts 15:16, Amos 9]

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   144,000: What is the role of the 144,000 & the chosen elect?
Resurrection Physical or Spiritual: Is the future resurrection going to be physical or spiritual?

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June 20, 2016

   Holy Spirit Coming to the Disciples Twice: The Holy Spirit came to Jesus' disciples differently, once in John when Jesus breathed on them & then in Acts they were baptized with the Holy Spirit? [John 20:22, Acts 1:5-8]

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   God is Fire-Baptized with Fire: God is fire because of holiness, is it a good thing to be baptised with fire? [Lamentations 3:23, Matthew 3:10-12]

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   THe Impeccability of Jesus: Someone told me that Jesus couldn't sin because of His impeccability, but if He couldn't sin, how could the temptation have been genuine? [Hebrew 4:15, Matthew 4:1-11]
Being Alone with God: How do you get completely alone with God & talk to Him?

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   Traditional View of Hell: If the Traditional View of Hell is plausible then how Jesus isn't being tortured in hell for eternity since He was paying for our sins?

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   Problems with Audio FIles: When listening to some of your lectures, they seem to speed up & slow down. Do you know why that is?
Unknown Authors of Books of the Bible: If they didn't know the author of a book of the Bible, did that impede if the book was inspired or not & added to the canon of Scripture?

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   Holy Spirit occuping a Defiled Temple: If the Holy Spirit of God is in us, how is it that He can live in sinful man?

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   Falling Away: What can you can tell me about that? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4-6] (steve gregg doesn't have time to answer)

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June 21, 2016

   Common Law Marriage: Couples who are living together who haven't taken vows, is that a legitimate marriage?

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   Reaping what We Sew: What does "sewing what we reap" exactly mean? [Galatians 6:7-10]

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   Hanging on a Tree: Criminals had to hang on a tree, so what is the significance of it since Jesus had to hang on a tree, being cursed? [Galatians 3:13]

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   God Never Created: God was not created but the Creator, but how can that be?

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   Adam Idolizing Eve: Eve said that the serpent beguiled her, & Adam said that Eve gave him & he ate, so adam did it because he idolized his wife? Watchman Nee is the one who pointed this out.

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   Same or Different Temple: Is this the same temple in Revelation that is being built in Ezekiel? [Revelation 11, Ezekiel 40]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you don't think the book of Revelation was written during Domitian's reign (95 AD)?

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June 22, 2016

   Appreciates the Narrow Path: Thank you for your program & the callers with their questions because it has been a blessing to me, really being editfied.

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   Christians Losing Their Zeal: Sometimes Christians think that Christians are so heavenly they are no earthly good! Also, why do Christians lose their first zeal?

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   The Kingdom of God: The kingdom of heaven in this particular Scripture in Matthew the literal place we go after we die? And Steve explains they sometimes the phrase, "Kingdom of Heaven" is used.

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   Yodeling in Church: What do you think about yodeling happening in the church? Is it supposed to be a form of speaking in tongues?

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   The Dead Sea Scrolls: What was all the hype about the Dead Sea Scrolls?

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   Things that are Viable in the Christian Life: How are we supposed to know what is "viable" anymore in the Bible, what we obey or not?
Tattoos: What about getting tattoos? [Leviticus 19:28]

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June 23, 2016

   Baptism Necessary for Salvation: Is baptism necessary for salvation?

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   Hinduism: Is Hinduism the oldest religion in the world?

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   Founding Fathers Deists: I've heard that most of our founding fathers of this country were deists, but our country was supposedly a Christian nation, so how can that be?

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   The Trinity being one Person: Someone came to my door & said that the Trinity was made up of more than one person.

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   The Septuagint: Do you have a favourite septuagint translation?
Apocrypha: What can you tell me about the apocrypha?

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   New Church Home Concerns: we thought we found a good home Christian church until they had a weird contest, fundraising event.

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   Oneness Pentecostals what are your thoughts on oneness pentecostals? [Acts 2:1-4]

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   Septuagint: Calller wants to know where he can find an interlinear Septuagint?

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   The Rapture: Differing views about the Rapture? (first caller from nebraska)

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June 27, 2016

   The Fig Tree Budding-Restoration of Israel: hat is your position on the fig tree budding oossibly representing the coming of the Nation of Israel? [Matthew 24:32]

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   Book of Mormon Restoring Truth: Mormon claim this predicts the state of the church before the book of Mormon came about, a famine of "The Word" before they came along. [Amos 8:11-12]

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   The World Might be Saved: That the world "might" be saved? [John 3:17]

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   Mother God Cult: Mother God cult (steve is referring to june 23rd, 4th call when he refers to another caller making the same claim. And he comments on it several days later.)

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   Jesus asking Peter 3 Times if he Loved Him: Why was Jesus making such a big deal of asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him?
Day-Age Theory: Is the day-age theory biblical?

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   Mother God Cult: Same Mother God cult in nebraska also.

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   Death's Sting different for Believers & Non-Believers: Dying, Christian’s cross over different from non-Christians? Is the sting different? [1 Corinthians 15:56]

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June 28, 2016

   Individuals Repenting for Groups of People What are Steve thoughts are on individuals repenting for groups of people?

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   Mother of the Harlot: Who is the Mother of the Harlot? [Revelation 17-18]

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   Law of Reciprocity: What do you think of the law of reciprocity?

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   Full Preterism: I was listening to a Full Preterist, & he was taking a lot of stock in those verses in 1 Thessalonians. Can you comment on it? [1 Thessalonians 4:15-17]

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   Mother God Comments: Steve comments on a lot of accounts of a cult about a Mother God, & it's called, "the World Missions Society Church of God"

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   Testing Spirits: What does it mean to test the spirits, & how are we supposed do that? [1 John 4:1]

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   Tithing & Giving: How are you supposed to tithe if you only have money to pay the rent?

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   Mother God: Mother God comments.
Jews not recognizing the Messiah: Why is it hard for Jews to accept the Messiah?

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   Recognizing Jesus as Messiah: Buddhist comments on last call, why it's hard for Jews to recognize Jesus as Messiah.

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June 29, 2016

   Doubting Faith: Caller is questioning/doubting their faith, the veracity of the Bible and Christianity.

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   Critical & Judgmental of Church: Caller struggling with their attitude toward the church & not being judgmental.

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   Islam-Muslims: God is Allah. Why do they believe so much in Muhammad?

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   Shechem & Dinah: Is this a man or a woman this passage of Scripture is talking about? [Genesis 34:8-12] (Dinah they are talking about)

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   Problems with The Narrow Path Website: Caller is having problems with the Narrow Path Website.
Calling on the Name of the Lord: What does this phrase mean in Genesis, "men began callling upon the Name the Lord"? Did they lose their contact with God as soon they sinned so they were re-establish that conection or did God have a name they wanted them Him by? [Genesis 4:26b]

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   God's Script, Jesus the Actor: Jesus following God's the Father's script, is that an accurate statement? (weird call)
Jesus' Healing Power: Jesus being energized by drugs being able to heal people. (weird call.)

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   Hearing God's Voice: I just got saved, & I always hear people saying, "God told me", how am i supposed to know if He is the one speaking to me?

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   True Conversion: Having true evidence of a genuine faith, how should one be changed? Power, changed by the Holy Spirit.

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June 30, 2016

   Man still Obligated to First Wife: A guy's been divorced twice but another guy saying he is still married to first wife. Do you have any ideas?
Acceptable Sexual Positions: What are acceptable sexual positions in marriage?

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   Sabbath Keeping: I've been talking to some Seventh Day Adventists, & they say Sabbath keeping is important, that we need to keep dietary laws & that the Mark of the Beast is going to be a National Sunday Law, not being able to keep the true Sabbath without difficulty.

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   God & the Lord God: I was reading Genesis & it goes from "God" to the "Lord God". Is there any significance to that?
"Let us Make Man in our Image": "Let us make man in 'our' own image", who is the "us"? God and Jesus speaking as one? [Genesis 1:26-27, John 1]

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   Man of Sin & 70 AD: How do you fit the Man of Sin sitting in the temple to 70 AD? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16]

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   Imprecatory Prayers: What is your thoughts on Imprecatory Prayers, David’s prayers, especially when it says in James NOT to use your tongue to curse people? [Psalms 7, Psalm 109, Galatians 1:8, James 3:1]

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   Lord's Supper During Apostolic Times: When they had the Lord's Supper during the early church did they eat the bread first, an entire meal, & then drink the cup, or just how did they do it?

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