<< January 2017 View all months March 2017 >>
Disciples being called Christians: Were the disciples first called "Christians" at Antioch? [Acts 11:26] |
First Fruits: How does the Old Testament & New Testament differentiate between "first fruits"? Charging for ministry: Charging for healing ministries? |
Holy Spirit control verses Carnal Nature: I am concerned that I'm not letting the Holy Spirit lead me as much as I should? how much control does the He need to have? |
Contradiction about Tongues: There seems to be a contradiction about what Tongues are for, the believer or unbeliever. Can you harmonize it? [1 Corinthians 14:22] |
Hypnotism: What does the Bible have to say about hypnotism? |
Ananias' & Sapphira's Judgment: That was too harsh judgment for Ananias & Sapphira just for not giving all their proceeds from their property, don't you think? [Acts 5:1-11] |
Elders being Single: How can you qualify to be a bishop if you aren't married? [Matthew 5:34, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:5-9] Taking Oaths: What do you think about taking oaths? |
Ark of the Covenant: Will the ark of the covenant be there? Is it the same ark that is seen in heaven? 3rd Temple Built: Will there be a 3rd temple built in Israel? |
Sanctuary Cities & Cities of Refuge: Is there any correlation to these supposed "sanctuary cities" compared to the cities of refuge that we read about in the Bible? [Joshua 20] |
Lucifer & Satan: Is lucifer Satan? Number of the Beast: Where do we get the number of the beast, 666? |
Pastor Wanting more & more Money: Concerning giving money, she is concerned that her pastor wants her to give more |
Deity of Jesus: Someone doesn't believe the Deity of Jesus |
Christian in Politics & other government positions: What about Christians being in politics, holding protests, being in the military, enforcing the law? |
True Christianity: What is the true way to be a Christian, because Buddhists seemed more Christ-like than Christians? |
Man before Adam & Eve: Jimmy Swaggert suggested that man was made before Adam & Eve, what do you think? Hacksaw Ridge Movie: Wondering if you saw the movie, "Hacksaw Ridge" & what you thought of it? |
Timing of Patmos: When was john the revelator banished to Patmos because that would determine the date of Revelation? Hebrew Language in Revelation: There seems to be Hebrew Language in Revelation, so was it written for them, who would understand it & all its symbolism? |
Nephilim & Sons of God: Can you explain all the terms surrounding the Nephilim & Sons of God in Genesis 6? [Genesis 6] |
Christians in the Military: Christians going in the military followup. |
Vendetta against the SDA Church: SDAs/Adventists suggest that you shouldn't PRAY for people who drink coffee or tea. Jesus having a sinful nature: Jesus had a sinful Nature. |
Euthanasia of Pets: How do you feel about the euthanasia of animals & pets? |
Sanctuary Cities: I disagree about your view about sanctuary cities, I think they are good, the American way; being in military; protests |
Illegal Immigration: Even though I have a Mexican immigrant as a wife, they need to obey the laws of the land |
Taking an Oath in the Military: Taking an oath in the Military.....a previous caller misrepresented the facts. |
Military Life: Caller also wanted to respond to the second caller about the military. (followup to caller #2) |
Steve Gregg commenting about that day's show's calls: Steve says commentary about politics dominating the show that day. |
Baptism for Salvation: Do you have to be baptized, because isn't it just symbolic of our inner life? Apologetics: I'd like some good books on apologetics. |
Christ never Failing for Health: I want to trust God in my major health crisis, so can I trust that Jesus WON't fail me? |
Sanctuary/Refugee Cities: People comparing sanctuary cities to cities of refuge from the Bible. (follow-up) |
Calvinism: Why is there even Calvinism? |
Apostolic Doctrine: Apostolic Doctrine related to Calvinisn & Arminianism |
Self-Control & Calvinism: Calvinism in relation to self-control & the fruits of the Spirit. [Galatians 5:22-23] (follow up) |
Reformation of the Holy Spirit: Do you think the Reformation was under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? |
God's Love: Is God's love unconditional? [John 3:16] |
Fasting & Interpretation of Scripture: What do verses 16 & 17 have to do w/ anything? [Matthew 19:14-17] |
Calvinism & Universal Reconciliation Calvinism & universal reconciliation [1 Corinthians 15:22, Romans 5:18] |
YWAM: Does Steve still teach in YWAM? Caller doesn't really like some of the things it teaches in the bethel church & other influences in it. |
Recommendation for a Local Home Church: How do I find a good home church in Eugene, Oregon? Women Keeping Silent in Church: Women not having authority over men, what do you think about that? [1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians 14] |
Todd White & Healing: Do you know anything about todd white who believes in healing? |
Vendetta Against SDA, Part 2: "Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters which gave us the day & hour of jesus' coming, then God poured the Holy Spirit on them", is this quote true? Is satan a scapegoat (they get this from Leviticus 16), should SDA be attributing things that are not from the Holy Spirit? |
Coming to Jesus: Coming to Jesus just as you are, w/ your baggage & everything |
Having a Different Gospel: What are modern versions of this besides Mormonism/LDS, JWs, etc? what IS the gospel? [Galatians 1:6-9] |
Eating, Drinking & being Merry in the End times: "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be", life is going to be normal when Jesus comes back. [Matthew 24:37=39] |
Vashti of Esther: Concerning Vashti of Esther, what happens to divorced queens? |
Vendetta SDA Caller, Part 3: Frequent recent caller about Seventh Day Adventists, but didn't want to answer a question so the host chose not to answer his question. |
Amillennialism & Dispensationalism: Isn't there going to be a major Tribulation right before Jesus comes back & how to identify literal interpretation of scripture |
Establishing the Law, Not doing Away with it: Can you explain these 2 verses in Romans about Abraham being justified by faith? [Romans 3:30-31-4:1-2] |
Steve Gregg's Answer to People on The Narrow Path: I just wanted to let you know that you are completely fair in the way you conduct yourself in the answers to your callers. They are the ones who are calling your show for YOUR opinion as a result of your knowledge of the BIble on something, and you don't just give your opinion, but several sides of an issue. Women Having Long Hair: Women should only have long hair because it's her "glory". Do you know where it talks about that? [1 Corinthians 11:4-16] |
Baptism of the Holy Spirit: What do you think about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? (only one question answered the first half hour.) |
The NIV Bible: Why isn't the New International Version a good Bible? |
Wedding Vows: A caller from Denmark caller asking about wedding vows. |
Refuting an Adventist Critic: A rebuttal to someone saying that SDA's say not to pray for people who drink coffee & tea is inaccurate, & also says that they also don't believe Jesus had a sinful nature. |
Call no one Father or Rabbi: Call no one "Father", unless they actually are your father [Matthew 23:8-10] |
An easy to read but in-depth Bible: Trying to find a bible that is easy to understand but that is also comprehensive. |
Spouse performing Masturbation: If a spouse is performing self-gratification, is that grounds for divorce? |
Tithing: I've heard pastors say you can't afford NOT to pay tithe |
Mary, the Mother of Jesus: The Assumption of a Mary & believing in Catholic Tradition. Paul didn't believe that, did he? |
An Eternal Hell: If there is eternal life doesn't it stand to reason that there'd be an eternal hell? |
Verses Against Once Saved ALWAYS Saved (Eternal Security): What are your favorite verses to use that there is no "once saved, always saved"? [John 3:16, Matthew 13:1-9, Luke 8:6-8, john 15:1-6, Romans 11:22, James 5:19-20] |
Satan a System, Lucifer a Fallen Angel: So you think Satan in a system (caller meant to say anti-Christ). The Beasts of Revelation 13: Is the beast or are the beasts of rev 13 an individual person, systems? |
Amplified Bible: What do you think about the Amplified Bible? [Revelation 22:18-19] |
Women Pastor: Pastor's wife took over his role after his death, what do you think about that? |
Saul's before King Saul: Who are all these Saul's before King Saul? [Genesis 36:38] |
A Good Study Bible: What is a good study Bible? |
Anti-Christ Darwin: Could Darwin be considered an anti-Christ? Mary Apparitions: Is it possible these Marian Apparitions are true? [1 John 4:1] |
Bridling our tongues: Steve needs to bridle his tongue according to the caller. (was debating if I should've highlighted this one. This caller had called 3 separate times before this, disparaging the Seventh Day Adventist Church.) |
Women being a Pastors: Pastor being a woman & men being qualified for Elders fore that matter. |
Battle of major Bloodshed prophecy: When did that bloodshed take place? [Revelation 9:16, Revelation 14:20] Building a 3rd Temple: Could a 3rd temple be built & animal sacrificial system start again? Microchip: And even if we have to end up getting a chip in our hand or forehead, that's not really the Mark of the Beast, is it? |
Death Penalty: Is capital punishment mandated or can mercy be implemented? |
Reformed Faith: What is your view of the reformed faith? Closed Communion: What is your view of churches that won't let you take communion unless a member? |
Ethics verses Christian Behaviour: How would you distinguish between being ethical & Christian Behavior? |
First & Second Advent: People say the 1st advent wasn't really the first advent, but when He comes at the Pre-Tribulational rapture will be the first, & then the 2nd coming will be after the Tribulation. Have you ever heard this? |
Death Penalty: Capital Punishment follow-up. |
Using Church as an Evangelistic Tool: What should a church be more focused on, for the unbeliever or the believer? Who should you MAINLY preach the gospel to? |
Call No Man Father or Rabbi: So we can have spiritual father, can't have spiritual teachers & can't have spiritual pastors, but can't call them that? Where does it say we can call someone a Father? [Matthew 23:9] (followup) |
Jesus Baptizing Himself: Why didn't Christ Himself baptize people? [John 4:1-2] |
Prayer & Disagreement: Asking for prayer & disagreement among the body of Christ in secondary issues |
Pearl of Great Price Parable: Who sells all that he has, Jesus or us? How do we obtain the Kingdom of God? |
Predestination & Free Will: Does Predestination dissolve free will? |
Sabbath & Sunday: I have some friends who maintain that we absolutely need to keep the Saturday Sabbath & when did we start keeping Sunday? |
Right & Left: I'm wondering what Solomon means by the "right or left" in Ecclesiastes? [Ecclesiastes 10:2] |
Purgatory: I used to believe in purgatory, but don't anymore, so I'm curious to know what REALLY happens to you when you die? |
Paul's Conversion going to Damascus: Did an angel appear to Saul on the way to Damascus or was it actually Jesus? Mormons told me it was the former, an angel |
Slavery: One of the main struggles a friend has w/ Christianity is slavery that happened in the Bible |
Jehovah's Witnesses prooftexts: Have you ever gone through all the "proof texts" JWs use to prove their way of thinking? |
Age of the Earth: What is the age of the earth, a young earth or an old earth? |
Jews Sudden Conversion: In the dispensationalism model of eschatology, how come the Jews during the 7 year tribulation period will all of a sudden come to Christ because of this anti-Christ that was going to rise during that time & compel them to go to Jesus? |
No Divorce Ever: Pastor says people can't divorced under ANY circumstance. What do you think? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32] |
Objection to the Trinity: One reason people object to the Trinity so much is because Jesus, as God, became our example. Just mainly that Jesus was God. |
Joseph & Mary's Lineage of David: So both Joseph & Mary's lineage/genealogy goes back to David? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38] Jews intermarrying: Jews were not allowed to have interracial marriage, have intermarriage? |
Trinity: Who is in heaven, what does this verse mean, something about the Trinity? [John 3:13] |
Calvinism a Different Gospel: Could Calvinism be considered in this category of a "different gospel"? [Galatians 1:6-9] |
Pre-tribulation Rapture: What do you think of the pretribulation rapture? |
God drawing People: Does God try to draw some more than other or does He draw everyone the same? [John 6:44, John 12:32] |
Feminism in the Church: Feminism seems to have crept into the church lately, so how to we "combat" it w/ out appearing like a male chauvinist? |
Unforgiving or Justice: "And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord...", were they still unforgiving, or just demanding justice? [Revelation 6:10] |
Rahab Lying: Rahab lied, so was she commended for that or was that wrong, but still just justified for her faith? [Hebrews 11, James 2] |
Asking & God's Will: Just wondering if I ask for God's will, will He open & close doors for me because I'm in a desperate situation [Matthew 7:7, John 14:13] |
God's Sovereignty: God's sovereignty, predestination, but He's also omniscient. (caller a little bit hard to hear) |
Assurance of Salvation: I've squandered my life, ruined it, now I'm a believer & wondering where I stand; how can I know that I'm saved? |
God hearing the Prayers of a Sinner: Does God hear the prayers of sinners? What about someone living in sin? Suicide: Is suicide a sin? |
Lent: Where did Lent come from? |
Israel's & Judah's Split: When was there a split w/ Israel & Judah? |
Sinner's Prayer: Just saying the sinner's prayer some think you're automatically in, & caller suggested you weren't, & one person told me there are carnal Christians. [1 Corinthians 3] |
Status upon Death: Are heard if you die you go to heaven but I thought I heard someone mainstream said that we DON't go to heaven, which is it? |
Peter's Sermon Quoting from Joel: In peter's sermon, where does it say in Joel what he was quoting about the Holy Spirit & what was this talk about hell or fire, etc? [Acts 2, Joel 2:28-29] |
Lectures called, "Biblical Counsel for a Change" Caller talks about a series of lectures called, "Biblical Counsel for a Change", about how much he liked it. LGBT Community: What should the church do w/ the LGBT community? |
Calvinism being a Different Gospel: Calvinism just seems like a different gospel because the Gospel is supposed to be the "Good News"! [Galatians 1:6-9] |
Loving God & your Fellow man, & loving Self: loving God w/ your whole heart, mind & soul & loving others, self-love? |
Adam & Eve: what happened to Adam & Eve? Did they repent? Soul & Spirit & Death: What's the difference between the soul & the spirit? What happens after you die? Mormonism: What do you think of Mormons? |
Not Liking Your Pastor: Aren't there places in scripture where it says to support your pastor instead of making a scene? Can't someone go somewhere else if they don't like him? there are so many options nowadays if they don't like him |
Doctrine of Imminency: How come so many people don't want to talk about the Doctrine of Imminency? |
Golden Rule: Self-love, & love for your neighbor (agape), & in john 13, & is this only to be given to believers or everyone? (follow up to a call he heard earlier.) |
People liking to be Heard: Hypocrites liking to be heard, that verse is confusing to me. [Matthew 6:5] |