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Topic: Gregg (Steve)

Showing 501 to 550 of 602.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-12-11 Contradiction in Romans: Paul seems to be saying 2 different things: "Obeying the law makes us right in His sight", & then "we can not be made right by the law". What are your thoughts? [Romans 2:13, 3:20]
Marriage & Steve's Ex-Wives: You seem to bring up marriage & divorce a lot, & your stance on them, & you keep hashing out stuff about your former wives. How does you current wife put up with it all the time?
2014-12-03 Radio Programs & the Narrow Path: There are some radio shows that just seems to disagree with your teachings.
Date of the Book of Revelation: Wife & I debating the dating of the book of Revelation, my wife thinks way after 70 AD, i think before 70 AD.
Baptism: Is water baptism necessary for salvation?
2014-11-21 Technical Issues: There is skipping going on in your shows, it's cutting out, can't hear everything you are saying.
2014-10-31 Appreciate of Steve Gregg: Caller is appreciative of Steve Gregg.
Trials that caller had: Caller says how he's been much better after going a period of suffering.
2014-10-28 Steve Gregg's Position on Hell: I just heard a caller say that you've changed your position on hell. What do you believe about hell now?
2014-10-14 Steve's Long Answers: Steve's shares an interesting story about why he gives long answers & some not liking his long answers, especially the ones that are on hold waiting & some do appreciate it, but whenever a question demands a long answer, he's going to give however long it takes, time permitting!
2014-10-09 The Bible Answer Man: How did you happen to be on Hank Hanegraaff's show, The Bible Answer Man?
Genres: Can you explain Genres, & what genres are what in the Bible?
2014-10-03 Earning a Living & Sharing the Gospel: Aren't we supposed to be earning a living & sharing the gospel at the same time?
2014-10-03 Appreciates Steve Gregg & the Narrow Path: Caller appreciates Steve Gregg & his ministry very much & thinks he's a hard worker.
2014-09-15 One Flesh: Does getting married & becoming "one flesh" mean that we have to put all our money in the pot together or can we have separate financial responsibilities, separate bank acounts?
Formal Education: Does Steve Gregg have any formal education in the study of the Bible since he seems so well-versed in it?
2014-09-12 Old Pastor Friend: An old pastor friend calls to reminisce for a minute, to say hi.
2014-09-10 Steve's Wonderments: Do you have any questions you need answered to? Where do you go for your answers?
Studying the Bible: What are some good resources for the studying the Bible?
Starting point: Where's a good point to start studying the Bible?
2014-09-03 Being Charismatic: What are Steve Gregg's personal experiences in genuine Charismatic Gifts?
Charisma: Is God just not performing as many as He did in the early church?
Non-Charismatic Churches: Is it possible that a lot of Churches aren't seeing some of the Charismatic Gifts that happened in the early church simply because churches aren't looking for them anymore?
2014-08-28 Denominations: Is there a denomination that aligns itself the most w/ what you believe?
Which Church: What church do you go to then every Sunday?
2014-08-28 Denominations: Is there a denomination that aligns itself the most w/ what you believe?
Which Church: What church do you go to then every Sunday?
2014-08-14 Memorial Service: Is it necessary to have a Memorial Service?
Meat, not Milk: Caller feels that Steve needs to teach more of the meat of the gospel more than the milk of it. [1 Corinthians 3:1-3]
Steve's books on Hell & Revelation: Caller thinks Steve taking the time write books on irrelevant topics such as Hell & Revelation was a waste of time.
2014-08-05 Men Calling in on the Radio show: Caller is impressed w/ how many men call the show as opposed to women.
2014-07-30 Atheist Caller: An Atheist caller just wanted to thank Steve for his Christianity because some don't have much evidence that they are.
2014-07-21 Sins of our Fathers: Compare the potential in-laws to your spouse to determine what your spouse is going to be like, the way they treat their family & so on.
Steve being married 4 times: Has Steve noticed this, his wives resembling their mother & family traits?
2014-07-18 Disagreement: Caller disagrees that Steve only has a radio face!
Animals/Pets: Do animals/pets go to heaven? Will there be animals there?
2014-06-26 New Great Commission School: What's going w/ your Great Commission School? Haven't heard much about it lately.
2014-06-25 3 Views of Hell Book Comment: Caller really enjoyed & wanted to put accolades on Steve Gregg's book called, "All You Want to Know about Hell: Three Christian Views of God's Final Solution to the Problem of Sin".
2014-06-06 Title of Theme Song: What is the title of your Theme Song for your show?
2014-06-03 Dispensationalism (last call): Dispensationalism seems to go against Scripture so much. Isn't there a danger to doing that?
Tithing: Is there ANYWHERE in the NT that says we MUST tithe? [Matthew 23:23]
Steve's Ministry: Your ministry, especially your website, is very informative, has a vast amount of knowledge on it.
2014-05-19 Former Atheist: Caller likes Steve's knowledge of Christianity & being able to defend it. [1 Peter 3:15]
5 or 6 year old accepting Jesus: How can children of a very young age understand the plan of Salvation & be able to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour?
2014-05-16 Learn Directly from the Bible: Why would you want to listen to somebody's hashed up version of what the Bible says as opposed to just reading it for yourself?
Disagreeing Views: Caller actually enjoys listening to people of opposing beliefs than what he believes.
2014-05-14 Addictions (first call follow-up): Advice for the first caller's g/f who is exhibiting addictive behavior.
Face for Radio: You said you didn't have a face for radio, but I think you do.
2014-05-14 More Reaction to First Call about Addictions: A previous caller needs to not enable his g/f, financing her ability to be able to buy her drugs & alcohol.
Speaking Engagements by Steve Gregg: How do you determine where you will speak?
2014-05-13 My way or the Highway: How do I deal w/ a family member who thinks i'm wrong for investigating & searching for what truth is?
Losing Religion: A friend says he's losing his religion but still has faith in God. What do I say to that?
Pastor Steve: How come you don't want to be a pastor?
2014-05-12 All the Books of the Bible Lecture on CD: Where can I get a hardcopy or CD of the lecture you had about a summarization of all the books of the Bible?
2014-05-08 3 Views of Hell: Caller is thankful for the lectures that Steve put together about the 3 view of Hell.
Holy Spirit leading to Truth: The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth.
2014-05-07 Impeccability of Jesus: Caller says that Steve almost sounds like an SDA, saying that Jesus could've sinned.
1,000 Years: You are negating the words of Jesus when you say He didn't say it was a literal 1,000 years! That's why Michael the Buddhist never hears Jesus from you, so says the caller. [Revelation 6:1-10]
2014-05-06 Steve explains what happened to yesterday's show: They had technical difficulties on yesterday's show, & Steve explains exactly what electricity.
2014-04-30 Radio Station having problem carrying show: Caller thinks radio station he is listening to has been preempting Steve Gregg's show.
2014-04-17 Ridiculing People's Lack of Knowledge: Caller thinks he was being mocked by Steve Gregg from a recent previous call he made.
2014-04-15 Caller Appreciation Call: Caller really appreciates Steve Gregg & his show & has been going through all his radio archives.
2014-04-10 Freedom to Learn: Steve could learn from Michael the Buddhist too, as well as Michael should listen to Steve.
"Best they can": Even if Michael the Buddhist hasn't literally accepted Jesus as his Savior, at least he's trying his best.
Hell - Eternal Torment: Even though you say you don't believe in an eternal hell, & eternal torment, you actually really do.
2014-04-07 Forcing people to go to Church: Where does it say in the Bible that we should not force people to go to church, especially children? [Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 22:6]
Getting Political: Right as the caller was hanging up, he quipped, "Don't get political on your show", & Steve spent a few minutes talking about politics.
2014-04-04 A Morsel or a Meal: It's awesome that we can call you with a question, & get sprinkled w/ information or can dive into the ocean w/ your lectures.
Olivet Discourse - End of the Age: What did the Disciples mean when they asked, "End of the Age"? The end of the world, Jesus' Second coming? [Matthew 24:3]
2014-04-01 Youth Pastor & Calvary Church: A caller called to just chat w/ Steve Gregg about living on the same property he had lived on, talking about being a youth pastor at Calvary Chapel, & wanted some advice on how to minister to the youth & brethren at the church.
2014-03-10 Wider Hope Theory: I was reading in your book on 3 views of hell, & you were talking about the Wide Hope Theory. Can you expound on it?
Evolution: Adam & Eve were fully grown mature adults when they created.
2014-02-21 Notes from Lectures: In your topical lectures, you mention notes that you pass out to your students. Do you have a place you can go to access them?
2014-02-17 Dispensationalism & Premillennialism: I enjoyed your book about the 4 views of Revelation as I was making my transition to Partial Preterism.
Views of Hell, Traditional View, Eternal Torment: I want to talk about your views of hell now. What would you call Hell if you didn't call it the "traditional view"?
Bible stories resembling Babylonian Mythology: People have said that Christianity & the Bible have just copied stories from Babylonian Mythology. Do you have thoughts about this, especially regarding the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 19:19-31]
2014-02-17 Steve being Pastor: Has Steve ever been a Pastor?
Angel, Stars & Spirits: Who is the angel, what are the 7 stars & who are the 7 Spirits? [Revelation 3:1]
2014-02-11 The Narrow Path Radio Show: The caller appreciates the Narrow Path Radio Show.
2014-01-06 The Narrow Path Program: What I love your show is that you are able to interact w/ your callers, especially of people who disagree.
Homosexuality: Most talk shows seem to bring the homesexuality lifestyle sin exclusive to all other sins.
2014-01-06 Study Bible: What Study Bible do you use when you are in-depth study?
Keys of the Kingdom: How can we show that Jesus wasn't necessary talking to just Peter when He gave the Key of the Kingdom? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18]
2013-12-23 Dealing with Caller who Disagree: Caller loves how Steve deals with callers who disagree with him.
Going from Sound Doctrine to Error: What if i had a person who guided me in the Christian faith who is now herself going off in left field with the Hebrew Roots stuff? Should i pray for her or confront her about it?
2013-12-18 Hank Hanagraaff: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff? Is he a reliable teacher?
Steve Gregg a Reliable Teacher: Is Steve Gregg a reliable teacher? Caller used to disagree with a lot of what Steve said, but what to go see if what he says was true, & found out that it was! [Acts 17:11]
2013-11-27 Steve Reads an Appreciation E-mail: Steve decides to read an appreciation letter/e-mail he had just received. [Philippians 1:3-5]
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