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Topic: Regeneration

Showing 51 to 100 of 134.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-06-12 Faith & Grace: Are we saved by grace or faith? Is faith a gift God gives us or do we have to find it? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2018-05-11 Born Again & Regeneration: What does it mean to be born again mean? What does Regeneration mean? [John 3]
2018-05-10 Eternal Security: I heard you say yesterday that you don't believe once saved, always saved. I don't think that is accurate. Can you explain with Scripture why you don't think so?
2018-04-23 Heart Change: Can only God can change our heart? What is that process?
2018-02-13 Synergism and Monergism: What is Steve's view on the prodigal son, lost coin, lost sheep with respect to synergism and monergism?
2018-02-06 Losing Salvation: How does being born again correlate with losing our salvation?
2018-01-11 Drawing Closer to God: Believer who wonders if his relationship is more one-sided, He doesn't feel as though God responds or speaks to him; how do you improve your relationship with God?
2017-12-13 Walking in the Spirit, Is it not simply doing the right thing rather than ignoring one's behavior? Is behavior modification really something to focus upon? [Galatians 5:16]
2017-11-30 Making it to Heaven: New believer wondering how one becomes a committed disciple, how do you make it "up there" (to heaven)?
2017-11-28 Meaning of Repentance: Repentance, what does it really mean? Do we continue to sin even after we do repent?
2017-11-27 Persecution of Christians: Why are Christians suffering violence? What is happening in the churches in America?
2017-11-17 Not Being Completely Cleansed: People who have not been properly cleansed, not saved, how does this apply to people now who don't do it all right? [2 Chronicles 30:17-19]
2017-11-09 Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 10:9]
License to Sin: What about a person who said the sinner's prayer in their youth, yet have lived a sinful life & think they are still saved?
2017-10-17 Why a Christian: You asked the other day a hypothetical question, Why be a Christian? Why believe in God? & I'd like to answer. [2 Timothy 2:15, Philippians 4:7-9]
2017-10-13 Faith Proceeding Regeneration: Did I hear you say that Faith has to proceed Regeneration, but Calvinism believes that you are regenerated before you have to have faith but that is wrong?
2017-09-26 Assurance of Salvation: I used to be in the Music business, but I developed problems with my ears, & can't do that anymore, but I've been looking at end time events seeming to fall in place, & I'm questioning my salvation & wondering what to do?
2017-09-26 Messing up, Wondering My Salvation: Wondering if I'm really saved, & I've failed God by marrying the wrong person. Will He forgive me anyway?
2017-09-12 Repentance in the Bible: Is repentance in the Bible turning from sin?
2017-09-11 Sinner even though a Christian: We realize are sinners, accept Jesus, repent, but then awhile later we realize we are still sinners
2017-09-06 Renewing our Minds: Renewing our minds, having discipleship [Romans 12:1-2]
2017-08-30 Being Born Again: Are we supposed to be taking being "born again" literally? [John 3:3]
2017-08-21 Being Saved: What does it mean to be saved?
Requirements for Salvation: What is required to be saved?
Belonging to God: What does the Bible say about those who belong to God?
2017-08-15 Overcoming the Flesh: What's the proper way to overcome the flesh? What is the difference between temptation & sin?
2017-08-08 Becoming Like Christ: Can these 2 verses be coupled together as far becoming like Christ? [Romans 8:29, Philippians 1:6]
2017-08-07 Power to Become the Sons of God: What does "become" mean it says that "we have the power to become the Sons of God"? [John 1:14]
2017-07-28 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Can you explain the difference between the new & old covenant regarding the Holy Spirit?
2017-07-06 Law Before Christ, Grace After: It seemed before Jesus died people were required to keep the law, but after He rose again we were under grace, is that true?
2017-05-16 Holy People on Individuals: Does the Holy Spirit come upon everyone the same way or is it individualized?
2016-11-30 First Love: Caller wants to find his first love & fire of Jesus that he had before & wants recommendations on how to do that!
2016-11-22 Calvinism: Can you please talk about Calvinism & the 5 points, such as Total Depravity, Regeneration, Irresistible Grace. {Romans 8, John 6]
2016-11-17 Dead to sin: What does it mean to be dead to sin? What does it mean to be dead to the law? [romans 6;2, 7:4]
2016-10-28 Calvinism - Arminianism: Faith as a condition for salvation, or is it a result of election & God causing someone to do something.
2016-09-22 Grace & Restitution: A pastor told the caller that all they have to do is just accept Jesus, & just get up & start walking again. What about restitution?
2016-09-12 Kingdom of God is at Hand: At what point did or does the Kingdom of God come into existence? Because it says in places that it's near & in other places it says it's in our midst & yet in other places it says it's still to come. [Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34]
Denominationalism: Can carnally-natured people be true Christians? The very beginning of denominationalim seems to start right then. [1 Corinthians 3:1-4, Romans12:1-2]
2016-08-18 Baptism Regeneration: Is Baptism Regeneration a heresy & what should we do to refute it?
2016-07-28 Once Saved Always Saved: I believe in once saved always saved, but also believe in once saved we can also lose our salvation!
2016-06-29 True Conversion: Having true evidence of a genuine faith, how should one be changed? Power, changed by the Holy Spirit.
2016-06-13 3 Part Beings: We are a tri-part being, body, soul & spirit, the only thing that gets born again is the spirit [1 Thessalonians 5:23]
2016-05-25 New Birth Experience in the OT: They could be born again, a new born experience, in the Old Testmanet too? What is supplication? [Ezekiel 36:25-27, John 3:5]
Supplication: What is the meaning of supplication? (prayer)
2016-04-05 Unequally yoked with an Unbeliever: I now all of a sudden find myself being unequally yoked an unbelieving spouse because I just became regenerated by my wife did not. How do I deal with this? Why didn't God let her become regenerated too?
2016-01-08 The Duties of the Holy Spirit: What are the responsibilities of the Holy Spirit, activities that are assigned in the New Testament? Did He ever show Himself in the Old Testament?
2015-10-07 Sheep & Goats: The caller doesn't take this a completely literal, that the sheep & the goats are separated at the regeneration point. [Matthew 25:31-46]
2015-09-03 Spirit & Truth: We have to worship God in Spirit & in Truth, so what does that mean? Was He changing how it was done right then because how could they do that up to that point since there were no regenerated Christians yet? [John 14:23-24]
Moving in & out of the Spirit: Is it possible to have the Spirit in you one day & then out the next, in & out, in & out, in & out?
2015-08-31 Marriage & Salvation: Caller is concerned about his Marriage, & also wonders if he has had such a true conversion experience since he's having so much trouble w/ his marriage.
2015-08-27 Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me: God was just looking away for a minute sort've like when your own child might be seriously injured, you just sort've want to look away even though you love the child very much. [Matthew 27:46]
Faith & Works (Saved By): God's work & our work, but we are saved by God's work, but maintain our salvation by our works, caller thinks. [Philippians 2:12]
2015-08-21 Judging the 12 Tribes of Israel: How could the Apostles be Judging the Jews, & the Christians even rulers of these people? How's that possible? [Matthew 19:28]
2015-07-23 Steve & the Holy Spirit: Does Steve think of himself as in the Holy Spirit? How are we born-again?
Trinity: Does Steve understand the Trinity? The Father loves the Son, & the Son loves the Father, so the Love IS the Holy Spirit.
Virgin Mary & her Son Jesus Christ: Does Steve understand Mary & her Son Jesus? Who is the closest to Jesus that is our mother? Who was the most obedient, who was there every step of the way but His mother? He was brought in by her because she was the most faithful. She is full of grace!
2015-07-10 Foundations: How do we get a Foundation that resists against the storms of life? [1 Corinthians 3:11]
Renewing our Minds: What does it mean to renew our minds? [Romans 12:1-2]
2015-06-02 Salvation (by Works): There's a required preconditional work, like saved by faith, but you have to have Fear of the Lord for instance.
2015-05-28 The Church of Firstborn: Has Steve ever heard of the church called, "The Church of the Firstborn"?
Paul's War Against the Flesh: Is Romans 7 referring to Paul's struggle with sin before or after his conversion? [Romans 7:14-18]
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