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Topic: Lord (Lordship)

Showing 51 to 100 of 101.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-09-03 Lord of the Sabbath: If Jesus broke the Sabbath because He was "Lord of the Sabbath", why did He bother observing or obeying anything else in the Mosaic Law (Circumcision, feast days)? [John 5:18, Mark 2:27-28, Galatians 4:4-5]
2021-08-24 Being Saved: Do all you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart and you will be saved? Will you feel any different? [Romans 8:16, John 6:37-38]
2021-08-12 Three Men in Genesis 18: Who are the three men and he who is addressed as Lord? [Genesis 18:22].
Three Men Visit Abraham: Would you comment on the three men who visited Abraham in Genesis 18? [Genesis 18].
2021-08-12 Three Men in Genesis 18: Who are the three men and he who is addressed as Lord? [Genesis 18:22].
Three Men Visit Abraham: Would you comment on the three men who visited Abraham in Genesis 18? [Genesis 18].
2021-08-03 "Born Again" Defined: What is Jesus' definition of the new birth (or being "born again")? [John 3:14, I Peter 1:23, James 2:19, Romans 10:9].
2021-06-25 "The Lord Said to My Lord": Could you clarify the significance of these verses inrelative to the addressing of "Lord to my Lord"? [Psalm 110:1, Isaiah 48:16, Mark 16:19].
2021-06-16 Lordship Salvation: Would you define "Lordship Salvation"? [Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18, Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23].
2021-06-07 Salvation & One's World View: How does one sort out the problem of those who say they believe in Christ and yet follow value systems that seem to embrace ideas that are contrary to Christ's teachings? [Matthew 7:2, Galatians 1:8-9, Romans 12:2, John 15:7, John 8:36, Matthew 7:21-23, I Corinthians 6:20].
Finding Sin Acceptable in Others: If someone dismisses behaviors in another's sinful lifestyle and indicates them as acceptable (as in living as a gay), it is synonymous with preaching a different gospel?
2021-04-05 Crucifixion and the Resurrection Necessary: Does scripture teach that both the crucifixion and the resurrection necessary for our salvation? [Romans 10:9, Titus 2:14].
2020-10-21 The Point of Salvation: When is someone saved? What level of belief and obedience is required?
2020-09-23 Those That Say, "Lord, Lord, but are Not Saved": Do you think that the people who he is talking about when he says that some think they are saved, but they are not are identified in John 16? [Matthew 7:21-23, John 16:2-3].
2020-09-16 God Should Not Repent: What does it mean that God is not a man that He should repent? [Number 23:19].
Dead to Sin: What does it mean that we should be "dead to sin"? [Romans 6:11, Romans 5:16-21 ].
2020-08-18 Children & the Age of Accountability: How will God deal with children and is the age of accountability actually numeric? [Luke 12:47, Deuteronomy 1].
The Meaning of "In Christ" : What does it mean to be "in Christ"? [John 15, Matthew 7:21]
2020-06-19 Hyper-Grace: Would you describe Hyper-Grace? [Romans 10:9, Titus 1:16, John 1:12].
Calminian: What is a Calminian?
Steve Gregg - an Arminian Are you, Steve Gregg, an Arminian? And would you define Arminianism:
2020-05-22 What is "His Will": What is doing "His will", as stated in Matthew? [Matthew 7:21, Matthew 5-7, Matthew 6:46].
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-03-31 Lord and Savior - or Not: What do you think about the idea that someone can ask for Jesus to be your savior and later you can become a disciple? [Luke 14:26, 33, Acts 11:26, Romans 10:9, Luke 2:11].
2020-02-12 Unsaved, Unmarried Couple Commit to Christ: An Unmarried couple who lived together (mentioned on February 6, 2020) committed to Christ and want to get married.
Salvation, Repentance, Good Works: How is the difference between "change of mind" vs "change of action or behavior" relative to repentance, salvation, and doing good works? [Galatians 5:17-18].
2019-09-30 Calvinist View of Holy Spirit & Conviction of Sin: What do you think about when Calvinists use this passage to support the idea that after one is saved, the Holy Spirit no longer needs to convict one of sin, and that it only is speaking of non-believers? [John 16:8-10, I John 1:9].
2019-08-21 Name Above All Names: What is the name above all names, Jesus or Lord? [Philippians 2:10-11].
2019-01-04 Jesus, Lord & Savior? Is Jesus, without ambiguity, the Lord & Savior?
2018-10-15 Lord unto My Lord: The Lord said to my Lord, what does that mean? [Psalms 110]
2018-09-19 Angel of the Lord: The angel of the Lord, is it talking about a regular angel or the Lord Himself? [Psalm 34:7, 2 Kings 19:35, Hebrews 1:14]
2018-08-27 Forgiving Others: I'm finding it hard to forgive others, struggling w/ the Lordship of Christ & the degree of commitment & complete submission
2018-07-02 Cursing Christ or Acknowledging Christ: It says in 1 Corinthians 12 that no one can say the name of Jesus is a curse by the Spirit of God & no one can acknowledge that Jesus is Lord unless a believer. What do you think about the accuracy of this? [1 Corinthians 12:3]
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues: Are there basically 2 kinds of Speaking in Tongues? One where you don't have to interpret & another where you do have to?
2018-04-10 Lordship: Is calling Jesus the Lord the same thing as recognizing Him as King?
2017-11-09 Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 10:9]
License to Sin: What about a person who said the sinner's prayer in their youth, yet have lived a sinful life & think they are still saved?
2017-09-28 Lordship Salvation & Free Grace: What is the difference between Lordship Salvation & Free Grace?
2017-05-25 Angel of the Lord: who was the first person to such that "Angel of the Lord" was actually the pre-incarnate Jesus? Only one rapture, OT examples
More than one Rapture: Caller thinks there's a possibility of more than one Rapture because Enoch was raptured right before the Flood, Elijah was raptured & other examples in the Old Testamant.
2016-06-30 God & the Lord God: I was reading Genesis & it goes from "God" to the "Lord God". Is there any significance to that?
"Let us Make Man in our Image": "Let us make man in 'our' own image", who is the "us"? God and Jesus speaking as one? [Genesis 1:26-27, John 1]
2016-03-25 The Angel of the Lord=The Holy Spirit: Is it referring to the Holy Spirit when it says, "THE" Angel of the Lord as opposed to an Angel of the Lord, which just means messenger?
2016-01-26 Lordship Salvation: Why do Dispensationalists consider "Lordship Salvation" a heresy?
2016-01-15 Angel of the Lord: "The angel of the Lord", what does this mean? [Psalm 34:7]
The Nicean Council: What was the main reason for the Nicean Council?
Authorized KJV: Why is the KJV called the "authorized" version?
2015-12-04 Rabbi, Teacher & Lord: Did the disciples call Jesus "Rabbi" verses "Lord"? When did "Rabbi" or "Teacher" change to "Lord"?
2015-11-23 "Yahweh" over "the Lord" or "Jesus": The Pastor insists on substituting "Yahwey" for any reference to God, the Lord or Jesus. What do you think about that?
2015-09-23 The Lordship of Jesus: Since Jesus was all about healing, will He heal me?
2015-08-31 Pressing Issue in Christianity: What is the most Pressing Issue in Christianity. (Lordship of Jesus)
Steve's Favorite subject: What is Steve's favorite subject to teach on?
2015-07-27 Lordship of Christ: Did Steve say that faith without works is dead? Aren't we completely saved by grace? What does it mean to do "good works"?
2015-03-27 Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: What are the Essential Doctrines & Behaviors of being a Christian?
2015-03-17 Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation & why is it considered a heresy?
2015-01-27 Continually Repenting: Some say you don't have to repent from sins, but from unbelief & that we don't have to keep repenting once you are saved.
2014-10-08 The Joy of the Lord is our Strength: What IS the joy the Lord? Is it the joy we have because we know the Lord, or is the Lord's joy, because it says the "joy of the Lord"? [Nehemiah 8:10]
2014-08-01 Holding my Peace & Let the Lord Fight: Does it say anywhere in the Bible, "If I hold my peace & let Lord fight my battles" or is that from a song or something?
Sweat Lodge: A follow-up to the caller that was wondering if he should attend a Native American sweat lodge or not, just tell them that you believe in the Great Creator but that you don't want to attend.
2014-07-16 (1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?
2013-11-06 Ryrie Study Bible: What do you think about the Ryrie Study Bible?
Lordship Salvation: Steve points out that the one main thing he disagrees with Ryrie on is that he doesn't believe in "Lordship Salvation" & talks a little bit about that.
2013-08-05 Finding Fellowship with Deep Seeking People: Caller wants to find fellowship with people that really love Jesus deeply.
2013-06-05 Practical Application of the "Kingdom of God": How do we practically apply the "Kingdom of God"?
2013-05-06 Apathy about the Kingdom: Is the apathy we see about the advancement of the kingdom relative to the ineffectiveness of the churches? [Matthew 24:14, Acts 17:7, Matthew 6:33].
Distraction with Dispensationalism: Do you think that premillennial Dispensationalism is a distraction to keep people from fully engaging our tasks?
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