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Topic: Works (Good or Bad)

Showing 151 to 200 of 251.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-11-21 Casting out Demons (God's will...or not): Casting out demons, doing great miracles, but not doing the Will of God, but there are others doing the exact same thing, doing the WILL OF GOD, but still being separated out as goats, but Jesus saying, "I never knew you" to the first group, but the leave the second group alone. [Matthew 7:21, Mark 9:]
2018-11-20 Judged by our Works: If we're all saved when we are in Christ, then why are we judged for our works?
2018-10-25 Differing Views of Hell: What about people who have never heard of Jesus, or, who just are not ready to accept Him yet?
Judged by Faith or Works or both: Are we judged by faith or works, or faith & works?
2018-10-25 Differing Views of Hell: What about people who have never heard of Jesus, or, who just are not ready to accept Him yet?
Judged by Faith or Works or both: Are we judged by faith or works, or faith & works?
2018-10-17 Show & Don't show your Works: Conflicting Scripture about doing deeds in the view of others or doing them in secret, which is it? [Matthew 5:15, 6:1]
2018-09-25 Salvation without Works....but Works: How does salvation w/ out works coincide with the required works?
2018-08-21 Two Judgments: Are there more judgments than just the one at the end? Judgment for salvation vs judgment for works? [john 3:16-18]
2018-08-06 Revealed by Fire: Is this talking about having regrets & shame if people don't live for God or is it talking about something else? [1 Corinthians 3:13]
2018-08-01 Hyper-Grace & Repenting: Hyper-grace people are going to have a rude awakening if we don't take account of our sins as we go along, repenting for them. What do you think?
2018-07-20 God is knitting us love: The bride's garment is a metaphor for us; righteous deeds, to please God or just us acting naturally once in awhile? [Colossians 2]
2018-07-12 Justification by Faith: So Martin Luther re-discovered the fact that we are Justified by Faith alone, so did God use a proviso for all the people who were taught by the Catholic Church that it was by works?
2018-06-13 Doing Good & being Holy: Doing good & being holy, is there a difference?
2018-06-12 Faith & Grace: Are we saved by grace or faith? Is faith a gift God gives us or do we have to find it? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2018-04-11 Works and Grace: DO all Catholics believe we can earn our Salvation through our works & Sacraments?
Tradition: Paul said we should keep the traditions. Does that mean like the Catholics do? They always emphasize Protestants are wrong about "Sola Scriptura", that Scripture & Tradition are equally important. [2 Thessalonians 2:15]
2018-04-05 Faith & Works: Why so much about works, I thought we were saved by faith?
2018-03-29 Christians & Good Christians: Why is there this idea where there is some good christians & not so good Christians? [Romans 3:10-12]
2017-12-18 Loving like a Christian: We shouldn't just love as a surface issue, but doing good works & loving like a Christian.
2017-11-21 Calvinism, Faith being a Work: Why is it that Calvinists say that having faith is a work? [John 6:28]
Steve's Lectures About Rapture: A lengthy discussion about Steve Gregg's lectures on about the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
2017-11-09 Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 10:9]
License to Sin: What about a person who said the sinner's prayer in their youth, yet have lived a sinful life & think they are still saved?
2017-10-18 Lectures to start with: What lectures do you recommend that I start listening to?
Driven by Eternity: Are you familiar w/ a book "Driven by Eternity" by John Bevere? He says we need to really focusing on our Eternal Destiny.
2017-10-06 Grace & Works: A nominal Christian thinks he's saved because he's under grace & not works. What would you say about that? [Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:14-19, Galatians 6:7-10]
Varying Rewards in Eternity: Will there be different rewards for amount of work done?
2017-10-03 Johann Blumhardt: Can you please talk about what you were saying about Johann Blumhardt?
Credit for Good Works: Do we get credit for doing good works w/ God?
2017-09-19 Job, Imputed Righteousness & Righteousness as Filthy Rags: Job & his righteousness, we need imputed righteousness because isn't our righteousness as filthy rags? [Jeremiah 17:9, Isaiah 64:6]
2017-09-07 Law of Liberty & Action over Word: What is the "word" He is talking about? [James 1]
2017-09-06 Discipleship: Doesn't Calvinism basically suggest that we don't have to worry about works & discipleship?
2017-09-05 Faith & Good Works: Good works vs faith, & caller's Mormon friend appreciated it (but was wrong w/ what he agreed). [Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:26]
2017-08-24 Last Act is a Horrible Sin: What if your last sin a terrible sin at the very last minute of your life, what will God do with you?
2017-08-03 No Redemption Message in EO or RC: I'm wondering how we should feel w/ the Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic church since they have no message of redemption?
2017-07-31 Good Works Secret: Don't let one hand what the other hand is doing, so we are supposed to keep our good deeds a secret? [Matthew 6:3]
2017-07-18 Judged by Your Knowledge: Are you judged according to the light you have?
Paul's Gospel Different than James: Paul seems to teach a different gospel than James, where Paul says faith alone, but James says faith & works. [Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:19-23, James 2:14–26]
2017-07-05 God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?
2017-06-26 Striving, but then Easy: These 2 verses seem contradictory to each other, one saying we have to Strive to enter the Kingdom of God, but then it says that His yoke is easy. Which is it? [Luke 13:34, Matthew 11:30]
2017-06-06 God's Work Beginning from End: "No one can know the works of God from the beginning to the end", what does this mean? [Ecclesiastes 3:11]
The Term, Christian: I've heard that the name "Christian" has a pagan origin
2017-03-20 Faith & Works: Are we saved by faith or faith & works? Isn't faith a gift of God?
2017-01-30 Good People Who Aren't Christians: What about people who are considered really good people but who don't believe in Jesus? [Romans 2:6-10]
2017-01-23 Sincere, but Sincerely Wrong: What about those who are sincere in what they believe, in seeking God, but are sincerely wrong?
2016-12-21 Visiting prison based on why there: When Jesus said you visited Me in Prison, is this talking about people who were convicted of serious crime or only for political/religious reasons?
2016-11-18 Faith & Works: Once you are saved, are works required?
2016-11-09 Salvation by Faith or Works: Paul & James seem to be saying conflicting things about faith & works, can Steve reconcile them? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2016-10-10 "Created Unto Good Works": Does the phrase "created unto good works" mean God has specific works He wants us to accomplish or just general works you'd do as a Christian? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
Church of Rome: Did Peter found the church that is in Rome?
2016-09-21 Doing Greater Works than Jesus: How can we do greater "works" than Jesus like He said here? [John 14:12]
2016-08-17 Faith or Works: Salvation, right relationship with God, saved by faith or works? obedience? repentance [Eph 2:8-10, James 2:14-26]
Baptism for the Dead: What about Baptism for the Dead like the Mormon church teaches?
2016-08-16 Freemasonry: What can you tell me about Freemasonry?
2016-08-01 Judging an Angry Christian: The verse that says, "You will know them by their fruits", when someone SAYS they are a Christian but is very angry & swears, how does one know if they are or not? [Matthew 7:15-20]
2016-07-25 Sincere Believers in wrong Faith: Sincere believers in the wrong faith will be viewed by God how?
2016-07-13 Good Manners being Taught in the Bible: We teach our children to say please, how come the Bible doesn't teach us to do itgoo or other good manners?
2016-07-08 Greater Works than Jesus: What did Jesus mean by they will do "greater works" than Him? [John 14:12]
"In the Beginning" in John: What is the meaning of "in the beginning" in the beginning of the gospel of John?
2016-06-07 Salvation by Works: Mohammed Ali’s died recently, & there was inference about earning one’s way to heaven, salvation by works. Can you talk about this?
2016-05-13 Faith & Works: Is it a faith that works? [James 2:24]
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Law (Policy) (Same Sexes in same B/R): How should a Christian deal with the new bathroom law (policy) where any gender can use any bathroom?
Worked-based Religions & Faith Alone: Religions that insist on a work-based salvation, are we brothers & sisters with them even though we believe in faith alone, believing in Jesus?
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