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Topic: Witness (es)

Showing 151 to 196 of 196.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-10-05 A Muslim Friend: Caller is trying to explain Christianity to a Muslim co-worker, & would like some advice on what to share to him, especially about the Trinity.
Pre-incarnate Christ: What about when Nebuchadnezzar thought he was seeing the Son of God in the fiery furnace? {Daniel 3:25]
2015-09-22 Nation of Israel: Does God still have a purpose for the nation of Israel being a major witness for Him in the closing days of the world? [Romans 11]
2015-07-30 Playing it Safe as Missionaries: Should some people who are about to go on a missionary trip to a closed Muslim country play it safe or go boldly as some of the apostles seemed to do? [Matthew 10:16]
2015-07-16 Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?
2015-05-12 Good Books on Evangelizing Christ: Caller would like some good books to share Jesus w/ people that are really effective.
2015-04-02 Witnessing to Hindus & Muslims: The caller would like to share the gospel w/ co-workers who are Hindu & Muslim, & would like tips on how to do it.
2015-03-24 Tongues for Preaching the Gospel: Isn't the purpose of tongues to share the gospel?
2015-03-23 Jehovah's Witnesses: What is the best way to speak to JW's about Christ, & where are they missing the ball?
2015-03-19 Street Preaching: If you were preaching the gospel on the street, & were preaching to a whole crowd, how would you do it?
2015-02-25 Two Witnesses & 666: Has Steve ever heard of 666 being the WWW? (World Wide Web)
2015-02-20 Witnessing: How would you witness to the average American nowadays?
Responding to the Gospel: Suppose they do accept the Gospel, what is the next step?
2015-02-12 "The Way of the Master": What does Steve think of using "The Way of the Master" method in witnessing?
2015-01-23 Prophecy fulfilled: Is Ezekiel 12:11 talking about something that is going to happen in the future or has already been fulfilled? [Ezekiel 12:11]
The Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 Witness in Revelation 11?
2015-01-22 Jehovah's Witnesses: Have you had any dealings with the Jehovah's Witnessess, & how do you witness to them?
2015-01-12 Never Hearing the Gospel: Will people go to hell who have never heard the gospel?
2015-01-06 Street Preachers: Is there any Scriptural support of presenting the gospel the way Street Preachers do? What is the best way to share the gospel?
2014-09-12 Two Witnesses & Dating of Revelation: Would you say the 2 Witnesses are literal or figurative? They seem to be more literal than figurative when you read it, & i'm going back & forth on the date of when the book of Revelation was written. [Revelation 11:3-19]
List of Cities in Revelation: If the book of Revelation is indeed about the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, why is the prophecy of Revelation sent to cities in Asia, so far away from Jerusalem?
Temple of God: Why are we going back to the Temple of 70 AD when Paul says that we are now the Temple, & that the Holy Spirit dwells in us? [Revelation 11:1-2, 1 Corinthians 3:16]
2014-09-05 Non-Christian Associates: I'm in a band, & most of the people that are in it or around me are not Christians & are sort've hostile towards Christianity, & i don't know how to respond to some of their comments.
2014-08-25 Witnessing to Muslims: What is the most effective way to witness to Muslims? How do they interpret Jesus, & how does it differ from what we believe?
2014-08-06 Jesus' Witness being True....or not: Why in one place in the gospel of John (John 5) did Jesus seem to say His witness is not true, but then in another part of John (John 8), He says His witness is true? [John 5:30-33, John 8:17]
James being written to the 12 Tribes: So how can we prove that the book of James wasn't just written to the Jews & not to the Gentiles as well? [James 1:1]
2014-08-04 Hell - Universalism View: The father of aller believes in Universalism, that eventually, no matter what you believe, you'll end up in Heaven. What can I tell him?
Honoring ones Dad: So how would you recommend I get along w/ my dad who says it doesn't matter what you believe, that the Bible is not 100% inspired by God because it was written by men?
2014-07-31 Hot or Cold Laodicea: Cold could represent something good as well as when its hot, like passionate for Christ?
2014-07-24 Two Witnesses of Revelation: Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation? Moses & Elijah? Enoch & Elijah? [Revelation 11:3-13]
2014-07-03 Witnessing to Hostile People: People are so hostile out when witnessing to them out in the streets, i'm beginning to think Jesus only died for His people, His church, His bride.
2014-05-27 Advancement & Decline of the Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed, but it seems like it will grow really strong for awhile, & then decline, such as in Europe, North America. How is it ever going to come to a climax if it continues like that?
America & 3rd world Countries: Should we invest in our own country or 3rd world countries since there doesn't seem to be much fruit here lately?
2014-05-27 Evangelizing the USA/Inner Cities over 3rd World countries: There's always a lot focus of evangelizing 3rd world countries but how come no emphasis in our own backyard, our own country, our own inner cities?
The Tommie Scott Story: Be sure to tell your listeners about the Tommie Scott story.
2014-04-24 Last Minute Christianity: How can someone who has been a Christian all their life be happy about someone who made it in the last 5 minutes of their life, getting to have eternal life? [Matthew 20:1-16, Luke 15:25-31]
2014-04-11 Witnessing to the Jehovah's Witnesses: What is the best way to witness to JWs, the best things to talk about? [2 Timothy 2:24, 1 Peter 3:15]
2014-04-03 Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa seemed a little harsh to someone witnessing to a person on their deathbed.
NIV: Able to learn much easier from the NIV, so it is profitable to use.
Conditional Immortality: He that is dead is justified from his sin, from what you gave in someone's answer about hell, you seemed to have changed your position a little bit. Is that true? [Romans 6:7]
2014-03-11 Fellowshipping w/ Muslims: Do you have any points I should make w/ some Muslims friends when I go to their home to fellowship?
2014-03-11 Loving our Neighbors: We need to love our neighbor more than ourselves, so the woman who's going to dialogue w/ Muslims, that's great!
2014-02-10 Evolutionists: How do go about giving a strong witness to, or get a conversation going w/, Evolutionists?
2014-02-10 Dealing with Evolutionists (followup): People are often very lonely & divulge their story, even if they are evolutionists or atheists, that being the last thing on their mind, they just want a listening ear, & you then have the perfect opportunity to talk to them about your faith, because ultimately it's all God's doing anyway. [1 Peter 3:15]
Dealing with Dry Spells: How do you deal with "dry spells" that you encounter in your Christian walk, not feeling close to God sometimes? [Isaiah 50:10-11]
2013-12-30 Calvinists Witnessing to People: If only God can call people like Calvinism suggests, then what's the point in witnessing like the Bible says to do?
Self-Defense: Soldiers don't have to obey order in order to defend people.
Vengeance & Persecuted for your Faith: What about stopping a whole bunch of bad people? What about not resisting if you are being persecuted for your faith since you are ready to go to heaven anyway, & the prosecutors just might ignore you.
2013-10-31 Praying for a JW on their Deathbed: How can I pray & share my witness to a Jehovah's Witness who is on their deathbed?
2013-10-15 Elijah & Enoch the 2 Witnesses: I think Elijah & Enoch are the 2 witnesses in Revelation. What do you think? [Rwevelation 11]
2013-09-25 Resurrection of Jesus: What is the historic the Bible...of Jesus' resurrection?
Evidence outside the bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible that Jesus rose from the dead?
Christians Being Wrong: Christians are just irresponsible, so make it foolish to believe what they believe.
2013-08-23 A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Can the "great cloud of witnesses" in Hebrews 12 actually be witnessing what we are doing on earth right now? [Hebrews 12:1]
Saints Praying in Heaven: Is it possible that the people who are in Heaven are praying for us?
2013-06-17 Street Preaching: Is some street preaching doing more harm than good? [John 7:37-39]
2013-05-24 Financial Debt: Should I allow someone take advantange of me regarding a bill she claims I owe, as a witness to Christ? [Proverbs 18:1,I Corinthians 6, Colossians 3:17, Romans 12:18].
Destination of Satan: Comment about the origins of Satan; If Satan was created as he is, then it seems unfair for him to be cast into eternal fire. [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:19].
2013-04-26 Witnessing to Muslims: Caller shares information about "Chrislam" and a website by Jack Van Impe to help Christians to understand the Islamic faith.
2013-04-26 Witness to the Muslims: Caller recommends Anis Shorrosh for learning about Muslims. He suggests the main concern is over their view that Judas died on the cross instead of Jesus.
2013-02-19 Funerals for the Unsaved: What would you suggest I say at a funeral for my brother who may not have been saved, though I do want to talk about the Lord? [Hebrews 9:27, John 3:15, John 5:24]
2013-01-31 Jesus in His Early Life: The other day when you were talking about Jesus & His sinless childhood, it got me to thinking that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. I thought the same was with Jesus, but then He received the Holy Spirit after His baptism. [Luke 1:15, John 1:32]
Use of Logic: I was listening to "Focus on the Family" the other day, & he was saying it's okay to use logic an evangelistic tool when witnessing. (They figure it out at just about the end of the conversation that the caller had heard this on Focus on the Family.)
2013-01-21 Doubting Thomas & Spiritual Realities: Doubting Thomas believed after he had evidence, but we have to believe by faith, & we get to see the whole picture now of Salvation unlike the people of the Old Testament.
Knowing God's Will even through Adversity: How are we supposed to know if it God's will or not to do something when we might be encountering roadblock after roadblock & not clear open doors?
Obedience: We need to obey what we the Holy Spirit is telling us to do is the key thing.
2013-01-03 Witnessing & Testimony: What is the difference between Testimonies & Witnessing?
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