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Topic: Christian (Christianity)

Showing 201 to 250 of 441.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-10-25 Christianity Statistics: By the year 2023 only 5% of the population is going to be Christian? Do you have to actually believe in Jesus or would your conscience be enough?
2018-10-16 Mandates of Christianity: Is it possible to reject Jesus by not living by all mandates of 1 john? What about eople claiming to be Christian but not bearing the fruit
2018-09-19 Unbelievers in Heaven after Death: Do Believers & UNbelievers go to heaven to wait until the judgment?
2018-09-19 Augustine: So Augustine mixed Greek philosophy with Christianity.
2018-09-14 Paganism: Historical pagans introducing ideas for Christianity/Judaism?
2018-09-07 Sent a Book: I sent you a book about numerology, did you receive it?
Concept of Fairness: There's no real Fairness in Christianity, is it? It's either grace or condemnation, but there seems to be nothing in between.
2018-09-06 Christianity & Sabbath Keeping: Does following Jesus include keeping the Sabbath? I have some friends who are SDA, & we get into some discussions about it.
2018-09-05 Christian Making Judgments: Christians making judgments, being morally sensitive & being indignant over wrong.
2018-08-30 Seed-Single or Plural: Seed is both singular & plural, why? [Galatians 3:16]
2018-08-01 Christian Living, Spirituality: What is your opinion about living in the city as opposed to out in the country as far as being able to live a Christian life?
2018-07-30 Evolution: What can you say about Evolution & Science relative to Christian traditions and beliefs? Did God use Evolution for creation?
2018-07-25 Christians & Politics: Should Christians try to influence politics? [1 Thessalonians 4:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:12]
2018-07-24 Christians & Military Duty: Should Christians be a pacifist?
2018-06-13 Doing Good & being Holy: Doing good & being holy, is there a difference?
2018-06-08 Paul pre or post Conversion: In Romans 7, is Paul talking about his pre-conversion experience or his post-Christian experience, the old man or the new creature? [Romans 7]
2018-05-22 The Bible Stories: How do help someone who thinks some stories in the bible are pretty far-fetched, like Jacob & Esau. Jacob was dishonest to Esau, but yet he was the chosen one.
Incest in the Bible: Why is there so much incest in the Bible?
2018-05-03 Unity Among Christian Brethren: Andy Stanley, Charles Stanley's son, says that unity is more important than doctrine. Nicolaus Zinzendorf came up with the Menorah Rules, & they also came up with the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living. How can Christians create this type of unity like he seemed to, & just agree to disagree on things we aren't going to agree on?
2018-04-25 Physical Death or Spiritual Death: Which is worse, dying physically or dying spiritually?
2018-04-24 Jesus & Other Religious Leaders: How is Jesus different from Buddha & other religious leaders? What is the difference between Buddhism and Christianity?
2018-04-20 Complaints about Christianity: Do you love everything dealing w/ Christianity?
2018-03-29 Christians & Good Christians: Why is there this idea where there is some good christians & not so good Christians? [Romans 3:10-12]
2018-03-28 Christians influencing Politics: What is our place in our society as far as trying to make laws happen, influence policy as Christians?
2018-03-15 Dying in Sin: if someone dies in sin, are they still a Christian, are they still saved?
2018-03-13 Loving your neighbor as much or more than yourself: Paul says to love others MORE than ourselves, but Jesus only said to love others as MUCH as ourselves [Romans 12:10, John 13:34, Philippians 2,3,4]
2018-03-07 Tithing in Christian History: When did tithing start becoming a thing in the Christians church?
2018-03-01 Children of the Light: Who are the children of Light that Jesus is referring to? [Luke 16:8]
Charles Stanley: Do you know of & ever listen to Charles Stanley?
2018-02-28 Images of God: People thinking God (Jesus) needs to look a certain way.
Parable of the Sower: In the parable of the sower, are they all Christians being talked about?
Tribulation: Is there going to be great tribulation in the last days? (I think Steve forgets to answer it.)
2018-02-26 Biblical Gospel vs Americanized Gospel: Can you elaborate on your thoughts regarding the gospel of the bible vs an Americanized gospel.
2018-02-19 Salvation through Christ: Can you resolve perceived tension between the following biblical statements: salvation is through Christ alone, the only way you can come to Christ is to be drawn [John 6], God is seeking people to worship him in spirit and in truth [John 4]?
2018-02-16 The Effect of the Word of God: Tell me more about the Word of God taking effect, whether positive or negative.
2018-02-14 Christian Living: If a person doesn't do all the things a typical Christian does, such as going to church, does that mean they are not a true Christian?
2018-02-14 Divorced Christians: Can a person be a Christian if they are divorced? Is divorce forgivable?
2018-02-12 Biblical Grounds for Divorce: How can a Christian who gets divorced without biblical grounds, and then gets remarried, be forgiven and abide in Christ?
2018-02-05 Christians and Voting: Why do African American Christians & White American Christians vote differently?
2018-01-25 Losing interest in Christianity: Daughter gave her life to Christ as a child, but at 13 seems to have departed from Christian activity, is she still saved?
2018-01-19 Martin Luther: Was Martin Luther King saved? Was he led by God?
The Persecuted Church: Are Christians still persecuted around the world as much as they were in the 1st century?
Movies about Jesus: What did you think about some movies about Jesus, such as, Last Temptation of Christ, Jesus Christ Superstar or The Passion of the Christ?
2018-01-10 Questioning Conversion: How do I know if I am a Christian if i keep struggling with sin?
2018-01-09 Beginner's start in the Bible Where is a good place to start as a new Christian reading the Bible?
2018-01-08 Christian Boundaries: What are the boundaries a Christian should have regarding abuse from others?
2018-01-08 Being Mistreated: We need to be prepared to be mistreated!
2017-12-29 Homeless Christians Oxymoron: Does this verse mean there are no homeless Christians since God provides for all one's needs? [Matthew 6:33]
2017-12-22 Calvinism & Depravity: calvinism, total depravity
Christians & Politics: What is the role of Christians in politics?
2017-12-01 Many Mansions: "In my Father's house are many mansions", what were you saying this means? [John 14:1-4]
The Gift of Prophesying: Is Paul saying that we should seek the gift of prophesy, or is he saying people are seeking that gift more than any other? Paul seems to say accept the spiritual gift that God gives, but then says to seek prophecy. [1 Corinthians 12:
2017-11-27 Unbeliever & Professing Christians Living in Sin: What do you do about people who were once professed Christians but are no longer Christians or someone who professes to be, but is living anything but but as a Christian? Didn't you say there were 2 sets instructions, one for an unbeliever & one for a believer [1 Corinthians 5]
2017-11-16 Being a True Follower of Christ: The essentials of Christianity, what does it take to be recognized as a believer by God?
2017-11-15 Calvinist are the only Christians: Calvinist comment on the Facebook said that only Calvinists are really Christians. What would you say about that?
Near-Death Experiences: The problem with near death experiences is that claim they have a 2nd chance when most people won't.
2017-11-06 Jehovah's Witnesses: What are the biggest difference between JW's & the Christian?
2017-10-31 Burning for Eternity: Someone is holding up on becoming a Christian because he doesn't believe that non-Christians are going to burn for eternity.
2017-10-17 Why a Christian: You asked the other day a hypothetical question, Why be a Christian? Why believe in God? & I'd like to answer. [2 Timothy 2:15, Philippians 4:7-9]
2017-10-17 Full Maturity of the Church: What do you think it will look like when the church matures? [Ephesians 4:11-13]
Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses: Why do Mormons/LDS & JWs consider themselves Christians yet want to be apart from other believers & in fact only believe they are Christians?
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