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Topic: Abuse

Showing 1 to 47 of 47.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-23 Husbands & Wives (Submission, Love & Respect): Can you respect someone if you don't love them? If a spouse is abusive or demeaning, should the wife still be submissive?
2023-05-16 Forgiveness-"Seventy Times Seven": I disagree with you about the meaning of the phrase "seventy times seven" implying that we are to forgive an infinite number of times. [Matthew 18:22].
2023-03-07 Physical Abuse in Marriage: How does one know when to call the police in an abusive marriage, rather than advise submission? [Matthew 10:23. 1 Peter 3:1].
2023-01-25 Marriage (Scriptural Direction): Could you help me figure out how to confront difficulties in marriage scripturally? Should we use Galatians 6 and Matthew 18? [Galatians 6, Matthew 18:16-17].
Church Counseling for Marriage: How should the church be helping and counseling us in our marriage, according to scripture, regardless of whether we are official members of the church? [Matthew 18].
2022-12-20 Abuse & Divorce: If you are unequally yoked, what are the scriptures that indicate that you should not leave your spouse? [1 Corinthians 7:12-15].
2022-08-09 Marriage & Separation: Could you give me some thoughts about my bad marriage, and the choice to live separated from my husband? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 7:12-13].
2022-05-03 Abuse as Exception for Divorce: What do you think abut exceptions being made for divorce in the case for abuse by comparing it to David eating the showbread?
2022-03-15 Spouses that Abuse One Another: Does the Bible talk about someone staying with a spouse that abuses them?
2022-01-04 God's Abuse & Manipulation: How can I respond to my daughter who claims that God is manipulative and abusive as in the example of Abraham being told to kill Isaac? (Even though it seems to end at the break, Steve continues to coomment after break regarding this call.)
2021-11-18 Forgiving a Molester: How should someone think in terms of forgiveness if they have been molested?
2021-10-19 Angry & Damaged Husband: Can you advise me as I struggle with living with a bitter and angry husband?
2021-08-05 God Sending the Damaged to Hell: How responsible will God hold someone who has had abuse and now has Alzheimer's?
2021-07-30 Slavery: What about the Bible condoning slavery? [Ephesians 6:9]
Jesus Seeing a Slave Being Abused: Is there a story of Jesus seeing the abuse of a slave and Jesus not saying anything against it?
2021-03-30 Drugs, Uses, Mutant Plants: Could you talk about drugs generally, and specifically, uses, moderation, and could some of the hallucinogenics have been mutant?
2021-02-26 Does God Love Me Enough: Caller having suffered terrible abuse in marriages, that resulted divorces, asks, Does God love me enough, and I am forgiven? [I John 1:7].
Unforgiving Children and Other Christians: How do you deal with unforgiving Christians, and even your own children?
2020-11-11 Damaged by Religion: What advice would you give people who are so damaged by religion that they can't seem to consider it?
2020-09-30 Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse: Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].
Lying Lips in Isaiah: Can you help me understand the application about "being of unclean lips" in Isaiah? [Isaiah 6:5].
2020-08-19 Marrying a Divorced Woman: Would you talk about marrying a divorced woman? [I Corinthians 7:39, I Corinthians 7:15, Romans 7:1-4, Matthew 18:15].
God's Direction: Caller shares his desire to follow up on what he sees as God's direction - but Steve doesn't really comment.
2020-08-11 Original Sin and Lesbian Lifestyle: Caller comments on original sin and her lesbian sister who has felt she was gay since early childhood.
2020-07-29 When is Divorce Acceptable: Are there times when divorce is an acceptable option? [Malachi 2:16].
2020-07-16 Divorce & Remarriage: Is divorce and remarriage a sin? [I Corinthians 7:10-11].
Abuse Ground for Divorce: Is abuse, particularly emotional and verbal abuse, grounds for divorce?
2020-06-08 Protests: Casting off Restraints & Poorly Recorded History: Could you comment about someone preaching how appropriate the protests are, drawing a relationship between Jesus casting out the money changers, and how warped our history books are? [Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 21:12].
2020-04-06 God Allows Rape & Intercourse: Why would God allow rape and child molestation, and could He have not made a different way to make children so that no one could be hurt in that way?
2020-01-21 Abuse, Abandonment, Divorce: Is abuse and abandonment legitimate reasons for divorce?
2019-12-09 Marriage, Divorce, Addiction & Abuse: Does a woman have grounds for divorce if her husband has become very abusive, even though his wife had forgiven him for his infidelity & his addictive behavior at an earlier time? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2019-12-05 Sexual Abuse-Clergy & Clowns: Would it not be illegal to send children to the circus, if clowns were known to abuse them, so then, should it not be illegal to send children to church?
2019-07-24 Suffering Abuse: What should I do if someone is putting chemicals on my face while I sleep?
2019-05-23 Wrath of Judgment: Who is going to carry out the wrath of judgment, Jesus or God? [Revelation 6:16-17].
Abuse of Children: What do you think about the CIA, if true, carrying out abuse of children? [Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2].
2019-01-07 Loving an Abusive Spouse: If you have a spouse who is abusive, how do you love like the Bible requires, when there is no love? [1 Corinthians 13].
2018-09-25 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Remarriage, abusive relationship, partner divorced discussion.
2018-09-12 Abuse & Persecution: Being patient with those that abuse & persecute you.
2018-07-11 Religiously Abused People: How do we help people who were hurt by "religion"?
2018-06-15 Abuse Grounds for Divorce: What should a spouse do of an abusive spouse? Is that grounds for divorce, a violent husband?
2018-04-19 Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, Abandonment, Abuse are they all grounds for divorce? A person who does remarry even though they were they cause can stay in that relationship as long as they show true repentance & restoration. What Do you agree? [Matthew 18:15]
2017-11-09 Unequally Yoked Marriages: It's not wrong to oppose marriages that you know are not going to work.
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2017-06-29 Marriage & Divorce Situation: I'm in a really abusive marriage, my wife won't divorce, but she's not being a wife.
2016-08-10 Gjving Samuel to the Priests in the Sanctuary: Caller thinks children being given to priests in the Bible seems pretty offensive to her, worried about sexual abuse like has happened in the Catholic Church. [1 Samuel 1, 1 Samuel 2, Matthew 10:37]
2016-05-11 Elephant in the Room Regarding Catholic Church: Caller is concerned about the Elephant in the room concerning the catholic church & sexual abuse.
2016-02-04 Abuse of Children: Authorities in Norway think children are being radicalized to Christianity & taken to foster care where they really are abused.
2015-07-16 Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage: After abusive behavior of my ex-husband and a divorce, I remarried, but am I now committing adultery?
2015-04-20 Homosexuality: Caller is concerned about dreams he's having about being in homosexual relationships, & past sexual sins.
Alcohol: Is it a sin to have a couple glasses of wine every night to deal problems?
Jesus Communicating with Us: Does Jesusverbally communicate with us? Has He ever personally talked to Steve Gregg?
2015-04-03 Honoring Parent Despite Abuse: Caller is wondering how she & her sister should honor their father despite his abuse.
2015-04-03 Follow-up to first call about Abuse: Caller has idea what the girl should do.
2014-12-31 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Can someone get remarried if they got a divorce, & it wasn't for a case of adultery?
Divorce: What about a wife who's been physically abused?
2014-04-08 Grounds for Divorce: Is Emotional Abuse grounds for Divorce?
2013-05-31 Calling Someone "Fool": Could you talk about the apparent contradiction of using the word "fool" when addressing another? [Matthew 5:22, Matthew 23:19, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30].
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