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Topic: Sin (ner, full)

Showing 501 to 550 of 630.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-06-20 THe Impeccability of Jesus: Someone told me that Jesus couldn't sin because of His impeccability, but if He couldn't sin, how could the temptation have been genuine? [Hebrew 4:15, Matthew 4:1-11]
Being Alone with God: How do you get completely alone with God & talk to Him?
2016-06-20 Holy Spirit occuping a Defiled Temple: If the Holy Spirit of God is in us, how is it that He can live in sinful man?
2016-06-15 Number of People God Killed in the Bible: There's an atheist website about how many people God killed in the Bible. Can you shed some light on this propaganda?
2016-06-09 Spiritual Death Discussion: On a recent program a little while back you said, "the result of sin is death, not hell", can you explain what "death" is?
2016-06-06 Homosexuality: Why would homosexuality get a pass when so many other sins do not?
2016-06-06 Impossible to Sin: So when we become Christians, we can't sin anymore or be held accountable for it anymore? [1 john 3:9]
2016-06-01 Eternal Security: once saved always saved is not really true, you can turn away from Jesus, but is the covenant you made with God broken every time you sin?
2016-05-31 The Sin Nature: Michael the buddhist wants to talk about the sin nature, that it's all from perspective/perception.
2016-05-30 Wages of Sin: If the wages of sin is death how could Christ pay for all sin after only being dead for 3 days? [Romans 6:23]
2016-05-30 All Sin Forgiven Except for Unbelief: Is all sin forgiven except for the sin of unbelief?
2016-05-27 Jesus Being the Prince of Daniel 9: Caller makes [Daniel 9, Luke 23:27-31, Revelation 6:16]
Man committing Fornication: Is this the same man Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians that he is talking about in 1 Corinthians? Did the church vote? [2 Corinthians 2:5, 1 Corinthians 5]
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Law (Policy) (Same Sexes in same B/R): How should a Christian deal with the new bathroom law (policy) where any gender can use any bathroom?
Worked-based Religions & Faith Alone: Religions that insist on a work-based salvation, are we brothers & sisters with them even though we believe in faith alone, believing in Jesus?
2016-04-19 Being Conformed to this world: How does somebody be conformed to this world? [Romans 12:2] (Caller actually asks 2 questions but Steve never gets to the second one.)
2016-04-14 Jesus' Sacrifice Paying for all Sin: How could Jesus die for all sins, past, present & future?
2016-03-30 Angel meaning Messenger: The Greek word for angel is "messenger", but in Hebrew did they use the same word?
Sin in Hebrew: What about the word "sin: in greek, is it the same as Hebrew?
Ahijah the Prophet: Caller wants to know if all of the names of "Ahijah" are the same person. [1 Kings 12:15, 1 Kings 14:2]
2016-03-15 Varying Degrees of Sin: So if sins are of different degrees, do "serious" sins fall under what it says in 1 John too? [1 John 1:9]
2016-03-14 Varying Degrees of Sin: Is sin sin? Is all sin the same? Is gluttony as bad as homosexuality? Are tattoos as bad as fornication? Are all things lawful?
2016-03-09 Baptized into one Body What does it mean to baptized into one body by the Spirit? [1 Corinthians 12:13]
Joining a Local Church Community: Do we have to join a local church in order to be a true Christian??
No More Sacrifice for Sin: What does it mean in Hebrews no more sacrifice for willful sin once we have received Christ? [Hebrews 10:26]
2016-03-09 High Standard of Sermon on the Mount: Is Jesus actually saying we can do everything He said in the Sermon on the Mount? Or is He simply showing the disparity between His holiness & our sinfulness and inability? [Matthew 5-7, John 8:31, Matthew 28:20]
2016-02-29 Christians Sinning: Why do believers choose to sin after they are saved?
Free Will & No Sin in Eternity: How will we have no sin on the other side of glory, but yet still have free will?
2016-02-29 Psychology: Why do so many Christians even have trouble with calling sin sin & call it mental health issues?
2016-02-24 Authority to Forgive Sins: Asking a priest for forgiveness, When WE forgive, or the priests forgive & the sins are forgiven, what authority does the priest have to forgive sins? [John 20:21-23]
2016-01-15 Being Tolerant or having Righteous Anger: How do we draw the balance between having tolerance for people's behaviour & have righteous indignation about it?
2016-01-07 Taking Up Your Cross Daily: What exactly does Jesus mean to take up your cross & follow Him daily? Does that mean living a holy life? Is it talking about day-to-day activities & life, such as who you are going to marry? [Luke 9:23]
Addictive Behavior or Living Sin: We don't have to torture ourselves, our body, in order to get out of a life of sin, do we?
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2015-12-04 Judgement: White throne judgment, & all these other judgments that Jesus talks about, you say they are all one & the same, but Dispensationalists like to distinguish the White Throne Judgment as separate, because we are supposedly not judged by our works. [1 Peter 1:17, Romans 2:5-11]
2015-12-01 Sin unto Death: What is this "sin unto death" that John is talking about? [1 John 5:16]
2015-11-11 Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
"All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.
2015-11-06 Eternal Security & Habitual Sin: Am I still saved if I continual fall in the same habitual sin?
2015-10-15 Christians, Sinner or Saint: Even though we are Christians, should we still be considered sinners or saints?
2015-09-21 Calvinism: How can someone who is God-hating & dead in their sins choose Christ?
2015-09-11 Transgression vs Sin: What is the difference between "Transgression" & "Sin"? [Genesis 6:1-13, Romans 4:15]
2015-09-01 Sin Unto Death: What is the Sin unto Death? [1 john 5:16-17]
2015-08-17 Leaving a Church Over Homosexuality Issues: (Update:) A member of a church where he had been at for a very long time he had to leave because they didn't want to converse w/ him about their new stance on homosexuality, the leadership just wanting to go w/ the tide, w/ political correctness, instead of doing what the Bible says.
Sinner Saved By Grace: Is that the right terminology to use, that we are sinners saved by Grace?
2015-08-05 Loving Your Enemies: God was pretty severe w/ His own people, let alone His own enemies, but how do we reconcile the way He is in the New Testament?
God forgets our Sin: God forgets our sins, it says in the Old Testament, the Sea of Forgetfulness, but it also says every idle word will be held against us? [Micah 7:9, Matthew 12:36]
2015-06-25 Adam & Eve Eating Forbidden Fruit: How did Adam & Eve know it was a sin to eat the tree of knowledge of good & evil if they didn't have knowledge to know what was right or wrong? [gen 2:9]
Light before Sun & Moon: What was the Light for the 3 days before Sun & Moon were created? [Genesis 1:3]
2015-06-10 Contradiction about Sin: In one place of the Bible is says that the soul that sinneth, it shall die, but in another place it says that sin living in us is causing us to sin. [Ezekiel 18:20, Romans 7:17]
2015-05-28 The Church of Firstborn: Has Steve ever heard of the church called, "The Church of the Firstborn"?
Paul's War Against the Flesh: Is Romans 7 referring to Paul's struggle with sin before or after his conversion? [Romans 7:14-18]
2015-05-11 Christians who are in Sin: How do we deal in a Christ-like matter those who claim Christianity but who are living in sin? [Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-20]
2015-04-27 Confessing our Sins: Do we have to continually confess our sins? Do we have to confess every sin we've ever committed? [1 John 1:9]
2015-04-16 Adam & Eve Sinning: If Adam & Eve were "perfect", why did they sin? [Genesis 1:31]
2015-04-06 Thoughts & Actions: Can you separate yourself from God by your thoughts….not just your actions?
2015-03-09 Michael the Buddhist: Michael wants to avoid pain, but the thing we need to get away from is sin, so he needs to change his entire belief structure.
Lewis Sperry Chafer: Caller reads a quote from Lewis Sperry Chafer & wondering what Steve's thoughts are on it, about works & Calvinism.
2015-03-03 Homosexuality: Are we supposed to love the sinner but hate the sin, but treat them with absolute respect & let them have their rights? [1 john 4:20]
2015-02-09 Righteousness exceeding Pharisees: Whoever breaks the LEAST of the commandments will be the LEAST in the Kingdom of God, but still in the Kingdom, & but it still has to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees or you are not going to get in at all. [Matthew 5:19-20]
Overcoming Drunkenness: Caller has been struggling wtih intoxication/drunkenness, & wonders what he should do to overcome it.
2015-02-05 Fruits of the Spirit: You can have Virtuous Acts whether you are a Christian or not.
2015-02-02 Adulterous Pastor: What should I do if I think a pastor is committing adultery?
2015-01-14 God Hates the Sin, Loves the Sinner: We've heard the saying, "God hates the sin, but loves the sinner", but there are places where it says in the Bible that God hates the wicked person.
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