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Topic: Sin (ner, full)

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Episode Topic Audio
2021-06-16 Gay Pride Month: Why does God allow Gay Pride month?
LGBTW Marriages: Why are people caught up in the LGBTQ movement and so many are marrying each other?
God Helping Homosexuals: Why doesn't God help gay people better so they can please Him? [Romans 12:2, Matthew 11:29-30, Matthew 7:13-14, Psalm 14:1, Proverbs 9:10, John 8:31-34].
2021-06-15 New Earth Sinners: What is going to keep people from sinning on the new earth, and why would He not do that from the beginning?
2021-06-15 Dying in One's Sins: Could you talk about what it means to be "dying in one's sins"?
2021-06-11 Pride: Is pride really the root of all sin? [Isaiah 14:12-14].
Bondage vs Sinful Behavior: How does one distinguish being in bondage versus just falling to sin? [John 8:31-36].
2021-06-11 Pride: Is pride really the root of all sin? [Isaiah 14:12-14].
Bondage vs Sinful Behavior: How does one distinguish being in bondage versus just falling to sin? [John 8:31-36].
2021-06-07 Salvation & One's World View: How does one sort out the problem of those who say they believe in Christ and yet follow value systems that seem to embrace ideas that are contrary to Christ's teachings? [Matthew 7:2, Galatians 1:8-9, Romans 12:2, John 15:7, John 8:36, Matthew 7:21-23, I Corinthians 6:20].
Finding Sin Acceptable in Others: If someone dismisses behaviors in another's sinful lifestyle and indicates them as acceptable (as in living as a gay), it is synonymous with preaching a different gospel?
2021-06-01 Contradiction in Scripture-David's Sins: Is it a contradiction in scripture when it indicates that David kept God's commandments, except for Uriah, and yet he also sinned when he took a census? [I Kings 15:5, I Chronicles 21, Matthew 12:4].
David's Sin in Taking the Census: Why was it a sin for David to take the census? [I Chronicles 21].
2021-05-21 Stealing (Theft): What is worse, stealing one dollar or a million dollars? [2 Samuel 12:4].
2021-05-18 Changing My Evil Heart: How do I, who has backslidden and feel that evil is deeply rooted, actually change my heart? Lecture recommended lecture; Spiritual Warfare & both books, "Empire of the Risen Son". [Romans 7, Matthew 26:41].
John Owen's (Puritan): What do you think of the Puritan writer, John Owen's book, "The Mortification of Sin"?
2021-05-10 Comment on Slavery: Comment on slavery.
Generational Sin: Could you explain the concept of "Generational Sin"? [Exodus 20, Exodus 34:7].
2021-05-03 Confession, Repentance & Walking in the Light: As believers, are we supposed to be confessing our sins on a daily basis? [I John 1:7-9, Matthew 6:9-13].
2021-05-03 "Entire Santification" (Eradicationism or Perfect Sinlessness): What do you think of the idea in the Wesleyianism called "entire sanctification" (Eradicationism or perfect sinlessness)? [2 Corinthians 3:18, I Peter 1:14-16].
2021-04-27 Sin in One's Life Causing the Trouble: What do you think about those that tell you that if you are having trouble in your life, you need to hunt down the sin causing the trouble? [Job, I Peter 3:17].
2021-04-22 God Wants to Save Hitler: How do you answer why God would want to save really terrible people such as, Hitler? [Mark 2:17].
2021-04-20 A Believer with a Heart of Deceit: Does a born again believer still have a heart of deceit and perversion? [Romans 7:23, Galatians 5:17, I Peter 2:11, 2 Timothy 2:3, Hebrew 3:12].
2021-04-20 Odds of Not Sinning: What are the odds of not sinning for the believer?
Odds of Sinning: How how can we be held responsible for sinning if the odds of not sinning is zero?
2021-04-20 Odds of Not Sinning: What are the odds of not sinning for the believer?
Odds of Sinning: How how can we be held responsible for sinning if the odds of not sinning is zero?
2021-04-20 God Bought Salvation from Satan: So can you explain how God had to buy salvation for us from the devil?
2021-04-12 Sexuality in Scripture: What does scripture say about sex outside of marriage? [I Corinthians 6:16].
2021-04-08 "Sin" Means "Miss the Mark": Does the original word for "sin", actually mean "miss the mark"?
Inheriting Sin Nature: Would you comment on the sin nature that we inherited from Adam and Eve? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5, Romans 7:23, I John 3:4].
2021-04-08 "Sin" Means "Miss the Mark": Does the original word for "sin", actually mean "miss the mark"?
Inheriting Sin Nature: Would you comment on the sin nature that we inherited from Adam and Eve? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5, Romans 7:23, I John 3:4].
2021-04-06 Sanctified Hearts: How do we sanctify our hearts? [I Peter 3:15, I Peter 1:15-16].
Brethren as Sinners: Why do so many brethren still identify as sinners? [Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:20-23, Ephesians 2:8-9, James 4:7, I Thessalonians 5:16-18].
2021-03-22 We Do Not Sin: How do you interpret when scripture indicates that one does not sin? [I John3:6, I John 1:8, I John 2:1, I John3:10, James 3:2].
2021-03-19 Ask for Forgiveness-Continually or Once: Could you help me understand some of these verses in I John that seem to allow for the belief that we don't need to continue to ask for forgiveness of sin? [I John 1:7-9, I John 2:2, I John 10, John 3:17-21, James 4:2-3].
End Times View a Salvation Issue: Is one's view of "end times" a secondary issue and not an issue of salvation?
2021-03-17 The Devil Made Me Do it: Does the Devil make us sin, or are we simply tempted by the Devil to sin?
2021-03-16 The Timing of the Coming of the Kingdom of God: Could you clarify your understanding of Luke 21 and the timing of the coming of the kingdom referred to there? [Luke 21:30-34].
The Sin That Leads Unto Death: What is the sin that leads "unto death"? [I John 5:16-17].
2021-03-12 Guilty or Not Guilty Can you help me understand the idea that we are often said to be guilty of sin, and yet we have been justified as believers, therefore not really guilty?
2021-03-08 Ravi Zacharias' Ministry: In light of the recent the exposure of the failures of Ravi Zacharias, was he sincere or was it all false?[I Corinthians 13:2].
2021-03-05 God's Forgiveness as Opposed to the State's: If someone had killed someone, and the law didn't know who did it, would that now repentant believer be required to turn himself in?
Church Responsibility Regarding Injustice: If a church recognizes and acknowledges injustices (as with racial and economic), what is their responsibility? [Micah 6:8, I Corinthians 5:12].
2021-02-22 Saved by Grace: Are we sinners saved by grace? [Ephesians 2:8-9].
Sinners in Heaven: Will sinners get to heaven? [I Corinthians 6:9-11].
Christians Heavenbound: Will all Christians go to heaven?
2021-02-17 Original Sin: Could you talk about the doctrine of "original sin"? [Romans 5:12, Romans 2:6, I Corinthians 15, Psalms 51:5].
2021-02-12 God's Love & Mercy: Comment that many imprisoned sinners often are products of a hard life, so Steve talks about God's love and mercy toward sinners. [Psalm 103, Romans 5:8].
2021-02-10 Spiritually Disadvantaged in Cities: Do you think that there is more concentrated sin in areas of dense populations, and are the people more spiritually disadvantaged living there?
Homeschooling & Socialization: If you are homeschooling your children, what do you do about socializing them?
2021-02-09 Alcohol & Addiction (Twelve Steps Programs): Do you think that drunkeness is an addiction, as they say in 12-step programs, or it that an inappropriate term? [Galatians 5, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2021-02-05 Unwholesome Reading: Is it sin to read material that contains objectionable material that might be displeasing to the Lord?Should one get rid of them? Is donating them to a charity acceptable? [Proverbs 4:23].
2021-02-01 God's Wrath Poured Onto Jesus: Can you help me sort out the idea that God poured out His wrath for sin onto Jesus? [Isaiah 53:6, Psalms 22:1, 2 Corinthians 5:21, I Peter 2:34, I Thessalonians 5:9].
2021-01-28 The "Sins of the Father": Could you help me understand the concept of "the sins of the father" being visited upon one's children? [Ezekiel 18, Numbers 14:18, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 24:15].
2021-01-22 Original Sin, Mary & Jesus' Sinlessness: If the doctrine of "original sin" is true, how could Jesus have been born sinless because Mary would've also tainted with sin? [Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10, Romans 5:12].
Babies Born Guilty: Are babies born guilty of sin? [Ezekiel 18:10].
2021-01-22 Original Sin, Mary & Jesus' Sinlessness: If the doctrine of "original sin" is true, how could Jesus have been born sinless because Mary would've also tainted with sin? [Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10, Romans 5:12].
Babies Born Guilty: Are babies born guilty of sin? [Ezekiel 18:10].
2021-01-21 Repent Only Once: What would you say about someone who counsels against ever repenting again for the same sin, claiming it is insulting to God? Would you challenge someone that says that, publicly or privately?
2021-01-07 Clergy Who Forgive Sins of Others: What do you think about ministers, priests, and other clorgy, who claim to forgive the sins of others? [John 20:23].
2021-01-04 Pronunciation of Jesus' Name: Caller comments on the pronunciation of Jesus' name.
Renouncing One's Sin: Does one need to verbally renounce their mistakes and sins for us to be free from them?
2020-12-22 The Name Jeshua or (Yeshua): What do you make of those who think that Jeshua (Yeshua, Jesus) means Zeus?
The Importance of Pronouncing Jesus: Is the idea that God can't hear you, unless you know the proper pronunciation of Jesus (Jeshua) total nonsense?
Sin Not Always Repulsive: Why is it that sometimes I find certain sins repulsive and other times not so? [Proverbs 4:23, I John 1:9]].
2020-12-16 Enormity of God's Forgiveness & Universal Reconciliation: Caller comments on the enormity of some people's ability to forgive, thus, it supports the idea of God's love and Universal Reconciliation.
From the Devil or the Flesh: How does one tell what is actually of the devil, rather than one's own selfishness or flesh? [John 8:44, I Peter 5:8].
2020-12-14 Falling into Sin: Is it a lack of faith if someone keeps falling into sin and allows himself a pass on the error of his ways?
Recommended Charities: Can you recommend some good charities that you trust? [Shepherd's Heart International, The Salvation Army, Mercy Ships, The Narrow Path, Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors USA, Food for the Poor].
2020-11-19 Are Believers Still Considered Sinners?: Once we are believers, are we still considered sinners? [Romans 3:23, I Timothy 1:15].
2020-11-11 Angry About Sickness & Pain: At what point is my anger about my sickness and pain sin? [Job 1:21, 2 Corinthians 12:9].
Praying for Death: Since I am in chronic pain, is it wrong to pray for my own early death, or can I neglect it and hope for death? [I Corinthians 3:16, I Corinthians 5:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16, I Peter 4:19, I Peter 5:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 4:16].
2020-11-10 The Biblical Words Pertaining to Homosexuality: Do the biblical verses that pertain to gay relationships in scripture not actually refer to homosexuality or lesbianism? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Matthew 19:4. Galatians 5:19-21].
2020-11-09 Christian Who is a Drug Addict: If a true Christian gets caught up in drugs, will they die in their sins and not go to heaven? [Galatians 2, Galatians 5:16, James 3:2, Psalm 1:3, I John 4:4].
2020-11-03 Jesus Capable of Sin: Could Jesus have sinned if He had chosen to? [Hebrews 4:15, Matthew 26:53].
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