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Topic: Matthew (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2022-08-19 Apostle John Still Alive: Could John still be alive? [Matthew 16:28, John 21:23].
Jesus Coming in His Kingdom: What does it mean "until you see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom?" [Matthew 16:28, Isaiah 19:1].
2022-08-19 Apostle John Still Alive: Could John still be alive? [Matthew 16:28, John 21:23].
Jesus Coming in His Kingdom: What does it mean "until you see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom?" [Matthew 16:28, Isaiah 19:1].
2022-08-18 The Apostle Peter: What are your thoughts about sequence of events surrounding Peter's conversion and denial, and then his later return to Christ? [Matthew 16:17, John 21:15-17].
2022-08-18 Bride of Christ & Guest at the Wedding Feast: Is the church the "bride of Christ" and who are the guest at the wedding feast in Revelation? [Revelation 19:7-9, Matthew 22:1-14, Ephesians 2:19-22]. (Caller got cutoff.)
2022-08-17 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): It seems that the Bible indicates that people can lose their salvation. What do you think? {Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:8-9, Matthew 24:13, Revelation 2:10].
2022-08-16 Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Could you share any scripture that indicates that the devil can speak into people's minds? [Matthew 16:23].
Devil's Abilities & Limitations: Since we have the mind of Christ, how can we have thoughts coming into out minds from Satan?
2022-08-12 Choosing Divorce & Losing One's Salvation: Could you clarify your position regarding divorced people losing their salvation and going to hell and compare it to a believer marrying an unbeliever? [Matthew 28:18-20].
Caller Challenges Steve About Divorce: Caller challenges Steve about the slope of suggesting the ramifications of living a life of sin endangering one's salvation. [Romans 5:8, I Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:6, 2 Corinthians 5:10].
2022-08-10 Christian Divorce & Unbeliever Remarriage: Can you clarify your position on Christian divorce and remarriage to an unbeliever? Recommends topical article. [I Corithians 7:12-15, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6].
2022-08-10 Jesus Born Under the Law: Was Jesus born under the Law? [Galatians 4:1-5, Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5, Hebrews 8:13}.
Died for All?: If Jesus died for all, then how can not all be saved or lose their salvation? [I John 5:10-11, Romans 11:22, John 15:6].
2022-08-09 Divorce Indicative of Apostasy: I disagree with how you describe the ramifications of divorce and the connection between sin, disobedience, and apostasy. Are you misleading others in misrepresenting saving grace of God? [Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:16, Titus 1:16, Eccelesiastes 5:5, Romans 5:8, John 8:31, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
2022-08-09 Marriage & Separation: Could you give me some thoughts about my bad marriage, and the choice to live separated from my husband? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 7:12-13].
2022-08-08 Resurrection Not on Sunday: Caller disagrees with the idea that Jesus rose on Sunday? [I Corinthians 15, Matthew 12:40, Romans 14:5].
2022-08-05 "Lost Sheep of Israel": Do you know the context for the verse about the "lost sheep of Israel" in Matthew 15:24? [Matthew 15:24, Matthew 10:6, Matthew 8:10, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 12:32].
2022-08-05 This Age & the Age to Come: What is "this age", and "the age to come"? [Matthew 12:32].
2022-08-05 Seeing God & His Glory: Can you talk about the different presentations of people "seeing God" or "seeing His glory"in the Bible? [Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 10:20, Genesis 18:1, John 1:14, Genesis 32:30, Matthew 17:2]
2022-08-05 "The Harlot" in Revelation: Who is "the harlot" in Revelation? [Matthew 23:35, Revelation 17].
2022-08-05 Divorce: What do you say about my Christian wife divorcing me against my wishes? [Matthew 7:22].
Divorce & Bound for Hell: Are we both bound for hell, if my wife is divorcing me?
2022-08-04 Futurism-"A Day to the Lord": Caller refers to a previous discussion and disagees with Steve about his assessment of the statement "a day to the Lord." [2 Peter 3:9-11, Luke 19, Matthew 25, 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:17-18, Matthew 16:28].
2022-08-04 "Abomination That Causes Desolation": How is Jesus "the abomination that causes desolation" in the Daniel 9 prophecy? [Daniel 9:26-27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13:14].
Different Rewards in the Afterlife: Are there verses that indicate there will be different degrees of reward in the afterlife? [Luke 19, I Corinthians 3:15, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, Matthew 25:30].
2022-08-04 "Abomination That Causes Desolation": How is Jesus "the abomination that causes desolation" in the Daniel 9 prophecy? [Daniel 9:26-27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13:14].
Different Rewards in the Afterlife: Are there verses that indicate there will be different degrees of reward in the afterlife? [Luke 19, I Corinthians 3:15, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, Matthew 25:30].
2022-08-04 Infant Baptism: Should I be baptized again, if I was only baptized as an infant? [Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16].
Baptism: Should I be baptized in public, or can I do it myself?
2022-08-04 "Deny Yourself": What does it mean to "deny yourself and take up your cross?" [Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24-26, I Timothy 6:17, James 1:17].
Death & God's Will: Does God make the decision when we will die? [Pslam 34:7, Luke 21:18].
2022-08-04 Mirace Feeding of the 5000 & Numbers: How do you explain the discrepencies in the "Feeding of the 5,000" story and do the specific numbers mentioned mean anything specific? [Matthew 14, Matthew 15].
2022-08-02 "Have" and "Have Nots" Passage: What is meant by the passage about those that "have" and those that "have not" - even that will be taken away? [Matthew 13:11-12].
2022-07-28 Steve's Speaking Engagements: Where are you speaking this weekend in Roseville CA?
Fasting: Can you talk a little bit about "fasting?" [Matthew 9:15, Matthew 17:21]
2022-07-28 Our Relationship with Jews: What should our relationship be with Jews, based on Jesus' words? [Matthew 8:9-12, Mark 12:31].
2022-07-26 Binding & Loosing: What is your view of the scripture about "keys to the kingdom" and "whatsoever you bind and loose" will be done in heaven? [Matthew 16:19, Acts 2, Matthew 18:18].
2022-07-26 Saved as a Child-Still Saved? Is someone was saved if they asked Christ into their hearts when they were young, but they never exhibited any evidence of such throughout their lives? Recommends book: Steve Gregg's book on Hell. [Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23, Romans 10:9].
2022-07-21 Ex-Homosexual & Ex-Transgender; Dealing with the Temptation: Ex-homosexual & ex-transgender: When I am tempted by the wrong sex, is it demonic? [Matthew 19:12]. Lectures recommended.
The "Offspring" of Satan in Genesis: Could you explain what is meant by the "offspring" when the offspring of the serpent was cursed? [Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:9, John 8:44, I John 3:10].
2022-07-20 Sin in the Modern Church (Church Discipline): Are there any modern churches practising church discipline in response to the rampant sin in our churches today? [I Corinthians 5:11, Matthew 18, 2 Timothy 2:3].
2022-07-20 All Religions-Same God & "Judge Not": How would you respond to someone that claims all religions refer to the same power and the Bible is simply written by men, therefore we are not to judge others? [Matthew 7:1-2, I Corinthians 2:15,John 7:24, I Corinthians 5:3, I Corinthians 10:15, I Corinthians 14:29].
2022-07-19 "Who Do You Say I Am?": Why did Jesus hesitate to state clearly who He was-and in some cases says, "Who do you say I am? [Mark 8:27-29, Luke 9:18-20, Matthew 16:13-16, John 6:15, I Corinthians 2:8].
2022-07-19 Guardian Angels: Do we have guardian angels, and possibly angels specifically assigned to each of us? [Exodus 23:20-21, Matthew 18:10, Psalms 34:7-9, Psalm 91:11-12, Hebrews 1:14, Job 1:10, Matthew 10:29, Job 1:21].
2022-07-18 Rapture & Tribulation: Do you believe in the rapture & the tribulation? Recommended; "Revelation Four Views-A Parallel Commentary" or [Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 16:33, 1 Thessalonians 3:4].
Judging Others: What does it mean to "not judge?" [John 7:24, Matthew 7:1].
2022-07-18 Rapture & Tribulation: Do you believe in the rapture & the tribulation? Recommended; "Revelation Four Views-A Parallel Commentary" or [Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 16:33, 1 Thessalonians 3:4].
Judging Others: What does it mean to "not judge?" [John 7:24, Matthew 7:1].
2022-07-18 Literal Genesis Creation & when Life Begins in the Womb: Caller shares his view of the literalness of pre-Abrahamic Genesis and the moment life begins.[Genesis 1-11, Genesis 4, Luke 11:51, Matthew 19:4, Matthew 24:37-39, Leviticus 17:11].
2022-07-15 Correction of Other Ministries: Could you get in touch with some ministries I think are mistaken and help correct them?
Communion & Correcting One's Pastor: When taking communion, I think it is important to examine my heart, to be sure I am worthy, should I correct my pastor's thinking about this? [I Corinthians 11:21-32, Matthew 25:40].
2022-07-15 Progressive vs Conservative Churches: Could you talk about the "woke" ideology seeping into the modern church? [Matthew 28:20].
2022-07-14 Speaking in Tongues: Do you think that speaking in tongues is still valid today?
Walking in the Spirit: What does it mean to "walk in the Spirit?" Recommends Vol 2 of the book "Empire of the Risen Son:"
Jewish Unbelief God's Doing: Isn't it God's doing that the Jews are unbelievers, not accepting Jesus as Messiah? [Matthew 23:35-36, Romans 11:8, Matthew 13:14-15].
2022-07-13 Jewish Objections to Jesus Being Messiah: How can I talk to someone who has converted to Judiasm and address some of the issues, like the two sticks and the fact it has not yet been fulfilled? Recommends Michael Brown's book; "Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus." [Jeremiah 31:1, 2 Corinthians 3:14, 2 Corinthians 2:14, John 6:63, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 11:14, John 11:50,, Luke 13:29, Isaiah 45:6, Isaiah 49:12].
2022-07-12 Assurance of Salvation (Proof by Good Works): It seems like scripture indicates that if we do not do good works (care for the poor and visit those in prison), our salvation is at risk. Can you comment? Recommended topical lecture; "How Can I Know that I am Really Saved?" [Matthew 25:31-40, I Peter 1:17, James 3:22, James 2:20]
2022-07-11 Books of I John: Caller shares more about the books of I John.
Futurist vs Partial-Preterist: Don't you think that one can over-spiritualize the way the images are understood in the Olivet Discourse? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Luke 17, Mark 13,Hebrews 8:6].
"Never Before and Never Again" Hyperbole or Not?: Discussion of the use of hyperbole in scripture, particurlary "never before and never again", when it does happen again. [Matthew 24:21, Ezekiel 5:9, Exodus 10:14, Joel 2:25-26].
2022-07-11 Teaching Children: How could one break down this passage for children? [Matthew 7:13-14].
So Few Get to Enter the Narrow Gate: Isn't it a bit daunting to think so few people are entering through the "narrow gate?" [Matthew 7:13-14, Revelation 7:9].
2022-07-11 Teaching Children: How could one break down this passage for children? [Matthew 7:13-14].
So Few Get to Enter the Narrow Gate: Isn't it a bit daunting to think so few people are entering through the "narrow gate?" [Matthew 7:13-14, Revelation 7:9].
2022-07-08 Why Pray?: Do our prayers really change things if the outcome is already in God's hands? Recommended book; "The Kneeling Christian". [James 4:2-3, James 5:16, Luke 11:9, Matthew 7:7, James 1:6 , Matthew 6:10, I John 5:14, Genesis 1:26-28, Daniel 10:10-14].
2022-07-06 Paranoia about all the Shootings: What is the best way to process my fear about all the shootings in the news? [Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 34:7].
In the Presence of the Lord: What will it be like when we are in the presence of the Lord?
2022-07-05 Kids Exposed to a Gay Couple: How do I think biblically about my grandchildren being around a gay couple and their child-if it will stumble them? [Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42].
2022-07-04 Resurrection on the Third Day: What is the parallel between Jesus saying He would raise up the temple in 3 days, and His resurrection? [I Corinthians 15:4, Matthew 12:40, John 2:19].
2022-07-04 "Violent Take it by Force": What was meant by the verse "the violent take it by force?" [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16, John 3:5].
2022-07-01 Praying on the Football Field: Since we are to pray in our closets, was it correct for the coach to pray in the middle of the football field? Could you also comment on the lawsuit over it. [Matthew 6:3-6, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30, John 17:20-23].
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