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Topic: Matthew (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2017-12-01 Judgment Private or Public: Will the judgment be private or public where everyone can see it? [Romans 2:16]
Adam as a Sacrifice: Jack hayford says that if Adam had not sinned, but Eve had, he could've been an acceptable sacrifice instead of Jesus. What do you think about that idea?
Greatest in the Kingdom of God: What can you tell about this verse? [Matthew 18:1]
2017-11-20 Twinkle of an Eye & the Light of the Eye: Verses that talk about the eyes, one about the twinkle of an eye & one about the light of the eye, is there any correlation? [1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 6:23]
2017-11-06 Till the Son of Man be come: When will Jesus come again, when is this talking about His coming? [Matthew 10:23]
2017-11-01 God Leading People into Temptation: Did God cause Jesus to be tempted? James says that God does tempt us, but then in the Lord's Prayer it we are supposed to say, "lead us NOT into temptation", praying to God saying that. How do you reconcile these verses? [James 1:13, Matthew 6:13]
2017-09-28 Bound on Earth, Bound in Heaven: What is bound on earth is bound in heaven......can you tell me what this means? [Matthew 18:18]
2017-09-08 Not being Offended by Jesus: "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me", what did He mean? [Matthew 11:6, Luke 7:23]
2017-09-01 The Eagles & the Carcasses: Where are the eagles? What is the meaning of this verse, this saying? [Matthew 24:28]
2017-08-02 Loving Ourselves: Where does it say in the Bible besides Matthew that we should love ourselves? [Matthew 22:37-39]
2017-07-31 Good Works Secret: Don't let one hand what the other hand is doing, so we are supposed to keep our good deeds a secret? [Matthew 6:3]
2017-07-25 Communication being Yea or Nay: What does Jesus mean in Matt 5:37 about your communication being yea or nay?
2017-06-26 Striving, but then Easy: These 2 verses seem contradictory to each other, one saying we have to Strive to enter the Kingdom of God, but then it says that His yoke is easy. Which is it? [Luke 13:34, Matthew 11:30]
2017-06-05 Binding & Loosing: The "Binding & Loosing" term seems to be different in different translations of the Bible, & what IS Jesus saying there anyway?
2017-06-05 Christ's Genealogy through Joseph: Why include Joseph's genealogy when he's not even blood related to Jesus? [Matthew 1]
2017-05-25 Tithing & Malachi: What is it saying in Malachi 3:10 about tithing?
His Righteousness: "His righteousness, & all the things shall be added unto you", can you please interpret that for me? [Matthew 6:33]
2017-05-22 Fulfilled Law & Law for Today: The law has to be being for today because of what 2 Timothy 3:16 says, & they didn't have the New Testament then, so it HAS to be referring to the law! [Matthew 5:17-19, 2 Timothy 3:16]
2017-04-12 All These Things Shall Be Added: hat things is He talking about when He says, "all these things will be added unto you"? [Matthew 6:33]
2017-04-11 The 3rd Eye: What's this about a 3rd eye involving greed? [Matthew 6:22, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 23:6]
2017-04-03 Hardening of the Heart: Hardening of the heart [Matthew 13:15]
2017-03-22 Current Events: Is there a place in the bible, besides revelation, where it's talking about what's happening today w/ current events?
2017-03-16 The Demons who were in the Swine: When the legion of demons went out of the man into the swine of pigs & then came out of them, do you know where they went? [Matthew 8:28-34]
2017-03-15 Praying directly to Jesus or the Father: Should we be praying to Jesus or the Father?
Healing for Us Today: Is the verse in Isaiah "He took on our infirmities" saying that our sicknesses will be healed? [Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:17].
2017-03-15 "Love your Enemies": Who are the enemies that Jesus is talking about when He says to "love your enemies"? [Matthew 5:44]
The Divorced: Are divorced people living in sin?
2017-03-15 Lost Sheep of Israel: Who were the "lost sheep of Israel"? [Matthew 15:24]
2017-03-01 Uniformity in Doctrines: Is uniformity of thought critical in certain doctrines regardless of scripture, as in Romans 14? [Romans 14, Matthew 28:20]
2017-01-13 Pearls to the Swine, nothing Holy to Dogs Can you explain matt 7:6?
2016-10-11 Fasting: Was Daniel fasting to deprive himself of certain pleasures for spiritual discipline or was he concerned about what he was eating? Are we still supposed to fast today? [Daniel 1:8-16, Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15]
2016-10-05 Hell-Universalism: Doesn't Matthew 7:13 dispel Universalism? [Matthew 7:13]
2016-10-04 Bartholomew & Nathanael: Are Bartholomew & Nathanael the same person? [John 1:45-49, Acts 1:13, Luke 6:14, Mark 3:18, Matthew 10:3]
2016-09-12 Double-fulfillment Prophecy: So this is a double fulfillment in Matthew, both applying to Israel & Christ? [Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:14-15]
The Second Coming in the OT: Are these verses the first time the Second Coming is mentioned or was it mentioned in the Old Testament as well? [Acts 1:9-11]
2016-09-08 "None of These Diseases": None of These Diseases by a S. I. Mcmillen, do you consider that a good book?
Blasphemy Against the Hoiy Spirit & Univerasalism: How do Universal Reconcilliations/Restorationists deal with Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit & that passage? [Matthew 12:31-32]
2016-07-27 Grind Him to Powder & Broken if you Fall on Stone: What does this verse mean? [Matthew 21:44]
Addressing Satan: Is addressing Satan Biblical? [James 4:7]
2016-07-15 Bound on Earth, Bound in Heaven: What is meant by what Jesus said about what His disciples about what is bound on earth will be obound in heaven, & what is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven>
2016-06-22 The Kingdom of God: The kingdom of heaven in this particular Scripture in Matthew the literal place we go after we die? And Steve explains they sometimes the phrase, "Kingdom of Heaven" is used.
2016-06-13 70 AD to Second Coming Transition: Is Matthew 24:35 the transition when you think it's going from talking about 70 AD to His Second coming? [Matthew 24:35]
Full Preterist & Partial Preterist Ratio: What is the ratio of partial preterists to full preterists?
N.T. Wright: Have you read much of N.T. Wright's work? What do you think of him?
2016-06-03 Elijah & John the Baptist: Trying to figure out the connection between Elijah & John the Baptist? [Matthew 17:10-13]
2016-04-15 The First shall be Last & the Last shall be First: In the Parable of the 3 workers, what did Jesus mean by, "the first shall be last & the last shall be first"? [Matthew 20:1-16]
2016-04-04 Olivet Discourse with Book of Revelation: Can we compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6? What about Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 also?
Studying the Bible: Does the Bible tell you how to study the Bible?
Memorizing or Meditating on the Scripture: Are we supposed to meditate &/or memorize the Bible?
2016-03-25 The Whole Battalion: Just how many soldiers were at the crucifixion of Christ? Did Jesus have to be deal with 600 soldiers? [Matthew 27:27]
"Perish by the Sword": It says in Matthew that those who use the sword will die by the sword, so what about people who are in the military? [Matthew 26:52]
2016-03-18 Unwashen Hands: What did Jesus mean by this? [Matthew 15:15-20, Mark 7:1-23]
2016-03-18 Staying in Current State: What does this mean, that some would be just & unjust, some would be filthy & some righteous, some holy & some unholy? [Revelation 22:11]
One Will be Taken, One Left: What does it mean "one will be taken, one will be left" mean? [Matthew 24:40-48, Luke 17:31-37]
2016-03-17 Matthew only for Jews: I've had people tell me that the gospel of Matthew, especially chapters 5-7, were only for the Jewish people. Is that true? (A lot of background noise during the call.)
2016-02-26 Perfection: What does Jesus mean to be "perfect"? [Matthew 5:38]
People Chastised for Good Works: Why are the people who say, "Lord, Lord" being chastised for doing good works? [Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21-22]
2015-07-16 "Who do you say that I Am?": Why did Jesus so say not to tell anyone about Him or His works? What were the disciples preaching since Jesus hadn't been resurrected yet? [Mark 8:27-30, Matthew 11:1]
2015-07-06 Church Discipline: Is there a difference between what Jesus & Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 5, about expelling a person, as opposed to "have nothing to do with them"? [Matthew 18:17, 1 Corinthians 5:13, Romans 16:17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, Titus 3:11]
2015-04-24 Joseph's Genealogy: Why did Matthew spend 17 verses talking about Joseph when he wasn't even related to Jesus? [Matthew 1]
2015-04-20 Adam & Eve's Children & Incest: How did Adam & Eve's children not have been in incestuous relationship when they got married, having children?
"You Do to the Least of These": Was Jesus talking to believers when He said, "When you've helped the least of my brethren, you have helped Me"? [Matthew 25:40]
2015-04-01 Sheep & Goats: When do we become a Sheep or a Goat? Wasn't David's son who died at 2 years old a sheep? Are we all sheep & become goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]
People's Level of Importance: Why is the President esteemed so much more than a garbage man?
2015-03-17 The Ceremonial Law & Love Relationship: One time Steve was differentiating between the ceremonial law & a relationship w/ Jesus & others, but what about Matthew 5:17-19? [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-03-17 Law being Fulfilled: Caller wanted to chime in about the law being fulfilled in [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-02-11 Binding & Loosing: Does binding & loosing have to do with more than just church discipline? [Matthew 16:18-19]
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