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Showing 16,701 to 16,750 of 24,212.
Date Topic Audio
2016-12-14 Race: Where does race come into play, caller wants to know? Where/when did it happen since we are all from Adam & Eve?
2016-12-13 Cremation: What does Steve think about cremation?
2016-12-13 Celebrating Christmas & Easter: We shouldn't just celebrate those 2 days, we should do it all the year long!
2016-12-13 Pangenderism, LGBT: What if you aren't willfully really sinning, being homosexual, LGBT, pangender, but are just confused, is that possible?
2016-12-13 Women Pastors: Is there any Scripture that talks about Women Pastors, Women in Leadership?
2016-12-13 Jesse Duplantis: Does Steve know anything about him, God has power to take human life, but doesn't have the authority to take them.
2016-12-13 The Narrow Path's Theme Music: Did Steve do his theme music or someone else or what?
2016-12-13 Walking in the Light: Can Steve explain, Walk in the Light, as I am in the Light"" [1 John 1:5-7], what that means practically?
2016-12-12 Daniel's Dream: Is it applicable to the church today & or was it already fulfilled? Are there differences of interpretations of the symbols? [Daniel 2 & 7]
2016-12-12 Harold Camping: Harold Camping predicted Jesus would return twice on specific dates, & even though he's dead, apparently he said we should leave the churches & just listen to radio.
2016-12-12 Ex-convicts/Drug Addiction: Some fear they might go to hell, not having complete victory over drugs. Even being addicted to coffee is bad (after break).
2016-12-12 Sabbath: What happens to the people who don't keep the Sabbath because we they had to work, & do we have to keep one at all?
2016-12-12 The method of Sharing of Gospel: The caller is concerned about what we share as the gospel, a born again experience, the blood of Jesus, instead of the Kingdom of God.
2016-12-09 Baptism: Is it necessary to get baptized to be a Christian?
2016-12-09 God Creating us: If God knew we were going to Fall, & He's complete by Himself, why did He create us in the first place?
2016-12-09 Being at Peace: How to make peace, have humility, [Mark 9]
2016-12-09 Interpreting Scripture: Prophecy is of no PRIVATE interpretation, Left Behind scenario nottrue, so why do they do it? [2 Peter 1:20]
2016-12-09 Holy Sprit's Role in Eternity: What will the role of the Holy Spirit be in eternity since we are already redeemed?
2016-12-09 John the Baptist's Baptisms: What was the purpose of John the Baptist's baptism if it wasn't the same after Jesus died?
2016-12-09 Disciples baptizing before cross: Did the people who were baptized by John the Baptist or the disciples have to get rebaptized after Jesus' death & resurrection?
2016-12-08 Love: What is love? [1 Corinthians 13]
2016-12-08 The Statue of Daniel 2: What does the Statue represent? What does clay represent? [Daniel 2]
2016-12-08 Marriage Problems: The wife has just completely shut down & won't even communicate w/ her husband & tell him what is wrong & he doesn't know what to do
2016-12-08 Red Letter Bible Christian: Caller's daughter is only a "red letter" Bible Christian, only wanting to do what Jesus said & not what the apostles said, especially Paul.
2016-12-08 Tithing: Are we supposed to be tithing in this day & age? [Matthew 23:23]
2016-12-08 The Binding of Satan: Caller differs w/ Steve about the binding of Satan & wants to discuss it.
2016-12-07 Glorifying God: How do you glorify God? How do you bear fruit? [John 15:8]
2016-12-07 The Book of Revelation: Can it be seen as a courtroom throughout the book? (general discussion of the various topics in the Book, letters, visions, 7 seals & trumpets).
2016-12-07 Gold & jewels described in Heaven: Even though man likes those metals down here, why would that be enticing for us? Just foliage of living green would be more enticing.
2016-12-07 UFO's in Scripture: In Ezekiel 1:4-15 is it talking about a UFO? [Ezekiel 1:4-15]
2016-12-07 Heresies in "Christianity Today": The Christianity Today magazine had an article in it called, "Our Favorite Heresies", & Caller thought it is was a little weird.
2016-12-07 Cain's wife: Where did Cain & Abel get their wives?
2016-12-07 Death - Presence of God or Soul Sleep: Caller doesn't think it makes sense that we go to heaven after we die since we are going to be resurrected when Jesus comes back?
2016-12-07 Eastern Orthodox Church: Praying for the dead, & praying to the dead?
2016-12-07 Prophecy: What is role of the spiritual gift of prophecy for today?
2016-12-05 Mormons: Are Mormons Christian, Christian heretics or a cult, & can they be saved if they are a cult?
2016-12-05 Unbelieving Wife/Secret Rapture: Wants to save my wife, make her have an interest in Jesus, & thinks the "Secret Rapture" would actually help her & so hopes he can stay behind & help her. He prayed for that. Was that wrong?
2016-12-05 Reincarnation: Caller's sister believes she can prove reincarnation from the Bible. Caller wants to be able to show her from a Christian perspective it's not true.
2016-12-05 Where the Body is, show will the Eagles Be: Caller wants to know what Matthew 24:36-44 is exactly talking about. [Luke 17:26-32, Matthew 24:36-44]
2016-12-05 Laughing Pastor/Strange Doctrines: Caller went to a convention, preacher started laughing, the whole congregation started laughing, why all this "strange doctrine" in the church?
2016-12-02 "In the world, but not OF the world": What does it mean to be "in the World but not OF the world"? [john 17:14-16]
2016-12-02 Father of Lights: Why is it plural "Lights" in James 1:17? [James 1:17]
2016-12-02 Partial info given in each Gospel: Are there examples where Jesus says additional information from what He says in one gospel like He does when talking about cause for divorce?"
2016-12-02 Tracts only havsing Limited Information: Caller concerned that there's not enough information in a tract on how to become a Christian, only saying a sinner's prayer.
2016-12-02 Jews vs Gentiles accepting gospel: Why does it seem the Gentiles accepted the gospel more readily than the Jews?
2016-12-02 King Solomon: Did Solomon die in his sins or climb out before he did?
2016-12-02 Hebrew Israelites: They believe Salvation is only for the Hebrews. What is a Gentile? Caller would like more evidence that the gospel is for the Jews also.
2016-12-01 Resurrection on the Last Day: Is the Resurrection on the last day for both the righteous & the wicked? [John 5:24, Rev 22, Daniel 12:2]
2016-12-01 Rulers Contradiction: Is there a contradiction between Hebrews 13:17 & 2 Corinthians 1:24 about submitting to others? [Hebrews 13:17 & 2 Corinthians 1:24]
2016-12-01 Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?