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Date Topic Audio
2015-12-10 Satan being bound, Jesus plundering his house: Isn't Satan doing the same thing to the church what Jesus is supposed to be doing to Satan, plundering it, destroying it, creating havoc?
2015-12-09 The Gospel of Mark: Have you ever heard the theory that Peter just dictated to Mark what to write, & do you think there's any credibility to that?
2015-12-09 Celebrating Christmas: comments about a previous caller about not celebrating Christmas.
2015-12-09 encouragement about guilt over a murder-suicide: I just wanted to call & encourage the man who had a guilty conscience about a murder-suicide his father committed.
2015-12-09 Forgiving Oneself: Is it biblical to forgive yourself?
2015-12-09 Anti-Paul Movement: There seems to be this anti-Paul Pharisee Movement going around saying that we can't believe Paul. What do you think about it?
2015-12-09 Forgiveness: Should you forgive someone who hasn't repented or asked for forgiveness?
2015-12-09 Tithing: Isn't it true that even in the Old Covenant they were actually giving more than 10%?
2015-12-08 Children going to heaven: Do children who die before the age of accountability go to heaven or hell?
2015-12-08 Norman Willis - Nazarene Israel (Hebrew Roots): Have you ever heard of Norman Willis, who believes in the Hebrews Roots Movement?
2015-12-08 Two Resurrections - Spiritual Resurrection: So you think there's no coherence to the 2 resurrections in Revelation 20? Why did it take 400 years to put the book of Revelation in the canon of Scripture? [Revelation 20]
2015-12-08 Christmas & Easter: How come you never say celebrating Christmas & Easter is a false religion? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
2015-12-08 Hebrews Roots & Christians: Just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not mean they are a Christian.
2015-12-08 Satan's Fall from Heaven: Why did Satan & the fallen angels fall from heaven?
2015-12-07 Taking the Lord's Name in Vain: Would I be wrong in offering my own name as a swear word instead of taking the Lord's name in vain like it says not to do in the 3rd Commandment? [Exodus 20:7]
2015-12-07 Chosen by God: Why should I ask for my husband to be saved if it's not necessarily God's will for him to be saved?
2015-12-07 Being led Holy Spirit....or not: Caller thought he was being led by the Holy Spirit but in after-thought doesn't think so, & thinks the things he told his dad caused him father to kill the caller's sister & himself.
2015-12-07 Sermon on the Mount: Was the Sermon on the Mount pre-New Covenant, or does it not come play until the other side of glory (or millennium)? But it's not for us today, is that true? [Matthew 5]
2015-12-07 Age of the Earth: What is the Age of the Earth? Is it young Earth (6,000 yrs old) or an old earth (millions years old)?
2015-12-04 Judgement: White throne judgment, & all these other judgments that Jesus talks about, you say they are all one & the same, but Dispensationalists like to distinguish the White Throne Judgment as separate, because we are supposedly not judged by our works. [1 Peter 1:17, Romans 2:5-11]
2015-12-04 This day you will be w/ Me in Paradise: What place was Jesus talking about when He told the thief that he would be with Him in Paradise, Heaven? [Luke 23:43]
2015-12-04 Contradiction in the Bible: In Acts 15 it said that even Gentiles couldn't eat meat sacrificed to idols, but the in Corinthians it says it's nothing to be worry about. Why is that? [Acts 15:20-21, 1 Corinthians 10:27-30]
2015-12-04 The Course in Miracles: What do you think about, "the Course in Miracles"?
2015-12-04 Two Witnesses: Who are the 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11?
2015-12-04 Woman of Revelation 11 & 12: Who is the pregnant woman of the last part of Revelation 11 & chapter 12?
2015-12-04 Fasting: How do you fast in private w/ when some people will obviously know? [Matthew 6:16]
2015-12-04 Paul after his conversion: Was Paul in seclusion from preaching after his conversion in Damascus for several years? [Galatians 1:15-24, 2:1]
2015-12-04 The Apostle Paul: Is it true Paul tried to preach in his own prowess at first, just trying to be intellectual, his own knowledge, but wasn't spirit-filled, & came out of Athens sort've deflated, but that in 1 Corinthians 2, he completely changed his approach to how he preached, to preach Jesus & Him crucified only? Is this true? [Acts 17, 1 Corinthians 2:2]
2015-12-04 Rabbi, Teacher & Lord: Did the disciples call Jesus "Rabbi" verses "Lord"? When did "Rabbi" or "Teacher" change to "Lord"?
2015-12-04 Baptism: You said that Baptism wasn't a REQUIREMENT for baptism, but I have some Scripture verses that contradict that: [1 Peter 3:21, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, John 3:5]
2015-12-03 "Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
2015-12-03 Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-12-03 Scroll & the 7 Seals: Isn't the Scroll & the 7 Seals more talking about the redemptive plan of salvation more than a judgment? [Revelation 5-7]
2015-12-03 God being a Spirit: Though God the Father is a spirit, does He have some type of spiritual body? [John 4:23-24, Matthew 18:10, Revelation 5:7]
2015-12-03 Praying: How do you pray for the same person over & over every day w/ out saying the same words every time because there's not many words to choose from, & being concerned, for example, about Jesus' admonition of "vain repetitions"? [Matthew 6:7-13, Luke 11:1-4, Luke 18:1-5]
2015-12-03 Appointed once to die: It says in the Bible that it appointed for us to die ONCE, so what about all these people who were resurrected? They weren't really dead? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
2015-12-03 Experiences from being dead: Did the people who were resurrected such as Lazarus talk about going to heaven (or hell) like people do nowadays?
2015-12-03 Near Death Experiences: Do you think people really have had experiences of being in heaven when they come back from a near death or death experience? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
2015-12-03 Near Death Experiences: Caller wanted to opine on previous call about NDE's also.
2015-12-03 Jesus ruling from the Throne of David: Is this passage of Scripture in 1 Timothy 6 talking about Jesus more than the Father? [1 Timothy 6:14-16]
2015-12-03 Dispensationalism & the Secret Rapture: So if the pre-tribulation rapture is true, & if there's an exact 7 years from then, then people would know when Jesus was coming because He said no one knows the day & hour, so how can the secret rapture be true? [Mark 13:32]
2015-12-02 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: What if a wife divorces her husband who HASN'T committed adultery? [Matthew 5:32]
2015-12-02 Mosaic Law: I think we should keep the law of Moses. What do you think?
2015-12-02 Peace & be not Troubled: What is John 14:27 talking about? [John 14:27]
2015-12-02 Theomatics: What do you think of the principle/theory of Theomatics?
2015-12-02 Israel Coming back to God: How are we supposed to know when Israel is supposed to be brought together?
2015-12-02 Modern Israel: Is Israel there because God worked it out?
2015-12-02 Modern Nation of Israel: Should I support Israel & leave what they are doing, right or wrong, in God's hand?
2015-12-02 Luck: What do you think about the "force" of luck?