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Date Topic Audio
2023-2-01 Jesus Not the Son of God: Did you say that there is nothing in the Bible that says that Jesus was the "Son of God?" [Luke 1].
2023-2-01 Abortion & Gay Lifestyles: How do you approach those that do not understand the Christian position on abortion and the gay lifestyle?
2023-1-31 Overcoming General Revulsion at Any Religion: How does one let go of the revulsion at all religion once you have had bad experiences in a Christian group? [1 Thessalonians 5:21].
2023-1-31 Hell in the Old vs New Testaments: Is it possible that the "Annihilation" view was true in the Old Testament, and the "Universal Reconciliation" view is true in the New Testament?
2023-1-31 Hell; Three Views: Is it possible that there could be a combination of the possible views (for the correct view of hell)? [John 3:16, Revelation 21:8, Romans 6:23].
2023-1-31 Hell: Do you think that the case is stronger for either of the alternate views of hell, over the traditional "eternal torment" view?
2023-1-31 Cloth Prayed Over: What do you think about the church giving my daughter a piece of cloth that was prayed over? [Acts 19:11-12].
2023-1-31 Finances (Charitable Giving): How do we know how much to send to whom (beyond our tithe)? Rec: Shepherd's Heart, Int'l (Cleveland TN), Christian Response Int'l.
2023-1-31 Moses & Zipporah: Could you clarify what is going on with Moses and Zipporah and when God "sought to kill him?" [Exodus 4:23-26].
2023-1-31 Helping in Homeless Encampments: I have been convicted lately about feeling I ought to witness to the homeless, but also that I ought not stop there. What do I do to actually help?
2023-1-31 Working on the New Earth: What will we be doing on the "new earth?" Will there be money?
2023-1-30 Assumptions Beyond the Bible: Why would people assume stuff that isn't in the Bible?
2023-1-30 Jesus' Sinful Nature: Do you think that Jesus had a "sinful nature?" [Romans 3:23, Romans 7:23, Romans 6:20].
2023-1-30 Enoch & the Church Removed in the Rapture: Could you talk about the common Dispensational view that the church will be removed in the rapture before the great tribulation, specifically in relation to the type of Enoch being caught up and the two witnesses? [1 Peter 3:20, 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Corinthians 15, Jude 1:14-15].
2023-1-30 Physical Healing in the Atonement: Is there physical healing in the atonement? Is it faith that heals us? Rec:Topical lecture; "Word of Faith"series-"Is Healing in the Atonement?" and "Healing on Demand." [Isaiah 53:4-6, Isaiah 1:6, 1 Peter 2:24-25, Matthew 8:17].
2023-1-30 Fornication-Prior to Marriage: Are there grounds for divorce if someone fornicated before marriage and didn't confess it until afterward?
2023-1-30 Re-Baptism: What about someone who was baptized, but wants to be baptized again?
2023-1-30 Nebuchadnezzar: Do you think that Nebuchadnezzar was converted to faith and was saved? [Daniel 2-3].
2023-1-30 Generational Sin or Curse: Could you help me understand the scriputures that seemed to contradict one another about generational curse (sins)?
2023-1-27 Law or Punishments Removed: Where the commandments taken away, or just the punishments? [Luke 12:13].
2023-1-27 Obeying the Commandments: Is serving God in the Spirit, rather than the letter, referring to same commandments as The Law? Is it applicable to us? [Romans 7:6. Matthew 7:12, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:31].
2023-1-27 Adam & Eve's Free Will: Did Adam & Eve have free will? [Genesis 1:26-27].
2023-1-27 Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Isn't it good for people to know the difference between good & evil?
2023-1-27 Husband Who Has Apostatized: How should I and my church proceed when my husband has left the Christian church and returned to the Bahai (Sufi) Faith-including teaching his faith to the children? [1 Peter 3].
2023-1-27 Calvinism vs Non-Calvinism: Can you give me your take on the difference between the non-Calvinist evangelical teachers (Billy Graham, Greg Laurie) and the Calvinist preachers (John MacArthur) and the freedom for all to come to Christ?
2023-1-27 Theist Evolution: Am I being too critical if I am concerned about our new Calvinist pastor who believes in "Theist Evolution?" Can you be a Christian if you believe that?
2023-1-27 Chosen or Predestination: Could the foundation of the world be well into Genesis 1? [Genesis 1:2].
2023-1-27 Mormon Prophets: Caller comments that scripture predicted prophets which validated them and there were no predictions for Mormon prophets.
2023-1-27 Bad Friends, Bad Influence: Should a husband require his wife get rid of bad friends who are influencing his wife to do bad behaviors (pornographic images)? [1 Corinthians 15:33].
2023-1-27 Webpages with Nude Photos of One's Wife: Is it grounds for divorce if a woman opened a webpage that has nude photos of herself on it as a money-making project?
2023-1-27 God's Forgiveness & Forgiving Others: Is forgiving others a condition for receiving God's forgiveness? How does that work? [Matthew 6:15, Mark 11:25, Matthew 18].
2023-1-26 Obeying the Law Today: Does this verse indicate that we do not have to obey the law or code? [Romans 7:6, Ezekiel 36:26, James 1:25, , James 2:8, 1 John 3:14, 1 John 4:7-8].
2023-1-26 Longevity in Genesis: Were the long lifespans in Genesis, unusual and particuarly for certain exceptional men?
2023-1-26 Shut Minds: Are some people so focused on science that they have shut their minds to anything of the Holy Spirit?
2023-1-26 Kingdom of God: Is there a distinction between being "saved" for eternity and being in the Kingdom of God, here and how?
2023-1-26 Salvation without the "Kingdom of God": Can someone be "saved" without entering the "Kingdom of God?" [2 Peter 4:1, Luke 19:10, Luke 19:17, Genesis 15:6, 2 Peter 3:9].
2023-1-26 Shriners & Masons: What do you know about the Shriners and the Masons? [Colossians 3:17, Matthew 5:16, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18].
2023-1-26 Job & His Critics: Was the agressive and accusatory statements of both Job's wife and his friends intentional or done in ignorance? [Job 2:8-9, Job 34:37].
2023-1-26 "Jesus"-The Name: Why would the name "Jesus" be changed from its original form "Jeshua" (Joshua, Y'shua, Yeshua) if it is so important as these verses indicate? [Luke 1:21, Philippians 2:9-10, Acts 4:12].
2023-1-26 BFS (Bible Study Fellowship): What do you think of "Bible Study Fellowship"?
2023-1-26 Prayer: Do you pray outloud or silently?
2023-1-25 Demons Helping to Build Solomon's Temple: Is it factual that demons were used to build Solomon's temple?
2023-1-25 No Idols or Images of God: Does scripture say that the reason Moses could not see God was because the people would've made idols of Him? [Deuteronomy 4:15-18].
2023-1-25 Student Loans Paid-off: Would you take student loan forgiveness, or any reimbursement?
2023-1-25 Church Counseling for Marriage: How should the church be helping and counseling us in our marriage, according to scripture, regardless of whether we are official members of the church? [Matthew 18].
2023-1-25 Marriage (Scriptural Direction): Could you help me figure out how to confront difficulties in marriage scripturally? Should we use Galatians 6 and Matthew 18? [Galatians 6, Matthew 18:16-17].
2023-1-25 Bondage of Egypt: Do you think the Hebrews 2:15 has any correlation to the Israelites when they desired to go back into bondage in Egypt? [Hebrews 2:15].
2023-1-25 Fear of Death: Would you explain this verse about the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 16:24-26].
2023-1-25 Corporate Confession: Is "corporation confession" a valid scriptural idea? [Daniel 9, Matthew 6:9-13].
2023-1-25 Preaching to the Dead: Could you explain this 1 Peter verse about preaching to the dead? [1 Peter 4:6, Galatians 3:8, 1 Peter 3:20-21].