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Date Topic Audio
2015-2-20 Let There Be Light & the Sun: What was the Light for 3 days before the Sun was created? [Genesis 1:3-5, 14-19]
2015-2-20 Babylonian Captivity: Caller has been reading in the book of Nehemiah & wants to know exactly how many times Israel was held in captivity by Babylon?
2015-2-20 Christian Morality in Law & Politics: Can you clarify Christian responsibility toward morality, law, and politics?
2015-2-20 God is in Control: Caller has never been worried about what's happening in the world, because God does what He wants. [Romans 13]
2015-2-20 Seven Spirits in Revelation: Who are the 7 Spirits in Revelation? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 5:6]
2015-2-19 Replenishing the Earth: Why does it say "replenish" the earth? That implies that something was there before. That's obviously true about Noah, but what about Adam? [Genesis 1:28, Genesis 9:1]
2015-2-19 Calvinism vs Arminianism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Arminianism?
2015-2-19 Cloning & DNA: Caller is wondering what Steve thinks about cloning with DNA, Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Isn't it demonic? [Ephesians 6:12]
2015-2-19 Intercession, Mary, & Psychics: Is intercession through Mary, like Catholics do, is that sort've like psychics talking to the dead, which the Bible forbids? [Deuteronomy 18:10-12]
2015-2-19 Divorce: The Catholic Church granted me an annulment, but I had 2 children, so does that mean they are considered illegitimate?
2015-2-19 New Jerusalem: Can Steve explain New Jerusalem & how we get in there, since it's at a different level than just heaven?
2015-2-19 Jesus Knowing who He was: When did Jesus know who He was? Did Mary have an understanding of who He was? [Luke 2:52]
2015-2-18 Let Nays be Nay & Yeas be Yea: What did Jesus mean by saying, "Let your nays be nay & your yeas be yeas"? Was He being strict, saying to be honest? [Matthew 5:37]
2015-2-18 Sabbath under the New Covenant: Is the Sabbath obsolete under the New Covenant?
2015-2-18 Having Assurance of Faith: Some of the things Jesus says is pretty difficult & caller is wondering if she's living up to what He wants. [John 6:37 Ephesians 5:5]
2015-2-18 Avenging our Blood & Beheading: Are the beheadings that happen in the last part of Revelation by any chance what they are asking about when they ask, "When will our blood be avenged?" [Revelation 20:4, Revelation 6:9-11]
2015-2-18 Jesus' Second Coming: What are the things that must still be fulfilled before Jesus comes back? Could He come back today?
2015-2-18 No Idols or Castings: Doesn't it say somewhere in Matthew about not having any idols, castings, so are we allowed to have jewelry of crosses, churches having crosses?
2015-2-18 Holy Spirit-Interpreting Scripture: Holy Spirit is somewhat subjective, but God Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, but some don't show evidence. [Romans 8:16]
2015-2-18 People Worshipping Themselves: It almost seems like people have made idols/images of themselves when they lose sight of God. [Acts 17:29, Romans 1:21-23]
2015-2-17 Judging: Caller wants all the verses she heard on a recent show about judging. [Matthew 7:1-5, John 7:24]
2015-2-17 Free Love: During the 1960s it seemed to go completely against the Bible, that if you hadn't had a sexual relationship before you were married, you were insane.
2015-2-17 King David - Polygamy: The other day the caller heard Steve saying how there was no specific commandment against Polygamy in the Old Testament, but he cites a passage in Deuteronomy. [Deuteronomy 17:16-17]
2015-2-17 Fellowship & Doctrines: It doesn't seem to be about fellowship, but it seems to be about differences (of doctrine) in the church nowadays. Why are we so divided?
2015-2-17 Interpreting the Bible: How do we interpret the Bible? Using the Bible for current Social Issues.
2015-2-17 Possible Fulfillment: Is Matthew 27:52-53 a fulfillment of Ezekiel 37:12? [Matthew 27:52-53, Ezekiel 37:12]
2015-2-17 Biblical Interpretation - Coming Messiah: What is the meaning of Isaiah 32:2? [Isaiah 32:2]
2015-2-16 Old Nature vs New Nature: So if you have the Holy Spirit in you once you accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior, what makes a person still sin? [Galatians 5:17]
2015-2-16 Holiness & Sanctification Process: Every 5 years the members of a church have to go through the process of elders asking them questions about their personal life.
2015-2-16 Governing of Man: The Government making up laws that are not biblical, is that okay?
2015-2-16 The Book of Philemon: Can Steve explain the book of Philemon, especially in relation to slavery, and also explain verse 6? [Philemon 1, Philemon 1:6]
2015-2-16 Head Coverings: A woman caller thinks her conscience is telling her that she should wear head coverings. [1 Corinthians 11:3-10].
2015-2-16 Head Coverings: Isn't the head covering the actual hair itself?
2015-2-13 Pastor's Family: Should the entire family (wife, children) of the Pastor be saved, or can they be reckless, just as long as he's saved? [1 Timothy 3:1-7]
2015-2-13 Pastors, Elders & Overseers: We hear about appointing Elders & Overseers, but what about Pastors? Ephesians 4:11 is the only place it talks about them. [Ephesians 4:11]
2015-2-13 Calvinism: You said that God wonders why people do bad instead of following Him, so, people can decide to do good or bad. What verses do you have that debunks Calvinism?
2015-2-13 Being Selected as an Elder: What is the proper way to be chosen as an Elder of the church? What about the laying on of hands when you choose people for leadership of the church?
2015-2-13 The word "quickly" in Revelation: What about the word, "quickly" on both ends of the book of Revelation?
2015-2-13 Jesus' Resurrection: What day of the week was Jesus crucified if He was supposed to not have risen until the 3rd day, which most people believe to be Sunday morning?
2015-2-13 Pastors: Is Steve suggesting that having one Pastor for a church is wrong?
2015-2-12 God Creating Humans: So God took a gamble by creating us, not knowing if we were going to pass the test or not of eating the forbidden fruit?
2015-2-12 Tribulation & Rapture: Are Christians going to go through the Tribulation or part of it before the Rapture happens?
2015-2-12 Calvinism - Repenting: If someone has the power to repent & another doesn't, doesn't that mean you are a better person than them or taking glory in your repentance?
2015-2-12 "The Way of the Master": What does Steve think of using "The Way of the Master" method in witnessing?
2015-2-12 Forgiving: Do I still have to forgive someone who never repents?
2015-2-12 Tithing: We still have to tithe, don't we, so what about all the other law & commandments of the Old Testament?
2015-2-12 Attire in Church: Does it dishonor God to come to church in casual clothing? Is it biblical or mandated that we have to come in our best clothes?
2015-2-12 Abandoning the Old Testament: Since we are no longer under the Old Covenant, shouldn't we just abandon the Old Testament altogether?
2015-2-11 Angels Ascending & Descending: Is there a record of this actually happening, Nathaniel seeing angels ascending & descending on the Son of Man? [John 1:47-51, Genesis 28:12]
2015-2-11 Binding & Loosing: Does binding & loosing have to do with more than just church discipline? [Matthew 16:18-19]