Doing the Will of the Father to be Saved:Do you actually have to do the will of God to be saved? [John 3:16, Matthew 7:21, I Peter 3:20, Acts 2:38, Romans 10:13, Matthew 28:18, Matthew 16:24-26, James 2:26, Galatians 5:6].
Struggling in Faith - About Hell:Could you help me with my struggle in my faith, trying to understand how God could arrange for so few people to be able to get to heaven, and the rest burn in hell forever and ever? [I Timothy 6:16, 2 Peter 3:9, Colossians 1:20].
Praying to Jesus:Do these verses seem to indicate that we should pray to Jesus, rather than to God? [I John 5:13, Ephesians 3:14, John 16:23, Revelation 22:20, Acts 7:59].
Book of Job Support of the "Word of Faith" Doctrine:Does this verse in Job (Job 22:28) support the "Word of Faith" claim that one can have what one wants? [Job 22:26-28].
Steve Gregg's View of "Inspiration":Could you clarify your position on "inspiration" regarding scripture? [Ephesians 3:1-6, 2 Corinthians 5:20, I Corinthians 7:40, John 13:20, Romans 15:28, Galatians 2:11-21, 2 Timothy 3:16, I Corinthians 1:14-17, I Corinthians 14:37].
Lucifer, Morning Star, Venus & King of Babylon:Could you talk about the translation of the name, "Lucifer", into "Morning Star", and its use for the King of Babylon? [Daniel 2:37, Isaiah 14:12].
Prophets Changing Focus:Could a prophet be talking about one subject and then suddenly completely change the subject without warning? [Isaiah 14:12-16].
Feeling Overwhelmed:Could you encourage me as I am feeling overwhelmed and am struggling, even after I put on the whole armor of God? [2 Timothy 2:3, Ephesians 6:10, Isaiah 40:31].
Grace & Power:How do we actually get the grace and power of the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 2:8, Romans 5:2, I Corinthians 15:10, I Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 4:16].
Tongues at Pentecost vs Later in the Church:Were the speaking in tongues at Pentecost the same as the tongues later in the churches? [I Corinthians 14, Jude 1:20].
"Mark of the Beast" & "Mark of God":Doesn't it seem like no one ever refers to the "Mark of God" when they refer to the "Mark of the Beast"? [Revelation 13:16-17 Revelation 14:1, Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Romans 6:16].
God's Sovereignty & His Destruction of Humans:If God knows everything, why would He create humans and then feel sorry that he did and choosing then to destroy them?
Last Event in the Bible:What is the last documented historic event recorded in the Bible and why do you think that there has not been more? [2 Timothy, Acts 28, Luke 19:41-44, Luke 21:5-6].
The Believer-Salvation & Sin:Do you concur with the idea that once you become a believer, you no longer suffer the penalty, power, or presence of sin? Recommedation: topical series "Content of the Gospel" [Matthew 1:21, Titus 3:5, John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
God Can Destroy His Own Soul:Can a person destroy his own soul, or is God the only one who can destroy the soul? [I John 1:9, I John 2:1]. (Same caller as first caller of today's show.)
Headcovering & Angels on a Women's Head:What does it mean when the Bible says that a woman should have her head covered and there are angels on her head? Recommended topical article on "Headcoverings". [I Corinthians 11:10-16, Genesis 6].
Last Days Relevance as a Witness:What is the purpose of the "Last Days" message of end times, and the relevance a witness to Christ, when it would be too late?
Does God Ever Condone Sin?:In light of all the different kinds of "wills" God has, does God ever condone sin in His permissive will? [John 8:59, I Thessalonians 4:3, Romans 12:2].