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Date Topic Audio
2021-5-21 "Total Depravity": Does "Total Depravity" imply that the unsaved can do no good thing, or is it that they can do good things, but still fall short of the glory of God? [Luke 19:16-25, Matthew 19:16-26, Romans 8:8, Acts 10].
2021-5-21 Different Levels in Hell: Are there different levels of punishment in hell? [Luke 12:47].
2021-5-21 Doing Perfect Things: Can Christians do perfect things?
2021-5-21 Extra-Terrestrial Life: Does the Bible allow for extra-terrestrial life? [Psalm 115:16].
2021-5-21 Stealing (Theft): What is worse, stealing one dollar or a million dollars? [2 Samuel 12:4].
2021-5-20 Right to Life-Abortion vs Capital Punishment: If I am against abortion, should I then, logically be against Capital Punishment (Death Penalty)? [Genesis 9:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2021-5-20 Jesus' Hard Sayings in Contrast to the Law: What do you think when it is said that the hard sayings of Jesus are primarily to show us how impossible it is to do well under the law? [Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 7:24, I Timothy 6:3, Titus 2:11].
2021-5-20 Abortion Options: Since women are often put in a situation where there are only two bad options for her, why isn't there more emphasis on avoiding pregnancy in the first place?
2021-5-20 Dispensationalist & the Millennium: Why do Dispensationalists put such emphasis on God needing a 1000 years (Millennium) to accomplish what He needs to?
2021-5-20 Middle Eastern Historical Sites: Is it not a concern that all these historical sites in the Middle East are being destroyed?
2021-5-20 Gift of Prophecy in the Church Today: What do you think about the gift of prophecy in the church today? [I John 1:4].
2021-5-20 Judgment Seats-"The Bema Seat" & "Great White Throne": Could you clarify if the "Bema Seat" and "Great White Throne" is the same seat? Matthew 25:21, John 5:28-29, Romans 2:5f, Revelation 20, 2 Corinthians 5:1-19].
2021-5-20 Arabs & Egyptians-Hagar, Ishmael & Islam: What is the evidence that Hagar traveled east, and the Arabs & Egyptians are descended from her? [Genesis 21].
2021-5-19 Abrahamic Covenant: Is the Abrahamic Covenant conditional, or is there evidence that it has been fulfilled? [Galatians 3, Psalm 2:8, Romans 4:13, Jeremiah 18:7-10].
2021-5-19 Anglo-Israelism: Does scripture teach "Anglo-Israelism" (British-Israelims)?
2021-5-19 Ephraim & Manasseh-Fathers of Many Nations: Has the promise that Ephraim & Manasseh will father many nations been fulfilled, or was it conditional? [Genesis 48, Ezekiel 37, Ephesians 2].
2021-5-19 Family Curses & Divine Counsel for Prayer: Have you heard of bringing prayer to a "counsel of divine judges" which may be tied to Genesis? He feels he may have a family curse. [Genesis 1:26-28, I Corinthians 6:3].
2021-5-19 The Didache: What do you think about "The Didache"?
2021-5-19 Palestine: Could you clarify what is being referred to when we talk about Palestine and the Palestinians? (Audio of caller is very, very poor.)
2021-5-19 Barnabas Suggestion; 6,000 years till Christ's Return: What do you think about Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas) suggesting that the return of Christ would happen after 6,000 years?
2021-5-19 Secret Rapture: What do you say to those that think "the rapture" taking place in secret, and why did Paul describe so many signs for it?
2021-5-19 Visible, Unmissable, Return of Christ: If Jesus was going to visibly come back, then why did Paul describe signs to look for, so that they would not miss it, trying to reassure any who though they missed it? [2 Thessalonians 2, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 4, I Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-5-19 Animals Killed for Adam & Eve: When God gave animal skins to Adam & Eve, does that actually mean, animals were killed, or could it just mean the clothes made from their hair without killing them? [Genesis 3:21]
2021-5-19 Contradiction in Chronicles: Could you explain why in scripture, it is recorded that there were no sons, but later mentions a son? [2 Chronicles 22:1, 2 Chronicles 21:17].
2021-5-19 Healing on Demand: What do you say to someone who says that every illness can be healed? Recommended lecture: "Word of Faith" Series-"Healing on Demand" & Healing in the Atonement". [Acts 3, 2 Timothy 3, 2 Corinthians 12].
2021-5-18 Hyper-Dispensationalism (Mid-Acts): Could you talk about "Hyper-Dispensationalism" (also called "Mid-Acts")? Is anything at the website on this? [Acts 14:22, Acts 20:24-25, Acts 28:30-31, Colossians 1:13, Galatians 1:8-9, Mark 10:45, Matthew 20:28, Luke 18:13].
2021-5-18 Delight in the Lord: Could you help me with the scripture promise when one "delights in the Lord", and if it is more physical or spiritual? Does this relate to Isaiah 58 [Psalm 37:4, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:25, Genesis 15:1, Luke 22:42].
2021-5-18 "The Truth Shall Make you Free": In regard to the scripture that says that "the truth shall make you free", can the truth be replaced with a lie? [John 8:31-32].
2021-5-18 Get Ready for Persecution: Do you think that we should be not continue preaching how to escape tribulation, rather how to endure, as we are called to be overcomers.
2021-5-18 Partial Preterist's Looking for Signs of His Coming: Do Partial Preterists have specific signs they think are indicating the coming of the Lord, as the Dispensationalist do? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-5-18 Satan Loosed: What does it look like when "Satan is loosed" in end times? [Revelation 20, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-5-18 Changing My Evil Heart: How do I, who has backslidden and feel that evil is deeply rooted, actually change my heart? Lecture recommended lecture; Spiritual Warfare & both books, "Empire of the Risen Son". [Romans 7, Matthew 26:41].
2021-5-18 John Owen's (Puritan): What do you think of the Puritan writer, John Owen's book, "The Mortification of Sin"?
2021-5-17 Husbands & Wives Sanctified by One Another: Would you explain the use of the word "sanctified" in this verse about husbands & wives? Would this concept be discussed anywhere else in scripture? [I Corinthians 7:14, I Peter 1:15].
2021-5-17 Old Testament Concept of "The Messiah": Did Old Testament Jews see "The Messiah" as the savior, or did they have more of a political view? [Luke 2:38, Micah 7:19, Matthew 1:21, Isaiah 53:6, John 8:32-34].
2021-5-17 "Love in the Spirit": What does Paul mean by, "love in the spirit"? [Colossians 1:8, Galatians 5:22, Romans 5:5, John 13:34-35, Matthew 7:12, I John 3:17].
2021-5-17 Healthcare & Vaccines: Is there a biblical basis for not wanting to take the vaccine because of the complexity in the balance of our body?
2021-5-17 Symbolism & The Millennium in Scripture: Caller disagrees with Steve about his stance on when to use symbolic or literal interpretation, particularly in regard to The Millennium. [Revelation 20, I Thessalonians 4:14, Revelation 11-12, Revelation 19, Psalm 50:10, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8].
2021-5-17 Witchcraft: How does one recognize if someone is secretly practicing witchcraft? And how would one pray against it or a curse? Recommended lecture: "Spiritual Warfare."
2021-5-17 Earth Burns Up: Where will we, who are alive when Jesus comes, be when the earth burns up?
2021-5-17 Pagan, Heathen, Gentile: What is the difference between, "pagan", "heathen" and "gentile"?
2021-5-17 When Jesus Comes-What's Next for the Christians Who are Alive: Will we see heaven if we are alive when Jesus comes? Will we go to heaven and have the marriage supper there? [Revelation 21:9, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 17, Hebrews 12:22].
2021-5-14 Chapter Headings and One's Conscience: What does the chapter heading have to do with conscience? [Romans 14:5-6].
2021-5-14 Eating Vegetables: What is the connection between eating vegetables and the reference to the time of day? [Romans 14:5-6].
2021-5-14 Gluttony & Lack of Self-control: What do think of a pastor who says that gluttons will not inherit the "Kingdom of God"? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:18-21, Matthew 15:11-20, Mark 7:15].
2021-5-14 Fear & Fearing God: Could you comment on whether fear means the same thing throughout the Bible, in regard to fearing God? [Ephesians 5, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 16:6, Acts 24:25, I Peter 1:17].
2021-5-14 Exposure to Dangerous People: What advice would you give for those of us who cannot evict dangerous people from our community, and no one seems to be trying to help us?
2021-5-14 Foot Washing: What is the significance of washing one's feet?
2021-5-14 Levels of Hell: What are the three levels of hell?
2021-5-14 Spiritual Gifts: What are the 7 spiritual gifts, and what about tongues at Pentecost? [Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Acts 2].