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Date Topic Audio
2021-5-12 Satan and Lucifer being the Same: Caller tries again to prove that Satan is being referred to in Ezekiel 28. Lecture recommended; Spiritual Warfare-Origin of Satan.
2021-5-12 Christians Who Support Abortion: How can true Christians support abortion? [John 4:24].
2021-5-12 Political Pastors: What is this movement of political pastors who only stir up anger on political issues?
2021-5-12 Humans Created to be Unable to Sin Could God have created us unable to sin, and yet still given free-will?
2021-5-12 "Seeing the Light": What does it mean when someone says, "I have seen the light"?
2021-5-12 Let "Us" Create Man in "Our" image: What does the word "us" mean in the statement; "Let us create man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26].
2021-5-12 Balaam's Prophecy in Numbers: What does this prophecy of Balaam's refer to in Numbers? [Numbers 24:17].
2021-5-11 Losing One's Own Soul: Are the different words used for soul & life in the text significant when asking what does one gain if they lose their own souls ? [Matthew 16:26, Mark 8:36].
2021-5-11 Temptation in the Wilderness: Regarding the temptations in the wilderness, are there four, rather than three, because of the difference in the two gospels? [Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13]
2021-5-11 Forgiveness of Others & From God: Could you talk about the dynamics and conditions of our responsibility to forgive others and God's forgiveness of us? [Mark 11:25, Luke 17:3, Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 5:19, I John 1:9, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 146:3-7, Luke 6:28, Matthew 5:44].
2021-5-11 Lucifer & Satan Controversy: Caller tries to make a case for Lucifer being Satan. Lecture recommended; "Spiritual Warfare-Origin of Satan." Continues after the break. [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-19, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:9-11]. (Steve continues talking about this subject after the break even though he doesn't indicate he was going to.)
2021-5-11 Confessing Sins for Forgiveness & Healing: Could you clarify the verse about confessing sins, prayer, anointing, laying on of hands resulting in forgiveness and healing? [James 5:14-16, Psalm 91:10, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10].
2021-5-11 The Controversy of the 3 Days in the Tomb: What do you think of my idea about why the 3 days for the resurrection doesn't really add up to 3 days? [I Corinthians 15:4].
2021-5-11 Past Tense Translation in "Giving of New Heart": Why do some of the translations indicate past tense when referring to the "giving of a new heart"? [Ezekiel 36:26].
2021-5-11 Abortion & Capital Punishment: If I am against abortion, should I also be against capital punishment? [Genesis 9:6, Act 25:11]..
2021-5-10 Comment on Slavery: Comment on slavery.
2021-5-10 Generational Sin: Could you explain the concept of "Generational Sin"? [Exodus 20, Exodus 34:7].
2021-5-10 Dual Covanent: Could you talk about "Dual Covenant", taught by John Hagee? [Hebrews 8:13].
2021-5-10 Saved Before Abraham: How could people be saved before Abraham? [Genesis 15:6, Romans 4, Galatians 3, James 2].
2021-5-10 Comment on Atheist Views: Caller comments on previous atheist caller and positions on evolution and abortion.
2021-5-10 Steve Gregg's Comic Books: How does one get copies of your comic books?
2021-5-10 Judas at the Last Supper: What do you think of the theory that the seating of Judas at the last supper may have had to do with Jesus putting Judas on the spot?
2021-5-10 Judas' Betrayal: Do you think it was possible that Judas betrayed Jesus in order to force Jesus' hand to become the military King Messiah that they were expecting? [Luke 22:3-6, Matthew 16:23].
2021-5-10 The Morning Star (Lucifer): Could you help me understand the use of the title, "The Morning Star" n (Lucifer)? [Revelation 22, Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:5, 2 Peter 1:19, I Thessalonians 4, Revelation 1:1, Daniel 2:37].
2021-5-10 Fig Tree Withers: Regarding the fig tree story, and the apparent contradiction of it withering on the first day or the second day? [Mark 11:12-25, Matthew 2:19].
2021-5-10 No Intermediate Species in the Fossil Record: Comment on the missing fossil records of an intermediate fossil records.
2021-5-10 Evolution: Since one can't live without any one of their organs, how to evolutionists explain the sudden development of them all at once?
2021-5-10 Jehovah Witnesses: Could you help me sort through some of the things that Jehovah Witnesses believe? Recommended lectures on the Trinity and on Hell.
2021-5-10 Heaven Before Judgment Day: How can we go to heaven before the judgment day, if we need to face the judgment? [John 5:24, 2 Corinthians].
2021-5-10 Satan and Lucifer Not the Same: Since I heard you say that Lucifer and Satan are not the same, how so?
2021-5-07 Atheist Objection to God's Judgment on the Wicked: How would you answer an atheist when referring to God's judgment and His perpetuation of war and annihilation of a culture? [2 Kings 19:35].
2021-5-07 Significance of A.D. 70: Are there lectures that go over all that happened in A.D. 70, as it seems to be very significant in your teaching? Recommended lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?" [Luke 21:20].
2021-5-07 Conservative vs Liberal Christianity: Is conservative Christianity more representative of the true Christian worldview than is Christian liberalism?
2021-5-07 Views of Marriage; "Egalitarian" vs "Complementarian": Could you comment on the "egalitarian" vs the "complementarian" view of marriage? [Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 5:21].
2021-5-07 Atheist's Defense of Abortion: Atheist caller objects to the Christian's view toward abortion and how it is unfairly characterized?
2021-5-07 Ethics of Slavery: Why didn't God make the first commandment; "You shall Not Own Other Human Beings"?
2021-5-07 Many Different Names for One Person: Could you help me sort out why Moses's father-in-law had so many names in the Old Testament? [Exodus 2:18, Exodus 3:1, Judges 4:11].
2021-5-07 Percentage of Prophesy in the Bible: As a Partial Preterist, could you say how much of the Bible is prophecy, and what is still left to be fulfilled?
2021-5-07 Steve Gregg to Temecula: Do you ever come to Temecula?
2021-5-07 A Baby Not Aborted: Caller shares her story of her mother choosing not to abort her for health reasons.
2021-5-07 Head of Household: Caller shares an illustration of a man's value in being the head of household.
2021-5-07 Steve's Chapter on Social Justice: Caller suggests others send Steve's new book, "Empire of the Risen Son", Volume 1, particularly chapter 15 on "social justice".
2021-5-06 Angels, Sons of God & Nephilim: What are the verses about about when Genesis speaks of angels, or the "Sons of God", marrying beautiful women? [Genesis 6:1-4].
2021-5-06 Zeal for faith: Caller relates to a previous call of people not having the same zeal of faith as oneself.
2021-5-06 Multiple Marriages in the Bible: Why didn't God ever confront David about his multiple marriages? [I Corinthians 7:2]
2021-5-06 Prophets to the Pagans: Did the prophets of God ever go and confront the pagan nations?
2021-5-06 Animals in Heaven: Will there be animals in heaven? [Isaiah 11:6, Isaiah 65:25].
2021-5-06 Theme Song for The Narrow Path: Would you tell me about your theme song ("Like Arrows" Do by Jon Marr-available at the website)?
2021-5-06 Moses Conquered Ethiopians: Did Moses conquer two tribes of the Ethiopians?
2021-5-06 Steve Gregg's Books: Steve talks about his books; "Revelation-Four Views", "Hell-Three Christian Views", "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1-"There is Another King", and Vol 2-"All the King's Men".