Those That Don't Want to Hear:How does one evangelize those that know about Christ and just don't want to hear about it? Recommended book; "The Kneeling Christian" by the Unknown Christian.
Partial Preterist View of Revelation:Could you share your Partial Preterist view on the book of Revelation and the four various views, particularly, about the fall of Rome and A.D. 70?
Fallen Angels & the Book of Enoch:Do you think some of what is written about fallen angels in 2 Peter and Jude, might have come from the Book of Enoch? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6].
Fruit of the Spirit & the Spiritual Gifts:Why am I not experiencing the of fruit of the Spirit, particularly peace and joy? [Galatians 5:22-23, 2 Peter 1:4, I Corinthians 13, I Corinthians 12:31, I Peter 4:10-11].
Hate Your Enemies:Was Jesus referring to Old Testament scripture when he said you have been taught to hate your enemies? [Matthew 5:33, Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:25-43].
Truly Saved:What do you say to someone who thinks it enough to say you have been baptized or confirmed in a Christian church? [John 10:27-28, Luke 14:27, Acts 11:26].
Holy Spirit's Coming:How do you compare when Jesus said, "receive the Holy Spirit" and the events of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? [John 20:22, Acts 2:4-8, Ephesians 5:18].
Jesus' Post Resurrection Appearances:Could you help me with the chronology of Jesus' post resurrection appearances? [Luke 24:49, Matthew 28:16, Acts 1, John 20-21].
Imprecatory Prayer:Did Jesus or his apostles ever pray" imprecatory prayers", and are we to do that today? [Galatians 1:8, I Corinthians 16:22, 2 Timothy 4:14, Revelation 6:9]
Distinguishing "Hearing" from God:How does one differentiate between thoughts being from God (hearing from God), or just one's own ideas because of our new heart? [Galatians 5:17-23, I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 2:16].
God Always Hearing and Watching Us:How does one know that God's eyes are on them and His ears are attentive to our prayers, as it says in scripture? [I Peter 3:12, Luke 12:7, Proverbs 15:13, 2 Chronicles 20:12].
Satan Loosed & 1000 years:Regarding "binding the strong man" and when Satan will be loosed, when is the thousand years (millennium) that is mentioned in Revelation? [Revelation 20].
Abstaining for Lent:How does one share a concern about abstaining from something for 40 days for lent, when we should be doing things right all the time?
Rapture (Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib):What do you think about the various views of the timing of the rapture (pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib)? [I Thessalonians 4:15-17, John 5:28-29, John 6:39-54].
Various Views of Hell:How does one deal with the verse about "the worm does not die" in regard to the various views of hell? [Mark 9:48, Isaiah 66:24].
Historic Premillennial View of the ResurrectionIn light of the Historic Premillennial view of the resurrection, how do you see them "coming back to life again" in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:4, John 5: 28-29, I Corinthians 15:51-52, I Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Righteous & Unrighteous Resurrected Together:Is there any place in scripture where the righteous and unrighteous are specifically raised together, in contrast to there being two resurrections? [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15].
Two Deaths & Two Resurrections:What do you think about the fact that there seems to be two deaths and two resurrections in scripture? [Revelation 20:5-6, Revelation 20:15].
Steve Gregg's New Books:Caller commends Steve's ministry and his new books; "The Empire of the Risen Son"-("There is Another King", Vol 1. & "All the King's Men", Vol. 2).
Paul "Under the Law":How does Paul become "as those under the law" when he is with them, clarifying the meaning of the Greek word being "in" rather than "under"? [I Corinthians 9:19-23, Acts 19].
New Apostolic Reformation & False Prophets:New Apostolic Reformation & false prophets seem to be supported in my church, should I look for another church?
Imputed Righteousness Availing Much in Prayer:Will our prayers be effective and avail much because of God's imputed righteousness? [James 5:16, I John 3:7].
Ornan, the Jebusite (or Araunah):Is there any more information about Ornan, the Jebusite (or Araunah) - who was he, and why was he not afraid of the angel ? [I Chronicles 21:15-25, 2 Samuel 24].