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Date Topic Audio
2014-4-07 Jesus Fighting Satan for the Keys: I've heard that during the 3 days of the death of Christ, that He fought w/ the Devil to get the Keys of Death & Hades. Is this true? [Psalm 16, Revelation 1:18 , Hebrews 2:14]
2014-4-07 David taking a Census: Why was God angry with David for taking a census? [2 Samuel 24:1]
2014-4-07 People in Heaven: Would God rather have people in heaven of their own volition or aborted babies in Heaven?
2014-4-07 Thomas Jefferson: Discussion about caller's disagreement w/ Steve over Thomas Jefferson not being a Christian.
2014-4-07 Forcing people to go to Church: Where does it say in the Bible that we should not force people to go to church, especially children? [Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 22:6]
2014-4-07 Getting Political: Right as the caller was hanging up, he quipped, "Don't get political on your show", & Steve spent a few minutes talking about politics.
2014-4-07 Fallen Angels, Jude & Genesis: Is there a connection between Jude & Genesis regarding the Fallen Angels? [Genesis 6:1-4, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]
2014-4-07 The new movie, "Noah": Are the "watchers" that were in the new movie, "Noah", biblical? (They talk about it for awhile, the 2nd question is asked, then they come back to this.)
2014-4-04 Augustine & Amillennialism: Is it true Amillennialism was influenced by Augustine?
2014-4-04 Calvinism: So we have no record of Calvinism pre-Augustine?
2014-4-04 Super-star Steve Gregg: Have you ever thought of becoming a superstar TV Preacher like a Joel Osteen or Joyce Meyer?
2014-4-04 Paul talking about the Resurrection: Can you please tell me what Paul is talking about regarding the Resurrection? [1 Corinthians 15:20-28]
2014-4-04 Modern Translations of the Bible: Caller was agreeing w/ most of what a speaker was saying, but then he went completely out in leftfield. A friend told him it was because he changed a few of the words, the meaning of them, & why is that happening w/ modern Bible Translations?
2014-4-04 A Morsel or a Meal: It's awesome that we can call you with a question, & get sprinkled w/ information or can dive into the ocean w/ your lectures.
2014-4-04 Olivet Discourse - End of the Age: What did the Disciples mean when they asked, "End of the Age"? The end of the world, Jesus' Second coming? [Matthew 24:3]
2014-4-04 Mental Illness or Demon-Possession: How do you know if someone is Demon-Possessed or if it's Mental Illness?
2014-4-03 7th Seal: Is the 7th Seal referring to the end of the world? [Revelation 8-11]
2014-4-03 The Rapture of the Church: So when Jesus come back, He's going to Rapture the entire church, right? [John 17:15]
2014-4-03 Discipleship & Obedience: We need to become a Disciple of Christ when we become Christians, is that not right, but some just want to make sure they stay out of hell, but shouldn't we be craving to learn about Jesus as much as can, & do anything He asks? Isn't a major part of Discipleship making more disciples of Christ? Why such a minority of people wanting to do that?
2014-4-03 Extravagancy: What if we are living way more luxurious than we should, instead of giving to missions? [Romans 14:4]
2014-4-03 Jesus Emptying Himself: What does it mean that Jesus emptied Himself & became a humble Servant? [Philippians 2:7]
2014-4-03 Conditional Immortality: He that is dead is justified from his sin, from what you gave in someone's answer about hell, you seemed to have changed your position a little bit. Is that true? [Romans 6:7]
2014-4-03 Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa seemed a little harsh to someone witnessing to a person on their deathbed.
2014-4-03 NIV: Able to learn much easier from the NIV, so it is profitable to use.
2014-4-03 Shall Not See Death: When Jesus said some people listening to Him would not taste death until they saw Him coming in glory, some say that is talking about the Transfiguration. Is that what He was talking about? Matthew 16:28, Matthew 17:1-13]
2014-4-03 The Dark Night of the Soul: Is the Dark Night of the Soul biblical or just anecdotal?
2014-4-02 Concerning the Election: What then is your view about Romans 11:28 where Paul seems to make a distinction between ethical Israel & this supposed spiritual Israel that you say Romans 11 is talking about? [Romans 11:28, Galatians 3:28]
2014-4-02 Future Salvation of Israel: Some of the Church Fathers taught a future salvation for Israel almost like Dispensationalists teach. [Romans 11]
2014-4-02 "Hellbound" Documentary: Have you ever watched the documentary called, "Hellbound"? (A discussion about hell pursues for awhile & then more about the documentary.)
2014-4-02 Trinity: What if a group disagrees about the Trinity of another group they want to rent a church building from?
2014-4-02 Predestination: Is our behavior predestinated? Are there any Scriptures that supports that?
2014-4-02 Unction - Anointing: What does "unction" mean?
2014-4-02 Goats & Bulls & Justification by Faith: It says that the Blood of Goats & Bulls never really justified the people of the OT, so how were they justified? Still by faith also? [Hebrews 9:13-10:18, Romans 4, 1 Peter 3:18-20, Romans 3:25]
2014-4-02 The (Secret) Rapture: Where are the passages of Scripture that talks about the Rapture, perhaps happening at different times? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Corinthians 15:56]
2014-4-02 Dispensationalism: How are people going to believe in Jesus w/ out the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to be a Dispensationalist & to believe that the Holy Spirit is going to come back after the Rapture after He's supposedly taken away?
2014-4-01 7 churches of Asia: If the Book of Revelation was written for the event of the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, why was it written to 7 churches in Asia, churches so far away from the main event?
2014-4-01 NIV BIble: What do you think about the NIV translation of the Bible?
2014-4-01 Medical Marijuana: What are your views on Marijuana for medicinal purposes?
2014-4-01 KJV & NIV: The NIV makes things clearer than the KJV sometimes (in reference to another call).
2014-4-01 Spiritualizing Scripture: When's it okay or not okay to Spiritualize or Allegorize Scripture?
2014-4-01 The Scroll & the 7th Trumpet: If your theory about the little scroll of Revelation 10 (& chapters 11-13) is talking about a sort've an "appendix" to Revelation, an interruption from the rest of the book, if that's the case, what about the 7th trumpet which is right smack in the middle of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 10-13, Revelation 11:15-19]
2014-4-01 Youth Pastor & Calvary Church: A caller called to just chat w/ Steve Gregg about living on the same property he had lived on, talking about being a youth pastor at Calvary Chapel, & wanted some advice on how to minister to the youth & brethren at the church.
2014-3-31 Death an Interruption: Would you say death was an interruption in our life?
2014-3-31 Inner Healing: What did you say about Inner Healing recently? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
2014-3-31 Tribes of Israel: Dispensationalist calls & discusses it w/ Steve Gregg, the Lost of Tribes of Israel. [Romans 9-11, Hosea]
2014-3-31 John Wimber Vineyard Church: What do you know about John Wimber & the Vineyard Church?
2014-3-31 Satan: How could God be mad at Satan in the Garden of Eden for tempting Eve if He created Satan to be the tester? [Genesis 3]
2014-3-27 7,000 men: How did God reserve to Himself 7,000 men who have not bow the knew to Baal? [1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4]
2014-3-27 Arminianism & Semi-Pelagianism: What is the difference between Armininianism & Semi-Pelagianism?
2014-3-27 Noah Film: What do you think of the new Movie coming out about Noah?