Eating the Word:Aren't we already "eating" the Scripture so why would we need to do that at the Eucharist…hence literally eating His body there. [John 6]
Apostolic Traditions Not Found in BIble:Is there anything from the church father's that talks about doctrines that the apostles believed that's not in scripture?
Private Interpretation of Scripture:Catholic church says there can be no private interpretation of scripture. What do you say about that? [2 Peter 1:20]
Holy Spirit gone from the Flood until Jesus:Did the Spirit of God leave humanity from the time of the flood until Jesus Christ, the dove leaving the ark & never coming back, but, returning when Jesus was baptized? [Genesis 8:12, Matthew 3:16, Mar 1:10, Luke 3:22, John 1:32]
Discrepancies about the Manna:There seems to be some discrepancies about the manna in the wilderness, Moses making manna happen from Heaven in Exodus, but then Jesus said Moses didn't in the gospel of John, & that they who ate it would live, but they died, but did Moses give them bread from Heaven or did Jesus? [Exodus 16:4, John 6:32, John 6:50-51]
Kingdom of God:Caller really enjoyed the lecture about the Kingdom of God Steve had done in WA state recently. (Steve just wrote a book about the Kingdom of God called, "Empire of the Risen Son", Part 1 & 2, October 2020)
Sons of God:We as Christians have authority as the Sons of God & our Father is our Righteous "Judge". We need to realize our authority over demons, our own sins & God's extreme love for us as His children.
The Dove, the Flood & Holy Spirit:The Dove never coming back because he had a place to land, & soon as Jesus got baptized, & His followers were going to start being baptized, the Holy Spirit having a place to go, is what the caller thinks. [1 Peter 2:20-21]
Witnessing to a Unitarian:Caller has been trying to share the gospel to a Unitarian, & he said it's all about love, but should I use the 9/11 tragedy as good example of non-loving event?
Genealogies of Joseph & Mary:Caller wants to give insight of Mary's when talking about the genealogies of Joseph & Mary, that you don't have to go by the term "son". [Luke 3:23]
2 Covenants, one for Jews & one for Gentiles:2 covenants, one for the Jews & one for Christians, do you agree? (Steve Gregg continues a few comments from this call after break.)
Splits in the Lutheran Church & Homosexuality:Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod & Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, all these splits, homosexuals
The 5-fold Ministry:There's a lot of talk about the restoration of a "Five-fold ministry" that is talked about in the Bible, so are the apostles & prophets still for today or going to happen in the future? [Ephesians 4:11]
Liberty & the Trinity:"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty", is that talking about the Trinity? [2 Corinthians 3:17]
Kingdom of God or just going to Heaven after you die:Preaching about getting to go to heaven or about being part of the Kingdom right now, discipleship? (the answer & the rest of the show garbled)