Image of the Beast-The Abomination of Desolation:Does Thessalonians reflect the same imagery as the "abomination of desolation"? [2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13]
Alcoholic Beverages for a Church Fundraiser:Our church is considering getting a alcoholic beverages license for a fundraising event, what scripture would you use to discourage it?
Darbyism, Dispensationalism in Denominations:Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches do not support Darbyism, correct? What do the Mormons think of Darby's view?
Justification for Withholding Sex in Marriage:Is it justifiable to withhold sex, if the partner is not loving, using i John 4:19 to justifiable? [I John 4:19].
Marriage Without Intimacy & Overt Anger:How do you handle marriage conflicts according to Matthew 18, especially when one partner is withholding intimacy or have a bad temper? [Matthew 18, I John 4:19].
Fruit of the Spirit:Are these scriptures referring to "fruit of the spirit" in Timothy and Matthew? [I Timothy 1:7, Matthew 13:8,Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 21, Isaiah 5:7, Ephesians 5].
Defining "The Gospel" & "The Kingdom of God":What is the gospel, and why is it "the power of God unto salvation"? [Romans 1:16, Mark 1:14-15, Exodus 19:5-6, Acts 1:6, 17:7, Colossians 1:13, Matthew 28:18, 13:31-33, John 8:31, Hebrews 4:12].
Life on Other Planets:Don't you think it impossible that there is life on other planets, because their redemption would require that Jesus die again, and scripture says He died once for all?
Science vs Scripture:Your earlier caller that doubts that Adam and Eve were not the first two people, would that not require Jesus to correct Genesis? Are we not to listen to scripture rather than scientists? [Genesis 1:1, Matthew 17:5, James 4:17].
Origin of Satan:If Satan was created to be a tester, then why would God send him to be tormented forever in the lake of fire, just for doing that for which he was created? [Revelation 20:10].
Sin's Annihilation-God Wins:If people live in hell eternally, then doesn't it mean that sin is never really done away with and God never really annihilates sin?
Divorce-God's Will:Do you think that God would cause a marriage to fail in order to get a woman to take her family off a pedestal and focus more on God?
Bible Translation Problem:Can you resolve the very unrelated wording in Hebrews and Psalm 40, where the words used for "opening an ear" are to equate to "body prepared", seemingly meant to come from the same text? How can that be? [Hebrews 10:5, Psalm 40:2].
Calvinists-Sodom & Gomorrah's Repentance:Would not the passage about Sodom & Gomorrah repenting had they seen the miracles in Jesus' ministry, a good argument against Calvinists position about the elect? [Matthew 11:21-23, 13:10-17, Romans 9:18].
Antichrist & the Papacy:Contesting Steve's position on the Antichrist not being a specifc man, but maintains that it is the pope [I John 2:22, 2 John 7, Daniel 7].
A True Disciple of Christ:After listening to your lecture, "Toward a Radically Christian Counterculture", I am feeling convicted about whether I am a real Christian-a true disciple of Christ-and am wondering that if my previous walk has been weak and compromised, where does that leave me? [Titus 2:10].
Calvinism, Sovereignty & Free Will:If Jesus died for everyone, and gives man free will, then what if no one chose to follow Him? Does this option not give man more sovereignty than God? [John 17].
Only for the "Lost Sheep of Israel":Why did Jesus say he only came for the "lost sheep of Israel" in scripture? Didn't He come for everyone? [John 10:37, Matthew 15:21-28, 8:5-13, Romans 1:16, Acts 10-11].
River Flowing & Splitting Mountain in Ezekiel:Are the verses in Ezekiel about the river "flowing out from Jerusalem" and the splitting of the mountain,literal or symbolic? [Ezekiel 47, Zechariah 14:4, 8, Joel 3:18, John 7:37-39, Hebrews 12, Isaiah 32:14-15].
Law & Government:Could you review a Christian's relationship to the duties of law and government? [Romans 13:1, I Timothy 2:1-3, I Peter 2:13-14, 18, 4:19, Colossians 4, Ephesians 6].