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Date Topic Audio
2019-10-15 False Prophets: Are Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons all false prophets? Will they go to hell?
2019-10-15 Sunday or Sabbath: Comment challenging that Christians kept Sunday as a day of worship and claiming evidence of Christians keeping the Sabbath. [Acts 20:7]
2019-10-15 Sabbath & The New Covenant: Caller states need for Christians to keep the Sabbath. [James 2:8-12].
2019-10-15 Similarity between Christians & Other Cultures Histories: What do you think about all the similar characteristics in Sumerian cultures and Christian stories, and how their stories overlap?
2019-10-15 Tree of Life or Knowledge: Sometimes the tree in the garden is call the Tree of "Life", and other times it is called the tree of "Knowledge"? Which is it? [Genesis 2-3, 2:9].
2019-10-15 Elohim-gods: Could you shed light on the passage Psalm 82:1 and those He called gods (elohim)? [Psalm 82:1,6]
2019-10-14 Church Order: What do I make of the description of the order of church services in scripture? [I Corinthians 14].
2019-10-14 Homosexuality: Caller just comments again on previous calls about original words used for man or mankind. [Leviticus 18:22].
2019-10-14 Creation-Gap Theory Would you share your thoughts on the "Gap Theory?" [Genesis 1:1-2, Jeremiah 4:23, Exodus 20:11].
2019-10-14 God Appearing: Would you tell us more about your personal experience with God appearing to you?
2019-10-14 Hank Hanegraaff: Do you and Hanegraaff disagree about some things?
2019-10-14 Experiencing or Knowing God: Would you share a real experience you have had that made you know that God was there?
2019-10-14 Intentional Sin Block Blessings: Do you think that intentional sin will block out one's blessings?
2019-10-14 End of Age & Day of the Lord: Are all the phrases, such as, "End of Age", "Day of the Lord", and "Day of Wrath", mean all the same day or time? [Matthew 24:3, Ephesians 2:7].
2019-10-14 Eastern Orthodox-The True Church: How does one respond to those that claim that the Eastern Orthodox Church is the true church?
2019-10-14 Education in the 1st Century: What was the typical level of education for Jewish children in the 1st century?
2019-10-11 Homosexuality: Caller comments on a previous call.
2019-10-11 Homosexuality: Discussion of original words such as "arsenokoites" translated as male or male child used in scripture relative to the topic. [Leviticus 18:22, Revelation 12:13, Romans 1:27, Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:28].
2019-10-11 Christians, Politics, Revelation: What do you think of the political views today that are overly influenced by a Christian's limited understanding of the book of Revelation? Do you think it can be dangerous?
2019-10-11 End Times-Partial Preterism: As a Partial-Preterist can I look at Revelation about a future world ruler, in ways other than in the future? [Revelation 13].
2019-10-11 Parable of the Wedding Feast: Do you think the parable of the wedding feast supports street preaching? [Luke 14:21].
2019-10-11 Sabbath: Can you point out scripture that indicates that the God removed his blessing from the seventh day? Is Paul a greater authority than God? [I Corinthians 14:5, John 13:20, Mark 2:27-28, John 7:17, Exodus 29, Deuteronomy 5, Matthew 12].
2019-10-11 Roman Catholics: Should we try to evangelize Roman Catholics, or should we accept them as fellow believers?
2019-10-11 Homosexuality: Why are you not more direct and tell people what I think?
2019-10-11 Salvation in the Old Testament: How were people saved in the Old Testament? [Genesis 15, Romans 4, Hebrews 11].
2019-10-11 Satan's Timeline: Does Genesis 1 indicate when was Satan cast out of heaven? [Genesis 1:1-2].
2019-10-11 Sabbath: Is the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday? [Hebrews 7:12, Jeremiah 31:32]
2019-10-10 Homosexuality: Steve continues on yesterday's call about homosexuality, wanting to comment further about the Hebrew & Greek texts. [Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Genesis 1:27, Numbers 1:2-3, 31:18, Galatians 3:28, I Corinthians 6:9-10, I Timothy 1:10, I Corinthians 5:19-21].
2019-10-10 Blessing Israel: Does the blessing still apply to us to day and should we then donate to Jewish causes? [Genesis 12:13, Galatians 3, John 8].
2019-10-10 Messianic Jews & Christians: Does the distinction identifying a Messianic actually divide rather than unify the body of Christ? Where did this all begin? [Galatians 2:14, 3:18, Acts 15, I Corinthians 9:20-23].
2019-10-10 God Allowing Satan to Approach Him: If God can not tolerate sin, then how can He allow Satan to approach Him in the book of Job? [Job 1-2, Habbakuk 1:13].
2019-10-10 Where Satan resides: Where is Satan? [Job 1:7, Ephesians 2:2].
2019-10-10 Obeying the Ten Commandments: Isn't The Ten Commandments still applicable to us today, setting a standard against sin? [Exodus 31, John 12:48, John 8:31, John 14:15, Hebrew 7:12, I Corinthians 9, Jeremiah 31].
2019-10-10 Masterbation: Is self-gratification a sin, if one is not lusting after another, other than your own wife?
2019-10-10 Open Theism or Does God Know the Future: What is your view of "Open Theism" and what convinces you that God knows the future? Could it be left undecided by God intentionally? [Isaiah 46:10].
2019-10-09 Homosexuality & Fornication: Caller asserts that being a homosexual is not a sin and the the original words do not mean what it has been interpreted to mean. [I Thessalonians 4:3, Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 5, Jude].
2019-10-09 Claim to the Land of Israel: Palestinian Jews and Arabs about the state of Israel and its secular
2019-10-09 Homosexual Marriage: Marriage today allows for homosexuality, so does that allow for homosexual activity within that marriage? [Matthew 5:32, 19:8].
2019-10-09 Prophets Today: Who doesn't believe that there are prophets today? [I Corinthians 1:7]
2019-10-09 Helping the Poor: Who is our brother & sister in the verse in I John that refers to helping those in need? Is it strangers, or fellow believers? [I John 3:9, 10, 15-17, Galatians 6:10, 2 Peter 3].
2019-10-09 Creatures in Heaven: What are the creatures in heaven & under the sea in Revelation 5? [Revelation 5:13, Psalm 19:1-6].
2019-10-09 Profiting from Ministry & Prosperity Doctrine: Do Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland make money off the Bible, and is that a sin? [2 Peter 2:1-3, I Timothy 6:5-10]. 09
2019-10-09 Charging for Ministry: Is it acceptable to accept gifts for ministry, if I don't actually charge for my service? [I Corinthians 9].
2019-10-09 Greater Works & Miracles: What does it mean by "greater works", when Jesus said we would do greater works than He did? [John 14:12-14].
2019-10-09 Bethel Church Influence-Pentecostal Gifts: I am attending a church that has begun to introduce much of the Bethel Church movement into their program. How should I approach this concern?
2019-10-09 Keeping Jewish Traditions & Holidays: Why would Jesus be offered up on Passover, rather than Yom Kippur? Can one actually keep the Jewish festivals and holidays accurately without the temple? [Romans 5:11, I Corinthians 5:7].
2019-10-08 Expository Bible Teaching: What is expository teaching and why is there so much variation on how deep the teacher goes?
2019-10-08 Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols: Did Paul restrict Christians from eating meat sacrificed to idols? [I Corinthians 8:10, 10:20, Revelation 2, Romans 14-15].
2019-10-08 Keeping Jewish Feasts: Should we be keeping the Jewish feasts, because of the biblical notation that the covenants God made were everlasting covenants? [Genesis 17:7f, Leviticus 23, Galatians 4:10-11].
2019-10-08 God Speaking Audibly: Why doesn't God speak audibly, since it would make it less nebulous?