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Showing 16,601 to 16,650 of 24,640.
Date Topic Audio
2017-4-05 Catholic are Christians: Catholic caller calls back re: some catholics are true Christians.
2017-4-05 Church Leadership: Are Elders, Bishops & Pastors all the same thing?
2017-4-04 Capital Punishment: Corporate Punishment going to a gentler, kinder kind of punishment.
2017-4-04 Universal Reconciliation: George w. Sarris about hell, are we going to be get out of hell eventually like he suggests?
2017-4-04 Philadelphia Church of God: The Philadelphia Church of God, world-wide church of God, can you explain about them?
2017-4-04 Paying Tithe: Going to Hell if you don't pay tithe, is that true?
2017-4-04 Territorial Demons: The Prince of Persia preventing prayer, does that mean territorial demons? [Daniel 10]
2017-4-04 Worldwide Church of God & Herbert Armstrong: Worldwide church of God no longer a cult.
2017-4-04 Capital Punishment (Spanking): Capital punishment (spanking) works.
2017-4-04 Upkeep of the Church: So what about the upkeeping of the church when you pay tithe?
2017-4-03 Wives Should ask their Husbands: I don't think you should answer questions from other men's wives because that's the place of the husband! [1 Corinthians 14:35]
2017-4-03 Differing Views of Hell Have you heard about George w. Sarris who wrote an interesting book about hell?
2017-4-03 Life Expectancy of 120 Years: God decreasing life expectancy to 120 years. Can you explain that? [Genesis 6:3, Genesis 11]
2017-4-03 Spiritual Meaning about River in Ezekiel: Is there a spiritual meaning to the river? In verse 7 why did he go back up out of the river? [Ezekiel 47:1-7]
2017-4-03 Total Depravity: sins of the world, total depravity, the Christian basics (calvinism discussion)
2017-4-03 Calvinism: Calvinism, predestination, election as opposed to free will (sort've a followup to previous question)
2017-4-03 Jesus fulfilling all the Jewish Holidays: Jesus fulfilling all the Jewish holidays, but weren't there still 3, so is He going to come to fulfill those last 3?
2017-4-03 Hardening of the Heart: Hardening of the heart [Matthew 13:15]
2017-3-31 God's Entering into Rest: God's entering into His rest, & we need to enter into His rest. [Hebrews 4:10]
2017-3-31 Transported Body or Out-of-Body Experiences: The Holy Spirit transported Philip? or Out of body experiences of Paul. [Acts 8, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2017-3-31 Sabbath, Other Holy Days & Torah Observance: Jesus broke the Sabbath? He was only breaking the "pharisaic" laws, according to the caller & other discussion about the Torah. (Long, long discussion.)
2017-3-31 Jesus' Atonement: Did Jesus save us from God or from the evil forces of Satan.
2017-3-31 Carcass & Eagles: What does this verse mean? [Matthew 24:28]
2017-3-30 Abomination Jerusalem: Could the Abomination of Desolation be in Jerusalem & what about the Man of Sin? [Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2]
2017-3-30 Discipleship: Cost of discipleship to follow Christ [Luke 9:57, Luke 14:26, Luke 9:23, John 3:36, Mark 16:16]
2017-3-30 A Torah Debate: A debate about torah observance for the last half hour of the show.
2017-3-29 Torah Observance Trend: A trend of people wanting to do Torah observance
2017-3-29 Memorializing of Dead People: Do we do too much memorializing of people who die?
2017-3-29 Buddhism: Buddhist calls to clarify what buddhists believe about the idea of sin is
2017-3-29 Eastern Orthodoxy & Rituals: Caller talks about the Eastern Orthodox Church & so much Ritualism.
2017-3-29 Flat Earth: Flat Earthers.
2017-3-29 Hell, Hades & the Lake of Fire: What is the difference between hell, hades & the lake of fire?
2017-3-29 Jesus' Death: Where did Jesus go when He died? Hades?
2017-3-29 Worshipping & Sacrifice during the Millennium & Keeping of Sabbaths: Worship & sacrifice during the millennium & the keeping Sabbaths & festivals in the future. [Jeremiah 14, Isaiah 66]
2017-3-29 Jesus Returning in 70 AD: so Jesus came back in 70 A.D. then?
2017-3-29 Aaron & the Golden Calf: Aaron seemed to get leniency for the golden calf, what's up w/ that? [Exodus 32-34]
2017-3-27 Buddhist & Christianity: a buddhist caller talks about his differences between buddhism & Christianity
2017-3-27 Calvinism: Trying to understand the system of beliefs about Calvinism.
2017-3-27 Gifts of the Spirit Continuing: Do you believe in the continuation of the gifts, & so how do I know when to lay hands on somebody & pray for healing?
2017-3-27 John taking care of Mary, Jesus' Mom: Did Mary live w/ john in Ephesus after Jesus died? [John 19:27]
2017-3-27 Coast to Coast type Call: strange call about weird phenomenon, & steve just ended up telling her she needed to call "coast to coast"
2017-3-27 Open Theism: What was the doctrine called where God doesn't know all the future?
2017-3-27 Communion-Eucharist: What are main differences in the communion/eucharist between the catholic church & the protestant church?
2017-3-24 Bible Writers being in a Trance & an Flat Earth: Were the Bible authors (paul) in a trance-like state? flat earth inquiry
2017-3-24 Overcoming Trials: Can you give me some verses that will encourage me w/ the trials that I've been going through the last 3 months?
2017-3-24 Baptism for the Dead: What does paul mean about baptism for the dead? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
2017-3-24 Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs that are millions of years old?
2017-3-24 Living Together Before Marriage: What's wrong w/ people living together before they get married? Why do they have to do it publicly? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]
2017-3-24 Canon of Scripture: Were books left out of the Bible that should've been there?
2017-3-24 Daniel During Fiery Furnace: Where was daniel when shadrach, meshach & abednego were told to bow down before the image? [Daniel 3]