Satan a Fallen Angel:I have a friend telling me that Satan was Lucifer & is a fallen angel, but I can't find it anywhere in the Bible. Can you tell me where I might find it? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:3-4]
God Testing Abraham with Isaac:Unbelievers want to know how God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac was a moral test? (Steve's connection gets interrupted but he is able to finish answer.)
"I am that I am":(same person as first caller) "I am that I am", can Steve please explain that expression? [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 43:13, Isaiah 46:4] (The verse Steve Couldn't find during the live show was Isaiah 43:13]
Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage:After reading the Bible about marriage, adultery & divorce, caller is wondering if she's allowed to be remarried. [Matthew 5:38]
Taking the Mark of the Beast Literally:Caller takes Mark of the Beast literally & wants to know what Steve Thinks about that idea. [Revelation 13:16-17]
The Sabbath:Caller wants to rebutt some of the thigns Steve said about the Sabbath: God rested on it, the command was to all people, not just Jews, Jesus replaced ceremonial law only & the reason it's not mentioned in the New Testament is because it was just a given.
Scott Hawn, Elders & Priests:Have you ever heard of Scott Hawn? He says you have to call on the PRIESTS, not elders, to heal the sick. What do you say to that? [James 5]
Calvinism & Total Depravity:Can you please explain the point of Calvinism about total depravity, what exactly that means, & how it differentiates from what you believe?
John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus:Why did John the Baptist need to baptize Jesus since he was baptizing for Repentance & Jesus didn't require repentance?
Ethiopian Bible:What would you say to people who say the Ethiopian Bible was written way before the Christian Bible came out, so Christianity is just a copy of that?
Steve Explaining His Current Experiences in Africa:Steve is live from Cameroon, Africa, & explains a little bit about being there, & internet access, no electricity or water & so on.
Laying Hands Suddenly on No Man:"Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure", what exactly is this saying? [1 Timothy 5:22]
Recommending Documentaries:Caller highly recommends another documentary after Steve recommended a documentary called, "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus", called, "Star of Bethlehem".
Pastor not accepting Constructive Criticism:Our church is sort've isolated from the community, so when the pastor was talking about individuals isolating themselves from each other, I mentioned about our church as a body doing that from the rest of the community, & he said I was being critical. How should i have handgled?
Dwarfs, Hunchbacks & Defects in the Eye:So people who are dwarfs, have hunchbacks or defects in their eye, they were less of a person than everyone else & couldn't go into the Temple? Can you please explain this because my daughter is a dwarf, & I've hesitated to mention this passage of Scripture to her. [Leviticus 21:16-23]
Being Tolerant or having Righteous Anger:How do we draw the balance between having tolerance for people's behaviour & have righteous indignation about it?
Shout out about the documentary about Benghazi called 13 Hours:shout out to 2 people who were on the Kelly Files on Fox News the night before re: Benghazi & the movie 13 hrs.