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Date Topic Audio
2023-10-09 Israel & Current Military Events: Atheist Caller: From the Christian view, what role does Israel's current military situation play?
2023-10-09 Zionism and the Wailing Wall: Atheist caller: What is "Zionism?" Are you a Zionist? What about the Wailing Wall? [Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, Zechariah 14:1ff, Luke 19:41-44, Matthew 24:1-2].
2023-10-09 Pray to Whom?: To whom are we to pray? [John 10:30, Hebrews 9:11-15, Ephesians 6:18, John 16:23, John 16:26, Matthew 6:9-13, Acts 4:24, Ephesians 3:14, Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20].
2023-10-09 Eucharist-Literal Body & Blood: Could you clarify the Catholic view of the literal body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist? [John 6:53-58, John 6:40, John 6:54, John 6:63, John 2:19, John 4:15-16, Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:22-24, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, Isaiah 30:20-21, John 11:11, John 4:32, John 3:4].
2023-10-09 Book of Enoch: Because the Bible references the Book of Enoch, is there any benefit (or harm) in reading it? [Jude 1:6, Jude 1:14-15, 2 Peter 2:4].
2023-10-06 Narcissism & the Enemy: Was my narcissist ex the enemy, or was Satan really using him, making him the enemy? [Matthew 5:43-45].
2023-10-06 The Gift of the Holy Spirit: The gift of the Holy Spirit can be rejected or accepted.
2023-10-06 Dispensationalism: What is "Dispensationalism" and do you think it is valid? Rec: "Deconstructing Dispensationalism (YouTube) and website: When Shall These Things Be?" and "What Are We to Make of Israel?"
2023-10-06 Steven Bancarz (Former New Ager): What do you know about the former New Ager, Steven Bancarz? Rec: YouTube
2023-10-06 Timeline of the Last Supper & Passover: Could you help me with the timeline of the Last Supper? [John 18:28].
2023-10-06 Flat Earth (Defense): Can I share three points as to why knowing that the earth is flat is important to my faith?
2023-10-06 The Lives of the Twelve Apostles: Beyond Acts, is there additional reliable information about the lives of the rest of the apostles and what happened to them? Rec: "The Search for the Twelve Apostles" by William Steuart McBirnie
2023-10-06 Thomas & Nathanael (Bartholomew): Do you think that Thomas and Nathanael (Bartholomew) went to India? [Galatians 2:9, 1 Peter 1:1].
2023-10-06 Offering "Blessings": Can you help me with the meaning of the word "bless" in Hebrews 7 about Melchizedek and how one would bring blessings to the Lord? [Hebrews 7:7, Psalm 63:4, Matthew 5:3-12].
2023-10-06 Flat Earth (Conspiracy): Regarding "flat earth," isn't reasonable to present extra-biblical material to argue against extra-biblical claims? Caller comments against "flat earth."
2023-10-06 Christians in Politics: Should Christians be involved in politics? [Isaiah 42:4].
2023-10-05 Withdrawal from Drugs, Alcohol & Nicotine: Are the physical problems (itching) I am experiencing a result of the withdrawal from drugs, alcohol, and nicotine, or is it a spiritual attack?
2023-10-05 "Teacher" or "Father" (Using Titles): Was the directive to not call anyone "father" or "teacher" ("rabbi") only relevant to the time in which He was speaking, but now we can now call our teachers by their title? [Matthew 23:9, 1 Corinthians 4:15].
2023-10-05 Fruit of the Spirit's Development: Does developing the "fruit of the spirit" take a long time, or can they be evident immediately. Reference to "Spirit-led Living In An Upside-down World, by Stephen E. Strange. [Romans 5, James 1, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2023-10-05 Hell's Origin: If hell was created by God, then is it a "good" place?
2023-10-05 Belief (Before or After Salvation): Is "belief" a result of salvation? [Matthew 16:24, Matthew 1:21, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14].
2023-10-05 Grind to Powder: Could you talk about Matthew 21:41 and Luke 20:18 about the "stone grinding to powder?" [Matthew 21:41, Luke 20:18, Isaiah 8:14-15, Daniel 2:44].
2023-10-05 Pre-Trib Rapture & Premillennialism: Can you premillennial and believe in the pre-trib rapture, but not be Dispensational?
2023-10-05 Premillennial View: Are you familiar with the book, "Theocratic Kingdom" by George Peters, and his view of the millennium?
2023-10-05 Nicean Creed: Is the Roman Catholic Church responsible for the Nicean Creed?
2023-10-05 Ethnicity of the Gentiles: Regarding Jewish ethnicity, could you comment on the meaning of Jeremiah 16? [Jeremiah 16:19].
2023-10-05 Sinful Condition of Man: Does this verse in Job about man being "born to trouble" indicate that man has a naturally sinful condition? [Job 5:6-7].
2023-10-04 Boring Christianity: Why do you suppose people seem to get bored with Jesus and the faith, adding more to it? [Revelation 2:10, 1 Peter 2:11].
2023-10-04 "Giving a Word": Do you think I was being unnecessarily concerned if I wanted to move to a private place when someone wanted to "give me a word?"
2023-10-04 God as an Angel: Is God an angel? Or can He be an angel? [Acts 7:30, Exodus 3-4].
2023-10-04 Man of Sin: Why don't you think that the events surrounding the Man of Sin and the "little season" of Revelation 20 and 2 Thessalonians 2 are the same event?
2023-10-04 Defining Christianity: Caller: If Christianity is all about the conspiracies and such that seem to be promoted these days, I am not sure I want it anymore. [1 Corinthians 5:12].
2023-10-04 Jack Hibbs: Do you think going to Jack Hibbs' church would be acceptable? [YouTube; Jack Hibbs/ Steve Gregg.
2023-10-04 Tongues: Are tongues two kinds of tongues; one that doesn't need interpretation? [1 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 14:13].
2023-10-04 Atheist Caller: Apostasy: Atheist caller: Are those who fall away (like me) really wimps or have they just decided that they have other beliefs?
2023-10-04 Atheist: Intelligent Apostasy: Atheist caller: Can someone make an intelligent decision to leave the faith?
2023-10-03 Unoffensive Evangelism: How should I approach evangelism if I hope not to offend? [1 Peter 4:4].
2023-10-03 Applying the "Forgiveness" Teachings of Jesus: What do you think about the necessity of applying New Covenant teachings about forgiveness in light of Jesus' teaching under the Old Testament? [1 John 4:20-21, Matthew 12:8, Matthew 15:11-20, Matthew 9:10-11, Matthew 11:19, Matthew 21:31-32, Luke 7:34].
2023-10-03 Verses Missing from Oldest Manuscripts: How do I teach the verses in 1 John that were not in some of the older manuscripts? [1 John 5:6-8, Romans 8:16-19, John 12:28-36, John 19:33-34, John 3:5].
2023-10-03 Your "Brother": Who is "your brother?" [Galatians 6:10, Proverbs 12:10, Luke 10:29-37].
2023-10-03 Jesus, Confucious & Buddha: What are the differences between Christianity and all the other religions, particularly in how is Jesus different than Buddha or Confuscious?
2023-10-02 The Thief on the Cross in "Paradise": In the story of the thief on the cross, where was "paradise?" [Luke 23:42-43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Acts 2:31].
2023-10-02 The Millennium (1000 years): If "the millennium" is understood as the church age, does it have any boundaries? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Matthew 12:29].
2023-10-02 Spiritual Warfare Post Death: After we die, will we be active participants in spiritual warfare?
2023-10-02 Holiday Celebrations: Should Christians participate in Holiday celebrations, since they are associated with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, etc.?
2023-10-02 Hell's Origin or Location: Is hell a "created" place, or is it "uncreated?"
2023-10-02 God Created a Liar: How can God create a being that can lie, if God Himself cannot lie? [John 8:44, Hebrews 6:18].
2023-10-02 Hell-Contradiction of God: Is it a contradiction of God's love to create hell to be a place of eternal conscious torment? Rec: topical lectures on Three Views of Hell or Steve's book on Hell.
2023-10-02 Theme Song (for The Narrow Path): Is there a downloadable file for your theme song? Go to the website and look under the "Resources & links" tab. The song, by John Marr, is called "Like Arrows Do" and is on YouTube.
2023-10-02 Predestination: What is your position on "predestination" and why do you hold it? [Romans 8:29, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:21-23, 1 John 3:2, Philippians 3:21].