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Date Topic Audio
2022-10-07 Jewish Denial of the Resurrection: How did the Jewish people deal with the miracle of the resurrection? [Matthew 28:11-13].
2022-10-07 Elijah's Ministry: Caller recommends that Michael, the Buddhist, study the story of Elijah, and the raising of the widow's son. [I Kings 17:17-24].
2022-10-07 Giving Up Your Salvation for Another: What do you think about the idea of giving up one's own salvation for others to be saved? [Romans 9:3].
2022-10-07 Serving and Good Works: What are the "good works" being referred to in scripture? Is it serving as deacons and such? [Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14].
2022-10-07 "The Golden Rule": Are verses 13 & 14 actually part of the passage reflecting "The Golden Rule?" [Matthew 7:12-14, Philippians 2:4, Romans 12:10, Romans 13:10, Galatians 5:14, Ephesians 5:2].
2022-10-06 Apostasy after Rebirth: How could one become "unborn" after being "born again?" [Hebrews 3:12, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, I John 5:11-12, John 15].
2022-10-06 Defining "Christianity" and "Born Again": Caller disagrees that "following Jesus" is what defines Christianity rather than being "born again." Once one is "born again", they cannot be "unborn." [Acts 11:26, Matthew 7:21, Luke 14:33, Matthew 7:21, John 8:31].
2022-10-06 William Branham & the Restoration Movement: Could you talk about William Branham's "Restoration Movement?" [Ephesians 4:11, Ephesians 2:20, I Corinthians 12:28].
2022-10-06 Interpretation of Tongues: Regarding the guidance given for speaking in tongues in church, how does one know if there is an gifted interpreter present? [I Corinthians 14:13, I Corinthians 14:27-28]
2022-10-06 "Losing" One's Salvation: Can I make an opposing case about "eternal security" and that those that "fall away" were never really saved and get your response? [I John 2:19, Romans 5:1, Romans 8:30, Jude 1:24, Romans 8:29-30, Romans 10:9, Romans 5:1, Acts 16:31, I Corinthians 6:20, I Thessalonians 4:3, 2 Timothy 2:11-13].
2022-10-06 Living in Obedience: Why do we keep talking in ways that seem like we are trying to get out of obediently serving the living God? [Deuteronomy 30:19, Luke 6:46, I Corinthians 6:20].
2022-10-06 Christmas Trees: Is having Christmas trees in our homes going against scripture? [Jeremiah 10:3-4, Isaiah 44:14-20].
2022-10-06 "Born Again": Were you minimizing being "born again" in an earlier call? [John 3:3].
2022-10-05 Disagreeing Caller-No Need to Continue to Ask for Forgiveness: Do we need to continue to ask for forgiveness-since we have already been forgiven? [Hebrews 9:17, Hebrews 17, Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 10:29, I John 1:7, Colossians 3:13, Mark 11, Matthew 18:21-35, I John 1:8-9, I John 2:12-14].
2022-10-05 Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."
2022-10-05 Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
2022-10-05 Sunday Worship & the Ten Commandments: When someone indicated that I worship on the wrong day (Sunday), would be shocked how Sunday became our day of worship, and questioned whether I believed the Ten Commandments-I wasn't sure how to respond. [Hebrews 8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:6-7, Romans 14:5, Acts 20:7, Acts 2:46, Romans 9:5]. Topical lecture recommended; "Torah Observance."
2022-10-05 Sharing with Jehovah Witness: Are there any specific scriptures you would suggest I share with a Jehovah Witness? [John 1:1, Revelation 1:8-11, Revelation 1:17-18, Revelation 22:13-16]. Recommended: Topical lecture; "Knowing God; Trinity and Deity of Jesus".
2022-10-05 Church Membership: Can you respond with some scripture that supports the idea of becoming a member of a local church? [I Corinthians 1:12-17].
2022-10-04 Deny Yourself-Take Up Your Cross: Does the verse " deny yourself. Take up your cross and follow me" mean that it is required for salvation? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23, Luke 6:40].
2022-10-04 Caller Question's Steve's Ministry: Caller shares her concern about Steve being condemning of a caller suggesting his response was unloving and not Christ-like. [James 3:1, I Peter 4:11, I John 4:1-6].
2022-10-04 Christians and Their Vote: Caller disagrees with a previous caller about his stance discouraging Christian's to vote.
2022-10-04 Demons Clairvoyant: Is Satan and his demons clairvoyant or psychic-or possibly omniscient?
2022-10-04 Feeling Condemned: Satan and his demons love to make us feel condemned and guilty, right? [I John 3:20-21].
2022-10-04 Satan's Making of Hell: Have you ever heard the doctrine that Satan and the other fallen angels actually created hell? [Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10].
2022-10-04 Parallel between Christianity & Hinduism: Have you ever looked into Hinduism and its parallels to Christianity?
2022-10-04 Encouragement to Steve & Importance of Truth: Caller encourages Steve's ministry, and his statements about condemnation. "Truth without love is harsh, but love without truth is weak."
2022-10-04 Baptism: Do you think that the scripture "no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit" is about water baptism? [John 3:5].
2022-10-03 "Glad in it": What does it mean to be "glad in it" in Psalm 18? [Psalm 18:24].
2022-10-03 Voting & Politics for Christians: Caller suggests that the Bible doesn't support that we vote and should avoid politics altogether. [I Samuel 8:4-6, 2 Chronicles 32, Revelation 12:7-9, I Timothy 5:22, James 2:16, Luke 4:6, Revelation 11:15].
2022-10-03 "Wheat & Tares" & "Ezekiel's Temple": Could you comment on what Dispensationalist's believe about the "Wheat & Tares" parable and the rebuilding of the temple? [Matthew 13].
2022-10-03 Divorce or Separation: Caller shares her pastor's insight about separation and divorce in scripture. Recommended; topical article on Marriage. [Matthew 7:31-32]..
2022-10-03 "Iniquity" Forgiven in New Testament: How can iniquity be forgiven in the New Testament? [Matthew 7:23, Acts 13:39, Psalm 51:17].
2022-10-03 Salvation for All: How many people in the Christian religion are really saved? [Romans 4:21, Romans 14:14-18, Romans 14:4].
2022-9-30 "Hand of God": What is the "hand of God" in I Peter 5? Is it the "five-fold" ministry? [I Peter 5:6, Ephesians 4:11, I Peter 1:6-8, Psalm 95:7].
2022-9-30 Tithing vs Giving: Shouldn't we still give to the local church we are attending, even if we do not believe we are under an obligation to tithe? [I John 3:17, James 2:16, Galatians 6:6, I Corinthians 9:14, Acts 4:37, Acts 2:44-46].
2022-9-30 "In" Christ: Would explain what it means to be "in" Christ? [I Corinthians 12:12, John 15, Ephesians 3:15].
2022-9-30 The Life of Christ & the New Covenant: Would it not be helpful to begin the New Testament with the Book of Acts since Jesus had not yet died in order to fully initiate the New Covenant? [Mark 1:15, Galatians 4:4].
2022-9-30 Promises to Israel Fulfilled in Christ: When will Christ return to "rule with a rod of iron?" [Revelation 2:27, Revelation 19:15, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Romans 8:19-23, Revelation 20].
2022-9-30 Steve Gregg-False Teacher: My pastor thinks you are a false teacher because of your eschatology?
2022-9-29 Gifts for Ministry & Equipping of the Saints: Iin Ephesians 4, is Paul saying that people and their spiritual gifts all fit in one of these categories? [Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, I Peter 4:10-11].
2022-9-29 Believing in Jesus: Why would true faith be more than just believing propositions about God?
2022-9-29 God Created Satan: Why did God create Satan and evil? How do we justify that? [John 12:31, Revelation 12:10, Hebrews 2:8].
2022-9-29 Paying Taxes to Government: Were early Americans sinning against God when they refused to pay taxes to the government? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:14, Romans 13:4-6].
2022-9-29 Repetition in Prayers: What about the effectiveness of repetitive prayers? [Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 6:7, James 5:16, Luke 18:1-8].
2022-9-29 Christian Nationalism: Is "Christian Nationalism" a dangerous thing? [John 16:2, Proverbs 14:34].
2022-9-28 "Big Bang" Theory & Quantum Physics: Can a Christian believe in the "Big Bang Theory" and Quantum Physics? [Genesis 1].
2022-9-28 Voting Responsibility & Church Involvement: What do you think of the voting responsibility of Christians and a church helping with voting registration? (James 1:17, Luke 12:48, James 4:17].
2022-9-28 Trumpets & Last Trumpet: Do you think that the last trumpet referred to by Paul is the same one referred to as the "7th Trump" in Revelation? [I Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:16-18, I Thessalonians 4:15-16].
2022-9-28 "Torah Observance" After Pentecost: How did Jewish Christians, after Pentecost and before the destruction of the temple think of "Torah Observance"? [Acts 21].