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Date Topic Audio
2025-1-15 Demon Possession: Do demons possess very young children or those who do harm to others? Will Satan have a spell over us in the last days? [Mark 9:14-29, Revelation 9:20-21]
2025-1-15 Cruelty to Slaves: Are there scriptures which says it was okay for slave owners to be brutal to their slaves (The show gets cuts off)? [Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 4:1]
2025-1-14 Hardening & Blindness of Israel: Was it only Israel's perception that they were partially blind or was Paul saying they were? What does this passage mean? [Romans 11:25-26]
2025-1-14 Fall of Lucifer Timeline: When in timeline did Lucifer fall? [Isaiah 14:12-16, Ezekiel 28:12f, Genesis 3:1].
2025-1-14 Freewill: If God creates some people knowing that thay are not going to be saved, doesn't that mean He is choosing them to be condemned?
2025-1-14 Satan "Loosed for a Little Season": I'm trying to wrap my head around Satan being "loosed for a little season." Can you help with that? [Revelation 20:7]
2025-1-14 Adam & Eve's Children Before the Fall: Did Adam & Eve have children before they fell? [Genesis 3:16]
2025-1-14 Trinity: Is the Father the Head of the Son?
2025-1-14 Satan Could be a Fallen Angel: is it possible that Satan was a fallen angel, since scripture indicates there is more than we know from what is written? (Bad line )[John 21:25].
2025-1-14 Christ's Glorified Body after His Resurrection: What type of body did Jesus have after His resurrection?
2025-1-13 Growing Stronger in My Faith: How did you get over your disolutionment with "religiousness" and get to your strong faith? [John 16:7, Matthew 28:19-20].
2025-1-13 Evangelizing Middle Easterners: How do I share my faith with my Middle Eastern neighbors? REC: Steve's books-"Empire of the Risen Son" and the downloadable tract at the website.
2025-1-13 God Divorced Israel: Can you give me some scripture about God divorcing Israel? [Jeremiah 3:8, Hosea 1-3, Isaiah 50:1, Deuteronomy 24, Deuteronomy 32:21-22].
2025-1-13 National Israel or the Faithful Remnant: How do you know hen Paul is talking about national Israel, or the remnant of Israel? [Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27].].
2025-1-13 Perpetual Virginity of Mary: How do you contend with the Catholic view of the perpetual virginity of Mary? [Hebrews 13:4, Matthew 1:25, Matthew 13:55, 1 Corinthians 7:5-6].
2025-1-13 "School of the Prophets": Is "the school of prophets" a real school, and can someone be taught to be a prophet? [1 Corinthians 14:29, 1 John 4:1, Ephesians 5:1, Genesis 4:20-21, Jeremiah 29:29].
2025-1-13 Rejection of the Gospel: If a friend of mine doesn't want to hear me share the gospel with him anymore, how should I proceed?
2025-1-10 Amillennialism & the Rapture: Could you help me understand the Amillennialist's view of the rapture? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 20:9].
2025-1-10 "Grace" in Many Religions: Is there any hope, mercy, and grace for those who sincerely practice good deeds within other faiths? [Ecclesiastes 12:14, Matthew 7:21-23, John 1:9-13, Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11, Acts 4:12].
2025-1-10 The "Other" Days in the Life of Christ: Do we have any idea about the "other" days in the life of Christ, beyond the 39 recorded days? [John 21:25, John 15:5, John 6:35, John 6:1-14, John 2:1-11, John 6:35, John 11:25, John 8:12, John 9].
2025-1-10 "Messiah 2030" on YouTube: Have you heard about the YouTube video "Messiah 2030" and its claim about dating the coming of Christ? [Acts 1:7-8].
2025-1-10 The Chronological Bible: How different are chronological Bibles from our traditional Bibles? How helpful are they?
2025-1-10 Bible Authorship & Mary's Age: Caller shares concerns about common representations of Bible authorship and the age of Mary when she gave birth to Jesus.
2025-1-10 Medical Diagnosis (ALS) & Miracles: Caller (Peter) diagnosed with ALS: Does God still do miracles today as they did in scripture? REC: Topical lecture series "Making Sense Out of Suffering." [2 Corinthians 12:9, Matthew 9:27-29].
2025-1-09 John Nelson Darby (Dispensationalism): What do you know about the founder of Dispensationalism, John Nelson Darby?
2025-1-09 Correction of Job by His Friends: Could you explain the mistakes of the friend's trying to bring correction to Job? [Hosea 6:6, Job 2:3, Job 1:1].
2025-1-09 The Sin of Anxiety: Is it more about what we do with the anxiety we feel, that is the sin, rather than just feeling anxious? [Philippians 4:5-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 6:7-8, Matthew 10:29-31].
2025-1-09 Coverings on the Tabernacle: Where does one get sea cow (dugongs) skins in the middel of the desert for the tabernacle ceiling? [Exodus 36:19].
2025-1-09 70 Weeks in Daniel: Could one read the passage about the 70 weeks of Daniel and understand it as separate segments instead adding them together (further description)? [Daniel 9:25-26].
2025-1-09 Protracted Medical Interventions: What is the obligation for believers to undergo protracted medical interventions?
2025-1-09 Earth Burned Up vs "The Millennium": What is Peter talking about the burning of the earth if there is a millennium? [2 Peter 3:10-13, Romans 8:21, Revelation 20:4-10].
2025-1-09 Consistent (Reoccuring) Sin: If one does not overcome consistent sin in his life, then is he not really saved? [Luke 5:32].
2025-1-09 Defining "Quiver": What is a "quiver?" [Psalm 127:5].
2025-1-08 Origins of Satan & Archangels: Was Satan an angel and present with other archangels at the birth of Christ in Job 38? [Job 38:7, Jude 1:9, Isaiah 14:12].
2025-1-08 The Ten Commandments: Are The Ten Commandments covered in Exodus 34, to be distinguished from the other lists of those commandments? Are The Ten Commandments the contract in Hebrews 8? [Exodus 34:10-27, Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21, Hebrews 8:13].
2025-1-08 Against "Full Preterism" (and "Israel Only Full Preterism"): Would you address Full Preterism (and "Israel Only (or I.O.) Full Preterists")? REC: Steve's book, "Why Not Full Preterism?" or the free audio of the book or the debates with Don Preston found at the website.
2025-1-08 Judged by Fire in Los Angeles: Are the Los Angeles fires a judgment from God or the devil?
2025-1-08 The Right Church: How do I get out of this limbo? I have found myself undecided about the correct place to worship (denomination Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, reformed theology, end times views, etc.)? [John 4:21-25, Matthew 18:20, Acts 2].
2025-1-08 Peter Walking on the Water: Why were the disciples surprised when Peter walked on the water, when they had already seen so many miracles? [Matthew 14:22-31].
2025-1-08 Peter's Recognition of Jesus as Messiah: Why did Peter get so much credit for recognizing who Jesus was, when others had already recognized Him as Messiah? [Matthew 16:13-20, Matthew 11:2-6].
2025-1-08 "Sons of God" & the "Nephilim" in Genesis 6: Who were the "Sons of Gods" in Genesis 6 (men or fallen angels)? Why are the "Nephilim" inserted there when it doesn't suggest they were bad or any specific reason for mentioning it? [Genesis 6:2-4, John 1:12-13].
2025-1-08 "Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah": Who are "the spirits in prison" in the "days of Noah"? [1 Peter 3:20].
2025-1-07 The Mystery-"Gospel of the Kingdom" vs "Gospel of Grace": Could you explain the mystery of Mark 4:11? Is about a different gospel? REC: "Jesus vs Paul" Chart comparing views found at under "Charts" section. [Mark 4:11, Hosea 6:4, Matthew 12:26, Mark 3:23-27, 1 Corinthians 2:8, John 15:15, Mark 4:34, Matthew 7:6-7, Ephesians 3:1-7].
2025-1-07 To Hell for Breaking a Pact with God: What if I don't feel anything warmth or reassurance upon repentance after I sadly broke a vow to God? [Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Luke 17:10, Matthew 7:21, 1 John 1:9].
2025-1-07 Contradiction in Creation's Chronology: Is there a discrepancy in the chronoloyg of the creation story from Genesis 1 and then another story in Genesis 2? [Genesis 1:1-2:3, Genesis 2:4f, Genesis 1:26-27].
2025-1-07 How Much Do We Need to Know?: At what point do I no longer worry about how much I need to know and understand in scripture?
2025-1-07 Clarity about the Millennium in Revelation: Why do we believers not see the millennium more alike, since Revelation 20 is pretty clear about Jesus coming after the millennium? [Revelation 20, Revelation 19].
2025-1-07 Millennial Reign: Some people think that the millennial reign is over and Jesus already came back? REC: Steve's book "Why Not Full Preterism?" or the topical lectures "When Shall These Thinks Be?"
2025-1-06 Return from Death Experiences & "Appointed Once to Die": How do you reconcile what appears to be conflicting verses about the dead being raised from the dead, and yet we are "appointed once to die?" [Hebrews 9:27, Luke 8:52-55, John 11:43, Luke 7:12, 1 Kings 17, Matthew 27:51-52, Matthew 10:8, 1 Corinthians 15:51, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Hebrews 10:10].
2025-1-06 Power of His Resurrection: Could you elaborate on the "power" of His resurrection? [Philippians 3:10].