Date | Topic | Audio |
2015-1-07 | Different God in the Old Testament: Is the God of the Old Testament different than the God of the New? |
2015-1-07 | Rewards (to the Pharisees): What did Jesus mean when He said, "...they have their reward"? [Matthew 6:5] |
2015-1-07 | Role of a Pastor/Preacher: A Pastor is supposed to feed the flock, but what should they specifically be doing? [1 Thessalonians 5:12-16] |
2015-1-07 | Finances: Are there differences in the importance of finances in the Old Testament vs the New Testament. |
2015-1-07 | Melchizedek: Who is Melchizedek? |
2015-1-06 | Strong Delusion & Satan Loosed: Are the Scriptures in both 2 Thessalonians & Revelation talking about the same time period (a delusion & Satan being loosed)? [2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20] |
2015-1-06 | About Hell: Caller comments on a previous call about hell. |
2015-1-06 | Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, JHVH: How do we get "Yahweh" or even "Jehovah" out of YHWH? |
2015-1-06 | Korean Church of God (cultic): There's a Church of God that says Jesus was in Korea. Was He? |
2015-1-06 | Lucifer-a Queer Demon: Caller suggest a revelation about Lucifer (Satan) being a queer demon. |
2015-1-06 | Perspective's Program: Announcement about a ministry program |
2015-1-06 | Jesus is already here: Jesus is already here in America, so when are people going to start acknowledging that? |
2015-1-06 | Street Preacher Evangelism: Is there any scriptural support for presenting the gospel the way street preachers do? What is the best way to share the gospel? |
2015-1-06 | Having the Mind of Christ: What does it mean to have the "Mind of Christ"? [1 Corinthians 2:16] |
2015-1-06 | Grace vs Legalism: doesn't there seem to be a lot of legalism in our modern churches? |
2015-1-05 | Objects having demons: Can curses or spirits be attached to inanimate objects? |
2015-1-05 | Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Was the Holy Spirit not active in people's lives before the cross? What about David said, "Take not the Holy Spirit from me?" [Psalm 51:11] |
2015-1-05 | Disagreement - Eternal Hell: Caller concerned Steve is wrong about not believing in the traditional view of hell (eternal conscious torment). |
2015-1-05 | Hell: Steve does a followup regarding the call he just had about hell. |
2015-1-05 | Taking the Lord's Name in Vain: What does it mean to "take the Lord's name in vain"? Does it mean using His name as a curse word or professing to be a Christian, but not being a very good representative? |
2015-1-05 | Without excuse: The Bible says people are without excuse because of nature and the creation itself, so what about people before Jesus? |
2015-1-05 | Seeking Truth: Isn't being in a relationship with Jesus the most important thing and won't the truth eventually truth will reveal itself. |
2015-1-05 | Sound Doctrine: How much doctrinal purity is important over just a relationship with Jesus? |
2015-1-05 | Sound Doctrine: Caller shares that there are some doctrines that are extremely important and they should be discussed. |
2015-1-05 | Calvinism & Regeneration: How can a person who is "dead in trespasses and sins" repent? Can they repent if God didn't call them? |
2015-1-05 | Sealed by the Holy Spirit, Free Will & Eternal Security: How can we lose our salvation if we sealed by the Holy Spirit? |
2015-1-02 | Differences in the Beatitudes: Why are there differences in the recorded Beatitudes? [Matthew 5:2-12, Luke 6:20-26] |
2015-1-02 | Christians Dating non-Christians: Should Christians date unbelievers? [2 Corinthians 6:14] |
2015-1-02 | The Roma Downey TV Bible Mini-series: Do you think the TV Bible mini-series by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett was biblical? |
2015-1-02 | The Number of the Beast (666): Is 666 the number of "man" or "a" man? |
2015-1-02 | Jesus dying for the Angels: Jesus died forhumans beings, but what about the angels? Could they repent as a result of Him dying on the cross? |
2015-1-02 | Prophecy fulfilled by Hitler: Do you think that prophecy was fulfilled in 1945 by Hitler? [Zechariah 11:8] |
2015-1-02 | Apostasy Before Christ's Return: Doesn't a great apostasy has to take place before Christ comes? |
2014-12-31 | Year of Jubilee: Did the Jews ever keep the Year of Jubilee? What is the spiritual application for us today? [Luke 4:18] |
2014-12-31 | Baptism regarded as not important: Isn't the importance of Baptism sort've watered down nowadays? |
2014-12-31 | Discipleship, Salvation & Sanctification: How do you forsake everything? [Mark 10:17-31, Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30, Luke 14] |
2014-12-31 | Divorce: What about a wife who's been physically abused? |
2014-12-31 | Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Can someone get remarried if they got a divorce, & it wasn't for a case of adultery? |
2014-12-31 | Calvinism, saving yourself, & boasting: I'm not a Calvinist, & i'd never think of boasting. Why do Calvinist think non-Calvinists would think that? |
2014-12-31 | Dark-Skinned People: Where did dark-skinned people come from? where did color of people come from? |
2014-12-31 | Pornography: Struggling w/ pornography, & I also have a son who struggles with it. What should I do to help him & myself? |
2014-12-30 | Turning over the Moneychanger's Table: Is there anything we can apply from Jesus flipping the moneychanger's table over? Is anger a sin? Do you think Jesus was angry? Righteous anger. |
2014-12-30 | John Noe - Full Preterist, Part II: Follow-up call about John Noe, who is a full preteris. |
2014-12-30 | "In" the World or "Of" the World: Caller is concerned about working for a public company that gets subsidized by taxes, what he calls legalized theft, & wondering if he should quit because his conscience is somewhat against it. |
2014-12-30 | Healing Frequency Music: Have you ever heard of something called, Healing Frequency Music, & what do you think about it if you have? |
2014-12-30 | Judas Iscariot & Eternal Life: Could Judas have possibly had eternal life since Jesus said that they all had been kept by Him? Where do you suppose he started his transition of losing his faith? [John 17:3,12, john 12:1-8] |
2014-12-30 | Holy Spirit: When the Holy Spirit enters someone who becomes a Christian, does his spirit simply get "activated" or does something get added? |
2014-12-30 | Arnold Murray: Have you ever heard of Arnold Murray? You should listen to him. |
2014-12-30 | Suicide: What do you think are going to happen to my friends who committed suicide? |
2014-12-29 | Animal Sacrifice: Why did God say He didn't really want animal sacrifice in Hosea, but then lay out a detailed plan of how to do them in Leviticus? [Hosea 6:6, Leviticus 1-7] |