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Showing 23,301 to 23,350 of 25,147.
Date Topic Audio
2013-10-24 Romans 7, pre or post Conversion: Caller explains that he thinks it's Paul Pre-conversion experience from Romans 7:15-25.
2013-10-24 Steve's View of Hell Book: When is Steve's book on the 3 Views of Hell going to be available.
2013-10-24 Soul being Evil or Neutral: Is it the Soul or the carnal nature of man that is inherently evil?
2013-10-24 Hole in Partial Preterist View: You just said that you knew of a hole in your view. What is it?
2013-10-24 Jesus Revealed His Resurrection & Second Coming Before Olivet Discourse: Caller thinks there might be a little hole in Steve's view of Partial Preterism because he says Jesus never told His disciples about the Olivet Discourse, in Mark 8. [Mark 8:31]
2013-10-24 Lectures Transcribed: Caller wishes that all of Steve's lectures would be transcribed so people could do a word search of key stuff.
2013-10-24 Paul Disqualified: Why was Paul worried about losing his salvation? [1 Corinthians 9:27, Philippians 3:7-14]
2013-10-24 Rewards Set for Eternity: Not to seem selfish, but how can I know I'm doing the most I possibly can to get the highest possible rewards or highest level in eternity, because once you are there, you are at the level for eternity!
2013-10-24 Eternal Security: Aren't we Eternally secure?
2013-10-23 Latter Rain Movement: Steve goes on to talk about something called the Latter Rain Movement involving the manifestation of the Sons of God?
2013-10-23 Manifestation of the Sons of God & Revealing of Jesus: Is the "manifestation of the Sons of God in Romans somehow equated with the revealing of Jesus in Revelation 1? [Romans 8:19, Revelation 1:1, 1 John 3:2, Colossians 3:4]
2013-10-23 Manifestation to all Christians: Is the manifestation going to happen to all Christians or just some?
2013-10-23 Adultery: Is Adultery only a sin because it's a craving for someone else's possession, it's stealing, rather than it just being sex?
2013-10-23 Blessing of the Book of Proverbs: I think the book of Proverbs is a real blessing. [Proverbs 16:6]
2013-10-23 Politics of Christianity: I just don't like the politics going on in the church lately.
2013-10-23 Keeping Jesus' Words: [John John 16:12-13]
2013-10-22 Immortal Soul: Don't we have an immortal soul? Isn't it mentioned in the Bible? Weren't Angels created with immortal souls?
2013-10-22 Jews in the OT & Immortal Souls: What did the Jews of the Old Testament believe about immortal souls or life after death?
2013-10-22 Fellowshipping with Relatives who are Homosexual: A family member bringing his homosexaul partner with him for dinner. How should we treat him?
2013-10-22 Jesus there: How would Jesus deal with it if He was there?
2013-10-22 Steve Leaving the Church in Idaho: Why did Steve leave the church he loved so much in Idaho?
2013-10-22 Steve's Followers: Has Steve ever encountered people who believe exactly like him in all things?
2013-10-22 Michael Brown & Phil Johnson Interview: Michael Brown had an interview with Phil Johnson, an associate of the John MacAthur ministry, & Phil said that Michael Brown says that everyone in the charismatic movement are ok, which is just as wrong as MacArthur saying they are all crazy, all wrong. Mostly talking about the conference MacArthus just had called, "Strange Fire".
2013-10-22 Caleb & Othniel - Brothers or Uncle & Nephew: Were Caleb & Othniel brothers or uncle & nephew? [Judges 3:9-11]
2013-10-22 Demons gloating About Jesus on the Cross: Where does it say in the Bible that the demons were rejoicing over Jesus' death? [Psalms 22:13, 1 Peter 5;8]
2013-10-22 Jael & Sisera: Did Jael ever kiss Sisera or only kill him? [Judges 4:17-22]
2013-10-21 Breaking Bread: Is "breaking bread" talking about communion or is it talking about fellowshipping with someone in general?
2013-10-21 Communion: I was wondering just how important communion is? What is it for? How often are we supposed to take it? I used to be a Jehovah's Witness & only 144,000 can take it, so I never got to.
2013-10-21 John MacArthur's Conference, "Strange Fire": Dennis the Millennialist calls to share his experience at John MacArthur's conference, "Strange Fire". They talk about Dr. Michael Brown.
2013-10-21 "Tear is made worse": What did Jesus mean by not putting a new piece of garment patch on an old garment? or putting wine in old wineskins? [Matthew 9:16]
2013-10-21 Fasting & Mourning: Does Fasting mean Mourning?
2013-10-21 Gadarenes/Gergesenes: Who were the Gergesenes? A mixture of Jews & Gentiles? [Matthew 8:28]
2013-10-21 God Providing Everything but So much Suffering: I know it says somewhere in the Bible that God will provide, but why all this suffering & people with lack of stuff? [Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:33]
2013-10-21 Fasting but Joy & Gladness: I'm confused because it says in Zechariah that they were fasting, but having joy & gladness & being cheerful? [Zechariah 8:18-19]
2013-10-21 Calendar: Is there a good calendar that we can look at that shows the real days of the week, especially Saturday & Sunday?
2013-10-16 Good Christian Books: What are some exceptional books that stand out for Steve Gregg outside the books of the Bible?
2013-10-16 Calvinism, Free Will & God's Omniscience: Caller thinks that our "free" will is an illusion, that we don't we really have free will. God knows everyone who's going to be
2013-10-16 "Recompensed at the resurrection of the just": Is the Resurrection the same for both the righteous & the unrighteous? [Luke 14:14, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Luke 20:24, Philippians 3:11]
2013-10-16 Paul's Ongoing Christian Experience: Can Steve please explain what's going on right here with Paul? [Romans 7:15-25]
2013-10-16 No More Crying, No More Sorrow: Caller has a unique take on the "no mre crying, no more sorrow" verse in Revelation & would like Steve's opinion if he's anywhere close. [Revelation 21:4]
2013-10-16 Melchizedek: Who is Melchizedek? [Hebrews 7:3]
2013-10-16 Sin of No Consequence: What did Steve mean when he said there's no consequence to Salvation, but if that's the case, what does he do with the repenting for forgiveness in 1 John? [1 John 2] (Steve's computer has to reboot...don't even think he knew it went out...but continues answers wheh he comes back.)
2013-10-16 Prophets Still in Effect: Caller is calling for about the 2nd & 3rd time asking if prophets or apostles are still for today.
2013-10-15 2 & 3 Gathered together & Church Discipline: When Jesus was talking about the gathering of 2 0r 3 people, He was only talking about church discipline then, right?
2013-10-15 All Scripture God-breathed: When Paul was saying the Bible was God breathed, he was obviously only talking about the Old Testament, right? [2 Tidmothy 3:14-16, 2 Peter 1:19]
2013-10-15 The 10 Virgins & 1000 Millennial Reign: Caller heard that Witness Lee & Watchman Nee had a twist to the 10 Virgins parable, where they say that all 10 Virgins were Christians, but the 5 who ran out of oil had to go through the 1000 year reign & do all the good works they failed to do.
2013-10-15 Tithing is Important: Caller thinks that Tithing is obligatory even in the New Covenant.
2013-10-15 Elijah & Enoch the 2 Witnesses: I think Elijah & Enoch are the 2 witnesses in Revelation. What do you think? [Rwevelation 11]
2013-10-15 Parable of the Talents: Are the servants in the Parable of the Talents Christians?
2013-10-15 1844 & a Different Gospel: Caller thinks that Seventh Day Adventists are preaching a different gospel. [Galatians 1:6-10]