Date | Topic | Audio |
2015-8-20 | Son of Man & Ezekiel: Ezekiel is called, "son of man" many times, why is that? |
2015-8-20 | Catholic Authority: Where does the Catholic Church get the idea that they have all authority, that if it didn't originate w/ them, it is wrong? |
2015-8-20 | Sola Scriptura & Tradition in the CC: Catholic Church Believes in Scripture & Tradition? |
2015-8-20 | Parable of the Unjust Steward: Caller wants to understand about the Unjust Steward Parable. {Luke 16:8-9] |
2015-8-20 | Covenants of the OT & NT: Can Steve please explain the differences between the Covenants of the Old Testament & the New Testament, so that a child can understand it? Why do we have to have a covenant today? |
2015-8-20 | Christian Dating & Boundaries: How does a Christian couple who are dating decide what is appropriate physically? |
2015-8-19 | Tithing: What is Steve's opinion of Tithing? Pastor says if you don't tithe 10%, you are robbing from God! [Malachi 3:8-10] |
2015-8-19 | Esther Williams & the Unitarian Church: Esther Williams life was so messed up even though she claimed to be a Christian. Is the Unitarian Church a Christian Church? |
2015-8-19 | Judgment of Believers: Do we have to give an account of for everything we've ever said or done? [Matthew 12:36] |
2015-8-19 | Calvinism: A Calvinist asked, "How can a non-Calvinsist be saved?" |
2015-8-19 | Seeing God Contradictions: God told Moses he couldn't see Him face to face, but Jacob got to Him face to face? How come the contradictions? Did Jacob actually see God face to Face? [Exodus 33:18-20, Genesis 32:30] |
2015-8-19 | Same Sex Couples: A Presbyterian Church allows Same Sex Marriages within it. What does Steve think? |
2015-8-19 | James Authorship: Who wrote the book of James, & when was it added to the Canon of Scirpture? |
2015-8-18 | Judging & Discerning: One Greek interlinear said Discerning means judge. Caller thought they were different. [1 Corinthians 11:31] |
2015-8-18 | Marriage, Divorce & Adultery Scenario: Caller wants to talk about situations when you are committing adultery biblically. [Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:8-9] |
2015-8-18 | Soul Sleep: Who did Jesus preach to (if He was "asleep")? Who did He make proclamations to (while He was "asleep")? What about the souls that are crying out from under the altar? [1 Peter 3:18-20, Revelation 6:9-11] |
2015-8-18 | Josephus & other 40 Historians: Why wouldn't all these Historians who were OUTSIDE the Bible mention Jesus if He really existed? |
2015-8-18 | Saints Who Were Resurrected: Who were the saints who were resurrected at the same time Jesus was? [Matthew 27:51-53] |
2015-8-18 | Prayer of Jabez: Caller is concerned about Jabez & likes his prayer & is wondering why his mother had sorrow over him. [1 Chronicles 4:9-10] |
2015-8-18 | Saints - The Catholic vs The Protestant Usage: Caller wants to discuss something she heard her pastor say regarding the Catholic usage of Saints verses the Protestant usage. [Colossians 1] |
2015-8-18 | Charismatics - Speaking in Tongues: Listener heard that Steve is a Charismatic & wants to know what he means by that. Does he believe we have to Speak in Tongues to prove we are saved, or are filled w/ the Holy Spirit? |
2015-8-18 | Church of Inclusion - LGBT: Pastor has decided to include the LGBT Community, & so the caller has left the church. |
2015-8-17 | Disturbing Stories in the Bible: A concubine that was raped & cut-up seems a little disturbing. [Judges 19] |
2015-8-17 | Tabernacle: Caller really enjoyed Steve's thoroughness when he answered her question about the Tabernacle. |
2015-8-17 | Leaving a Church Over Homosexuality Issues: (Update:) A member of a church where he had been at for a very long time he had to leave because they didn't want to converse w/ him about their new stance on homosexuality, the leadership just wanting to go w/ the tide, w/ political correctness, instead of doing what the Bible says. |
2015-8-17 | Sinner Saved By Grace: Is that the right terminology to use, that we are sinners saved by Grace? |
2015-8-17 | Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: A marriage & divorce marriage scenario: |
2015-8-17 | Calendars (followup): Caller just wanted to explain about calendars from a previous call. |
2015-8-17 | Women having Value in the Bible: Caller disagreed w/ Steve, that women actually DID have value in the Bible back then, when the concubine had been raped & cut up into pieces. [Judges 19 & 20] |
2015-8-17 | Book of Enoch: What is Steve's opinion of the Book of Enoch? |
2015-8-17 | Sabbath & Yeshua: The Sabbath needs to be kept, according to this caller, & Steve told someone that if he didn't believe Yeshua that he'd go to hell, this caller has problems with. |
2015-8-14 | BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): Discussion about the group & a little bit about Steve's lectures on eschatology & the differing eschatological views. |
2015-8-14 | Dispensationalism: How would a Dispensationalist feel like Jesus is going to sit on David's literal throne, but yet that would be violating the prophecy of him sleeping w/ his fathers when it is established, who would they answer that? [2 Samuel 7:12] |
2015-8-14 | Preterism: What about the 2 verses that indicate Jesus will return & sit on His throne of His glory & judge the nations? How does Preterism deal w/ THAT though? [Matthew 25:31, 19:28] |
2015-8-14 | Arminianism vs Calvinism: Steve is not a Calvinist, but he also doesn't call himself an Arminianist but just a non-Calvinist. Is that true? |
2015-8-14 | Total Depravity: A discussion about Total Depravity, Prevenient Grace [John 6:44] |
2015-8-14 | Jesus 1st Coming in relation to His 2nd: We should look at Jesus' first coming to figure out about His 2nd Coming, caller thinks. [Isaiah 61:1-2] (A very convoluted question.) |
2015-8-14 | Authority & Inspiration of Scripture: Discussion about inerrancy of Scripture, but we shouldn't say more about the Bible than the writers of the Bible believed about it (Another very convoluted, hard to understand question...2 in a row). |
2015-8-14 | Jesus Going to Hell After He Died: Someone was telling the caller that Jesus went down to Hell & fought w/ the Devil & got the Keys to Death & Hades. Is that true? [Revelation 1:18, 1 Peter 3:19-20] |
2015-8-13 | Legitimate Divorce: Caller has heard that if a man gets a divorce, even if it was justified, he no longer has the eldership qualifications to be an Elder. Is that true? |
2015-8-13 | Salvation Assurance: Extravagant (Hyper) Grace teaches that once we have Jesus we never have to repent again. What does Steve think about this? |
2015-8-13 | Blood Moons: Does Steve know anything about the Blood Moons that are coming up? What does he think about them? |
2015-8-13 | Man of Sin Dwelling in the Temple: What about Man of Sin that is going to be dwelling in the Temple? [2 Thessalonians 2] |
2015-8-13 | Mark of the Beast: Caller thinks the end of the world is actually happening now because there's so much talk about the 3rd Temple, but also wants to know what Steve think the Mark of the Beast is going to be? A microchip? |
2015-8-13 | End Time Distractions: So much time wasted in worrying about if it's the end times or if Jesus is coming soon instead of just focusing on Jesus, loving Him, worshipping Him in the here & now! What about LIVING for the Lord! People are all willing to DIE for the Lord, but what about living for Him? |
2015-8-13 | Demonic Signs & Wonders: Are the Lying Signs & Wonders of Satan in every case & where is that in the Bible? [2 Thessalonians 2:9] |
2015-8-13 | Seducing Spirits: What about Seducing Spirits? Whenever the caller thinks of the term "seduction", she thinks of sex, so sexual sins. [1 Timothy 4:1] |
2015-8-13 | Y2K: People thought y2k was the end of the world & it wasn't. All this time wasted worrying about stuff that had nothing to do w/ anything! It's like crying wolf one too many times! |
2015-8-13 | Atheist Berkley Professor Converts: There was a guy who had a cable show who was a professor of Berkley who was an atheist & converted to Christianity. Could it have been Gene Scott, Steve wonders. |
2015-8-13 | Holy Spirit vs the Carnal Man: The Man of Sin is some sinful tendency in a Christian. |