10 Commandments Were Written By:Did God write the 10 commandments or did the angels? There seems to be contradiction. [Exodus 24:12, Acts 7:52-53, Galatians 3:19, Hebrews 2]
Living by a text of Scripture:Is this a word from God that we should also live by since it was being said by somebody who was not a follower of God? [Job 22:28]
Relics & Artifacts:Relics & artifacts of significance, how do we view them (ark of the covenant, chalice, cross, shroud), magical & superstitious vs supernatural? [Jeremiah 3:16]
Worshipping supernatural or famous things:Bronze serpent, the lady touching the hem of Jesus' garment. People think they can have supernatural experiences by touching or worshipping relics or artifacts, people having wishing thinking.
Inherit Salvation in Future:In Hebrews it says that our inheritance of Salvation is future, but there are a few future aspects of it anyway, Justification, sanctification, glorification, transformation. [Hebrews 1:14]
Pastor not having Real Gift of Healing:Caller is struggling whether believing pastor's claim about healings is real or not, & wondering what God thinks about him doubting it.
New Apostolic Reformation:Do you know about the New Apostolic Reformation, & Bill Johnson, the church that is in bethel? What are your thoughts about it?
The Devil Understanding the Plan of Redemtion:"things which angels desired to look into", why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Satan not knowing God's plan for redemption, yet he tried to prevent Satan Jesus from going to the cross? [1 Peter 1:12, 2 Corinthians 2:8]
Strategies for Unity:Visiting living stream church in Temecula & visiting local SDA/Adventist churches, caller thinks Steve should go talk about unity to all of them.
Similarities in Christianity & Pagan Religions:Caller says that a friend says there are parallels in Christianity & other pagan religions, Egyptian, Zeitgeist, 10 commandments, 49 confessions.
Assurance of Salvation:I used to be in the Music business, but I developed problems with my ears, & can't do that anymore, but I've been looking at end time events seeming to fall in place, & I'm questioning my salvation & wondering what to do?
Mormonism:Mormonism, LDS discussion, the only way to convert a Mormon is on the spiritual level, but also trying to create doubt, & a true prophet would always be right, otherwise they are false prophets.
Mary's Genealogy:2 different father's for Joseph, one saying that Jacob is Joseph's father & another one saying Heli is his father. [Matthew 1:16, Luke 3:23]
The Narrow Path Website:Was looking at your vast amount of information on your Narrow Path website & wondering if you had any idea where to should I start?
Jesus Not Being God:My sister says Jesus is not God, can you help me & show me that He is God? [John 1:1, John 1:14, John 8:58, Revelation 1:, John 10, Philippians 2]