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Date Topic Audio
2020-6-15 Steve's Book on Hell in Audio: Is your book on hell coming out on audio soon?
2020-6-15 Old Testament Restrictions on Tattoos and Menstruation Can you clarify why the sex during a menstrual cycle and tattoo Old Testament restrictions do not apply to us today? [Leviticus 18:19].
2020-6-15 What From the Old Testament Applies to Us Today: How do we determine what from the Old Testament still applies to us today-especially regarding moral vs ceremonial law, and this relative to the restriction on homosexuality?
2020-6-15 Old Friend Call: Just an old friend calling to say hi, & talk about the paypal thing for a second.
2020-6-15 Jesus Return to & for His Church: I have heard that Jesus is going to come to His church before He comes for His church. What do you think of this?
2020-6-15 Sin Unto Death: What does it mean in scripture to "sin unto death"? [I John 5:16-17, Revelation 2:10].
2020-6-15 Study Bibles: Should I get a study Bible, because I can't cross reference in my New King James Bible?
2020-6-15 Book of Job: Could you help me with the implications of the story of Job? Does God have to give permission to Satan to inflict us? [Job, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12, Romans 8:28, I Peter 1:7].
2020-6-12 Commands About Living the Christian Life and Salvation: Are these scriptures commands in the Greek; "work out your own salvation", and "fight the good fight"? [Philippians 2:12, I Timothy 6:12].
2020-6-12 Legalism: Would you comment on Galatians 5:1? Isn't it saying that Christians should not be caught up in legalism? [Galatians 5:1].
2020-6-12 Struggle in Spiritual Life: I am struggling with my spiritual life; fellowship and Bible reading, following my wife's death, can you advise? [Amos 8:11].
2020-6-12 Worry: Can you help me learn not to worry? [Matthew 6, Proverbs 30:25, Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 21:20, Hebrews 13:5].
2020-6-12 Mormons & the Priesthood: How does the Mormon view the priesthood on earth today? [Revelation 5:10, I Peter 2:9].
2020-6-12 Tabernacle in Old Testament: Where was the tabernacle (Shiloh) and what did the worship look like in the time of the Judges? [I Samuel].
2020-6-12 Get Behind Me, Satan: When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan" was he talking about Satan or demons? [Matthew 12:26, Matthew 16:23].
2020-6-12 Satan's Ability to Move About: Since Satan was walking back and forth in Job, can he travel really fast? [Job 1:7].
2020-6-12 Telepathy & Occultism: Do you think that there is actually something like telepathy from demons?
2020-6-12 First Resurrection in Revelation: How do the Futurists explain the "present tense active" in the Greek in the Revelation about the Resurrection? [Revelation 20:6].
2020-6-12 Soul Sleep: Does this verse support "soul sleep" for the lost? [Revelation 20:5].
2020-6-12 Date of Writing of Revelation: Regarding the writing of Revelation, isn't most of the evidence for the early date internal, and the later date external? [Revelation 13:18].
2020-6-12 Forgiving Those That Don't Repent: Can you help me sort out if we are required to forgive someone even if they don't repent? [Ephesians 4:32, Ephesians 5:1, Luke 17:3, Mark 11:25].
2020-6-12 Roman Empire & Julius Caesar: Wasn't Julius Caesar the last King?
2020-6-12 Trinity and the Church: Can you help me sort through the theology of trinity and if the church is actually part of the trinity? [John 10:30, John 17:21-23, John 3:18, John 10:30, I John 5:5, Ephesians 1:23, Ephesians 5:30, I Corinthians 12].
2020-6-11 Binding & Loosing: What does it mean to "bind and loose" on earth, particularly relative to prayer? [Matthew 18:18, Matthew 16:19].
2020-6-11 Prayer in Tongues Required: How do I handle someone in a group, who insists that prayer must be in tongues in order to be as powerful as it can be? [Matthew 6:6].
2020-6-11 God Loves Unconditionally: Dennis Prager says that God cannot love unconditionally? What do you say to that?
2020-6-11 God Who Punishes, but Loves Unconditionally: In light of the idea that God loves unconditionally, but chooses to punish the sinful, doesn't make sense to me. We seem to unnecessarily ascribe human characteristics to Him. Can you clarify?
2020-6-11 Gift of Prophecy Defined: Is the gift of prophecy about making predictions? [I Corinthians 14:29, I Thessalonians 5:20-21, I John 4:4].
2020-6-11 Gift of Prophecy Today: If the canon of scripture is complete, then how can there be a gift of prophecy today? If so, what does it look like? [Acts 21].
2020-6-11 Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
2020-6-11 Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].
2020-6-11 What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
2020-6-11 Finding a Church to Baptize One: Would you advise me as to how to find a church in which to get baptized?
2020-6-11 Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].
2020-6-11 Animals & Pets in Heaven: Will our pets be in heaven be there with us?
2020-6-11 Small Church Meetings: What do you think about smaller church gatherings, attempting to emulate the early church. Is there enough time and attention on the sermon, rather than eating and visiting?
2020-6-10 What the Bible Says or Teaches: Is the truth compromised to indicate what the Bible teaches, rather than what it says? How would that apply to Calvinism?
2020-6-10 Paul, the Olive Tree, & Israel: Was Paul one of the broken off branches on the olive tree? How is Israel defined? [Romans 9:11, Romans 11:12].
2020-6-10 Paul's Awareness of Jesus: Do we know anything about how long Paul (Saul) knew of Jesus before he was converted on the road to Damascus?
2020-6-10 Steve Gregg's View of Hell: Since you are undecided, what percentage in favor of each of the three views of hell are you?
2020-6-10 Gluttony: Would you talk about gluttony, so I can determine if I have an issue with it? [Philippians 3:19].
2020-6-10 Christians Devoured by the Devil: Does the verse about the devil being like a lion seeking to devour us, how does this apply to Christians? [I Peter 5:8].
2020-6-10 Jesus Seeing the Devil: Did Jesus actually see the devil when he was tempted in the wilderness?
2020-6-10 Thoughts from the Devil: Can the devil actually put thoughts into your heads? [Matthew 16:23].
2020-6-10 Mary Overshadowed by God: Why was "overshadow" the word used when describing Mary's conception of Jesus? [Luke 1:35, John 1:14]
2020-6-10 Lion of Judah: Why is Jesus called the "Lion of Judah"? [Revelation 5:5].
2020-6-10 Paul Delivered from Lions: What does it mean when Paul said he was delivered from the mouth of the lion? [2 Timothy 4:17, Revelation 13].
2020-6-10 Claiming Lower Price on Car: Do you think it would be wrong to claim a sales price lower in a private sale of a car in order to pay less taxes to the state?
2020-6-10 The Law Penalty of Stoning After Jesus: Did the stoning penalty stop with the death and resurrection of Jesus for Christians? [Romans 12, Romans 13].
2020-6-09 Rude & Opinionated Bible Teacher: If a Bible teacher is being rude, and not allowing alternate views to be considered, what would the Bible instruct?